Little Lotus Baby Massage and Developmental Movement

Little Lotus Baby Massage and Developmental Movement

Baby Massage & Developmental Movement workshops designed to help parents and caregivers nurture and

You can’t love too much: How secure attachment helps kids thrive 27/08/2019

You can’t love too much: How secure attachment helps kids thrive One of the most common questions I am asked about relationships is whether a child can be too attached to his or her parents. There is a general fear and persistent myth that if we focus on building relationships with our kids, we may hinder their grow as independent and self-sufficient beings. Ther...


This is so fantastic and proof that babies and young children are capable of so much physically. Amazing

Infant Biomechanics and Babywearing 11/06/2019

Such an interesting article

Infant Biomechanics and Babywearing Elizabeth Antunovic Co-founder of Boba, Inc. and Dr. Erin Mannen from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor and Director of Translational Orthopaedic Research. Dr. Erin Mannen is as enthusiastic about all the science behind babywearing as we are at Boba. We are thrille...

Timeline photos 26/05/2019

This is my all time favourite picture. Babies do not need anything special to aid their development like these contraptions. They just need space and time on the floor to exercise, explore movement and develop their muscles. This is a great poster.

The positions and activities you have your quickly developing baby in will set their spine and nervous system up for the rest of their lives. I strongly encourage you to pay attention to the positions you have your children in so they can develop well rounded, balance musculoskeletal and nervous systems! Building Your Baby From the Ground Up

Sleeping Through the Night, Self Soothing and 'Good' Babies: Why We Need to Stop Setting Mothers up to Fail - Raised Good 19/05/2019

This is worth reading ...

Sleeping Through the Night, Self Soothing and 'Good' Babies: Why We Need to Stop Setting Mothers up to Fail - Raised Good "Is he sleeping through the night?" "Is she a 'good' baby?" These are the loud lies of infant (& toddler) sleep. Read more to help the quiet truths rumble.

New study: The more you hug your baby, the more her brain benefits 25/03/2019

You can never give a baby to much love or time

New study: The more you hug your baby, the more her brain benefits No parent will ever forget the first time they hug their baby, and new research suggests those earliest baby hugs boost brain responses and can help offset other traumas newborns may experience.A survey of 125 full-term and premature newborns at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, foun...

This Study Proves You Really Can't Hold Your Baby Too Much 31/01/2019

This Study Proves You Really Can't Hold Your Baby Too Much A new study published in Current Biology states that holding your baby, and touching them and caressing them not only doesn't “spoil” them

Stroking babies 'provides pain relief' 03/01/2019

Stroking babies 'provides pain relief' A study monitored the brain activity of babies when they had a blood test while being stroked.

How a parent’s affection shapes a child’s happiness for life 30/12/2018

How a parent’s affection shapes a child’s happiness for life Plus, how you can bring more affection into your family's day.

Stroking babies 'provides pain relief' 18/12/2018

The healing powers of massage for babies

Stroking babies 'provides pain relief' A study monitored the brain activity of babies when they had a blood test while being stroked.


A lovely reminder why it’s ok for babies to wake at night or need you close

A NEW study by the Institute of Real Life People With Actual Babies reveals why babies do not sleep through the night. More real true facts at

Why is Baby Crawling On Hands & Knees Important for Development? 19/11/2018

Why is Baby Crawling On Hands & Knees Important for Development? Baby crawling on hands & knees boosts hand-eye coordination, gross and fine motor skills (large and refined movements), balance, and overall strength.

Composition of Complex Sugars in Breast Milk May Prevent Future Food Allergies 19/06/2018

Composition of Complex Sugars in Breast Milk May Prevent Future Food Allergies The unique composition of a mother’s breastmilk may help to reduce food sensitization in her infant, report researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine with colleagues in Canada.

Massage These Stress Points To Immediately Relax A Crying Or Fussy Baby 12/05/2018

A very useful diagram

Massage These Stress Points To Immediately Relax A Crying Or Fussy Baby The feet are connected to various parts of the body. Massaging them can work wonders!

Pediatric Massage: A Nurturing Intervention for Autism 03/04/2018

Massage as therapy...

Pediatric Massage: A Nurturing Intervention for Autism Author: Tina Allen. Title: Pediatric Massage - A Nurturing Intervention for Autism. Summary: For Clarice, incorporating nurturing touch into the life of her family was natural. Her young son, Elliot, enjoyed receiving...

Dear Health Professionals 22/03/2018

Dear Health Professionals.....this is worth watching!

Dear Health Professionals

How often you hold your baby actually affects their DNA, study finds 15/03/2018

The importance of keeping out babies close

How often you hold your baby actually affects their DNA, study finds Whether or not you caress your baby enough can leave measurable effects on their genes, a study from the University of British Columbia found.


Babies Who Get More Cuddles Have Their Genetics Changed For Years, Study Shows The amount of close and comforting contact that young infants get doesn't just keep them warm, snug, and loved. A new study says it can actually affect babies at the molecular level, and the effects can last for years.

The Dangerous Game of the Feeding Interval Obsession 29/10/2017

The Dangerous Game of the Feeding Interval Obsession Some how, some where, new mothers got the message that the gap between when a baby stops a breastfeed and the time they start to need another one matters a very very great deal. 24 hours a day. It...

Babies Need to Be Held 23/10/2017

Yes agree, you simply can not spoil a baby by holding it close

Babies Need to Be Held Car seats. Cribs. Bassinets. Strollers/prams. Bouncy seats. In Western culture, “baby buckets” are often considered places where infants should spend their time between feeds and diaper changes. Ye…

Science Proves You Can't Hold Your Baby Too Much 28/08/2017

Scientific evidence that supports the strong need new parents have to hold their babies.

Science Proves You Can't Hold Your Baby Too Much A new study shows that cuddling your baby (early and often!) has huge benefits when it comes to brain development, especially for preemies.

Why Babies Need to be Carried and Held 18/07/2017

Why Babies Need to be Carried and Held Updated January 2016 Lisa Hassan Scott, Wales, UK Photo: Christina Simantiri    What babies need. “I can’t put my baby down! My baby always wants to be held. I can’t get anything done.” How many new mothers find themselves expressing these feelings after having had their first baby? When my first da...

New Research Highlights the Power of Touch | Ask Dr Sears | The Trusted Resource for Parents 23/06/2017

Touch, such a powerful way to show love for your baby. As the article states "babies are not spoiled by touch, but are instead enriched and sustained by it."

New Research Highlights the Power of Touch | Ask Dr Sears | The Trusted Resource for Parents New research shows touch is very powerful for baby For many years, I have believed in the power of touch when caring for babies. Back in 2013, I published an article on the positive effects of touch, including improved brain growth, digestion, behavior and self-esteem. Recently, there has been a wav...

Why Your Newborn SHOULDN'T Sleep ALL night - Pinky McKay Official Website 08/05/2017

A baby who wakes at night is not being naughty, they just need something; whether it's nourishment or the need to be close to you they're just following their instincts.

Why Your Newborn SHOULDN'T Sleep ALL night - Pinky McKay Official Website You have finally made it beyond the letter-box with your newborn. You are feeling pretty proud of yourself for getting out and about between feeds, poos and spews and you even have your own shirt on the right way round. But then … Read more


A fantastic idea for heathy baby finger food.

Study Proves That Cuddling Babies Early (and Often) Has Huge Benefits 24/03/2017

Goodness knows why it takes a study to prove this. No amount of cuddling can spoil a baby.

Study Proves That Cuddling Babies Early (and Often) Has Huge Benefits So forget everything you've ever heard about "spoiling" the baby.

Even Science Agrees, You Literally Can’t Spoil A Baby 08/01/2017

A great article

Even Science Agrees, You Literally Can’t Spoil A Baby A ton of research backs up the claim that you literally cannot spoil a baby. In fact, holding babies is vital for their health and development.


An excellent message from St John's well worth watching.



