Essential Mum

Essential Mum

Let me help you to change your life like I have changed mine. I am a Certified Life Transformation Holistic Services for your Health & Happiness


To all my beautiful UK/US audience, coming into Summer, I have a few pots of my amazing natural sunscreen left!

If you would like me to send you some, message me for details! 😍


Some helpful information for those questioning essential oils safe for pregnancy!


It felt so good to help a friend out last night 💜 Her mum is really poorly and she asked if I had oils to help her sleep and to reduce irritation in the skin, most likely caused by the cancer drugs.

My mum is also having similar issues and so I have a balm already made up that is working for mum and I could recommend a blend immediately for her diffuser to help her sleep.

I don't actively sell the oils anymore, but I have a beautiful community of wholesale customers and I love being able to support friends and family looking for natural solutions.

If I can ever help you out, reach out! 💜


We've all been there!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

My little one was so cute today... on the subject of hair!!! She said, "mummy, your hair smells like Balm"
I've started using the doTERRA range of shampoo and conditioner again because it is the only thing I can find (bar going completely poo-free) that does my hair any good!

She recognised the smell of Wild Orange :) So cute!



Fabulous 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Last days for 20% of Essential Oil Starter Kits!

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ This kit below is great as it has everything you need to get started with your non-toxic mama life!

Message me for more details :)


Yep 🤣🤣🤣


5 Scientific Facts Proving EMFs Are NOT Safe

1. Many leading EMF scientists say EMFs should be classified as a “Class 1” definite
carcinogen (just like smoking and asbestos)

2. The best functional medicine doctors in the world like Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD,
PhD have observed that EMFs are at the very root cause of many “Mystery” symptoms
including insomnia, fatigue, depression, and digestive issues2

3. New technologies like the “5G” (fifth generation) networks are being rolled out at a
frantic pace, while exactly ZERO biological studies prove their safety

4. EMF “safety” standards haven’t been updated since 1996,4 and are based on short-term exposure to ONE device

5. Growing children’s brains are especially at risk, as their head absorbs twice the
radiation compared to adults.5 Regardless of that fact, a 2014 survey showed that up
to 75% of 4-year old children possess their own cell phone.


For any of you lovely mamas who are concerned about mobile phone radiation (or coming from iPads, baby monitors, WiFi)...

I am having an end of stock SALE on my incredible BioZen tech that normalises the damaging effects of electromagnetic waves at a biological level.

These will go fast as I'm knocking a whopping 20% off and I have limited numbers, so message me to start a conversation if you are interested!


Wow 💜 you could undoubtedly give my baby a bottle of geranium essential oil though and get the same response 😉


This is a really important post to look at.

As someone who has suffered with anorexia in my teenage years, coached a sufferer of anorexia in her teenage years and who has two children I love dearly, I feel deeply the responsibility to get this important message across.

Our perception of our own body is a mirror to our children. They look for the differences we see. Let's focus on the positive differences in them, but also in ourselves.

Within our body negative adult self is a child who can learn to love themselves again 💞

Photos from Eco-mama NZ's post 26/04/2019

This is an epic prize pack from a fellow business mama! If you want a raffle ticket, hit me up and I'll sort it for you. There are some awesome prizes in this basket! 😄


New research reveals that children who fall short by just one hour per night have a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes!

What are the norms for you in terms of your child's sleep?


Good skill to all the fellow mums waking up to first day of school holidays! 🙅


I used to struggle with work-life balance...
Now I struggle with school-life balance 🤣🤣🤣 These girls have so much going on it makes my eyeballs hurt! 🤣🤣🤣

Like & share if you feel like a Glorified Taxi Driver! 🤣

Scented Candles Emit As Many Toxins as Diesel Fumes and Ci******es. Causing Headaches to Lung Cancer 07/04/2019

It's so easy to pick up a beautiful scented candle, for a gift or for a nice touch to your lounge decor or romantic dinner. But think twice. Not all candles are created equally 😱

We use essential oils in the diffuser to scent our home 🕯️

Scented Candles Emit As Many Toxins as Diesel Fumes and Ci******es. Causing Headaches to Lung Cancer Burning a candle seems like an innocent habit. Studies suggest otherwise. Researchers have found that most scented candles emit as many toxins as diesel fumes and ci******es. A study by scientists at Copenhagen University found


Hey! Clare here. Face behind Essential Mum.

I'd like to make comment on the 'media storm' that has hit our little Isle of New Zealand recently regarding essential oils and "uncertified resellers prescribing unsafe use".

Within doTERRA, the idea of becoming a reseller of essential oils is not to be the expert, it is to lean on an extensive network of experts to share the unique experience of essential oils.

The goal is not to prescribe. It is to direct potential users of essential oils to a broad range of instruction and advice at

Yes, in order to best facilitate personal essential oil experiences, doTERRA utilizes a direct selling model that allows distributors to work with customers as opposed to mass marketing.

And yes, this will rub some people up the wrong way as it triggers their personal beliefs about direct sales models. However, the thing about all of our beliefs is that there is a potential that they are wrong. And if we interrogate them we grow, and our experiences expand and more often than not life gets better...

If we step out a bit and look back in on this situation, we are talking about the incredible, natural power of essential oils and developing relationships of trust.

For me, doTERRA provided the opportunity to improve my child's life when NOTHING ELSE WAS WORKING FOR HER and along the journey I improved my health too. (Read Eden's story here:

Before Eden, I never used to think twice about the chemicals I sprayed, the chemicals I lathered in my hair and on my skin and the chemicals I breathed in every day. And guess what, my health was fu**ed.

The fact that a childcare centre has chosen to diffuse the air of bugs with a natural essential oil over a chemical deodoriser or bleach should be CELEBRATED not criticized. Yes there are potential side effects to the misuse of essential oils, but they are not as grave as the long list of side effects from chemicals and toxins your child is being forced to ingest/breathe/absorb every day. THAT should be causing the media storm.

The fact that more and more people (over 2 million doTERRA Wellness Advocates are now using and selling doTERRA products around the world) are STANDING UP AND BECOMING THE CHANGE OUR WORLD NEEDS TO SEE is a good thing, not a bad thing.

However, as distributors we must not be experts and we must lean on the tools the company has and share them. If you are a distributor, share this with your team! Remind them that this is the beauty of the opportunity to be a distributor, is it not? Anyone can do it to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.

Everybody who has joined me as a distributor and a customer receives a dilution chart and a link to all important usage information. If you are a distributor, are you enforcing the duplication of this practice through your teams?

To my community, who might be curious or want a refresh of safe essential oil usage, here is a great photo album from Dr. David Hill, doTERRA's founding executive and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee at dōTERRA International:

Finally, let's all remember that use of essential oils should only compliment our body's own ability to work efficiently and remove the dangerous chemical threats that impede it doing that. Yes, essential oils have phenomenal effects on our mood, immune system, pain and more, but if our bodies were in a natural state of balance these symptoms wouldn't be there?

So, asking the empowering question of how you get your body back to its natural equilibrium should be a priority. For help with answering that, reach out to me.

And I totally welcome the s**t storm of well wishers and haters in the comments of this post 😀 Sometimes we just have to speak out loud what we really feel and hope the message gets through the noise and impacts someone.

Shall we cover the sporn of anti-vaxxers and their role in society's demise next? (Only kidding... 😉😚)



Oh, how beautiful is this! Message me for prices 😄



Just saying....


Who HATES meal planning for shopping?

I used to spend hours trawling through meal plans and diet ideas every week and always ended up GIVING UP in a puddle of sweat, blood and tears! 🤣

👉 Now meal planning and shopping is a breeze 🙂

I know exactly the food to choose to make me feel good, healthy and packed full of energy and vitality. No more guessing. I'm able to trust my body's own instruction manual and a grocery list to match it 😊 Feel free to ask me how!

✌ 💰

2-year-olds aren’t terrible—they’re just learning how to be human 15/03/2019


2-year-olds aren’t terrible—they’re just learning how to be human When looked at with fresh eyes, these misbehaviors can make sense, even to us. Then you will be able to guide your child through it to a more socialized way of being.


This week in my private group I have dug deep into my past to help others remove the layers life places upon the innocence, belief, joy and curiosity we have as children ❤️

It's not easy to share such personal stories, but doing so has resonated with so many people and helped them have their own realisations. And in continuing to speak and to search I have continued to have realisations of my own that will positively improve my life, specifically my parenting.

Ignoring our story works for a while. It's safer for a while, but we are always fighting the demons conjured up by it, and that affects how we show up in our life.

This week in my group, I have shared powerful techniques to:
🖐️ Set big goals
🖐️ Identify what is holding you back in your life
🖐️ Break unhealthy patterns caused by the demons that cause you to Self-Sabotage your success
🖐️ Break the shackles to low emotions
🖐️ Manifest abundance instead of scarcity
🖐️ Take massive action
🖐️ And live a happy and fulfilling life.

Does this sound like it would be helpful to you? If yes, hit me up and I'll add you to the group so you can benefit from this content too 💛

"We rise by lifting others" 🙏


Did you lose yourself in motherhood?

I know I did, but I also know my responsibility as mum made me find my way back to me.

What's your experience?

Antibiotics in Childhood Have Been Linked to an Increased Risk of Mental Illness Later in Life 05/03/2019

Our non-toxic choice, as hard as it is to stick to sometimes, is seeming to make more and more sense the more articles like this that I read...

Antibiotics in Childhood Have Been Linked to an Increased Risk of Mental Illness Later in Life Hospitalization for an infection might leave you at greater risk for mental illness, according to a recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry, which draws on data from youth in Denmark up to the age of 17 years.

Eden’s Story 04/03/2019

If anyone is keen to know how I got started with doTERRA oils in the first place, here is Eden's story 💓

Essential oils saved me as a mum, who felt hopeless to help my little girl who was in so much pain! And then they gave me a lifeline when her sister was born and I lost my job at 6 months pregnant and all of my maternity leave/pay.

Now this business is a side business to my main business,, where I am helping people to live their best life and experience optimal wellness.

When bad stuff happens it is easy to feel defeated, but in my experience our obstacles are what build us, and our pain can become our purpose 💟

Eden’s Story My journey with essential oils all started with Eden, my beautiful first baby girl. We knew something wasn’t right almost immediately. Plunket told me it was “just colic”, but …

Immune Boosters: 12 Natural Immune System Modulators - 02/03/2019

This is a really helpful article, especially as we head into winter!

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding (or both!) your body might be crying out for some extra support.

Tell tale signs for me as a busy mum that I needed to start doing something was really low energy and coming down with every single bug in sight, often much worse than anybody else around me.

More recently my immune system has been rather indestructible and I've miraculously avoided lots of the seasonal bugs!

With scary outbreaks like measles and meningococcal in our midst, it's important to make sure the family's immune system is functioning optimally.

Here are my top 5 tips!
- Eat clean. Avoid processed food and foods that are high auger/high carb
- Take a good all round micronutrient and omega 3 complex
- Use my Keep Me Well Rollerball (now with added Turmeric!) to the bottoms of the feet of all the family, every day (you can find this on my website
- Ditch chemicals. They rage war on our bodies internally, I can help you get started
- Protect against EMFs. The invisible pollution that causes oxidative stress and weakens our immune system functioning optimally

Which of these natural immune boosters are you using already?

Immune Boosters: 12 Natural Immune System Modulators - There are many immune boosters. Only a select few are immune modulators, however. This is a distinction that can make a huge impact on your health.


doTERRA like to call Melaleuca (Tea Tree) their limitless essential oil. With over 92 different compounds, it truly has "limitless" uses and applications!

Melaleuca is included in the Family Essentials Kit for a reason.

Whether you use it topically for skin support, or internally to promote a healthy immune system, Melaeuca is a must-have oil in your home. We use it ALL THE TIME - cuts, bites, ear aches, zits and to clean the toilet!

In the comments will you share how you use Melaleuca?


I'm so grateful for my oils 🙏
⬇️ Did you know that if you rub peppermint and eucalyptus across your forehead it cools it down like a cold flannel when you have a fever. Only unlike with a flannel the cooling sensation lasts?
⬇️ Did you know oregano is a natural antibiotic?
⬇️ Did you know cedarwood helps you sleep more deeply?
⬇️ Did you know there is a blend that you can use every day to boost your immune system and it works to kill off viruses and bacteria once your sick?
⬇️ Did you know marjoram is a natural sedative and can help with nerve pain?

I know so much now, but I didn't know any of this when I got started. It almost put me off starting, apart from the reassurance I could learn along the way from great resources and an awesome community.

My essential oils saved us when my daughter was sick and have saved me numerous times since (even saved my thumb from amputation due to MRSA!) and my oils are saving me tonight as I lie here feeling miserable. They're unblocking my nose and making my eyes feel sleepy.

Reach out to me if you want to start. You don't need anything else, but that intention 💜💞

Reframing the First 1,000 Days | 2018 Global Wellness Trends 17/02/2019

Incredible! "We all know that it takes a s***m and an o**m to create a baby. However, in our mom-centric world, we have not recognized that the health and lifestyle choices of both parents during the pre-conception period – including emotional wellness – can impact their child’s health for a lifetime." If you are thinking of conceiving, and even if you're not, this is well worth a read!

Reframing the First 1,000 Days | 2018 Global Wellness Trends Looking at the health and wellness during pre-conception and of both parents will become integral to disease prevention predicts the Global Wellness Summit.

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Famous 60 Minutes Episode Revealing Mobile Phones Cause Brain Tumours
Learn to make bath bombs with me & Jade!#essentialmum #nontoxicmama #bathbombs #kidcraft #childsplay
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Design Your Life Benefit #2 Mindfulness
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Union Road