Dawn getting crafty and other stuff

Dawn getting crafty and other stuff

a new page of craft bits and other gifts


Lovely acrylic painting artwork 😍 ✨️


Today’s post is simply ‘Bracken’……I love this photograph which I took a few days ago❤️
Just to let you know that Alan is very fond of his friend Bracken so he is ok with Bracken stealing the ‘Thursday limelight’ 👀


“Good afternoon❣️
My shovel feet are equally as incompetent at hitting the right letters on the keypad as Top Professors are but fortunately I am able to hold a dental chew between my two front shovels and hit the correct letters with that❣️
Pinks is painting at the moment and TP is looking into whether to renew his driving license or just carry on taking the risk of driving around without one, so I
am doing todays fb post.
I have been asked to write the post in a way that our Facebook aunties & uncles will hopefully understand but that a secret agent will not, so here I go…..
On Saturday Pinks is going to write the names of everyone who has kindly helped our friend Calon to have his cruciate ligament operation onto individual Rich Tea biscuits, then we will put the named biscuits in our Rich Tea tin and empty the contents onto the floor….. whichever biscuit lands nearest to My Top Professor ‘Alan’ (If he manages to remind himself not to eat it before we have read who’s name is on it) will be able to have a painting of their flufton done by our guardian/Mum Pinks.
We are also emptying ‘Calons cruciate operation piggy bank’ on Saturday because Calon needs to have his operation asap.
Lots of love from The Tinch❤️


For Sale.Proceeds to Mk Nite Shelter

Photos from Dawn getting crafty and other stuff's post 29/12/2023


Thousands of cats were dispatched to the trenches during WW1 to keep rodent numbers down and act as early warning detectors for mustard gas. So many gave great comfort to the troops as companions and mascots. How many cats survived we will never know?

Paws At The Ready -
The cats of World War One had significant role in all the campaigns, we must honour their bravery too.

Give thought to all the kitties
who served in World War One.
A battalion of the finest
who never fired a gun.
What was their role?
Whether hunting rodents out at sea,
or loyal friends to men,
these many cats had vital roles,
time and time again.

The food was saved.
A common sight in trenches deep,
dispatching mice and rats,
the soldiers’ had a special bond
with many of these cats.
Many were treasured mascots.
Five hundred thousand cats were sent
to serve in the Great War.
Some detected mustard gas,
whilst others were off shore.

Some of the feline heroes -
Togo was the Dreadnought’s cat,
The Swan had their lad Ching.
Pincher was the Vinex’s mog,
it was luck they hoped they’d bring.
‘Martinpuich’ was aptly named,
by The 9th battalion chaps.
Pitouchi was the orphaned kit,
who’d survived on army scraps.
Spark Plug, Tabby and many more
were companions to the troops.
The feline unsung heroes,
those cats who became recruits.

We’ll never truly realise
just what these cats went through.

So spare a thought and give some thanks
for what they did for you!

Lest We Forget!

A gunner with the regimental cat in a trench in Cambrin, France, February 6th, 1918.

Photos from Dawn getting crafty and other stuff's post 20/11/2023

Been making earrings...only £3 pair¹

Photos from Dawn getting crafty and other stuff's post 24/10/2023

Handmade..only £3 Each


Just need to colour in...

Photos from Dawn getting crafty and other stuff's post 02/10/2023

Some new stuff A2


The lovely Julia




Bit on the dark side


A4 piece


Something new


"See what I did"❤


Something new..A4


Acrylics....nearly done...been a while since I've used these paints!


Brand new.crying eye necklace £3 each or 2 for £5


New drawing.Prints available with money going to support MK Nite Shelter.


New art stuff




Something new A3..prints cud be available to buy


