Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching

Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching

If you're ready to live awake, transform
Fall IN LOVE with yourself & life
You're in the right place

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 11/07/2024

POV: You consistently worked on understanding nutrition & flavour to be able to add in 30 plants a week & now it feels you manage that every day 🥹

The best part is getting to help ya’ll have fun doing it too 🫶🏻 I’m loving building up my recipe collection. 2024 definitely feels like the year for a recipe book 😍

Everything lunches have been my go-to probably for the last year - how about you - what’s your go to lunch obsession? 🤤

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 07/07/2024

Half way through the year and it’s not getting slower so half way through the year Im deciding to love even harder 🫶🏻

Romantisizing my “silly” little life this Sunday evening and remembering much more full life is when you choose to feel it all so fully.

This week I’m going in with the intention to find will and discipline from a full cup. To exercise because it feels so damn good. To eat through allowance first. To really connect. To be excited to learn, create & flow.

What’s your intention going into a new week?

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 30/06/2024

Before you I was bold but with you I am brave

Swipe for the greatest surprise of the year, a surprise that blew even the most hopeless romantic away 🥹

You didn’t have an easy job but as always you showed how deeply you know and love me and this partnership.

Yoh what a wild and wonderful life. Be prepared for a reel and a ring spam because I’m too excited not to share it all.

There’s nothing more exciting in a creators’ life than when her life has movie moments 🥹 I give you my first installment of a core memory and moment so perfect no romanticizing was needed. 🥹

PS: is where it all went down, more pics of that to follow too!

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 10/06/2024

Life’s a trip.

There’s so much to figure out about it but I’m becoming more and more certain that we’re here to live wildly, boldly and freely.

2024 has become such an unexpected year - I thought it would be a year of routine only to realize life never gives you what you want - rather what you need.

Routines - questionable. But vibes, experiences and learning opportunities - that 1024 is bringing in abundance. Working in the place I do brings so much joy and reward too. I know this year is already half way but at this rate I can’t wait for what’s in store 🤌🏼🌙

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 03/06/2024
Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 20/05/2024

Moments in May that have become Core Memories 🫶🏻

Life Post Ironman has been filling up my cup with community. It’s time for a new goal though 😏 More on that tomorrow. For now I’m gearing up for production of Lion King 🦁 at the end of the month 🥹 my heart is full looking back to Graskop picnics, birthday bash, Unwined Wine Show, visits, New Moon Gong Bath with and the most special meet with the healers and 🐾

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 23/03/2024

Magical Moments this morning just to fill my cup 🥹☀️

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 06/03/2024

We’ve been talking all things breakfast this week so I thought I’d share some tangible tips for leveling up your breakfast.

Practically this might look like adding some fats to your smoothie and topping it with some seeds that you enjoy with a spoon to slow down the rate at which you eat it.

It might look like swooping out butter, jam toast for some avocado toast topped with tomato, herbs & spices, seeds and some baby spinach.

Breakfast can be the meal that determines how you focus for the first half of your work day or how motivated you feel for a lunch hour workout.

These are super simple steps or reminders that you can save and come back when you need to! I make a point of heading to every month to stock up on my nuts, seeds, plant milks, protein, legumes and grains. Having a monthly meal plan/guideline/idea of what you’re loving at the moment and a one stop health shop to stock up at really makes all the difference.

List some of your favourite breakfast options that adhere to some of these below to share some inspiration 🫶🏻

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 24/02/2024

Words cannot describe. How bloody difficult this was for me 😂

Friends, friends friends. What I thought was a lovely little outing, a good intro into the triathlon world: ie: 600m swim, 30km ride and 7km run turned out to be a swim followed by THE HARDEST (most technical) cycle of my existence. Not ever have a feared more for my life, nor done a slow 7km run afterwards, never have I been happier to see my dad because that meant the I had actually survived this. And never. Have I been this proud of us.

I ended with a laugh sob into Ali’s chest. Utter relief. The realisation, sitting on the couch now - absolutely defeated, is that we really don’t have any idea what we’re capable of.

Did I want to quit? Almost the whole time.
Did I consider pulling out of ? You better believe it. (Multiple times)
Will I ever do this one again? Not if you paid me.
Am I determined to crush ? Bring. It. On.

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 19/02/2024

Monday Goal: Tap into this main character energy 💅🏼

- Nail my nutrition
- Get in all my workouts
- Plan each day the before
- Get that water in
- Get to bed on time

Simple ones I know but I’m working on building that self trust up with the easy ones 😉 list yours below if you want me to keep you accountable 👏🏻

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 13/02/2024

Let it go and let it be ✨

My word for 2024 is Less. What I didn’t expect less of in 2924 was length of my hair 😂

The last time a hairdresser cut off what I thought was a few too many cm I came home and cried 🙃. I realised then how much identity I hold in my hair. How much I believed it was a defining feature in what made me who I was. I was surprised last Sunday a thought popped up- “While training for ironman it might be nice to have short hair.”

I was shooketh by the words coming out of my own brain. But after a few days the feeling of being able to detach from my nearly bum length hair didn’t subside. I realised that I wasn’t scared of losing some sense of identity anymore. That I could identify with myself and find myself beautiful without my long hair.

I know this might seem really silly to some but I think what hair is to me relates to other aspects for others. Whether it be make up, a filter, certain colour you always wear, a partner or even the feeling of needing to have alcohol at a social event. All of these are false senses of comfort and identity and as soon as we can realise we were whole before and are whole without the more free we become to move, flow and change. Free from needing means that the choices you make come from a place of wanting and being willing. A place I’d far prefer to exist in personally ;)

This is the shortest my hair has been since I was a toddler. As Cindy cut it my neck naturally dropped forward, my scalp tingled with a feeling I’d never known before - less.

So say hello to short hair for a season - cheers to freedom from needing. Cheers to the freedom to choose and be out of a place of wanting. Cheers to detachment and cheers to less.

Share your word for 2024 - I’d love to know in the comments below

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 05/02/2024

Show up late.
Show up messy.
Show up sweaty.
Show up empty.
But for your very own sake show up.

I don’t hope for all our days to be easy. I hope we’ll show up for ourselves so relentlessly that showing up becomes who we are. That the hardest thing of all - showing up for yourself - becomes easy.

My goal this year is to show up for myself most behind closed doors. To show up as equally for myself as I would for others. To show up even here, imperfect, fighting - here not in spite of - but because it all.

What’s your 1% today? An extra sip of water. Putting your phone off? One more lap around the block? It won’t be easy but we can do hard things. For all the ways we feel we fail let’s remind ourselves of the little ways today we can and will win.

Cheers to showing up ✨
Cheers to you 🫶🏻

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 09/01/2024

Getting enough protein this Veganuary 💪🏻

You already know how much I love a haul 🥹 they did not disappoint this Veganuary with Vegan Protein Powders, “Meat Ball” Mixes, Nut Butters, Different kinds of noodles, Dark Chocolate 🤤 I tell ya - my ninth year of eating this way and what a time to be alive 🥹

Roar was my December read and between that and the questions on vegan protein that come with Veganuary I decided this was the ideal time to share some of my favourite ways to meet and far exceed my protein needs.

This was an example of how I unintentionally exceeded my protein needs - what I didn’t take photos of was the mango, nectarine and grapes I had throughout the day ^^.

For reference all plant foods contain all three macro nutrients and my highest protein foods here were the protein powder in the smoothie for breakfast, the tofu falafel balls (premix from Dischem) for lunch and the Seitan for dinner 🤤

What are some of your favourite plant based sources of protein? Let me know in the comments below 👇🏼

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 03/01/2024

2024 Mood = 🤤

I got the best surprises this year for my birthday 🥹 - tools to continue pursuing my passions, treats () and this Pretty Casual Top to match and that I’m pretty sure is going to become my 2024 personality

Two more members of this clan ( ) to go and we’ll all be kitted with a version of 😂

What’s a purchase of gift that sparks joy in your soul recently? Let me know below 👇🏼

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 02/01/2024

2023 was my biggest knowledge growth spurt since my nutrition studies days. This is all thanks to an incredible collaboration with , & 🤍

I’m absolutely buzzing to take that knowledge to new heights to help women change their relationship with their food, bodies & selves in 2024 💪🏻

Self care is not selfish, and together I can’t wait to show you what’s possible for your health & wellbeing through food, fitness & mindset this year 🥙🌶️🥦🥕🍆

Here are a few nutrition specific ins & outs to get you started - what would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments below 👇🏼

*the definitions are created as reframes and are not true dictionary definitions 🫶🏻*

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 01/01/2024


That’s my ultimate goal for 2024. 2023 helped me find my integrity to trust the little promises I make to myself.

I want to see what it would be like if I didn’t let myself get overwhelmed & disconnected from myself that I need to numb to process.

I don’t want to be a new me anymore. I want to keep working on this beautiful mess of a masterpiece that is my life and journey, to keep living life as the protagonist and romantic.

That is with all 🫶🏻 my online and in person support 🤍

inspired me with her post this morning and here is what came out of the time I took to decide what I wanted from this new rotation around the sun ☀️

What are some of your ins and outs? Id love to know in the comments or my dms 🫶🏻

and Happy New Year my hoomans 🤍

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 25/12/2023

Swipe to see 2022 us 🥹

I hope these photos bring you a little joy and Christmas spirit 🎄 Christmas looks a little different to everyone but the core values remain: community, generosity, kindness and lots of laughs 🫶🏻

These photos are featuring Ali’s bangin lentil Wellington pie 🤤 because food is a love language 🤤

What’s your favourite part of Christmas? 🎅🏼

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 17/12/2023

“The divine loving ecstasy of the universe lives in every cell of my body”

I had always dreamed of a time where I’d have the kind of community, knowledge and confidence that I could host and hold sacred places for (some of) the people I love.

This year has been such a whirlwind of falling, flying, failing and fighting. Out of it all came a closeness to myself. Put yourself in enough uncomfortable situations and you’ll start to see who you truly are by noticing that parts of you that remain constant in every space and social situation.

During a brutal after helped and I decide to have a joint birthday bash I asked myself: If I loved myself truly and deeply what would I do to celebrate? (Thanks 🥹)

I’d host a cacao ceremony and nourish these precious people from the inside out with community, nourshing food and time for us all to let go, be present and be vulnurably ourselves.
sohandev helped me prepare the cacao with the mantra “Ang Sang Wahe Guru” 

“The divine loving ecstasy of the universe lives in every cell of my body”

This was a mantra but in reality is a truth for us that night for you to carry wtih you whenever you have the mental/emotional space and environment to create it.

Here’s to a year of becoming more and more ourselves and learning to fall deeply in love with what we find

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 16/12/2023

Photos of details that brought me joy at our Christmas Bookclub 🎄 This was such a powerful reminder that this time of year is supposed to be filled with events, people, foods and activities that you love and choose.

I know this time of year can be triggering for some so I want to extend extra love to you and say: you’re blessed with blood family, friend family, soul family or even animal family. Those relationships matter. The quality of your relationships directly impact the quality of your life. Choose time with them 🫶🏻 (even if it’s online), make the effort - it’s so worth it ❤️

I’ve been so outrageously blessed with community this year so this is just one of the many posts coming your way appreciating them hoping that it’ll bring you joy as well 🥹🫶🏻

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 04/12/2023

Your Monday reminder that you are the creator of your life and the only box that exists is the one you allow yourself to be put in 💅🏼 📦 😉

Here’s the epic weekend I got to be a part of with show and getting to cycle in new and gear glitter and all 😂

Is there a way to make cycling and swimming gear look good? 😂

Happy Monday Lovely Souls!

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 27/11/2023

Always make time to breathe in the life that once only existed as a day dream 🫶🏻

What a wild week last week was, and 2023 Face of Fitness did not disappoint in filling my cup. I had so much fun working with the team and what an incredible Top 6 🥹 (I certainly don’t envy those decision makers 🙃)

This November is flying by so I’m making it my mission to take as many breaths as I can to slow time down ⏰

My goals are to dance my little heart out for show on Friday, get in a cycle, run & swim for training, see and absolutely smash our week

How about you? 🫶🏻

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 23/11/2023

A belated Tip Tuesday to help you pick your plant based mince alternatives 🤌🏼

Just a reminder that you can get all you need from whole plant foods but if you are looking for an alternative (especially for a meat-free Monday among meat lovers) 😉 then the most important thing is to know what’s in your food.

Listen - Label Reading is an art 😂 I’m here to help as I learn so let me know what you’d like to see next 🫶🏻

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 20/11/2023

This is your Monday reminder for the week to:
1. Do something that scares you
2. Do something that brings you joy

I’m doing lots that scares me this week as I head to JHB for FOF 🥳 but I know that’ll bring me so much joy as well 🥹 until then I’ll keep soaking up wholesome daily lunches outside 😍

I’m so amped for this big week! Let me know what you’re looking forward to and what scary thing you’ll be facing this week! Happy Monday! ♥️🙌🏻

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 14/11/2023

The strangest thing happened.

I took these photos to show why I usually opt for the full-fat option. Only to be schooled by my advice to my clients, Sprouts & team to READ THE LABELS & LIST OF INGREDIENTS.

Once I did I realized that the reduced fat hummus has more chickpeas and less canola oil.

With most people eating a diet too high in Omega 6’s we want to avoid oils like canola oil as much as possible (more on that next week). The regular hummus had canola oil as the third ingredient. (General Rule: The closer to the front of the label the ingredient is, the more of that ingredient the product contains). The reduced-fat hummus also had canola oil in the tahini but not as a stand-alone ingredient like in the regular hummus.

The reduced-fat hummus also had a higher percentage of chickpeas and was even slightly higher in protein.

Tuesday Tip: Remember, we vote with our money, so spend wisely, friend.

Were you shocked by this too? Let me know in the comments below.

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 14/11/2023

The strangest thing happened.

I took these photos to show why I usually opt for the full-fat option. Only to be schooled by my advice to my clients, Sprouts & team to READ THE LABELS & LIST OF INGREDIENTS.

Once I did I realized that the reduced fat hummus has more chickpeas and less canola oil.

With most people eating a diet too high in Omega 6’s we want to avoid oils like canola oil as much as possible (more on that next week). The regular hummus had canola oil as the third ingredient. (General Rule: The closer to the front of the label the ingredient is, the more of that ingredient the product contains). The reduced-fat hummus also had canola oil in the tahini but not as a stand-alone ingredient like in the regular hummus.

The reduced-fat hummus also had a higher percentage of chickpeas and was even slightly higher in protein.

Tip Tuesday: Remember, we vote with our money, so spend wisely, friend.

Were you shocked by this too? Let me know in the comments below.


Instead of visualizing how great this day was going to be,

I chose to visualize me pushing through the challenging moments. I saw myself feeling tired and still getting to the gym (which inevitably didn’t happen because of leaking toilets and tofu pick-ups). I saw myself getting home and grafting, but didn’t see roomie dinners and friend visits (which I desperately wanted to be a part of).

And this moment, I saw this moment too. Where it was late and I still had lots to do before getting to bed on time for my 4am wake up. I saw myself doing as much as possible and the best I could before sleeping and BEING OKAY WITH THAT.

I think it’s high time we normalize manifestation and visualization as tools to get through the hard parts of every day. The good will come, it’ll be beautiful, sparkling and full. But so much more so because I was able to visualize not only the destination but the steep and rocky climb that got me there. (Only to show me that I’d just climbed one of the hundreds of mountains I’d be lucky enough to climb in my short time here).

So tonight, late, tired, unexercised I say cheers to these moments. Cheers to the rocky climb.

Happy Monday Souls, ‘cause ready or not here it is

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 16/10/2023

Fitfluencer to Iron(wo)man

And so it begins! My greatest challenge yet. A fitness girl without a bike, a pair of running shoes or any swim training decides to take a leap of faith.

Last weekend in my Kinesiology class we had to write a little love note to ourselves and mine went something like:

“I love you for always showing up before you’re ready. “

And after this weekend’s first ever open water swim I feel even less ready. It was only 400m but it humbled me like no sport has quite yet :/

I’m also excited to announce as my entry and nutrition sponsor for the 2024 March .

Although I’m beyond terrified for this I’m so excited to take you all along the journey to hopefully inspire you to show up before you’re ready too. Trusting that if you have the will you’ll find a way (along with all the gear you need ;)

PS: Thank you to for lending me a costume and goggles for the race and for being the best swim teacher and friend!

There’s less than 90 days left in 2023, what are you going to do with them? If you’re ready to get Unstuck, I hope you’ll be joining our Unstuck Yourself Summit this coming Saturday. It’s all Online and the value and expertise you get is just mind blowing. For those that have already signed up I can’t wait to spend the afternoon helping you get Unstuck for this last part of the year!

Happy Monday Souls.
let’s frikken do this.

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 10/10/2023

I could be more excited to announce our upcoming “Unstuck Yourself” Summit on World Mental Health Day.

There isn’t a person I know who wouldn’t benefit from this.
Even though a few of these experts are mentors of mine I personally can’t wait to get to soak in even more of their knowledge.

Taking that first step to improving your mental health can be hard enough but with the right help it can seem even 1% more possible.

I love you. I believe in you. You can do hard things.

Now go sign up (link in my bio) and let me know in the comments below what talk area of your life you’re excited to get unstuck in ⚡️

Photos from Conscious Katherine - Plant Based Health & Life Coaching's post 04/10/2023


This is a version of you reminding you that life is a never ending game of reinventing yourself.

I’ve been way too quiet on here while navigating working NOT only from home but also from the most incredible healing space

My time away has looked like tons of cooking (working on that 2023 goal of releasing my cookbook ;), shooting with , a 10 year high school reunion, gaining a roomie and playing with some toys ;)

But the good news is I’m feeling as inspired as ever to create, share and hopefully inspire you to live your healthiest, happiest and most aligned life

Videos (show all)

Or if you prefer reading here is the full written post:
If you prefer reading here is the link to the blog post!
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12 Minute At Home Leg Workout:


102 Nuri Maru, 22-1, Guryongteakji-ro, Ochang-eup, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-shi