Naked Covers

Naked Covers

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Significance of the first 5 Revelations revealed to Prophet Mohammad pbuh in Mecca 19/11/2023

The Significance of the first 5 Quranic Meccan Revelations to Mohammad in this order. Al Alaq (96) The very first revelation 'Iqra'' was the command to READ, (or recite) and to learn the Sacred Knowledge sent from Allah (God Almighty) swt himself. The word IQRA'was the very first word revealed symbolising knowledge itself, But compulsory knowledge. Iqra itself is fi’al amr…...

Significance of the first 5 Revelations revealed to Prophet Mohammad pbuh in Mecca The Significance of the first 5 Quranic Meccan Revelations to Mohammad in this order. Al Alaq (96) The very first revelation ‘Iqra” was the command to READ, (or recite) and to learn the…

