Wild Sage Wellbeing

Wild Sage Wellbeing

Ramone empowers you with experiences and tools to Be Wild, Be Wise and Be Well. Join us for a Yoga R I'd love to connect with you! Ramone

Hi I'm Ramone and I created Wild Sage Wellbeing to offer you easy and exciting ways to 'Be Wild, Be Wise and Be Well'. I use yoga, nature and adventure travel to empower wellness, cultivate wisdom and expand the boundaries of what you believe is possible. You can start your journey with me through 1;1 Therapy, Couples Therapy or Group Therapy, Yoga classes, Meditation courses or one of a kind Holi

Photos from Wild Sage Wellbeing's post 08/09/2023

Hi folks! Spring is upon us! 🌱
If for some reason it feels like it’s time to start your engines but you’re failing to launch… 🚀it could be because there are 7 planets moving backwards right now!🪐
I wrote a little about the significance and opportunities available these next few months. You can have a read over on the blog!
To align yourself with these spring cleaning, revisionary times I’m also offering 3x 60 minute sessions for $397 for a limited time. That’s $50+ off per session!
Head over to Live Well to book online or message me directly 🤳🏼to lock in your spot!



Last dispatch from the desk for a few days!
It’s the eve of my departure to host the Yoga and Whale Swim Retreat, with guests joining me from mid next week! 🤩🐋🏝
And today the last Awesome in August class goes live, covering how to redefine your concept of ‘worth’ by diving deep into some of my fave content: healing internalised oppression. ✊🏻
Thanks for joining me if you’ve been along for the ride! I look forward to sharing more with you soon, including a few pics of our island paradise! 🧉


Wild times call for wilder agility... and a dip into the archives in honour of all things retro!

Holy retrograde season Batman - with 7 planets turning back, there's a whole lot of flux for the next little while!

I've had some of the most breakneck speed changes over the last couple of weeks! From having to pivot my retreat location to a new destination, to it potentially doubling in numbers in the same time frame, to once in a lifetime opportunities landing on my plate, to almost daily cancellations of clients also facing trying times keeping up with these wild and chaotic recent days.

If you don't know what a 'retrograde' is, once upon a time I wrote a post about it so you can find all the tech details there. Basically it's the appearance of a planet in our solar system tracking backwards in the sky, instead of forwards.

Astrology, a metaphorical practice divined from ancient myth, places much weight on these reversed periods of time. Depending on the planet, they may occur rarely like once a century or so (like the outer, larger planets whose orbits around the sun are longer), or more frequently for the closer planets like Venus and Mercury.

Mercury gets lots of press as it's the governing planet of communication, and in the digital age, it's known for not just verbal communication snafu's but technological too. It gets a bit of a bad rap though - reverse cycles, just like pauses in our natural cycles of life and fallow seasons in nature - are rich times for reflection, regathering energy, resting and realigning plans to move forward when the time is once again right... or ripe.

So these next few weeks until September 16 you have an open invitation from the universe to take a few deep breaths and slow down. And as this retro is in the sign of detail-oriented Virgo, it's especially good for going over what needs your time and attention with specificity.

The other 'inner planet' going through a retro right now is Venus. This is one of my fave mythological stories, based on the ancient Sumerian goddess Inanna. Her O.G. Heroine's journey of descent from the heavens to the underworld and back mirrors the journey that Venus is currently going though right now as it transitions from the evening to the morning star.

Venus' retro began a few weeks back in Leo and as Venus is all things feminine, I have been enjoying the rise of women in all kinds of wonderful ways, from the Women's world cup garnering more interest than ever before locally to Taylor Swift's multi-billion dollar economy boosting Era's tour to Barbie's box office domination it's positive (even if not to your sporting or media tastes) to see women gaining and unapologetically claiming the light, recognition and rewards they deserve. Way to go Venus - what a wonderful world this could be!

The rest of the 7 are outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune... and if you still count it, Pluto too! Their themes touch on luck and expansion, structure and time, addictions or indulgences, creativity and revolution and, personal power and your unconscious. So pretty much all aspects of yourself can get a 'spring clean' these next few months!

If you feel ready to dive in and address any of this I'd love to support you!

I've got a special offering on Spring Refresh Sesh's - 3 x 60 minute sessions between now and 23 October to help you dive deep during these windows of reflection. DM me or email [email protected] to book.

Happy retrograde season! I'll be offline(ish) shortly as I dive deep in my own special way at the Yoga and Whale Swim Retreat beginning on Tuesday! I can't wait!


The key to depression, obesity, alcoholism – and more? Why scientists are so excited by the vagus nerve 23/08/2023

Oh look! My favourite nerve, in the news! If you don't believe me, here - believe science! And if you want an intro to how and why it works, you can still get access to the recording of my workshop Viva Las Vagus for $44! Or Join one of my upcoming events, retreats or trauma informed trainings.

The key to depression, obesity, alcoholism – and more? Why scientists are so excited by the vagus nerve Stimulating the vagus nerve is being hyped as the simplest way to reduce stress, dampen anxiety – and could even curb obesity. But what exactly is it? And how does tickling your ear help?


Have you ever wondered HOW you came to think, feel and act like you do?!
What if I told you it didn’t have to be a mystery?!
We’re all shaped by external forces that influence our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Sometimes these can be unnecessarily harmful to ourselves and unintentionally harmful to others.
Some systems might call this ‘shadow work’, ‘delving into the unconscious’ or working with your ‘samsksras’… what ever you identify with is fine! It’s all a way to help you live a happier, more easeful and free life!
Join me this week at 9am on SATURDAY 26 August for a dive into how you can undo the misconceptions around your sense of ‘worth’.
Language is SO powerful in shaping our reality… maybe it’s time to shake up yours?! 🕺🏻
Lock your tix in here: https://awesomeinaugust.eventbrite.com.au

Photos from Wild Sage Wellbeing's post 20/08/2023

Hey ho yo-yos 👋🏻
I just got done with week three of Awesome in August covering all things befriending yourself 🫶🏻
Next week we have a little time change for the live sesh as I have to get on a plane to retreat town! ✈️ Yippee!
So on August 27 we’ll be covering the exciting and redefining concept of internalised oppression with ‘Heal your self worth wound’ ❤️‍🩹at 12pm (not 4pm!).
You can sign up online and get access to all the recordings!
Happy Sunday and 10 more sleeps til the Yoga and Whale Swim Retreat! 🐋🧘🏼‍♀️🏝


Photos from Wild Sage Wellbeing's post 10/08/2023

Effective relational skills are LEARNED. This means it’s possible to improve on your current skills at any time.
If you've ever found it hard to speak up for yourself, gone into shutdown when asked directly about what you want, or find yourself replaying how conversations 'could have gone' if you'd only this class is for you!
The Invitation is the most effective communication tool I use to get to the bottom of your own needs and frame them in ways that help people understand exactly HOW to meet them!
With just 4 simple steps you'll get clear on what's realllly going on for you and discover how specific you can be about what you want to happen.
This process creates a deep intimacy with yourself, and then opens up a detailed invitation to others to meet you where you're at.
You’ll get the full recipe if you join me live on Sunday August 13 at 4-5.30pm (but if you can't make it then you'll can still have access to a recording!).
It's $44 to join for just this week or $108 to sign up for all 4 classes in the Awesome in August series.


Ever felt like you can’t find the words you need to say exactly what you want to say?
Or felt like you wanted to set a ‘boundary’ but went weak at the knees at the moment you saw the person in question?
Or even had an ongoing issue with a friend, colleague or lover that never seems to understand what you’re trying to say?!
Then THE INVITATION is for you! And MY invitation is for you to join me this weekend on Sunday 13 August at 4pm AEST as I walk you step by step through this simple formula for getting to the essence of your own needs so you can clearly and specifically invite people to meet them.
Join just this class for $44 or get access to the recordings for all of them for $108.
Grab your tix here: https://awesomeinaugust.eventbrite.com.au

Photos from Wild Sage Wellbeing's post 07/08/2023

Hello hello! 👋🏻
Reporting live from my desk where all the wisdom bombs 💣 and golden nuggets ✨ of self empowerment and relational upskilling happen in my sessions each week.
It’s enlightenment in action and I’m offering YOU easy access to my favourite tools this month via my Awesome in August online classes.
Just 90 minutes of your time this Sunday 13 August from 4pm AEST will get you access to the people pleasers guide to getting your needs met!
It’s a template for identifying your own needs and getting crystal clear on how to communicate them that invites people to meet you in specific, meaningful ways.
It’s GOLD for people who struggle to find abs use their voices and an incredible self awareness tool too!
If this sounds like your cup of tea, please join me!
It’s $44 for one class or $108 for access to all four (including recordings of those you missed!).
Book your tix here and see you online! https://awesomeinaugust.eventbrite.com.au

Photos from Wild Sage Wellbeing's post 05/08/2023

Your vagus nerve is the super highway connecting your mind, heart and gut.
Understanding how it works under the surface to influence your external behaviour is key to harnessing both self compassion AND unlocking the tools you need to have better relationships.
I’m covering all this and more tomorrow afternoon at 4pm AEST in my first Awesome in August online class! It’s called Viva Las Vagus and will prime with with the foundations of polyvagal theory.
Join tomorrow only for $44 or all four sessions this month for $108. Recordings available if you can’t make it live.
Lock your spot in via: https://awesomeinaugust.eventbrite.com.au and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow afternoon for all things Vagus! 🧠🫀


Wanna understand WHY you act and react like you do & when and how it's possible to change that? Then Viva Las Vagus if for YOU!

Our Vagus nerve governs everything from our social perceptions to our fight/flight/freeze responses. When you know WHY you feel like you do, you can access more self compassion, which in turn makes it easier to be empathetic with others.

In this 90 minute online class on Sunday 6 August from 4pm you'll learn everything you need to know to boost your self mastery from a neuroscientific basis and leave with a few handy tools you can practice and apply to help you!

Sign up for $44 for just this class of $108 for all 4 Awesome in August sessions below:


War veterans' 'best mates' are helping them deal with PTSD 01/08/2023


War veterans' 'best mates' are helping them deal with PTSD War veterans battling post-traumatic stress disorder are training their own assistance dogs, and it's making a big difference to their lives.

‘I’m a chef and I forgot how to bake a cake’: why trauma often leads to brain fog and amnesia 17/07/2023

Trauma significantly impacts your brain...

‘I’m a chef and I forgot how to bake a cake’: why trauma often leads to brain fog and amnesia Shock, stress and grief can have a devastating effect on memory – but there are ways to bring it back


Hey adventure yogis! There’s just 7 weeks left til we get to go swim with whales in Tonga! If you’d like to join this amazing adventure from September 1-8 please DM me for details. Single and shared room options available! 🐋🏝🧘🏼‍♀️

Photos from Wild Sage Wellbeing's post 30/06/2023


I've been lucky enough to be able to lock in 1-3 December 2023 for the SUMMER SERENITY RETREAT and I can't wait!

Enjoy twice daily yoga and meditation classes - hatha-vinyasa in the morning and deep restorative in the afternoon. Relax and indulge in the delicious three meals a day served up by whole foods chef Angie Cowan. Learn from her wisdom as she invites us into her kitchen for a cooking class too! And remember who you are with some quality unscheduled space and time to just BE.

Space is limited and before this has even arrived in your inbox this morning four spots have already been spoken for! If you're keen to join I encourage you to act quickly!

The other reason to snap up a deal this week is that I'm offering spaces at EOFY prices until Friday! On the 1st of July they'll go up so it's a great opportunity to save for early birds!

Single and shared accommodation options are available, as are payment plans if starting with a deposit is more accessible for you.

DM me to save your spot discounted space today!


Hello loves 💝
If you’re sick of feeling anxious, depressed or stuck, Somatic Psychotherapy can help you shift your state with ease.
It works on individual and interpersonal issues using a trauma-informed and inclusive approach that welcomes all with compassionate curiosity.
Experience Embodied Integration through a 5, 10, or 20 session package.
DM me to book 🙏🏻


LOCK IN YOUR EOFY SAVINGS on the Summer Serenity Retreat with me this December 1-3!

I'm so very grateful to have the opportunity to once again host what is always a wonderfully nourishing retreat at Heartspace in Yass.

If you've never been, it's a homestead set on acreage just 50 minutes drive from Canberra making it convenient and accessible for a local weekend away.

This time we'll be welcoming the transition from spring to summer with expansive explorations and nervous system nourishing practices to prepare you to take on the silly season and school holiday chaos with serenity and grace.

Arrival is from 4pm on Friday 1 December and departure is by 2pm on Sunday December 3.

On Friday evening we'll begin with a welcoming yoga practice followed by being treated to an amazingly delicious and nourishing dinner from vegan and gluten free chef Angie Cowan.

Saturday will be morning and afternoon yoga and guided meditation practices (at your leisure!), three more nutritious, healing meals (that you don’t have to lift a finger for!), and and plenty of free time to rest, relax or sneak in an afternoon nap!

On Sunday after a restful sleep we’ll enjoy our final practice, followed by a cooking class so you can learn how to make all the tasty meals you’ve enjoyed once you head off for home at 2pm.

Until *FRIDAY* single rooms with shared bath are available for $1150 and shared rooms with shared bath are $695.

If this sounds like your perfect start to summer you can secure your space via DM!


Hi Friends, I wrote a piece for Live Well's Pregnancy Health Focus Months. Wherever you are in your fertility, conception, loss or choice about children journey there are concepts here that might resonate.

Grieving is a complex process that's not given the space, respect and understanding it really needs in our modern, fast moving lives. Sending you loads of love and compassion if you're working with it right now.

If you're in need of support, please come and see me. I'd love to work with you. 💖

New blog from our Somatic Psychotherapist- Ramone Bisset, on Navigating Grief with Somatic Psychotherapy in Pregnancy Loss and Infertility Journey.


So yogi squats have been off the sequence for me for 9 months now (post acl reconstruction). This week I discovered that they’re back! I’m lacking quite a bit of strength at the end range of motion but happy to even have the rom! Bodies are amazing, science is amazing, medicine is amazing. It’s a grateful 👍🏻 from me! 🙏🏻

Top 10 books about connecting with nature 31/05/2023

Inspiration for your re-wilding 🌳

Top 10 books about connecting with nature Science, memoir, fiction and poetry all point us towards the urgent truth that humans and nature are part of each other – and under threat


We made it to ge final@day of ! Yay!
Have you heard of intermittent reinforcement? It’s when you get occasional doses of positive feedback in between a bunch of other 💩 stuff.
What it does is set your nervous system and psyche up to become dependent on and desperate for the hits of good.
It tricks you into the chase and trains you adapt your behaviour to try and get a hit because it feels so good in comparison to all the other bad stuff.

It’s the same dynamic at play in many addictive activities including gambling and can be destructive if it takes over your life.
If you’ve ever been in an abusive relationship-whether it be romantic, familial, friendship or workplace-you’ll likely recognise this dynamic. Sometimes referred to as ‘breadcrumbing’, it can be crazy making if you’ve been manoeuvred into the chaser role and become all consuming to the detriment of other aspects of your life.
The way out is turning towards yourself and affirming your own truth and needs without the other. As you learn to plug the holes in your container of self it becomes easier to maintain your own cup and eventually fill it up.
It’s not to say that you don’t need people! You just don’t need people who want to use, manipulate or take advantage of you.
I’ve recognised that surfing has this intermittent reinforcement impact on me! No matter how many times I get schooled my mother ocean, the buzz of getting a good wave keeps me coming back!
Thanks for joining me for the ride this month! It’s been great to get back into a daily habit of sharing with you! In June I start my tour de cold places with trips to Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra coming up!
In between if you need me, you’ll find me out the back stoking my addiction and chasing that elusive dopamine hit! 😂🌊🤙🏼🏄🏼‍♀️


can you feel the vibrations?!
There are so many wonderful eats we can use vibrational medicine to moderate our nervous system state!
From easing into sound healing with chimes, gongs and bowls to rocking out some energetic dance moves to your favourite tunes, music has powerful healing potential 🎶
Singing, chanting and even humming or buzzing (like in Bhramari pranayama 🐝) are all wonderful ways to tone your nervous system too.
Even just listening to binaural beats 🎧 can help change the wave pattern in your brain 🧠 and evolve your state.
Physiologically, these practices all tap into the Vagus nerve, the master nerve governing our up and down regulation ⬆️⬇️
So if you’re feeling ick and are looking for a shift, why not tap in to one of these powerful methods for changing the vibe!
What’s your favourite?! 🎶🎧🕺🏻🎹🎤🧘🏼‍♀️🕉


psa: Let’s talk about Ableism bias.
What is it? It’s the internalised and unconscious belief that your ‘ability’ -whether mental, physical or emotional- is inherently connected to your (or someone else’s) value/goodness/success.
It’s one way internalised oppression shows up and robs us of our right to rest, our intrinsic amazingness, the freedom to fail and forces us to be judgemental of ourselves and others when we haven’t ‘got this’. It’s at the heart of mental and other health stigma and shame and a key thought process both contributing to and standing in the way of healing from burnout.
It’s invisible to most - unless you’ve had a lived experience of what society labels ‘disability’. The world is constructed with the median ‘norm’ in mind. The world is also constructed by those with the most power, so in the west over the last few centuries this has traditionally been men.
When you fit neatly within the norm, life tends to progress with ease. Your body, mind, relationships and life proceed with little resistance and when challenges arise, you have the mental, physical, financial or community resources available to manage, cope with, endure or overcome them.
Because of this privilege, it’s tricky to truly empathise with someone who wasn’t born with it or isn’t able to access the same capacity as you - you become blind to the plight of others who don’t have it as easy as you, don’t cope or adapt the way you do or don’t apply themselves in the way you do.
It’s these blind spots that lead people to be dismissive of people who don’t respond to circumstances in the same way. Often because their different abilities might be invisible (e.g. neurodiversity, mental health, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, visual and hearing impairments, genetic conditions, brain injuries and so, so many more) it can lead to assumptions that you are both ‘the same’ and therefore they ‘should’ be able to act the same way you were able to (or you hypothetically imagine you would) in similar circumstances.
‘Should’s’ are a great clue 🕵️‍♀️ you’ve got some bias goin’ on. They indicate you’re applying YOUR value lens to someone else.

Videos (show all)

Yoga and Whale Swim Retreat in Tonga is coming up September 1-8 2023! Just a couple of spots left! DM to join me!
Down Dawg


