

EdenHaiti is happy to express its appreciation to all of you you took time to LIKE, COMENT and most


We've been working religiously to bring EdenHaiti not only to the level it wap before the hurricane but indtead higher up.
Et appréciate very much all your likes, your suggestions and miss of all your prayers. We hope soon to offer something worthy .
As we enter the passover season we pray do that you remember the sacrifice of the holly lamb for us all.
God bless you.


It's been a one time. I just want to thank you all who like ElepHants web page. The hurricane did big damages. Lost of trees lost. I never took time to post articles. I am sorry. But there is not a single day spent without thinking of you and working to restore it and making it nicer. Pray for Eden. God bless you.



Sa fe sans.

Mwen renmen fanm sa anpil


This is what the kids from Nid d'oiseau, a kindergarten in les Cayes, wrote before leaving EdenHaiti today: A simple thank you from thre bottom of the heart. Kindergarte Nid d'Oiseau ( Bird Nest Kindergarten). I was surprised to see how smart those kids are.

Voici ce que les enfants de Nid d'Oiseau, un Kindergarten situé aux Cayes, écrivaient avant de laisser EdenHaiti:


Hier, EdenHaiti était super. C'était le lieu de célébration de l'amour. Les photos en parlent. Merci Seigneur pour ce don.

Yesterday, EdenHaiti was super. It was the place of love celebration. The pictures tell it.


60 six graders plus from Les Frères du Sacré-Coeur des Cayes spent the day in EdenHaïti. What a blessing to see them, to hear them and to coach them. Promises were made by them in regards to three planting and of course protecting them. I can see something positive in their eyes and I am having hope for a change in my country. Thank you God!


urgent need of a lawnmower.


Eden really is in need of a lawnmower now.


Today EdenHaiti welcome 4 visitors from Germany. They really enjoyed their time and they could not help calling this place :"a Paradize". They are not the first persons to call it like that. I give thanks to God for this dream. If you never made it a must in your list you probably made a mistake. Come and enjoy the uniqueness of Eden. I will be happy to welcome you.


Can you picture a team from The Botanical garden of les Cayes choosing EdenHaiti to spend quality time to reflect of their project? That's what is happening. Together we head in the same direction.


From 10:00 to after two today some pastors came to EdenHaïti to get think about the Pastors' league in Tobeck. I thank Pastor David Leblanc and his wife for their teaching. It was really a blessed time.


wonderful time yesterday in EdenHaiti with 87 people from Church of Glory located in Tiverny. I haven't seen most of them for 8n years. They really enjoyed seeing me again.


EdenHaïti had the privilege to welcome Nathan Jules from Dover NJ, a young Haitian born in the States who happens to be in his first visit to the country. He had his first coconut and he likes it. He told me that he did not expect to see this Haïti. Already he dreams to come back with every one in his family. Great!


Testerday my friend Watsen Anoza brought another crew to EdenHaiti to shoot his show: Vil la bèl (The city is beautiful). He hopes to make a big impact on his many fans encouraging them to keep their environment clean and welcoming. Watch Vil la bèl on TMS and be one of the many who are engaging themselves in beauty process of our environment. Be one! Be a citizen, a true one.


In EdenHaïti you never feel alone. So many neat things around you. This is my favorit place beside church.


Ce dimanche dernier du mois d'Aout 2015 Eden a ete heureux d'accueillir le groupe Solidarite entre couples pour une 3e fois. Quelle belle initiative. Par ces temps difficiles pour la vie entre couple chretiennement constitue je ne peux qu'encourager ce groupe a tenir ferme.


The sun does not stop the guys in training to learn how to trim the plants. They are very excited. I love it.
Le soleil n'a pas eu l'efft de contrainte sur les jeunes stagiaires ayant 'opportunite d'apprendre a emonder artistiquement les plantes Ils sont tres contents. J'aime ca.
Your students can have the same opportunity. You just have to contact EdenHaiti.
Vos etudiants peuvent profiter de cette meme opportunite. Contactez EdenHaiti tout simplement.


Training our young people for the best of our country. I dream of a country where the word paradise is at home..


I cannot remember a day in a relatively long time since nobody shows up for a visit in EdenHaiti. This name is viral. Thank you all for your calls, your visit, your likes and your coments. EdenHaiti is there for you.


Today again EdenHaiti welcomes two different groups. In the morning nearly 100 little kids and monitors came and had a wonderful time. In the afternoon about 70 teenagers came from Tiverny where they are camping. I had the opportunity to share my life with them and tell them about my passion for this ministry and also my desire to see them taken over with a new mind set. I believe the new generation will have to change things with God.


The team of students from AUC in training in EdenHaiti is doing a great job. Eden is happy to give them that opportunity.


These past few days EdenHaiti has been blessed with hundreds of people who came for many reasons. Some of them came just to rest. Others just came to see by themselves and some made EdenHaiti their home for several days. A BIG THANK YOU is what EdenHaiti is saying to you all who made the effort to come. God bless you!


EdenHaiti is happy to let you all know that a team of 6 students from the American University of the caribean are spending a month in training. They excited to learn some of our techniques in landscaping and to be able to name as many plants as possible.


Today a bus from Port-au-Prince brought 40 some people to EdenHaiti. They stayed there for a couple hours. You could read the word satisfaction on every face. What have you been up to?


ou pa konnen EdenHaiti. Ou rete Haiti. Ou menm ap viv nan Sud peyi a. Enben , wa mande etranje yo ki kote li ye! EdenHaiti se nan peyi a li ye. Sa wap tann. Fe nimewo saa pou konnen plis: 3711 1640. Se sa wi.


Eden is blessed with a team from aboard. They came to bless us in Granbouchi. Thanks God!


we had lots of rain last night. Thank you God! We have been dealing with dust for a long period of time. God blessed us big.


ce weekend on attend plein de monde a EdenHaiti pour deux ceremonies de marriage et une visite d'un groupe d'enfants. J'ai chaud au Coeur. Merci Dieu !


Untitled Album


From friday this week to this coming sunday you are going to be wisely spoiled in EdenHaiti. Do not let anything stop you from paying a visit. We anticipate to welcome you and tour family and friends.


Yon ti kout pye nan Eden ak fanmi w nan week-end pak la ta bon anpil. Sa w we? Ou dwe fanmi w sa. Éden ap tann ou. Rele nan nimewo sa à: 3711 1640.pa tann. Merci!


Prety soon we will be celebrating Christmas. What a season for every one in the world. We feel that sometbing special is moving in us. It is the time to reflect on this precious gift to the world:Jésus a king, the so' of God coming as a Saviour for the sinners that you and I are.
EdenHaiti wants to wish you a merry Christmas. Light the world with your love. God bless you.


The sky over EdenHaiti is gray. But you know above it it is blue. It make me feel good. My hope is set.


On October 16 this year up to the 18 th a retreat for the worship team of Grace Community Church of Granbouchi will be held. Three busy days! Pray for us as we are focusing on worshipping the Must High with all our heart. Let it be in Eden!

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Singing, singing for the Lord. Give Him praise.




Rue Eden
Granbouchi/ Torbeck

Opening Hours

09:00 - 17:00