Cure Anxiety Info

Cure Anxiety Info

LIKE this page to join the community. At we give you the information on the methods you can use to manage your anxiety recognises that there is not a one-fits-all treatment when dealing with anxiety and we give information on a variety of methods that you can try.


So my efforts to be social and redesign the page stressed me out so much that I have not been here on Facebook for 5/6 weeks at all not even as a viewer. However feel up to getting back on track with page and will post info again soon.


Happy New Year to Everyone I hope 2016 is one of Positive Thinking and one Where all our Challenges are met.

What Helps Anxiety Today 14/12/2015

Read this to remind me not to go round in circles.

What Helps Anxiety Today What helps Anxiety Go Away There is no doubt that an anxiety attack must trigger even more anxiety and inflame the intense feeling of being anxious, so just what helps anxiety and removes this spiral. Of course what helps anxiety attacks is not the same as what helps anxiety, we must first remove th…

Timeline photos 11/12/2015


Timeline photos 11/12/2015

One More

Timeline photos 11/12/2015

So redesign is time consuming and all very not what I do. So i need some funnies to cheer up. This is what design is all about


My friend Adam is going to help me update this page to make it more lively and visually appealing. Now as this has been very much a therapy to help my social anxiety I am feeling really good that I am in fact looking forward to doing the updates with Adam so some time in the next week or so we will update.


More comments and posts please we are now getting a lot of likes and views after I have spent so much time joining in on Facebook and I know my comments are brief but I would love more on here.

Natural Remedies for Anxiety 08/11/2015

Cool Article well worth a read and a good site to visit for lots of info

Natural Remedies for Anxiety Natural Methods and Remedies for Anxiety More and more people are seeking natural remedies for anxiety as the scope of the potential side effects that accompany common drugs prescribed for anxiety, such as Prozac or Xanax. Sure enough, the benefits of not having to live with eternal restlessness…

Learn to Recognize the Symptoms of an Anxiety Attack 13/10/2015

Learn to Recognize the Symptoms of an Anxiety Attack Symptoms of an Anxiety Attack – What are They? Few of us understand the symptoms of an anxiety attack and most of us know very little about anxiety attacks and indeed lots of people aren’t persuaded they exist till they have one. It can be challenging therefore to understand exactly what causes an…

Timeline photos 19/09/2015

So very true

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety 12/09/2015

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety What are Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety Homeopathic remedies for anxiety are not as abundant as some would suggest and as homeopathy is defined as “like cure like” I have real issues as to if they are the best possible natural remedies anxiety. Anxiety is not something which can be easily defined…


just back from a break in the sun so i hope to get some posts done soon. Been reading and liking lots of other pages so now time to contribute with some posts of my own Rebecca

How to Cure Anxiety 29/08/2015

How to Cure Anxiety Who Else Wants to Learn How To Cure Anxiety It is unfortunate that in today’s high pressure world, more and more people are asking how to cure anxiety. Those who have not experienced the symptoms of dreadful chest pains or shortness of breath or of hitting the brick wall of anxiety, do not underst…

Timeline photos 28/08/2015

As the page grows I hope more people will share with us, not always easy for me to post but i will try to keep updating with information, I do keep a site with info which of course you can visit.

Timeline photos 23/08/2015

Saw this and it rang a bell!

Timeline photos 23/08/2015

Nice thought!


I hope this can build to a place of information, of support and help, no judgements and certainly no assumptions, after all many have anxiety and feel a total lack of understanding and empathy from those around us. Here we will not judge nor feel the need to show off,.


bad day today, some silly and very inappropriate comments were made via my page here. I have with the assistance of a helpful person on here who does not wish to be named sorted this so back to what passes for normal.

Timeline photos 11/08/2015

Share if you Agree

Timeline photos 10/08/2015

How I feel sometimes - Break free

Timeline photos 09/08/2015

Nice Infographic always good to get attention and help boost awareness


Learn How to Overcome Social Anxiety

Learn How to Overcome Social Anxiety.

If we recognize that we need to overcome social anxiety and are in fact one of those millions of people who have some form of social anxiety then we are at the beginning of overcoming it once and for all.

The sad fact is many people do not realize they have some form of social anxiety, the fact that they do not attend social occasions is all down to one form of excuse or another. The excuses will be tangible and perhaps we even believe them or perhaps once upon a time it was in fact true, we just could not make it, now we repeat this excuse to avoid attendance without fully realizing that we are doing this. However if you have avoided countless social events then you probably need to learn how to overcome social anxiety no matter the situation.

Even if you do go to events you may still need to consider your position, if for example you do attend events but decide to hang back and avoid meeting new people or loiter in the kitchen all day then you probably have some need to overcome social anxiety.

Overcome Social Anxiety in easy Steps.

The worst thing we can do is decide to become the party animal overnight and decide that we will through ourselves into all the activities and all the public events. Overcome social anxiety step by step and it will last and not get worse.

The step by step approach may just mean we need to think about the next event and just attend, it may be that we do hold back a bit and only speak and mix with those we know, but it is a first step on how to overcome social anxiety.

Of course the next step may be that we do get a bit more involved and commit to meeting new people and taking part in some of the activities for the event. We must decide when we feel that we are ready to fully overcome social anxiety and embrace our new found confidence.

Overcome Social Anxiety Naturally.

There are a number of methods to overcome social anxiety which are not natural, taking some drugs for example is popular. Learning how to overcome social anxiety without drugs will be much more beneficial and will allow you to be natural and to fit in at the level you want to commit too. If you utilize drugs you may find the side effects and dependency is just not worth it in the long run.

Some look to more inventive natural cures and have tried to overcome social anxiety by hypnosis which may work for some and again it is something that you must decide for yourself.

Overcome Social Anxiety Summary

The step by step method will allow you to take control and set you own timescales and objectives which are always an important factor. By taking control of the plan you will not be tempted to find excuses or avoid taking forward steps.

Negative thinking is a massive barrier to learning how to overcome social anxiety and you must remove all negative thoughts from your mind. It is important that you go into the project knowing only that you will succeed and that you will overcome social anxiety and move forward with a fuller social life.

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The post Learn How to Overcome Social Anxiety appeared first on Overcoming Anxiety, how to overcome social anxiety, overcome social anxiety, overcome social anxiety hypnosis, overcome social anxiety step by step, overcome social anxiety without drugs July 23, 2015 at 05:05PM


Top 4 Natural Herbs for Anxiety

Natural Herbs for Anxiety

There are a variety of natural herbs available for anxiety and this is not something new, for many thousands of years civilizations have been using herbs for a great number of medicinal purposes including ailments such as being anxious sleepless or tense.

The herbs are often used for a variety of issues all of which are however linked to anxiety, stress, depression and insomnia. The multi functionality of the herbs mean that often we will find natural herbs for anxiety and depression or natural herbs for anxiety and stress with many assisting in better sleep as all of the issues associated with anxiety, stress, tension and depression result in a loss of sleep or troubled sleep.

Natural Herbs for Anxiety and Insomnia

One of the most well known herbs must be Chamomile, often found as a tea this has been helping reduce anxiety stress and tension for a number of years and is often associated with getting a good nights sleep. It is without doubt one of the very best natural herbs for anxiety and insomnia.

A natural remedy which has in fact been tested in studies and found to live up to its claim, as a star among those natural herbs for anxiety. Researchers at Penn State found it had significant improvement on GAD compared to the issued placebos.

Also widely used for sleep issues is Valerian, this herb allows the brain to calm and thus helps sleep occur naturally. Valerian is also one of the natural herbs for anxiety and stress as the unique substances it contains have a very relaxing effect. This herb is very good at reducing muscle tension and as it also calms the brain and body it will allow a better fuller natural sleep.

Natural herbs for Anxiety and Work

Often a big part of our anxiety, stress and depression can be about work related pressures and difficulties. If we want to ensure we are functioning properly at work and not under the influence of prescription drugs, then we need to look at natural herbs for anxiety.

Natural herbs for anxiety and stress will not only ensure that we are compliant with anti drug rules it will also ensure we are not drowsy or numbed in our thinking.

Work can also be depressing at times so we do want to ensure we are not taking anti depressant drugs which make us drowsy slow and impede our thought process.

A natural herbal remedy is of course St Johns Wort which has shown in a number of trails and studies that it is effective remedy for mild to moderate depression and as we stated this is without the difficult side effects often associated with anti depressant medication.

As we wish to ensure we are at our best whilst at work my final natural herbs for anxiety has to be Lemon Balm. I must confess to a dislike of lemon, however as it has been found to also raise alertness and mental agility I must include it here.

Lemon Balm in research studies has shown that it will reduce stress and promote feelings of calmness whilst making you more and alert and able to solve problems more quickly.

As it can be taken as a tea this will work well during work and is no doubt one of the great natural herbs for anxiety.

Summary of Best Natural herbs for Anxiety.

The four natural herbs for anxiety that I have discussed, Chamomile, St Johns Wort, Valerian and Lemon Balm can all be purchased online or from some supermarkets and health food stores.

These natural herbs for anxiety are not expensive and do not give side effects such as being drowsy during work hours.

Those natural herbs for anxiety which we have mentioned in the above information are all natural and all very safe, however if you are taking prescribed medication you should consult your practitioner as some can act as stimulants to prescription drugs such as Valerian.

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The post Top 4 Natural Herbs for Anxiety appeared first on Natural Anxiety Remedies, herbs for anxiety, natural herbs for anxiety, natural herbs for anxiety and depression, natural herbs for anxiety and insomnia, natural herbs for anxiety and stress June 23, 2015 at 03:48PM


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