Inner Focus Health "Your New Way of Living"

Inner Focus Health "Your New Way of Living"

Rita Hiveley
Board Certified Holistic Health Coach and
Certified Life Coach

For more information email me at:[email protected]

Board Certified Holistic Health Coach and
Certified Life Coach
My focus is helping people find balance with the connection between what you eat and how your lifestyle influences nutritional choices. And support people in the transformation of their dreams! As a Dream Builder Life Coach! For information about a personalize health consultation please visit: or email me at
[email protected]



In 1956 Roger Williams published Biochemical Individuality, asserting that individuality permeates each part of the human body. This book explained how personal differences in anatomy, metabolism, composition of bodily fluids and cell structure influence your overall health.

Each person, Williams wrote, has genetically determined and highly individualistic nutrition requirements. This theory influenced some independent-thinking minds in the nutrition world but is still largely ignored by the mainstream.

We are too individualistic to eat the same exact food. Ever notice that men eat very differently than women? Children, teens and adults all have very different preferences. People who work in an office eat differently than those who do physical labor. People eat according to their age, whether they are 25, 55 or 85.

Our personal tastes and preferences, natural shapes and sizes, blood types, metabolic rates and genetic backgrounds influence what foods will and won’t nourish us. So, when the experts say, “tomatoes are good for you” or “red meat is unhealthy,” it’s too much of a generalization. One person’s food is another person’s poison and that’s why fad diets don’t work in the long run. They are not based on the reality that we all have different dietary needs, just like we all have different needs in the area of relationship, prayer and pretty much everything in life. Yes?

Oncology center opens cancer-fighting café 09/05/2017

Good news!

Oncology center opens cancer-fighting café A menu centered on organic, high-protein, and antioxidant-rich foods caters to the needs—and tastes—of patients

The Cancer Killing Ratio...How 100:1 of Vitamin C and K3 Is Changing The Way We Fight Cancer! - CHIPSA Hospital: Gerson Therapy Center Cancer Treatment 11/12/2016

Interesting Info:

The Cancer Killing Ratio...How 100:1 of Vitamin C and K3 Is Changing The Way We Fight Cancer! - CHIPSA Hospital: Gerson Therapy Center Cancer Treatment Cancer is defined by cell cycle deregulation and uncontrolled growth. It is the second leading cause of death in the world. In the United States alone there were 1,658,370 new cancer cases diagnosed and 589,430 cancer deaths and an estimated 750,000 deaths in Europe. We are fighting a losing battle.... 28/02/2016

Keep your day Healthy and Happy. Add these foods to your daily routine. Enjoy.

If This Doesn’t Convince You To Put Down Your Phone, Then Nothing Will 19/02/2016

It is important to have a screen free detox days. click on the link and listen. Happy Healthy connecting!

If This Doesn’t Convince You To Put Down Your Phone, Then Nothing Will Share with your friends...

Popular but Dangerous: The truth about Emergen-C Packets - Living Traditionally 26/01/2016

Important info for you. I know this is sad for some people. Sharing

Popular but Dangerous: The truth about Emergen-C Packets - Living Traditionally Is The Immune Boosting Elixir Making You Sicker With It’s Synthetic Vitamins?! Emergen-C® is vitamin C-based fizzy powdered drink mix that suggests it provides people with energy boost, elevated immunity response, and the benefit of overall health. First things first.. The manufacturers website admi…



If we teach meditation, we create the beginnings of peace.


Chocolate Peanut Butter No-Bake Protein Bars (Vegan + Gluten-Free)


3 cups gluten-free rolled oats, blended into a flour
1 cup protein powder (I used a mild vanilla pea protein)
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 cup peanut butter (or use any nut butter of your choice)
1 cup maple syrup (or use honey if you’d like)
1/3 cup dairy-free chocolate chips or raw cacao nibs


Stir together oat flour, protein powder, sea salt and cinnamon.
Add in peanut butter and maple syrup, stirring well to combine. Mixture will be rather thick and dry. Add in a splash of almond milk if necessary.
Stir in chocolate chips or raw cacao nibs, distributing evenly.
Press the mixture into a wax paper-lined 9x13 pan, using a rolling pin on top to smooth if necessary.
Place in freezer for about 10 minutes for bars to harden up. Remove and cut into 20 bars.
To store: Wrap each bar individually in plastic wrap and store in the freezer in a container or air-tight bag.


7 Tests That Could Help You Live To Be 100 Is living until you're a healthy 150 years old on the verge of becoming the new norm? Will 200 be the new 70? We live at a time when the concept of living a very long time and even immortality is not


Worse Than Ci******es, Yet Most Parents Give This to Their Kids Daily One in five American deaths is now associated with obesity -- a shocking truth that may even overtake hunger as the top global health concern.


“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Gandhi


31 Simple Ways To Soothe Your Stress
Here we go:

1. Skip TV for 20 minutes tonight and read a book instead. Sitting on the couch watching TV does not make you happy.

2. Play an instrument. No instruments to be found? No worries! Have fun with a new playlist. Go to Pandora or Stereo mood and find some new music.

3. Turn your cell phone to silent for a full day.

4. Send a thank you note or email to three people who have helped you or influenced you in a positive way.

5. Teach someone something you are good at today for free.

6. Play a game with your kids (or other kids) called meditation.

7. Right now: Sit up really tall, and relax your shoulders.

8. Stand outside barefoot on grass and watch the sunrise.This works wonders for your circadian clock, energy and stress.

9. Write your eulogy. Seriously. What would it say? As Arianna Huffington said, "Are you living your eulogy or your resume?"

10. Cook a meal made entirely with vegetables and with no sugar, or processed additives.

11. Skip some or all of your personal care products today. Ladies: see how good it feels without all that makeup or perfume. Gentlemen: skip the hair gel, cologne.

12. Practice silence for an hour.

13. Introduce two of your friends who don't know each other.

14. When you feel a stressful situation today, embrace it. Researchers discovered that embracing stress can actually reduce it!

15. Stop in your tracks at exactly 3pm today. Stop, look around and smell, and touch the surroundings. Then move on to the rest of your day.

16. Visualize your best possible self.

17. Do one thing today to move closer to hormone balance: try one of the tools listed here.

18. Practice gratitude. What are you thankful for right now? Make a list. Keep it in your desk or bag.

19. Go to bed 20 minutes earlier tonight. Bonus: go to bed 20 minutes earlier every day for a week.

20. Try some mindful movement today. (Yoga anyone?) Need some guidance?

21. Avoid dairy, wheat, soy and eggs for a day. If you feel better, extend for a few days. Then add it back one at a time.

22. Swap breakfast for dinner or vice versa. Sit down and concentrate only on eating. No TV, no computer.

23. Start an early morning routine. It doesn't have to be 5 am but give yourself about 90 minutes before the morning craziness. Do these 3 things:

Practice gratitude
Write or Read

24. Spend some time outdoors in nature today.

25. Hug it out! Try 10 seconds of hugging a child, pet, spouse, or friend.

26. Take high doses of omega-3 daily for 1 week. For vegans, algae omega 3 is a good substitute for fish oil.

27. Instead of exercise, walk 10,000 steps today.

28. Take a group class today or join a group at Groupon and Living Social have great ideas for this.

29. Play with a dog today.

30. Eat fruit as your only sugar source for one full day.

31. Think back to childhood about what you wanted to be when you grew up. Try to make some part of it happen today. For example, if you wanted to be an Olympic sprinter, go to the track today and work on some running drills.


How Turmeric Enhances Your Outer Beauty*

Speaking of antioxidant nutrients and their potential to impact the aging process, some of the first aging signs you may see as you get older are changes to your skin.

Turmeric has Anti-Aging formula
Believe it or not, the organic ingredients found in turmeric can help promote your healthy skin.*

How, you ask?

Curcuminoids support important blood and liver functions, healthy joints, and your overall well-being,* which in turn helps promote radiant, supple skin.*

Turmeric has been considered to be ‘skin food' for thousands of years in India and other cultures.*

Turmeric helps:

Cleanse your skin and maintain its elasticity*
Provide nourishment to your skin*
Balance the effects of skin flora*

So, turmeric can act as your one-two punch against normal aging with its skin promotion and antioxidant capabilities -- outer beauty plus inner purity.*


The 10 Health Benefits of Eating Turmeric

Turmeric, also known as curcuma longa, is a very common herb and reffered as "Queen of Spices" which people use it for their cooking. wide range of antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also loaded with many healthy nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. Here are the top 10 health benefits of eating turmeric.

1. Cancer Prevention

prevent prostate cancer, stop the growth of existing prostate cancer and even destroy cancer cells. Multiple researchers have found that the active components in turmeric makes it one of the best protectors against radiation-induced tumors. It also has a preventive effect against tumor cells such as T-cell leukemia, colon carcinomas and breast carcinomas.

2. Arthritis Reliever

anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric are great for treating both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, turmeric’s antioxidant property destroys free radicals in the body that damage body cells. It has been found that those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who consume turmeric on a regular basis experience much relief from the moderate to mild joint pains as well as joint inflammation.

3. Diabetes Control

Used in the treatment of diabetes by helping to moderate insulin levels.also improves glucose control and increases the effect of medications used to treat diabetes. Another significant benefit is turmeric’s effectiveness in helping reduce insulin resistance, which may prevent the onset of Type-2 diabetes.

4. Heals Wounds

Natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent and can be used as an effective disinfectant. If you have a cut or burn, you can sprinkle turmeric powder on the affected area to speed up the healing process. Helps repair damaged skin and may be used to treat psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.

5. Alzheimer's Disease Prevention

Supports overall brain health by aiding in the removal of plaque build-up in the brain and improving the flow of oxygen. This can also prevent or slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Improves Digestion

turmeric is helpful in treating most forms of inflammatory bowel disease including ulcerative colitis. However it is important to bear in mind that people suffering from any kind of gallbladder disease should not take turmeric as a dietary supplement as it may worsen the condition.

7. Natural Liver Detoxifier

Detoxifies the blood through the production of enzymes and turmeric increases production of these vital enzymes. These vital enzymes break down and reduce toxins in the body. Turmeric also is believed to invigorate and improve blood circulation.

8. Maintains Ideal Body Weight

A component present in turmeric helps increase the flow of bile, an important component in the breakdown of dietary fat. Those who wish to lose weight or treat obesity and other associated diseases can benefit from having one teaspoon of turmeric powder with every meal.

9. Reduces Cholesterol Level

Acts as a food seasoning can reduce serum cholesterol levels. It is a known fact that high cholesterol can lead to other serious health problems. Maintaining a proper cholesterol level can prevent many cardiovascular diseases.

10. Boosts Immune System

Contains a substance known as lipopolysaccharide, which helps stimulate the body’s immune system. Its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents also help strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system lessens the chance of suffering from colds, flu and coughs.


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