Selah Wellness

Selah Wellness

Selah Wellness delivers sound health advice, disease prevention tips, and dietary guidelines from a s

Photos from Selah Wellness's post 26/07/2020

Hello Friends!

Well, I’ve been pondering and praying about how I can utilize my nursing degree to help others during this unprecedented time. What I that people are lonely, hurting, overwhelmed, discouraged and feeling like this is never going to end. What I also that I don’t like being idle when I could possibly help.

Introducing “Selah Wellness” Home Visits
-Purdue University RN with 30 years experience
-Homeschool mom of 20 plus years (shout out to you new homeschool mamas......I can help!)
-Post Partum Doula
-Food and Nutrition Health Coach
-Compassionate Caregiver

Visit options include
but not limited to:

New Mother/Baby visits
Post-partum Depression visits
Sleep Training visits
“Overwhelmed” mom visits
Breastfeeding help visits
Organizing for the new or exhausted mama visits
Meal prep support/planning visits
Post-surgical visits
Weekly Medication set up visits
Companionship visits
Light housekeeping visits

Donations only. Just message me and I will schedule you and your loved one on my calendar. Please feel free to share!

Fishers and Noblesville area only (right now)

***All Covid Precautions will be taken as far as masking, hand washing etc. I can also do porch visits too as needed.

Photos from Selah Wellness's post 23/01/2018

Self love
Today my yoga was here......with this view. Downtown Chicago. Somehow we got upgraded to this amazing Trump Tower suite. Everything is very posh and every detail taken care of.....from warm ginger-scented wash cloths upon check in, to plush robes, to TV's in the mirrors and even gold sparkly water. So it got me to thinking.......could I live this way forever? Naaaa, probably not, but I am certainly enjoying two lavish days of this. Someone is taking care of every little tiny moment for this busy mama and I am thoroughly enjoying it.

And this is not my usual life. But it makes me ponder the question; how do we take care of ourselves? Do we truly love ourselves well? What does that look like for you? Sometimes for me, it is simply sitting on my front porch during a spring thunderstorm with hot tea. Other times it could be relaxing by the pool with a book. I love to cook, and my favorite thing to make is soup. So sometimes, just the chopping of veggies, the monotony of slicing carrots, and dicing potatoes brings such calm and peace to my hectic days.

Right now I am sitting in a donut shoppe on Michigan Avenue with my green tea and watching people scurry about. I love watching the shoppers, the business men, the hurry......while I sit bundled up in my favorite cozy scarf and drink my tea. A snowflake just landed on the windowsill and I saw the intricacy of its perfection. For me, this snowflake is a glimpse of God. My friends, these habits of being in the moment, of noticing life......even this one snowflake, can be self-love of the sweetest type.

Yesterday I played "This is Me" from the Greatest Showman, ad nauseum to Steve......over and over. Although self-love for me, not so much for him. Poor guy. Then I turned on Hamilton since we are seeing that tomorrow, and you know......we should sorta know the songs right?

Whatever your mode of self love, live within that today. Find a moment or two. Breathe deeply and notice. Slow down. Reflect. Savor.....even the cold.


Checking in and oh so sorry for the delay! My internet has been lagging a bit and every time I try to get here, the wheel just spins and spins! Today I decided to wait it out!

How's everyone doing on their True yoga journey? I have missed a day so I'm a little behind, but really enjoying taking this time and space for myself. Now......if I could just walk outside, all would be well!

Check in or send me a message and let me know how your New Year has started. Are you drinking more water? Are you committing to eating more power greens and protein? I have been trying but.....with snow days and 2 hour delays here it has been still a little chaotic.

Here was my yoga companion today. She makes my yoga time sweeter for sure. Today she was snoring!

TRUE - Day 3 - STRETCH | Yoga With Adriene 04/01/2018

True yoga day 3! If you haven't signed up yet I would guess it's not too late. Today's practice is a stretch.......looking forward to that!

Enjoy! And for my Indy peeps, stay warm.

TRUE - Day 3 - STRETCH | Yoga With Adriene When we are younger most are blessed with delightful natural mobility! We fall with grace and pick ourselves up with ease. As we get a bit older things can g...

TRUE - Day 1 - MOTIVE | Yoga With Adriene 02/01/2018

This is the day our yoga challenge begins. I am so excited. My husband is joining me for our journey. I know that flexibility and longevity are related so I couldn't be happier that Steve is along for the ride this month.

Last night I was thinking of ways I could prep my day to make my goals easier to meet. One of my goals is to ADD things to my life instead of focusing on what I can't or shouldn't have. I want to have 1 smoothie a day, filled with greens, and fruit. So last night, I cut up and froze in individual baggies......1 banana, 1 C baby kale, 1.5 C blueberries/mango. Today I will empty it into my blend-tec, add coconut milk and press start.

Another goal is to eat 1 protein salad a day. (Remember......I'm adding to my life instead of taking things away). This mindset is life-changing. When I say "protein salad".......what do I mean exactly? Well, it is just like it sounds. Greens of some sort plus veggies you choose for color and then an added protein source. My favorites are grilled chicken, or tuna. But you could add fish, shrimp, ground beef or steak. Really anything that combines proteins with healthy greens.

I'm learning about a method of eating and health called "Eating the rainbow" and I am so excited to delve into it this year with you all. It teaches us how to utilize fruits and veggies for complete physical and emotional health. I have ordered the book so once I understand it I will pass the info along.

Here is Yoga True Day 1. Tomorrow's practice is 36 minutes so make sure to block out enough time. Enjoy and comment below

TRUE - Day 1 - MOTIVE | Yoga With Adriene Take a deep breath in. We are doing this. We begin by setting the tone with a gentle and foundational practice. It’s 24 minutes of solid set up for you to di...


Happy New Year! 2018 is going to be great! I am so looking forward to new beginnings.

"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Is 43:19

I love this verse. It is full of joy and anticipation of what is yet to come. I believe this should be our posture heading into a new year......a new thing. Whether it refers to your relationship, your job, your finances or your health, God is doing a new thing. Spend some time today......alone. Ask God what new thing He wants to do in you? Make a list, listen to His still small voice.

For me. Intentional. I want to be intentional in my relationships. I want to spend more time looking into peoples' eyes and less time looking at my screen. I want to hear and feel the words I read to Mia......not just read to check it off my to-do list. I want to PRAY with my kids before bed. I want to read more, especially the Bible. So it sticks. I want to realize and fully acknowledge the gift of growing older. I want to laugh until I cry. I want to live bravely and courageously, not fearfully. I want to learn new skills, try new recipes, and see new places. I want to walk into the broken world, and feel the pain others feel. And then I want to compassionately love people and be the hands and feet of Jesus on this earth, in Roatan, and in my neighborhood and IN MY HOME. I want to hear clearly the voice of God. I want to savor smells of flowers, oceans, fall days and sounds of laughter, birds singing and winds blowing and sights of my loved ones. I want to listen more and talk less. I want to be a good friend. I want to reconcile a painful relationship. I want to forgive quickly and be quick to ask both God and man to forgive me. I want to breathe deeply daily, and I want to sleep deeply at night. I want to TRUST God with my worries, my kids and with my health, knowing that He knows the number of my days. And he loves me best. He loves my kids more than I could ever love. I want to write my thoughts so that someday others can read and hear my heart. I want to make room in my life for the needy, the broken and the lost. At my table, in my home, on my calendar. I want to intentionally love. Every minute of every day. And I want to intentionally love who God made me to be. Every day.

Happy New Year. Spend time. Open up space for reflection and write it down. He is doing a new you not perceive it?



New Years Resolutions for the WIN instead of for the week.

We all do it......especially after 6 entire weeks of indulging in this favorite, timeless, tradition food......whatever it may be. For me it is cheese fondue, those peanut butter cookies with a Hershey kiss, toffee, Spaghetti Factory, and Chex snack mix. So we eat another "traditional" food and promise ourselves that everything will change come Monday.

And then we fail miserably. We have the best intentions, head to the grocery, lay out the gym clothes, but after a few days, life interrupts. We get a nasty cold (or our kids do), we have important conflicts with work schedules, and we miss a day of clean eating or that cycling class at the Y. And once we mess up just one time, the slippery slope begins.

I don't mean to be negative. It's just reality isn't it? So I want to offer us something much better. Let's do something that is sustainable. Let's be ok with treat days for special weekends in Chicago, or your child's birthday cake. But then let's, as a community, get right back to what we know is best for our bodies and health the very next meal. And let's do it together for accountability, those hard days, and when we are smooth sailing and have tips to share with everyone else on how to succeed.

Here is what Selah offers in 2018
1) Join us here for 30 days of Yoga with Adriene. Gentle, perfect for beginners or those who need to dust off their mat.
2) Let's hydrate with pure, clean water. Goal is 3-4 L (or you can customize your personal goal based on doubling your weight and drinking that number of ounces daily).
3) Those who are continuing their Whole30 lifestyle, kudos and keep it up!!
4) Those just joining us......add 1 protein salad a day. (Hold the blue cheese, feta cheese crumbles for now and try to use an olive oil dressing with lemon instead).
5) Let's do 1 smoothie a day. Add 1 banana, 2 C spinach or kale, 1.5 C fruit and 1C unsweetened coconut or almond milk, and ice if needed. I freeze my fruits so that works!
6) Let's go to bed 8 hours before we have our alarms set. I cannot tell you how getting a decent nights rest will help with your stress levels and stress eating.

I'm excited to coach you all this year to a healthier, more sustainable program that hits your goals in a gentle and realistic way:)))

Comment down below how your resolution looks and what you will be doing!!!

Yoga For When You Are SICK - Yoga With Adriene 24/12/2017

Happy Christmas Eve to you all. I have been a bit under the weather so here is my yoga suggestion for when you are feeling a bit blah.

So so happy that Indy will be getting a white Christmas. Merry Christmas to you all and looking forward to 30 days of Yoga with you starting January 1!

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Is 9:6

Yoga For When You Are SICK - Yoga With Adriene We've been getting a lot of emails from people who are sick with winter colds and other ick! Here's a gentle restorative yoga practice for when you are sick....


As the year approaches its end, it can only mean one thing, a time for reflection…


The rumors are true.

It's in the can.

It’s free, it’s unique, and everyone is invited!

I am so very happy to announce…

TRUE: 30 Day Yoga Journey

An uncovering, a reveal, a restoration.

A transformation, a blossoming, a forgiveness.

A commitment, a celebration, a union.

A practice, a wave catching party.


You in?

SIGN UP and get all the details!

Total Body Yoga - Deep Stretch | Yoga With Adriene 17/12/2017

Yoga is a practice, a discipline and a long-term journey. When I began doing yoga, I was very thankful for a home practice that involved me and my mat, hidden in my closet. I am 100% sure I looked like a beginner and those times my balance was off and I would fall right over. (From my knees??) I am so thankful I didn't give up.

With practice, I became stronger, my posture improved, my technique looked better, my poses became enjoyable, and the more yoga I did, the more I wanted to do. It builds on itself. Now there really isn't a day that goes by that I don't somehow draw on yoga. A few deep breaths when I'm frustrated, poses before I get out of bed, a forward fold to stretch out my back if I have been sitting too long, and more.

Starting January First......Adriene will be doing a free 30 day yoga Journey. I hope you will all follow along. I am definitely starting out my year with it.

Here's another great practice. Enjoy your Sunday!

Total Body Yoga - Deep Stretch | Yoga With Adriene Total Body Yoga is a deep stretch practice for the legs, back and hips. This session invites you on the mat to go deeper. This 45 min yoga practice is great ...

Yoga Morning Fresh | Yoga With Adriene 14/12/2017

Good morning. Did a great yoga practice this am to start my day strong! (And I'm gonna need to be strong since my to do list is longer than it's even possible to complete.)

Everyone have a fantastic day!

Yoga Morning Fresh | Yoga With Adriene Yoga Morning Fresh is the perfect way to start the day! This full yoga practice offers an opportunity for you to ease in, slowly building on breath and asana...

Morning Yoga - Energizing Morning Sequence 13/12/2017

Finding your yoga space

We are creatures of habit, aren't we? I see it all the time. We like the routine, the rhythm of having everything in its place. Including us, our bodies. We like to sit in the same seat at dinner, we sleep on the same side of the bed each night, we sit in a similar place each week at church, we sir in the same spot at small group meetings. We are creatures of habit.

As we create a yoga practice, we need to define what will be our yoga space. Even if we daily roll up our mat......we find that we like placing it the same spot every day. When I started doing yoga I was living beachside with the Caribbean ocean front and center. Whew! It's pretty difficult yet to match my Indiana practice to that. We have a large closet and I started there, but it is cold in the winter and I don't like feeling cold with yoga. I have settled into a routine of fireside yoga in my family room. It is mostly quiet here, especially early in the darkness of the morning. It is peaceful, and I believe it is "home" for me at least for now.

Where is your space? Create one......snap a picture and enjoy your yoga space today. Remember our challenge this week of enough water, a salad a day and a bowl of fruit. Often it's what we add that changes our health journey......not what we remove

Here's the practice I did just now.

Morning Yoga - Energizing Morning Sequence Practice this Energizing Morning Yoga Sequence to get the juices flowing! This yoga practice stretches and strengthens the muscles with a strong focus on bre...

Yoga For a Rainy Day - Yoga With Adriene 11/12/2017

Good morning! Is your Christmas preparation frantic or fantastic? Every year I do my best to stay in the "fantastic camp"......but I always endure a few days of frantic as well.

Yoga can help to keep you a bit more even as you walk through these hectic days. So can eating clean amidst all the holiday sugar. It's Monday so let's at least commit to starting this week on the fantastic note!!

Here are some hints. Meal plan. Last night I decided on dinners for the week. I may adjust things but I at least have a starting point.

I am committing to a couple great healthy habits this week if you want to join me.
1) Enough water!!!
2) Salad once a day (and not with blue cheese either). My favorite salads are loaded with different lettuces, veggies, protein and I like basil olive oil.
3) A bowl of fruit each day......God's sugar as I like to tell my kiddos.
4) Yoga each day (since this is a YOGA challenge, we should definitely do yoga)
5) Plenty of sleep.

Here are a couple great yoga videos to get you started this week. I requested to Adriene a couple years ago a "Rainy day yoga". And she did one! Yesterday my heart was a bit this is was so perfect for me.

Yoga For a Rainy Day - Yoga With Adriene This relaxing low to the ground practice is perfect for a rainy or wintery day! Warm your body and your heart by taking some quality stretchy feel good time ...


Snowstorms and yoga on the fly.......that is definitely how we rolled yesterday. My daughter and I drove home from Gulf Shores Alabama, and hit the snowstorm in Birmingham on the way. As a northern driver, it was not too bad but supposedly the entire county there shut down due to not having snow removal or chemicals for the roads.

We left at 6:30am local time and rolled into Fishers about 9pm. As I got into bed at 10pm exhausted, I was berating myself for not unpacking my mat on this yoga challenge and feeling like a failure already. But then I remembered all the times I practiced yoga yesterday.

Slow deep breathing as I awoke yesterday before climbing out of bed.

SEVERAL forward folds in bathrooms across Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky. A forward fold is one of my "go to" poses off the mat. If you ever feel stressed, just excuse yourself, go into a bathroom and forward fold. Take 4-5 slow deep breaths and enjoy the moment. It really does change your outlook.

I did slow neck rolls throughout the day as I was driving. And last night in bed, I was lying there in reclined pigeon slow deep breathing, reflecting on my day. So yesterday, there was no core, there was zero mat time, and yet I utilized yoga tools almost the entire day without consciously thinking about it. So I'm counting it. Because I guess I've been hitting the mat long enough to realize the benefit of isolated poses, the breath, and reversing blood flow.

It was a good realization for me. I will post my practice today......later! Woke up to a bit of snow, celebrating that gift. The picture below is Alabama snowfall.

Revolution - Day 4 - PRANA Practice - Yoga With Adriene 07/12/2017

The yoga I did today! Enjoy!

Revolution - Day 4 - PRANA Practice - Yoga With Adriene Your Day 4 yoga practice is an invitation right to the good stuff. Prana practice guides to you create a healthy flow of energy in the body. Cultivating heal...

Revolution - Day 3 - Honor Practice - Yoga With Adriene 06/12/2017

It's a rainy cool day here in Gulf Shores Alabama. It is day 4 of our Yoga Challenge. 30 days! If you are just joining this page, welcome! Start your yoga journey at any time!

Here is the yoga I just finished up. It is a wonderful rainy day yoga. As we approach day 5, I will layer this challenge with another......time to add on to daily yoga with some sort of exercise (your choice). Remember......goal is something that you will actually do. I'm thinking a brisk rainy day walk this afternoon with my daughter.

Today! Remember that vegetables build up your cells and body and fruits cleanse. Utilize them both. And drink plenty of water to get rid of toxins. Adding a lemon or cucumber or fruit to your water will help. Also, measure your water. I bought a camelback just for this purpose (1L) and my goal is to empty it at least 3+ times a day.

Let me know how you are doing. For my Whole30 peeps, have you REINTRODUCED? How do you feel?

Revolution - Day 3 - Honor Practice - Yoga With Adriene Your Day 3 yoga practice invites you to accept and honor who you are and where you are each time you hit the yoga mat. You are going to meet resistance, perh...


Here's what I did today! Enjoy! I can try to send you guys the link daily. For experienced yogis......this is pretty mild! I'm only about a year into my yoga journey:)

30 Days of Yoga – Day 4 30 Days of Yoga – Day 4 01/05 by Yoga With Adriene 101 Comments Day 4 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Stretch and strengthen your back with the power of the breath! Use this Day 4 practice to awaken the spine and meet your edge. Tone arms, legs, core and stay connected to subtle body movement with...


How to approach an exercise regime. Since we are doing a 30 day yoga challenge, let's talk about the benefits of yoga.
1) Improves flexibility
2) Builds strength
3) Increases muscle tone/definition
4) Improves balance
5) Supports joint health
6) Prevents back pain
7) Teaches better breathing
😎Fosters mental calmness
9) Reduces Stress
10)Increases self-confidence

I believe everyone should practice yoga even if you are a runner or swimmer or love Orange Theory Classes. Yoga helps our aging bodies maintain flexibility. This is hugely important for full body health.

So, how do you go about deciding what other type of exercise/cardio you should go for? My answer is "the one you will do". Even if a certain class at the Y seems to be the perfect fit, if you won't attend the class, then it doesn't really matter how great it was on paper right?

So the type of exercise you will actually do is the one you should choose. Spend some time mulling this over. Will you routinely ride a stationary bike, attend a cycling class, swim laps at the pool, do circuit cardio/weight training? For me, at the end of the day......walking is the only thing I know I can do forever.

So how do I incorporate the walking routine? Set a date with myself. I typically look at my calendar for the next day and decide on a time. Make a goal of 30-40 minute walks, increasing your walking pace over time.

Give me your favorite type of exercise and how you make it happen? I can't wait to hear about it:) also, how is yoga so far?


Yoga Challenge Day 1

Welcome. Found my mat, dusted it off, put it in the car and drove 14 hours yesterday with my daughter Mckenna for some Pharmacy interviews.

So I'm exhausted. Today's yoga for me is going to be kind and gentle. I'm doing Yoga with Adriene's bedtime yoga.

And then I'm going to bed. Thanks for joining me here. Please invite people who you know are interested in health and wellness to like my page!

I'm looking forward to a lot of busyness here. I picture recipe swaps, great prep cooking ideas, encouraging one another to take that walk, do that yoga, and get extra zzzzz's if needed. This is a kind, gentle approach, I promise.

Welcome! Enjoy:)


Hello beautiful peeps! We will start a yoga challenge on Sunday. I can't wait. Any yoga, any style, any time of day.......30 days, no excuses!

Who's gonna join? It promises to be fun.....there may even be videos of my silliness.

Like this page and share. Let's have some fun clean eating and yoga'ing. Stay tuned for an amazing Christmas giveaway.

Dust off your mat, find your mat, buy a mat, roll up a towel to pretend it's a mat. Whatever. Get ready to B-R-E-A-T-H-E!



