A Soul Opinion

A Soul Opinion

A souls exploration of the spiritual world

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 24/04/2024

🟥 Spiritual Meaning of Red 🟥 https://buff.ly/3J3dPcZ

Full of power and heavily connected with the animal kingdom, red is a dense and formidable colour.

Opposite to camouflage, red almost always stands out, regardless of the environment. The usage of red in nature, is often only reserved for plants and animals which either wish to attract, or ward off other entities.

Lustrous love, and aggressive assertion can be linked with red. This energy is very push and pull, on many levels.

Red is also used by humans, often of female inclination, to entice ‘their prey’. Think the red light district.

When in battle, or on the sports pitch, red is also known to be a sign of dominance and somewhat intimidation. The game of master / slave somewhat comes into the scene with red.

We humans are all red on the inside… This colour is the predominant colour, of the flesh, of the animal kingdom.

In this article we will cover:
- Attributes of Red
- Red (base) Chakra Colour
- The flow of Spiritual Energy
- The energy signature of red
- Humans & the animal kingdom
- What happens after red?
- Archangels & Spirit Guides associated to Red

Read the full article here https://buff.ly/3J3dPcZ


☯️ Attributes of Spiritual Energy – Yin & Yang ☯️ https://buff.ly/3IDxTm2

As energy is created, the poles are created, and spectrums within those poles are created. In essence, a frequency is born.

High creates low, hot creates cold, loud makes quite, and so on.

What one entity perceives to be high, might be low for another entity. Everything is relative to the individual.

This, therefore, means there is no right or wrong, instead, it simply means you are in a state of energy, and some people / things will resonate with you more than others, as simply put, you resonate with that frequency, at that current moment.

With this in mind, it’s worth exploring some of the core elements of the Yin and Yang.

What I get from this, is that there is a great breadth and scale to the different types of spiritual energy. From my point of view, there may not be a ‘correct’ way of being, instead, there are flavours of different states of energy.

We are made of this spiritual energy, and we are all different flavours of the cosmos.


💠 Characteristics Of Spiritual Energy 💠 https://buff.ly/4acgVa9

Similar to a magnet, there normally tends to be two poles to an energies state.

Whilst some may see this as binary (good/bad, up/down, light/dark), I would say energy in most instances is at X%, and has a trajectory towards X pole. Rarely is an energy at 100% or 0%.

Whilst the poles could be seen as up/down, left/right etc, the energy probably more realistically moves in spirals/vortexes and other sacred geometrical shapes.

Sacred geometry can cover many aspects, but assume for simplicity that I mean the shapes that we see naturally reoccurring in nature, from micro to macro. The veins in a leaf for instance look similar to rivers from above. The water follows the path of least resistance and that creates the shape accordingly.

When I imagine the chakras of the body, I see them more as vortexes of energy.

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 13/04/2024

💎 The Cause & Effect Of Spiritual Energy 💎 https://buff.ly/3v1wz9v

Similar to other theories of cause and effect, spiritual energy doesn’t vanish, it transitions from one state to the next.

Energy ripples and pushes around its environment. One piece of energy affects the next. It moves as one continuous multi-dimensional river.

Some areas of the river may be more stagnant than others, and other elements might be moving at an incredible pace.

Energies can be beneficial to other energies during certain periods of its state. So it could be that someone may benefit from a type of energy when its moving fast, or slow. There is no right or wrong.

Think of how the element of water can be used in a pressure washer to wash the car, and also be used to soak the dishes. It’s the same element being utilised in different ways, according to the requirements.

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 10/04/2024

⚡ Spiritual Energy Explained ⚡ https://buff.ly/49iRMu5

Spiritual energy is like any other type of energy.

We are all made up of physical energy of kinds, and that physical energy also interacts with spiritual energy.

Both are linked, and one changes, with the other.

Physics is the scientific exploration of the physical world, and has done a great job in mapping various theories together to help us progress our understanding of ‘the matter world’.

This blog post and others will hopefully link together to create ‘a map’ of my current thinking, of what spiritual energy is, its variants, and its various characteristics.

💠 Sections to check out 💠

1. The Cause & Effect Of Spiritual Energy https://buff.ly/3TBiRDy
2. Characteristics Of Spiritual Energy https://buff.ly/3TymwCc
3. Attributes Of Spiritual Energy – Yin & Yang https://buff.ly/3TAFBUe
4. The energy fabric of humans – Intro https://buff.ly/3Eb46iq
5. The energy fabric of humans – The Soul https://buff.ly/44sHhS1
6. The energy fabric of humans – The Mind https://buff.ly/3PfGXSn
7. The energy fabric of humans – The Body https://buff.ly/3PgIo2V
8. Spiritual Energy – Summary https://buff.ly/3TC5SBq

🔗 For the overview page see https://buff.ly/49iRMu5 🔗

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 06/04/2024

⭐ What does the ANKH symbolise? ⭐ https://buff.ly/3VhAQjx

When I read into this symbol, it means many things, but to put it simply, it symbolises pure energy from angels and entities of the higher realms.

It is a symbol we can carry around with us physically, or simply evoked by visualising it in our minds eye.

👍 In this article we will cover 👍
1️⃣ The Tree Of Life
2️⃣ The Key
3️⃣ The Angel
4️⃣ The ANKH symbol broken down

🔗 https://buff.ly/3VhAQjx 🔗

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 03/04/2024

🧡 Spiritual Meaning of Orange 🧡 https://buff.ly/48Td7tl

Powerful, cleansing and invigorating, orange inspires us to move mountains.

When I think of orange, I think of the word ‘GO’. Orange resonates with being out there, being bold, and confident with your stance and demeanor. Sometimes wild, sometimes courageous, but always impactful.

Situated between the wise yellow, and the raucous red, orange is a positive game changer. Whilst everyone will connect in their own way with different colours, orange for me is very connected with travel, exploration and socialising. Meeting new people ‘on the high seas’ comes to mind.

Often orange is designated with tides of change. Think both the morning and the evening can see a sunrise, or sunset, with orange playing a big part of this signature time of the day. Bold and pronounced, a sunrise wouldnt be the same without orange. The impact of orange is so strong, people literally stop what they do, of all backgrounds, to watch the sun rise or set.

Orange, also blends with yellows and reds, to provider other key turning points in nature, autumn being an example. The light colours given out during autumn are a bit like a fair well fire works display for the year. In various calendars often the new year starts around autumn time (Halloween).

When orange reaches into the lighter notes, it turns beachy in colour. This very much represents the sensuality, and softness of both the light red (pink) and light yellows (creams).

📙 In this article we will cover 📙

🔸 Complimentary Colour
🔸 Orange Chakra Colour
🔸 Archangels & Spirit Guides associated to Orange
🔸 Links with Halloween / All Saints’ Day / Spirituality
🔸 Are we in the era of Orange?
🔸 Imagery
🔸 Quote

🔗 https://buff.ly/48Td7tl 🔗

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 30/03/2024

⭐ Spiritual Meaning of Yellow ⭐ https://buff.ly/4agCKFH

Vibrant and full of vigour, yellow is the ‘light bulb’ of creativity and inspiration.

Some may think of yellow as a spark. Some may also see yellow as knowledge or study, as yellow is linked with action, or the explosion of ideas. Think of all the sparks going on in the brain, when all the neurons are connecting.

Yellow is often syangised with connection or communication of kinds, as is it through connection / communication where we make our biggest strides.

🌕 In this article we will cover 🌕

🌼 Attributes of Yellow
🌼 Complimentary Colour of Yellow
🌼 Yellow Chakra Colour
🌼 Archangels & Spirit Guides associated to Yellow
🌼 Yellow Quote

🔗 Full article can be seen here https://buff.ly/4agCKFH 🔗

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 27/03/2024

🟢 Spiritual Meaning of Green 🟢 https://buff.ly/3IA9UnK

Green is one of, if not the most affluent colour on planet earth.

Green is an indicator of growth, from a little plant, to a creative/financial endeavour.

Green is very closely linked with chlorophyll and all that links the greenery and living matter on earth. It reminds us of the continuous cycle of life, and the fact that there is a never ending pool of life.

Upper limits blend with blue, to create variations of teal which remind us of the link between the sea and the land.

Lower limits blends with the vibrancy of yellow (the sun for instance), to create light greens. This links with the feeling of new growth and new ideas / ventres.

📗 This article will cover 📗
1️⃣ Attributes of Green
2️⃣ Complimentary Colour of Green
3️⃣ Green Chakra Colour
4️⃣ Archangels & Spirit Guides associated to Green
5️⃣ Green and nature
6️⃣ Green Quote

🔗 View the full article here https://buff.ly/3IA9UnK 🔗

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 23/03/2024

💎 Spiritual Meaning of Blue 💎 https://buff.ly/4aeDawi

Blue, or Royal Blue, is linked with protection and apex figures of comfort, such as Archangel Michael and Mother Mary.

Along with Green, Blue is present almost anywhere we go, through the presents of the sky or the sea.

Above, below, in, or around, water is everywhere on planet earth. We are 60% water.

Whilst fluid in nature, blue is also solid, and a reminder of commitment and standing strong to your own beliefs.

📘 In this article we will cover 📘

1️⃣ Attributes of Blue
2️⃣ Complimentary Colour of Blue
3️⃣ Blue Chakra Colour
4️⃣ Archangels & Spirit Guides associated to Blue
5️⃣ Blue Quote

Read the full article here https://buff.ly/4aeDawi

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 20/03/2024

💜 Spiritual Meaning of Purple 💜 https://buff.ly/43e0uI5

Often a colour linked with spiritual practices, purple is associated with the 3rd Eye activation and mysticism.

Purple can somewhat sometimes feel like a cloak. By this I mean, it can reveal things from the past, or act as a mystical vale which can show, or hide information.

Linked with the 3rd eye, this energy once again denotes seeing beyond the physical realms, layering one reality over the next.

Similar to the curtain at the theatre, various layers of purple energy allow certain things to be seen / shown, depending on the ‘frequency band’ which the viewer can ingest.

The upper limits turn into Violet, and then Pink. The lower limits blend with Darker Blues and finally into Inigo.

👍 In this article we will cover 👍

1️⃣ Attributes of Purple

2️⃣ Complimentary Colour of Purple

3️⃣ Purple Chakra Colour

4️⃣ Archangels & Spirit Guides associated to Purple

5️⃣ Purple Quote

Read the full article here https://buff.ly/43e0uI5


🟣 The Spiritual Meaning of Violet 🟣 https://buff.ly/43odw60

Often taking silvery or ‘metallic’ tones, Violet sits right at the top of our Spiritual Energy.

From the purple previously, it lightens into Violet.

All energies transmute, and this energy when it shifts, will then turn to lighter pinks and back to red, to start the cycle again.

💜 5 Attributes of Violet 💜

1️⃣ Violet sits just before ‘ultraviolet’, a colour we can’t see.

This denotes parallels with the ‘gate way colour’, or the link between the human physical colour range and that of the spiritual realms.

As I have mentioned before, the spiritual realms run in parallel with the physical, the violet and ultraviolet denotes a bridge between the two worlds.

The reality is, all colours have a spiritual counterpart, however often violet is the first non-physical colour to be seen.

2️⃣ Based on the above, Violet brings forward feelings of otherworldly energies.

3️⃣ Ethereal planes.

4️⃣ Peace and compassion .

5️⃣ Passive, loving and soft.

🔗 Read the full article here - https://buff.ly/43odw60 🔗

In this article we will cover:
- Attributes of Violet
- Violet Complimentary Colour
- Violet Chakra Colour
- Archangels & Spirit Guides associated to Violet

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 17/02/2024

New Archangel Jophiel page!

Archangel Jophiel helps us connect with the ethereal realms by assisting us, when asked, to organise energy in and around The Crown Chakra.

Whilst technically all Archangels can help us, I believe Archangel Jophiel very much focuses on our top chakras, in particular, how more ‘complex’ higher energies can be ‘converted’ or ‘retuned’ so that we can absorb these energies into our human bodies.

This article will cover quite a bit, some of the sections as follows:
- Who is Archangel Jophiel?
- Archangel Jophiels help during death
- How to connect with Archangel Jophiel?


Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 13/02/2024

Archangel Uriel / St Uriel

Vastely vibrant, full of vigour and sturdy determination, some call him the Archangel of wisdom.

Through study, self reflection and positive input, he encourages us to solidly step forward in our endeavours. Be courageous and go henceforth!

He reminds us that knowledge, wisdom and all that we learn is taken beyond the physical world. Yes he can help us accumulate vast wealth on earth, through scientific and technological mastery, however whilst the coin is useful on planet earth, don’t let it jade our judgment (green greedy money), for it is the golden wisdom within us, which we can carry further afield.

“A gold coin carries a weight, as the gold coin always has two sides to it.

Wisdom is light, light enough you can bring it anywhere!”

Read the full article here = https://buff.ly/48gsqM8

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 02/02/2024

🌠 Connecting with The Mind 🌠 https://buff.ly/49mJZLt

As mentioned in the first post 'What is the mind?', we talked about the key aspects that make up The Mind, and how The Mind is us, in this incarnation on earth.

Our soul goes elsewhere when we die, but whilst are here on earth, we are totally synergised with The Mind. It is our interface with The Physical Body and The Electrical Body (brain + nervous system) and our Spiritual Body.

In this post we talk about:
1. How can we connect with The Mind?
2. Focusing & listening to The Mind – Meditation & other techniques
3. The 5 Physical Senses & the Spiritual Senses

Read the full article here https://buff.ly/49mJZLt

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 01/02/2024

💪 The Physical Body – how it bonds with The Mind 🌟

In the previous post, we covered ‘What is The Mind‘ and briefly explored the 5 aspects that contribute towards The Mind.

In this post we will look closer at how The Physical Body interacts with The Mind.

This post includes:
☯️ The natural cycles of The Physical Body
✳️ The Physical Body Simplified
🤸 The frequency of The Physical Body
🧠 How The Physical Body communicates with The Mind
🌐 How The Mind is multi dimensional

Read the full article here - https://buff.ly/3SlGvlJ

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 30/01/2024

Evening all!

Just made some changes to the site.

We have a new section called My Outlook, which will be the catch-all page for my current thinking https://buff.ly/47W0ZHp

The key sections in this so far are:
1. Spiritual Energy Explained - https://buff.ly/49iRMu5
2. A new section exploring The Mind - https://buff.ly/49bDBa0

The latest page, within The Mind, is a quick overview of what The Mind is - https://buff.ly/4bkPpZi

Safe to say 2024 is going to see lots more content being produced. Also looking to pad out my section for Spirit Guides - https://buff.ly/3OLx0eP

Let me know if there are any requests as to what to write about, or if anyone requires a reading... just ping me a message!

Timeline photos 16/12/2023

New Psychic Reading Online page has gone live! https://buff.ly/3v08S0J

Receiving a reading from the other side can be life-changing. Not only does it provide hope and comfort, but it can also inspire us to make the best of our lives on Earth!

I believe we are all here for a reason. We need to maximise our time here on earth, and sometimes we just get a little stuck. We all want to be the best person we want to be, and I believe readings and healings provide a grounding benchmark for our path on earth.

Sometimes we just need the odd reminder as to how well we are doing, or we may benefit from a touch of advice from beyond our current friends / family groups.

Through the readings I provide, I would like to think I can give some insights, from the other side, to comfort, inspire, connect and rejuvenate.

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 12/12/2023

Through a recent meditation, I received some guidance regarding the spiritual entity Jesus / Christ.

In this post I will cover:
- Jesus – the fabric of life
- Jesus and the double helix
- Jesus and the grids of energy on earth
- The energy of Jesus is in all of us – Christs light
- Jesus / Miracles and the Christ light
- The impact of our manipulation of the physical world / spiritual world
- The various incarnations of Jesus


Maintenance of the soul, mind and body 05/12/2023

I received some messages tonight from my meditations. As per usual, these messages are just as much for me, as for other people! At the core of this message, is that maintenance of the body, mind and soul is very important. Maintenance reminds us to not get stuck in a rut, and to get out there (or get in there!) and do what is required to shift energy around....

Maintenance of the soul, mind and body I received some messages tonight from my meditations. As per usual, these messages are just as much for me, as for other people! At the core of this message, is that maintenance of the body, mind a…

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 04/12/2023

Evening all, it's Theo again, I hope all is well!

I’m starting to post through this page again, as I want a central place, open to the public, to broadcast some of my messages.

In this evenings meditation, I was joined by a number of wonderful entities.... Arch Angel Metatron, Arch Angel Faith, Arch Angel Uriel and Arch Angel Haneil. Needless to say, we were all working with the wonderful Central Sun / Central Entity / Source of Light.

The strong message coming through here, is that Arch Angel Uriel is on earth at present! His energy is so amplified, that he is actually working from within the earths core.

I often see his energy as an extremely light, and bright yellow, so I believe he is melding with the warmth within the earths core to magnify energy, throughout earth, in order to help raise the energy for all that dwells on it.

For me, I often envisage Arch Angel Uriel with a bow and arrow. I believe he can cast an arrow to the central sun, to create a rope, or bridge directly to source.

Under your command, he can direct the energy from the centre of the earth, through you, direct to source, in order for you to ascend your inner light, like he is, within earth.

When this connection is made, Jesus, and christs light, can flow with great strength, within, and through you!

Through this, we can balance our masculine and feminine energy. We can call upon the Arch Angels to help guide us on our path, as we will have a direct line with the angels and source.

I am shown this wonderful image of all the souls lighting up on earth that are connecting with this energy right now.

If you feel so inclined, call for Arch Angel Uriel for help… he is on earth now! Make the connection with the divine energy. Ask for physical healing, ask for your energy body to be cleansed, ask for source healing.

The connection you are making, is like a very long, multidimensional wire, connecting with source. You are the light bulb, you are the light, you are source, if a little far away from home.

Connect and shine!

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 05/09/2023

What is Mindfulness?

In my opinion, it’s understanding and connecting, on all levels (soul / mind / body), with how you feel at the present moment.

In this post we will cover:
- The past and the future
- What are the benefits of Mindfulness?
- What Mindfulness isn’t

View the full article here https://asoulopinion.com/meditations/faq/what-is-mindfulness/

Timeline photos 31/08/2023

Spiritual energy is energy

Timeline photos 28/08/2023

“You only lose what you cling to.”

Photos from A Soul Opinion's post 27/08/2023

New Fabric of Human Energy pages!

Previous pages in the Spiritual Energy section have talked about various aspects of spiritual energy as a whole.

Within this mini-series, we talk about:
- The Soul https://buff.ly/44sHhS1
- The Mind https://buff.ly/3PfGXSn
- The Body https://buff.ly/3PgIo2V

Whilst this series will be expanded in time, I would like to think this is good starting point.

For the intro page please visit https://buff.ly/3Eb46iq

Timeline photos 25/08/2023

“All people are the same; only their habits differ.”

Timeline photos 24/08/2023

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”

Timeline photos 23/08/2023

"Roads were made for journeys not destinations"

Timeline photos 22/08/2023

“Be where you are; otherwise you will miss your life.”

