Wendi Jensen

Wendi Jensen

Life Coach, Emotional Freedom Technique Specialist, and Author of the Healing Questions Guide

Religious Trauma Recovery and Spiritual Rec-connection Coach. Author of “The Healing Questions Guide”, Chakra Polisher, EFT Specialist, Lover of Cheese and Family

How to cope with shunning after leaving your religion (ExLDS, ExMormon) 21/11/2020

How to cope with shunning after leaving your religion (ExLDS, ExMormon) Coach Wendi Jensen covers 7 tips on how to cope with shunning after leaving high demand religion. She also covers covert shunning, overt shunning and reverse...

Dealing with REGRET after leaving the LDS Church 16/11/2020

One of the unexpected things we find our self dealing with after we choose to leave the church is REGRET. Not regret that we have left, but regret about the BIG choices we made while under the influence of the doctrines.

Here is my latest video about dealing with regret after leaving for any of you who are experiencing this.

What are some of the choices you made that you might regret?

An even better question --what have you done to OVERCOME the feelings of regret?

Dealing with REGRET after leaving the LDS Church Coach Wendi explains the struggle with regret after leaving high demand religion and gives 5 essential tips on how to "Get over it". ___________________ Othe...

Dealing with your EGO & leaving the LDS church 13/11/2020

Dealing with your EGO & leaving the LDS church Coach Wendi challenges the idea that those who leave the LDS are ego driven and prideful for challenging the doctrine and the history. Wendi discusses the cr...

Reclaiming your sovereignty after leaving the LDS church (Ex-LDS, Ex-Mormon) 27/10/2020

Reclaiming your sovereignty after leaving the LDS church (Ex-LDS, Ex-Mormon) Coach Wendi talks with Author, Life Coach and Business Woman Cherie Burton about how to reclaim your personal soverignty after leaving the LDS Church. A brav...

Making real friends after leaving the church (ExLDS, ExMormon) 19/10/2020

Making real friends after leaving the church (ExLDS, ExMormon) Wendi talks about some things to consider that will help you establish new friendships and deal with loss of community after leaving the church. Other suppor...

Getting addicted to your Faith Transition? 06/05/2020

Are you feeling like you are addicted to podcast after podcast of what is wrong about the church?

Is your social media feed heavy with wounded, angry, and lost former church members like yourself?

Here is my latest video on the subject.


Getting addicted to your Faith Transition? Are you obsessing with podcast after podcast of church stories, church history, church injustices? Is your social media feed heavy with wounded, angry, and l...

Why intelligent people can't see what is wrong with the Church? 06/05/2020

Do you ever feel confused why otherwise intelligent people can't seem to see what is wrong with the church? Does it cause you to doubt what your are learning or your ability to trust in your deconstructing journey?

Here is my latest video on the subject.

Why intelligent people can't see what is wrong with the Church? Have you ever wondered why otherwise intelligent people cannot see what is wrong with the Church even when they are faced with facts and logic? Wendi explain...

Deprogramming from high demand religion - the 2nd chakra 17/02/2020

Deprogramming from high demand religion - the 2nd chakra Coach Wendi reveals some of the religious and psychological hooks that effect the 2nd chakra and can affect our ability to live to our full potential. Coachi...

Almost Awakened: 024: Wendi Jensen: Get Curious & The Healing Arts 11/01/2020

Listen in on this timely conversation I had with podcasters Bill Reel and Mekael Jones on Almost Awakened.


Almost Awakened: 024: Wendi Jensen: Get Curious & The Healing Arts Mekael and Bill sit down with Wendi Jensen, author, speaker, life coach, and trainer in the field of human potential and religious recovery. Wendi shares with us her love and knowledge of the Heali


If you would like the recording of today's group coaching call on General Conference Anxiety, Private Message me for the link.

A Night of Transformation: With Rodney Allgood and Wendi Jensen 29/08/2019

A Night of Transformation: With Rodney Allgood and Wendi Jensen This is a long time in coming. After feeling the need for years and having thousands of people reach out to me, I am hosting an event in SLC for those who have or are transforming out of the LDS religion. Our focus for the evening will be on: 1) Deprogramming from mind viruses that keep us stuck in....


What about taking the kids to church after I’ve left?


Interact with me on Facebook LIVE at 10am with Jehovahs Witness recovery expert Rodney Allgood

Aquiring the Inner Power of BELONGING WITHIN 15/08/2019

Come join me for a mini-workshop Sunday August 24 in Scottsdale.


Aquiring the Inner Power of BELONGING WITHIN For those who are transitioning away from a rigid church paradigm and you are floundering around wondering where you belong, this event is for you.Belonging to a group induces a deep state of inner balance at a cellular level. When we begin the process of differentiating and becoming the sovereign a...


Creating a new sense of BELONGING while in life transition......

How Faith Expansion Happens 28/06/2019

Latest musings ------


How Faith Expansion Happens One day you will bump into an undeniable truth that will conflict with all you’ve known up until that moment. By evolutionary law, we, as organisms must grow. The way one has been conditioned…


More free LIVE coaching tomorrow night (Tuesday June 25) at 6pm Az time (that's 7PM Utah time)

Join me with your faith transitioning questions! Use the link below.



Here is a hard and vulnerable lesson I could have only learned after leaving my religion.

It turns out that when you say things like:
"those who have left have lost something special"
"its the last days and the Lord is sifting between the tares and the wheat"
"those who have left are lost and deceived"

You are revealing that you live in a controlled bubble. You are likely surrounded by people who think like you and who agree with you. It reveals your lack of awareness about the world.

There is something profound that happens to you after you step away from your conditioned world view. You begin to see diversity as a platform for your growth. Instead of wanting to convert others to YOUR path, you become genuinely interested in learning to understand and honor THEIR path as relevant and sacred as your own.

When I was Mormon, I was unaware of how often I used unconscious microaggression in my conversations with others. Now it stings in my conversations with members of the church. It pokes, not just because they are now talking about me, an apostate, (which is a microaggressive word all by itself) but because they talk about all the "others" that way. It feels like micro-stabs of embarrassment for how they talk. I'm embarrassed for them and still embarrassed for me because I used to speak just like that.

Turns out --> People who are conditioned to see themselves as divinely authorized, exceptional, peculiarly unique, for what religion they are, are very unconscious about how arrogant and prejudice they sound and it shows vividly in their conversations and interchanges with others not of their faith.

I'm so sorry for how I acted when I was Mormon. I had no idea how prejudice I was.

Please forgive them, they know not what they do.

Getting over not being allowed in your child's temple wedding 07/03/2019

For those who haven't heard my story of missing my daughter's temple wedding. I hope this helps you in some way if you are dealing with a similar experience. https://youtu.be/HiS6lXzsCAc

Getting over not being allowed in your child's temple wedding Wendi describes her experience with missing her daughter's temple wedding and gives tips on how to see things differently and process all the emotions surrou...


Wendi Jensen
10 mins ·
Come join me LIVE at 7pm MST Facebook "Thriving after Mormonism" group.

I'll be covering the 5 essential skills you must learn in order to gracefully move on through faith transition.

Click on the link to request to join.



How to know you've been inspired by some great purpose.

1 - All of your misaligned thoughts break their bonds
2 - Your mind transcends limitations
3 - Your consciousness expands in every direction
4 - You find yourself in a new and a great and a wonderful world
5 - Dormant forces, faculties, and talents come alive
6 - You discover yourself to be a greater person, by far, than you ever dreamed yourself to be



Reminder for tonight's Facebook LIVE coaching call!

Join me at 7PM MST for FREE faith transition coaching!

Tonight's topic:

3 steps to reclaiming your intuition and spiritual connection after/during your faith transition.

One of the great struggles after your religious worldview collapses is trusting your intuition and feeling a lack of spiritual connection. What you may not realize is that this spiritual part of you hasn't left, not at all. It has had an upgrade during the process of unpacking the theology. Once you begin to understand the dynamics of your spiritual system you can begin trusting it more than ever before to guide you into the direction of a fulfilling and purposeful life.

To join me LIVE you will need to be a member of the Facebook group "Thriving after Mormonism." If you are already a member, you're in! Here is the link to request to join the group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2389666891074742/?ref=bookmarks

If you are unable to join the LIVE presentation, there will be a recording posted in the FB group after the event. If you are unable to join the "Thriving after Mormonism" FB group because of privacy reasons, the recording will also be posted in the "secret" FB group Search: "Faith Crisis Healing and Support". For your safety and the safety of the group, you will need to let me know directly if you would like to be added to that group. Private message me here on Facebook.

To help create more awareness, please invite family members or friends who may benefit from these coaching sessions to join our growing community of thriving post-LDS people. Please be aware that these LIVE calls are for people who are already at the point of transitioning out of the Church and not for those who are thriving IN the Church.

I am excited to meet up with you tonight! Yes, you will be able to ask me your personal questions during the event! It's my favorite part.

With joy and love,



Come join me on Facebook LIVE on Monday night's at 7pm MST for free coaching on how to strengthen family relationships while transitioning out of the Church.

Coaching will be on the "Thriving after Mormonism" Facebook group.



Click link to request to join Thriving after Mormonism and gain access to the Facebook LIVE training with Wendi


Why Leaving the Church will Change Your Personality 11/01/2019


Why Leaving the Church will Change Your Personality Wendi describes how our beliefs are at the root of our personality and how your Mormon faith crisis is the critical time to begin consciously arranging your ...

Videos (show all)

What about taking the kids to church after I’ve left?
Creating a new sense of BELONGING while in life transition......
How to triumph while coping with religious family dynamics during the holidays.
You can’t get my book this low anywhere! 1/2 OFF until Dec 15! Great for resale! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/15118257...
Have You Started Second Life Yet?
Open enrollment for the upcoming Chakrology course beginning Aug 14. Here is all the details.http://www.wendijjensen.com...
Stop playing with evil spirits!
How I healed my sty in 20 minutes using Elegant Inquiry and the Healing Questions Guide.
Click the link below to register for the Monday Realignment calls absolutely FREE until the end of 2016https://zoom.us/m...

