Astral Persuasion

Astral Persuasion

Conflict Resolution * Hostage Intervention Saving Souls since


Did you know the body may die but the brain cells stay alive longer and sometimes the body may revive itself hours even days later

Yoga Prana Vidya Healing Sciences 06/10/2023

✨️Healing for Sinusitis
✨️Healing for Chronic cough
✨️Healing for Bronchitis
✨️Healing for Asthma

✨️Healing for Vomiting
✨️Healing for Diarrhoea
✨️Healing for Constipation
✨️Healing for Indigestion
✨️Healing for Abdominal pain
✨️Healing for Stomach ulcer
✨️Healing for Gastrointestinal infections
✨️Healing for High cholesterol
✨️Healing for Gallstones
✨️Healing for Pancreatitis

✨️Healing for Migraine headache
✨️Healing for Pain relief
✨️Healing for Strengthening immune system
✨️Healing for Back pain
✨️Healing for Scars & Wounds
✨️Healing for Cysts
✨️Healing for Fever
✨️Healing for Toothache
✨️Healing for Improving Concentration
✨️Healing for Varicose veins,

✨️Healing for Diabetes - type-1
✨️Healing for Diabetes - type-2
✨️Healing for Thyroid problems

✨️Healing for Spinal disorder
✨️Healing for Lower back pain
✨️Healing for Sciatica & herniated disc
✨️Healing for Scoliosis
✨️Healing for Muscles and tendons inflammation
✨️Healing for Stiff neck
✨️Healing for Painful shoulder & frozen shoulder
✨️Healing for Rheumatism
✨️Healing for Arthritis
✨️Healing for Osteo-Arthritis rheumatoid arthritis
✨️Healing for Sports injuries- Cramps, sprains

✨️Healing for Stress, Irritability, anxiety, grief, and hysteria
✨️Healing for Sleep disorders- Insomnia
✨️Healing for Depression –due to psychological factors
✨️Healing for Depression –due to physical factors
✨️Healing for Addictions – smoking, alcohol and drug
✨️Healing for Phobias, traumas, obsessions
✨️Healing for Stammering, stuttering
✨️Healing for Suicidal tendencies
✨️Healing for Marriage & Relationship problems.
Phone: 9388259586
Healer Ranjith NK

Yoga Prana Vidya Healing Sciences Yoga Prana Vidya healing techniques are simple yet powerful and effective system of no touch energy healing, holistic approach and alternative medicine originated and developed by Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui for physical mental emotional and spiritual strength. Advanced Cosmic Color Therapy Energetic Psy...


“What is meditation? Meditation is spiritual practice or spiritual consummation. The purpose of meditation is oneness.”

“The rules for meditation are similar to the rules for driving a car. Follow the simple instructions!”

“When meditating, do not expect something to happen. Otherwise, you are meditating on your expectations, and you are not doing the meditation itself.”

“Meditation speeds up the evolutionary process by gradually purifying negative tendencies.”

“Meditate for your sake, not for the sake of the Teacher.”

“Preparation for meditation is as important as the meditation itself.”

“The physical and psychological conditions of each person vary. If any discomfort is experienced, stop the meditation and contact your instructor for guidance immediately.”

“Make a schedule. Unless you fix the time, you will not meditate. Make a firm resolution to meditate regularly.”

“If you do not follow the schedule, you will not practice. If you do not practice, you will not advance spiritually. Follow the schedule!”

“Inner noise prevents you from knowing who you really are. Regulate your thoughts and your emotions.”

“When a situation is beyond your control, just be calm. Withdraw and meditate. Wait for the proper time.”

“The cloud of thoughts and emotions in the aura is like a thick hard shell. It clouds everything a person sees, just like wearing dark glasses. This keeps people from thinking clearly. Don’t meditate or think too much about those who hurt you or aggravate you. What you meditate on, you become! Meditate on the guru and the higher beings.”

“Be silent about your inner experiences. When you develop the ability to fly high in the inner world and you come back, be silent.”

“The light is always there. How much light comes in depends on you.”

“People in general are psychologically constipated. Before you do meditation, you must do cleansing to minimize psychological catharsis.”

“During meditation, it is better to take a series of short rests to keep your consciousness focused. This is much better than going straight through the entire long meditation without being focused, wandering from here to there.”

“The The Path to Arhatic Model used in practicing Jnana Yoga or Yoga of Understanding has been used since ancient times by holy masters to make their disciples geniuses. Practicing this meditation as a group once a week will develop the mental faculty to a high degree. It will keep the mind flexible.”

Sources:-Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui’s Notes.

Yoga Prana Vidya Healing Sciences 09/09/2023

At Yoga Vidya Pranic Energy Healing —
✨️Healing for Sinusitis
✨️Healing for Chronic cough
✨️Healing for Bronchitis
✨️Healing for Asthma

✨️Healing for Vomiting
✨️Healing for Diarrhoea
✨️Healing for Constipation
✨️Healing for Indigestion
✨️Healing for Abdominal pain
✨️Healing for Stomach ulcer
✨️Healing for Gastrointestinal infections
✨️Healing for High cholesterol
✨️Healing for Gallstones
✨️Healing for Pancreatitis

✨️Healing for Migraine headache
✨️Healing for Pain relief
✨️Healing for Strengthening immune system
✨️Healing for Back pain
✨️Healing for Scars & Wounds
✨️Healing for Cysts
✨️Healing for Fever
✨️Healing for Toothache
✨️Healing for Improving Concentration
✨️Healing for Varicose veins,

✨️Healing for Diabetes - type-1
✨️Healing for Diabetes - type-2
✨️Healing for Thyroid problems

✨️Healing for Spinal disorder
✨️Healing for Lower back pain
✨️Healing for Sciatica & herniated disc
✨️Healing for Scoliosis
✨️Healing for Muscles and tendons inflammation
✨️Healing for Stiff neck
✨️Healing for Painful shoulder & frozen shoulder
✨️Healing for Rheumatism
✨️Healing for Arthritis
✨️Healing for Osteo-Arthritis rheumatoid arthritis
✨️Healing for Sports injuries- Cramps, sprains

✨️Healing for Stress, Irritability, anxiety, grief, and hysteria
✨️Healing for Sleep disorders- Insomnia
✨️Healing for Depression –due to psychological factors
✨️Healing for Depression –due to physical factors
✨️Healing for Addictions – smoking, alcohol and drug
✨️Healing for Phobias, traumas, obsessions
✨️Healing for Stammering, stuttering
✨️Healing for Suicidal tendencies
✨️Healing for Marriage & Relationship problems.
Phone: 9388259586
Healer Ranjith NK

Yoga Prana Vidya Healing Sciences Yoga Prana Vidya healing techniques are simple yet powerful and effective system of no touch energy healing, holistic approach and alternative medicine originated and developed by Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui for physical mental emotional and spiritual strength. Advanced Cosmic Color Therapy Energetic Psy...


Is this the right DAY to talk about?
Should we all talk about it at all?
Are we the torch bearer?
As years have passed by and many individual souls have been claiming their affiliation to “MAA CHARLOTTE” in a manner that if she would have seen those post & their conduct towards her work and her organizations, she surely would have detached from so called “Eklavyas”. These souls even when Maa was alive were in a different orientation. I am sure she is deeply hurt with their conduct today where ever she is.
Are these souls doing the justice to her true dedication towards spreading the work which she promised to MACKS and maintaining the PURITY of the same? These souls haven’t yet dared to come in public domain to declare that they no longer belong to the school and organizations she founded and established, instead are openly misguiding public about their allegiance to Maa Charlotte’s legacy, just to take mileage to promote their own selves. Where are those virtues that they profess and have mastered and are propagating the same in the name of Maa Charlotte and MACKS teachings?
This soul in person have no animosity or grudge towards any individual but after years of giving a thought over it decided to express this in public to provide the “drifted One’s” an choice to do what is right and re-join thousands if not millions world over & do what Maa Charlotte would have loved and appreciated.
Let each one of them do “Self-Introspection” with respect to the virtues we all preach BUT find themselves hard to follow and have chosen a path to grow in utter violation of Maa Charlotte and MACKS dreams.
Its responsibility of all of us to ensure that either they are in or out and ensure that by hiding their motives one can’t proclaim in public about their so call devotion while their action speaks otherwise.
This soul humbly request all those drifted one’s to rededicate themselves to her work and her organizations which can bring in satisfaction to the soul of our Beloved and Loving Maa Charlotte and Our most reverend and respected Guru Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui.
This soul wish and pray that this endeavor brings in more of loving kindness and strong bonding in the fraternity of Maa Charlotte and MACKS.


'The best decision I ever made was to retire from boxing. I hate the smell of a gym. I hate the boxing game. The guy I used to be, I don't know that guy anymore. I don't have a connection with him anymore. I'm just not that person anymore. I like the person I am now more than I did. I don't like Iron Mike.'

- Mike Tyson


is a Sanskrit word which means "using the power of thought to manifest things in the physical plane". We are the sum total of our previous decisions and actions. These include our thoughts and emotions. Kriyashakti trains you how to actively create thoughts and emotions that are conducive to attracting prosperity and abundance. Kriyashakti also mean "materialization through purification". Kriyashakti also trains you how to avoid creating negative thoughts and conditions that manifest hardships and disasters. You will also learn how to use energy and willpower to destroy hindering thoughtforms and beliefs.

-yogi ramacharaka 1901
Page 65
Chakra Mechanic


My notes

Visualize your bottom, then say “my basic chakra,” then say,” my prosperity chakra.” Whatever you feel, even the slightest width, use that as a temporary baseline measurement. Shake your hands. Repeat. “My basic chakra.” Once you feel something, stop. Now, think of a project or something you want to do. Make a goal and verbally say or think it like,” I want to make 40% more income this year. “Next, say, “I don’t think I can. I don’t think that’s possible.” Now, scan your basic chakra again. What do you notice happened to the basic chakra? It shrunk. Your behavior affects your energy system.



“Hierarchy is composed of all those human beings who graduated from the level of human beings and have entered into superhuman evolution. All of you, in the right time, will graduate from this misery that we are in. You will graduate from your pains and sorrows, from your deaths and sufferings, from your loves and hates and jealousies. Eventually you will see that these are nothing, and you will dedicate yourself for the purpose of evolution, for the purpose of life.

We are playing a game in our life, and we do not know that we are losing time and energy doing things which we are not supposed to do and running after things that we should not run after. Thus, we are forgetting our prime purpose.

People do not know about the Hierarchy, and they do not think about the Hierarchy. But thinking and talking about the Hierarchy and reading about the Hierarchy make the Hierarchy real in our life. We establish a communication line between Hierarchy and ourselves. This is very important.”

- Torkom Saraydarian
The Eyes of Hierarchy, Chpt 15: The Purpose and The Plan, Pg: 135


There is some evidence that consulting a spiritual healer can be beneficial for patients who suffer from depression, and that spiritual healing is associated with low risk.


The best way to reach me is to text me at (631) 488-8975 Give me a bit of info about you, and I’d be glad to answer any questions you may have, or to set up an appointment if I have space available. FYI, I’m doing sessions strictly through texting or zoom these days. I look forward to hearing from you!

Pranic Healing a bridge to spirituality. Pranic Healing gives us the foundation to understand higher spiritual teachings.😇
23 years of experience


The best way to reach me is to text me at Give me a bit of info about you, and I’d be glad to answer any questions you may have, or to set up an appointment if I have space available. FYI, I’m doing sessions strictly through texting or zoom these days. I look forward to hearing from you!




“There is always a great need for political leaders, doctors, lawyers, and artists. But the greatest need is for higher psychics who are able scientifically to contact Higher Spheres of light and leadership and bring them to the world of men in the form of

• new rules

• new laws

• new inspirations

• new directions

• new ideas

to guide the steps of leaders in all fields.

In the ancient world, every leader was guided by a true psychic, or he himself was a psychic. If you study the history of , you will find a psychic behind them. Most of them were consulted in secret, some of them openly. This is the case even today.

Some psychics lead leaders in the right direction; some in the wrong direction. Leaders are led in the right direction when the psychic is of high quality as, for example, a high quality surgeon.

High quality means that the psychic is

1. Pure physically, emotionally, and mentally

2. In contact at least with the Intuitional Plane

3. Knows the language of Higher Spheres

4. Is protected from interferences”

- Torkom Saraydarian
Breakthrough to Higher Psychism, Chpt 6: Higher Psychics, Pg: 53-54


I’m in introducing
Soon in
Exclusively .Group sessions with be a Donation of 25.00 and one on one sessions will be a suggestion donation of 50.00 I’m looking for 30 eager souls who want to rid pain from their bodies and start reverting the aging process NOW!!


~ Messages from the 5th dimension ~

"But as it is written,
eye hath not seen,
nor ear hath heard,
neither have entered into the heart of man,
the things which God hath prepared
for them that love him."

The Bible, Corinthians 2:9

God is spirit. Spirit is all there is from the beginning. Spirit is a creative force with intelligence, memory, and self-awareness. It is the I AM. Whatever name is used for the creative force is just language. Language does not change facts. God creates things through spirit force, in particular He creates universes, galaxies, suns, and planets. He also creates other spirits, such as human spirits, tiny copies of Himself. Like God does, humans also create things through their spirit force. Since there is nothing but spirit in God's creation, things are spirit as well in their essence. Humans are like cells in God's body. They are not different from God. Like the cells in a human body must serve the body each one in its capacity to preserve the health and life of the body, humans must serve God''s body in their individual capacity to preserve harmony and all life. God's body is nature, His creation. We are also nature. If we do not serve God's nature, chaos and armageddon will be the result. Either we serve God, or we serve the Ego. Nobody can serve two masters. God is the highest vibration of spirit. In this aspect He is called Unconditional Love. We serve God by our own Unconditional Love to His creation. Another aspect is that spirit is Light, the Light of the world. We are the Light of the world. As humans we might never know what spirit is, but whatever the nitty-gritty of scientific details is, this is the ultimate truth. God's creation is more mysterious than our intellect can fathom, unless we have been granted a glimpse into God's kingdom that is hidden within us. A deluded mind perceives itself as separate from God and separate from an "outer reality", but when realization of oneness dawns, all duality is transcended. It is the realization of I AM THAT.

The development of mankind on earth is guided by an invisible celestial hierarchy of perfected spirits - the angelic beings - who have developed transcendent skills and abilities within them, which are inconceivable to us at our present human level of development. They are intimately related to one another and to the affairs of the world, directing them with consummate skills and wisdom according to the divine plan of the creator. Angels live in the 5th dimension, beyond the four dimensions of time and space, in the dimension of spirit frequency, or soul vibration. Historically this 5th dimension has been called heaven. A very long time and many lives ago these celestial beings have been humans like you and me, walking the path towards spiritual enlightenment in a vehicle of flesh. While angelic beings have already ascended the Jacob's Ladder into the unimaginable heights of heaven, every other human being on earth is likewise - knowingly or unknowingly, actively or passively - involved in this spiritual evolution, each one on his or her individual level of the ladder. Figuratively speaking, humans are earth bound angels that still have to earn their wings. The celestial angels have already raised their soul vibration to a level where they are free from the limitations of matter in time and space. The word "height" in this context refers to high frequency, and not to spatial height. This ambiguity has led some people to mistakenly believe that heaven would be in the outer world. But heaven can only be found within us. Heaven exists in consciousness. Consciousness is eternal, the outer world is temporary. Consciousness is real, matter is unreal. Everything that is unreal must perish. Only the real persists.

Every human being and every other living being is divine in its inner essence and contains all the qualities and abilities that we attribute to the divine in an embryonic state, which is also called our buddha nature. These abilities called siddhis in the yogic tradition, are gradually unfolded into ever-increasing expansion and perfection of consciousness, that has no limits, except the perfection of God Himself. The unfolding of these dormant qualities and skills is brought about by a transcendent life process called reincarnation. I am talking here about skills like telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, psychokinesis, materialisation, spirit healing, and other socalled "paranormal" phenomena, which are quite normal to the ones who have mastered the Holy Science of the mahatmas. The immaterial divine seed - the soul - manifests itself again and again in a bodily form in different places and under different scenarios in order to gain experiences of all kinds. The ultimate goal of all these life experiences is to attain and stabilize a state of unconditional love towards all life. When a soul has completed its self-determined mission in the physical body, it sheds its material form, just like a lotus flower sheds its petals before it awakens into a new life in a later growth cycle. In the intervals between physical lives the soul spends periods of rest on the metaphysical planes in order to process and reflect on its life experiences. It is a continuous cycle of metamorphosis between the material and the spiritual plane of existence, between the unreal and the real world. Many times the difference between these two states is not even recognized by the soul as it switches from one state into the other. So the word "death" is quite a misnomer, because nobody is dying during death. We should call it excarnation.

At the time of this writing (2023) the existence of metaphysical planes and the soul have not yet been proven by orthodox earth science, but almost everyone knows them from dreams, astral travels, or near-excarnation-experiences (i.e. NDE), in which the connection between soul and body is temporarily loosened. Likewise, a scientific proof for the existence of God has not been found until now. Scientists are often tied up with the nitty-gritty of small details, while they forget that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Some scientists found out, that DNA molecules leave blueprints in the energetic fabric of space, which remain in place even after these molecules were removed - a phenomenon, that has been called phantom DNA effect. Others have discovered that living beings communicate with each other via electromagnetic resonance of their DNA molecules - i.e. via photon exchange. "Empty" space is not empty, but filled by electromagnetic and possibly other fields which are information carriers. At present we don't know pretty much more about this universal medium that our prehistorical ancestors had called the mother substance (moola-prakriti), because ever since the erroneous Michelson-Moreley-Experiment in 1887 it has been dismissed from the scientific agenda on earth as nonexistent. Fortunately nature cannot be stopped by scientific theories, and nevertheless the energetic blueprints of atoms and molecules are embedded in the universal substrate and even detectable by laser interference. These blueprints are the matrix for the organisation of physical matter and have been named astral and etheric matter. Therefore, our genetic information is still existing even after excarnation from the meat and bones body. So there is indeed scientific proof, that besides the atomic plane, there is at least one more immaterial plane of existence, and very likely there are even more. With a little bit of logical thinking, it can thus be deducted, that if atoms and molecules leave imprints in the photonic fabric of space, our entire being has its blueprint in space - and not only that: everything that ever existed - every object, every organism, every action, every spoken word, every thought and intention - then continues to exist in this cosmos filling medium which has been called the Book of Records, Book of Life, and Akash, meaning "luminous space" in Sanskrit. The entire world has its living etheric mold, its construction plan, in the Akash, and in our dreams and meditations we can travel in this realm to our heart's desire. This subtle world is traditionally called astral world, even though this is a somewhat inappropriate term. More appropriate would be to say photon world or photonic world, because objects and living beings in this photon world appear as luminous structures to the spirit eye, more or less like the things we see in our dreams. And of course, because it is a world made of photons, i.e. a world of light.

Furthermore, due to the discovery of socalled morphic and morphogenetic fields, there is also sufficient reason to assume that matter and life forms and in-forms itself from such information fields. Information fields are higher dimensional structures in the frequency domain and we cannot measure them with devices designed for 4D perception. Neither is our intellect designed for comprehending more than four dimensions, with a few exceptions of individuals with a very analytic mind set. But our higher soul faculties can perceive them because soul itself is a structure of the frequency domain. Our dream perception is such a 5D perception. Formative fields were known for a long time under the terms prana, chi, od, and ether. For example, in Chinese qigong medicine it is an established body of knowledge since millennia. According to qigong embryology, the original spirit (called shen in Chinese) attaches itself to a fertilized ovum's DNA through vibratory resonance and begins with the process of materializing a physical body by connecting two further energy fields (called chi and jing) in several stages during the ten moon phases of a pregnancy. While shen/soul is from heaven, jing/substance is from earth, and both are joined together by the life force chi. So this is the counterpart of excarnation: incarnation. Therefore, a human being according to Taoist wisdom is standing between the forces of heaven and earth. The central truth of Taoism is: Shen Chi Jing He Yi - spirit, life force, and matter are one. Our physical body with all its qualities is the result of our personal records from the past in the Akash, which explains why some people are strong and healthy all their lives, while others are already born sick or weak, or suffer from other ailments. It is not because God is unjust, but because with our thoughts, words, and actions we are programming our own formative field - also called causal body and karana sarira - and our bodies can only function as good as our spirit does. The law of karma has its foundation on this principle. The causal body is the storage medium of our karma. Every negative thought creates a defect (samskara) in our causal body, which may eventually, over the passage of time, develop into a physical or metabolic defect. The more one repeats such a thought, the higher is the probability for it. This means we can only really heal the body by healing the spirit within. All other methods might produce relief from symptoms, but shift the problem into other, possibly deeper layers. It will reoccur in this or in a future life until the negative thought pattern is deleted or realigned. With negative thinking habits we can only hurt ourselves, and we should be aware that all life is in mutual information exchange via the cosmic light field. Our thinking affects everything else in the universe: our family and friends, our work place, our community, our country, and our planet. Thinking is a powerful force that must not be underestimated.

Thus, matter produces creative fields, and these creative fields again produce matter and life. Without formative fields matter and life cannot be formed. The answer to the question, whether the chicken or the egg was first, is therefore: first was the formative field. Spirit and matter, soul and body are the two manifestations of the same energy in a continuous cycle. Oceans and the clouds are not different from each other - both are a collection of water molecules in the stages of a cyclic process. Likewise, soul and body, spirit and matter, only appear to be different due to a lack of understanding the cyclic process in which they are. What we have here then are repetitive cycles of coming and going, birth and death, creation and dissolution and recreation, controlled by the spiritual essence we call soul. We are rarely self-aware of this process, because the conscious mind or intellect is a part of the physical world. It is too crude for remembering past lives, and is just a temporary tool for the eternal soul which it leaves behind at the time of excarnation. Only the soul still knows of such things. A soul is an integral layer in the fabric of the living world of God, like a drop in an ocean of spirit. I say God here, because God is spirit, spirit is information, and information is energy. He is the creative energy of universal consciousness, of which we are a part of. Spirit and matter, matter and energy, form and information, each are thus two appearances of the one creative force in an eternal cycle, like the Yin and Yang of the Dao, or form and emptiness of the Heart Sutra. How we call this universal force, whether information field, zero point field, God, Logos, Holy Spirit, Jahweh, Jehovah, Dao, Lao Mu, Ming Ming Shang Di, Krishna, Brahman, Allah, Kuntuzangpo, Shunyata, Amitabha, Adi-Buddha, or else wise, surely is just a matter of lingual or cultural expression. What is meant is always the same: the pulsing heart of creation. Since this is a pulsing heart, there is no status quo, that can persist forever. Not only living organisms, but the entire material universe has its stages of creation, evolution, and dissolution in unfathomable intervals of time, which are like the in- and outbreath of God. Science says the material universe came into being within split seconds in a gigantic explosion. I doubt this to be true. It is a very insensitive theory. It would be more logical that the universe materialized from the field in a similar way that an embryo materializes from an egg. This would meet the principle of correspondence between microcosm and macrocosm. All that lives grows from a tiny seed. Nothing is born in an explosion. We are all in this process of divine evolution right now. We are an involved in it and not just the witnessing audience. Scientists are also puzzled by a phenomenon they called dark matter. What if dark matter is just all the information that is recorded in the Akash? It has been proven that information is a form of energy, and energy and mass are related to each other via the speed of light. Therefore, the Akash must at least make a contribution to dark matter. Can you recognize the equivalence principle of mass and information? Considering the tremendous amount of energy contained in a single atom, we can get an idea of how much spiritual force the creator has embedded into His creation. Clairvoyant observations resulted in 13,841,287,201 "koilon bubbles" making up an atom, but who on earth has an idea of what this number implies and what a koilon bubble is? It is a form of matter unknown to orthodox earth science, and has been identified as "hyper-meta-proto elements" by Dr. Annie Besant in 1895.

Thus, from all this can be deducted that the soul is such a living, dynamic information field. One might as well call it the control field, because it controls all life processes of an organism's cells, which in turn have their own internal control fields, and so on, down to the subatomic structures. On the macroscopic side we find God as the highest and ultimate control instance that contains all the other life fields, like a fractal contains all its substructures and can manifest them through iterative evolution. He is the light field of all light fields. In Him also live universes, galaxies, suns, planets, minerals, plants, animals, humans - each one as an immaterial force and its material manifestation. They all are created and directed by God, the Parambrahm, the consciousness of all consciousness. Contrary to materialistic ideas, it is the soul, that perceives the world, and not the brain. The soul has its own metaphysical organs of perception, but these are usually not very well developed in incarnated human beings during the current period of world development, just only 323 years after the end of kali yuga, the last dark age of humanity. The entire physical body, especially the DNA of its cells, merely serves as a memory bank, decoder and transponder of vibrational information contained in the universal field Akash, and it connects the soul to the world of physical objects. The extent and type of what a person can perceive and process depends on the respective stage of development of the soul - some call it its internal level of vibration. But one can simply call it love. The more a person is filled with unconditional love for all beings, the more functional will be higher sense perception such as telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc. Love brings DNA into alignment and resonance with the universal field or the energy field of a beloved person, thus enabling enhanced information transfer. This can be seen as a wireless communication network connecting us all. Once the organs of the soul have developed far enough, no further incarnation is required to continue its further development. Traditionally this is referred to as enlightenment, liberation, or salvation, which is the ultimate purpose, reason and meaning of our earthly existence. Such perfected human souls ascend into the divine angelic realms called heaven. As all Christians know, that same ascension has been witnessed in the life of Jesus Christ. Among Buddhists it is called Parinirvana. Maybe in the famous Flower Sermon the Buddha just wanted to point out wordlessly, that just like the beauty of a lotus flower, the purity of a soul advances in innumerable life cycles towards its divine perfection. When humanity has learned and internalized this ancient knowledge again, a new age of enlightenment will begin.


~ Messages from the 5th dimension ~

Records of my meditations
Last update: 05-12-2023
Year 323 of ascending dwapara yuga



New York