Zeus and his journey

Zeus and his journey

Zeus is a 3 yo male Pit Bull. He was saved from death row in NYC by foster. Zeus is special - he is


Please pray. My boy is really sick and I have Covid. This sucks!

Videos (show all)

Yep. Clearly he’s vicious!
It’s so hard to believe it will be two years since Zeus came to us in a crate, growling and terrified. But this is our b...
My Poopsie!! He's just so good - most of the time!!
You all may have heard that Forever Home, the training facility I used for Zeus is under fire for a terrible incident th...
Wow... what a difference!
He's so happy!!
I think he's happy to be home. He plays like a champ now. He always loved these Kong balls but he seemed to be looking o...
He's doing well after the long trip
I think he's happy to be back!!
Guess what???? VIDEO?? This is just in video from Forever Home. Look at our boy!!


North East