

Anna Dixon is a Nottingham mosaic artist, providing community workshops for children and adults of a


Normally, 50:50 Parliament are asking women to stand. This time, we are asking women to connect to their network (colleagues, friends, family, community) for the next week and ask them to VOTE.📣

Borrowing heavily from the fantastic and Campaign (🙌 ) – we are calling on women to ask 3 women in their network to vote. We don’t care HOW you vote, and we must remember to remain respectful of individual choices, but we care that you DO VOTE. 🗳️

If we turn out in record numbers, then our collective voice will be harder to ignore. Having seen numerous leadership debates featuring many, or solely, men and with precious few questions asked about issues affecting women – it’s time that we stand up and be counted by putting our X on the ballot box.🙋

We are sure you need not be reminded that women protested, were tortured and died for our right to vote. Every X each woman marks on the ballot paper is a THANK YOU to the Suffragettes and those who tirelessly campaigned for our equal democratic rights. 👭

Recent polls show 23% of women are undecided on who to vote for in the upcoming General Election. Women feel that the Parties aren’t listening to them or addressing their needs – but with female voters holding the power to significantly influence the outcome of this election, it’s time we exercised this precious democratic freedom collectively.

The Young Women’s Trust noted last year there may be a drop in young women voters this year; we have a responsibility to encourage these women not to surrender their democratic birthright. 🙌

50:50 Parliament campaign for equal representation of women in our elected bodies. Without them, so much progress in women’s rights and equality simply wouldn’t have happened. We need more women, from all backgrounds, in positions of power to ensure that policy is shaped around our lived experiences. 🌎

We salute all of the women standing in this election, and furthering the march toward equality; this is now OUR moment – all of us - to get involved and wield the power that democracy affords us. So, whether your passion is education, halting male violence against women and girls, climate change, poverty or the gender pay gap (amongst so many others!), then we need YOUR vote – and that of your sisters and community too. It will not only shape this election, but also future manifestos, leadership debates and elections.

So, please: contact 3 women in your life and on 4th July.


Meet the new and final addition to our mural! Thankyou to Emma Kitchen for designing and making this lovely ginger Tom for us. As we come close to the end of the making you may see some scaffolding going up on Wi******er Street.... let's hope the weather warms up a bit as we can't install the mosaics in lower than 5 degrees!

Lifestyle Choices. 12/11/2023

Lifestyle Choices. When describing The Home Secretary it's time to stop mincing our words. To see Jonathan Pie: Heroes & Villains go to


Coming soon....


It fits!


I've just cut the design into 3 sections. I'm going to take it back to Sherwood and check it fits the wall before I cut it up anymore!

Photos from Beth the Gardener's post 06/05/2023

Just working on the trunk and branches now.
Then we need to search out more funding!! I've worked out we'll need to do 33 days of workshops minimum to complete the next stage!!

Can you spare a minute to help Anna DIxon? 26/04/2023

Can you spare a minute to help Anna DIxon? Renationalise the Water Industry


The design for the Sherwood Mural is nearly finished!


Getting there..... very slowly!😝


Mosaic bowls.Made to commission.

Photos from Annadixonmosaics's post 31/01/2023

A few Exciting ongoing projects from our Fantastic Friday group this week.

Photos from Annadixonmosaics's post 26/01/2023

Adding the final details to the design. Making it as difficult as you like to mosaic!! I hope we're going to find some comitted helpers to make this huge piece of work!!


Still working away on the design, tweaking features and adding details. What book do you think Robin Hood would be reading?


Meet Rob. He’s just finished his first and very ambitious mosaic mirror. I’m happy to say he was very pleased with the outcome. He hadn’t realised how patient he was. It’s a shame to see him go from the Tuesday night class but I’m hoping he’ll be back to help us with the Sherwood Tree of Knowledge Mosaic as he works with Mike at The Sherwood Business Centre.
If you’d like to have a go yourself then I have a couple of places on aTuesday night from 7 till 9.30 pm. Please get in touch.


Happy Christmas everybody!!


Ron's about to grout hid huge mosaic..... I say pale grey.... he say white.... watch this space!!


The scaling up of the design for our Sherwood Tree of Knowledge mural is slowly coming together with more birds and animals being added everyday. I can't show you a photo of the whole thing yet as the pencil line doesn't show up on the white background when I photograph it. So here's one of the two magpies Ive just added to keep you going!! If anyone wants to come and have a look you are welcome. Just message me.
I'd like to thank who kindly boxed up a pile of old crocs for us to use and left them outside his house for me to collect. Sadly someone pinched them before I got round there which I was very disappointed about!
If you have any old china you'd like for us to include please do get in touch. Thanks.



Sourdough pizza is back on the menu .....Savoy cabbages from Hungary Lane Farm are back in the shop. You can expect a cabbage pizza or two in the next couple of weeks.

We are open Friday and Saturday 9-5 with bread, pastry, cakes, pies, pizza, scones, veg, cheese, butter milk, eggs, jam, crispbread, granola, flour and more. Its mostly organic and mostly local, but most important, if you have questions we can tell you all about it.
will be plying her wares alongside me as usual with the most astonishing array of pasta in all colours and shapes, cook at home pasta dinners, sauces in jars, puddings in jars (incluing a new lemon pudding tjhis week) and a new hard ewes milk cheese made in Scotland that i think is perfect to accompany all of the wonderful pasta.
Hot pasta lunches served 12-3. This week, tirimisu iceream will be added to the menu. Shambala treated me and Ania to a taster today and it was really, really great. Highly recomended!

Petition: Make swift bricks compulsory in new housing to help red-listed birds 10/11/2022

Petition: Make swift bricks compulsory in new housing to help red-listed birds Swifts have declined by over 50% in the UK. Adult swifts, known for site-fidelity, return to the same nests. We want swift bricks to be required in all new housing, to provide homes for these birds. Surveys show these are used by red-listed swifts, house martins, starlings and house sparrows.


Finished! 35 hours. Light is bad. But what colour shall I grout it? Light grey, mid grey, charcoal, black, brown or sandstone?
Often the hardest decision!


Mosaic mirror.
Recycled tiles on plyboard.
51cm x 51 cm


I feel like I haven't posted anything for ages as I've been busy organising the Sherwood Tree of Knowledge mosaic mural. So here's a sneaky peek of a sloth I've been becoming quite friendly with and hope to have finished soon(ish!) for a local sloth lover! Seems appropriate that I make it very slowly so the pieces are getting smaller and smaller!!


Here’s a sketch of the Sherwood Tree of Knowledge mosaic mural that we are planning for the exterior wall of the Sherwood Business Centre on the corner of Wi******er Street and Mansfield Road. The idea and the funding has come from our own Sherwood lover Mike Douglas and the Tree of Knowledge theme hopes to compliment the brilliant Bookshare phonebox donated to the people of Sherwood by Toni Price in her will. Toni loved reading and she loved making mosaics so Mike thought it would be a lovely idea to compliment the Bookshare with a colourful mural to celebrate Sherwood, it’s community and literacy. The Hollies Nursery have kindly agreed to donate a bench or two so that you can sit and read here at your leisure! We hope to work with local schoolchildren and residents to make the mural a community effort. At present we have funding for a limited number of workshops to help with the making but we hope to find more funding so that more people can get involved.
In the meantime we need to find an inside wall, so that I can draw the design out full size. Any ideas (other than the Hartley Business Centre) gratefully received!
We have started a page on facebook where I will post updates so if you’d like to get involved please check out the page called The Sherwood Tree of Knowledge Mosaic where you will find more details.

Photos from Annadixonmosaics's post 02/09/2022

We're back😁😁😁

Photos from Annadixonmosaics's post 02/08/2022

Rob's making good progress on his mosaic clock. It's got a lovely glossy finish.


And Toby helped me hang my sign for the lovely Paul and Ayan who've opened their new Pilates Studio on Woodborough Road.

Photos from Annadixonmosaics's post 28/07/2022

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91 Sherwood Vale