We are a ministry of spiritually and sexually diverse people who aim to talk less and do more to res We value Interfaith work and we value partnerships
We aim to boldly speak out against injustice and stand with those who struggle. The Micah Project continues to actively contribute to citizenship, consciousness raising and advocacy by highlighting human rights abuses, hate crimes, acts of violence and other social issues that affect society generally; those that specifically target the LGBTI community and those perpetrated because of prejudice ba
sed on conservatism and or fundamentalism. It is important that the faith voice is not lost in the broader dialogue around hate in the country and on the continent. It is important to us that this includes countering the voices of those who profess to speak on behalf of all Christians. We are unafraid to do this in a radical, non violent way ~ believing that the church universal does not have religious privilege in excusing itself from upholding human rights and what is constitutional. Micah Project engages with amongst others communities, service providers in state departments who provide services to people who are discriminated against because of the orientation, identity or presentation and other NGO's whose core work is not faith. Micah Project, where we are able, assists people who have been affected by violence and discriminatory practices because of their orientation, identity or expression in concrete ways.