Zack Medical Center

Zack Medical Center

Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic. HIV Test, STI tests and Treatment. Convenient & Confidential HIV Early Detection test by PCR. Specialty Clinic, Never crowded.

STD Tests & Treatment* (Herpes, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Hepatitis, Ge***al Wart)

Same day result (for samples collected before 12 noon; excluding culture and PCR tests)

HIV Test by fourth Generation ELISA. Nonjudgmental staff. Assured privacy. Prior appointment not necessary. Results by phone or email. Private clinic: Serving residents and tourists. Sexual Health Checkup: Convenient & Confidential


Never let the embarrassment come in the way of testing.
Be responsible. Get tested, after risky exposure
Zack Medic. STD Clinic, Dubai

Untitled album 09/04/2016



305. Emgate Building, Sheikh Zayed Road