Kathleen Perich - Reiki Master Practitioner

Kathleen Perich - Reiki Master Practitioner

Kathleen is a certified Reiki Master Practitioner living in the southern NH area.

Kathleen has been practicing Reiki since 2011 and is trained to Master Level in Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho. Her experience includes working with adults, children and animals, and offers a complimentary first session for new clients. Kathleen is available for home visits, hospital, and long-term care facilities.

9 Facts about Reiki 23/11/2018

Finding myself especially thankful for Reiki today - here's some information brought to you by Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center of the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Always happy to share great things that are happening in the world of Reiki!

9 Facts about Reiki We wanted to share with you 9 facts about Reiki and how this form of relaxation is used throughout the [...]

Concord Hospital Hosts Music for Healing & Transition Program™ 09/07/2018

As a Reiki Volunteer, I have come to know the wonderfully talented and caring therapeutic musicians here at Concord Hospital. The Therapeutic Arts and Activities Services (TAAS) is an amazing department, offering patients comfort and peace in times of high stress and anxiety. The therapeutic musicians are a big part of what makes CH so special ❤️

Concord Hospital Hosts Music for Healing & Transition Program™ If you're interested in becoming a Certified Music Practitioner, you won't want to miss this educational opportunity.

Reiki for Kids in Jail 19/02/2018

Our friends in Chicago are doing aaammaazzingg things with Reiki!

Reiki for Kids in Jail The Reiki Brigade focuses on communities in distress, so working with the residents of the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center has been a longtime goal. It was well worth the wait.

Horse Reiki: Everything You Need To Know About It - Horses Mad 26/10/2017

Hi everyone! A great article about the benefits of Reiki with horses and a nice explanation of Reiki in general - Make sure you check out HealingPaws_Holistic, a local Reiki practitioner who works with animals!

Horse Reiki: Everything You Need To Know About It - Horses Mad Some might believe it, some might not, but the truth is, horse reiki is increasingly popular in the horse and pet world. Read more about equine reiki here.

Reiki goes mainstream: Spiritual touch practice now commonplace in hospitals 10/09/2017

Reiki goes mainstream: Spiritual touch practice now commonplace in hospitals Sandra Delgado wasn’t held much as a child growing up in a stern, Catholic, Mexican-immigrant home in the San Fernando Valley.

Frequently Asked Questions About Reiki 04/07/2017

Frequently Asked Questions About Reiki You may want to try reiki after reading this.

Teaching Reiki to Youth in a High-Crime Neighborhood 21/11/2016

Big fan of this group - would love to see something like this happen locally

Teaching Reiki to Youth in a High-Crime Neighborhood The Reiki Brigade joined forces with the YMCA to offer Reiki and Reiki training to a group of youth in a high-crime Chicago neighborhood. Watch to see how th...

Children's Hospital center offering varied, free healing 23/10/2016

Children's Hospital center offering varied, free healing Different kinds of healing are now being offered to parents, patients and staff at Boston Children's Hospital, thanks in large part to the nonprofit "Yoga Reaches Out."

How Does Reiki Help? - Reiki, Medicine & Self-Care with Pamela Miles 20/09/2016

Great article by the amazing Pamela Miles =)

How Does Reiki Help? - Reiki, Medicine & Self-Care with Pamela Miles How really does Reiki healing help? Let's take a look.

Timeline photos 02/09/2016

Schedule a REIKI session today =)


Timeline photos 07/08/2016

Stay grounded...

Reiki is love 01/08/2016

Wise words from Usui Sensei - the founder of Reiki (1865-1926)

Reiki is love “Reiki is love, Love is wholeness, Wholeness is balance, Balance is well being, Well being is freedom from disease” ~ Dr Mikao Usui

4 Ways that Reiki can help Shelter Animals - IVC Journal 18/07/2016

Interesting article about how Reiki is used with animals - in this specific article, it discusses the wonderful ways Reiki is used in animal shelters

4 Ways that Reiki can help Shelter Animals - IVC Journal Reiki is an easy-to-use energy therapy that complements both conventional and holistic approaches. Reiki translates from Japanese as “spiritual energy” and is a system of ...

Reiki: A Light Touch that Helps Cancer Patients 12/07/2016

January 2014 article about how Reiki is used with cancer patients

Reiki: A Light Touch that Helps Cancer Patients Reiki is a noninvasive practice that uses a light touch on -- or holding hands just above -- a person’s body to help promote balance and well-being. There is no pressure or tissue manipulation. Despite any clear biologic mechanism, “Our recent study has shown that Reiki induces relaxation, decreasin...

The Practice of Reiki in Modern Medicine 04/07/2016

The Practice of Reiki in Modern Medicine How the practice of Reiki to relieve stress and promote healing is gaining acceptance in the world of modern medicine.

For the health of it: Reiki 02/07/2016

For the health of it: Reiki Joline Atkins explores the practices of Reiki - a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation.


Southern New Hampshire Area