Mayes Fisheries

Mayes Fisheries

Mobile Fresh and Frozen Fish Products. This business was started by Mr Tom Brown in 1945, Clive bought the business in 1991 and it is still going strong.


Unfortunately I am unable to be out Tuesday. Have tried my best to get fish. Unfortunately failed. Back Wednesday as normal. Sorry.


Good Morning everyone. Just to let you know. I have van back now. So normal service is resumed on Tuesday. Apologies for the last two weeks.


Good Morning Everyone. Have been to the Garage. They say the van will be back with me either Thursday or Friday. Thank You for your patience.
Apologies again for the inconvenience


Van should be back late next week. So I’m hoping to be back starting February 6th. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


I’m afraid it’s looking like I won’t be out next week. Van has failed its MOT. And can’t be repaired instantly. Sorry to let you all down.


Due to next Monday being a bank holiday. My wholesalers and the fish markets will be closed. Unfortunately for us on Tuesdays. We won’t be back until 4th October. On holiday 27th for a week.
Wednesday and Thursday customers unaffected next week.
Thank You.


Hi Everyone. Now have van back in action. So no need to look for little black car.
Due to the sad loss of our beloved Queen.
Her Funeral is on Mon 19th September. As this is a Public Bank Holiday. I don’t know the situation with fish for the 20th. I am on holiday the following week. So I have to apologize to my Tuesday customers. I will endeavour to try and find out the situation with fish and let you know this week.
Thanks. Clive


Hi Everyone. Just to let you all know. My van is out of action for a week. But I will still be around. So if you see a strange black car. It will be me. Wednesday round I will be finishing at Gosbeck. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank You. Clive


This is for my Friday Customers who are on here. As from July 5th, I will no longer be working on a Friday. But I will not be letting you down. Elmsett, Aldham and Whatfield I will be moving to a Tuesday Afternoon, Somersham, Barking, and Nedging will be on a Wednesday afternoon.
I’m sorry about this. But, I am due to retire on July 25th, Unfortunately my Wife is not in the best of health. and I need to spend four days at home to care for her. I have no plans to retire at the moment. I hope everyone will understand my reasons for this. Thank You everyone.


Good Morning Everyone. Just to let you know. Hoping to be back with you all from tomorrow. COVID. Clear, leaves you with a cough, but not contagious. Thank You.


Good Evening. This is late notice I know. But won’t be out at the moment. Guess what. My turn to get this damn covid. Sorry. Back asap. Thank You


Good Morning All. I will be out and about. But only until 10am. So this means I will only be doing Elmsett and Whatfield. Apologies to everyone else. But safety first. Thank You.


I know this is a late post. But just to let my Friday Customers know, I will be out tomorrow, but, if this storm is as bad as they say, I might have to cut the round back for safety reasons. I will not take risks. Hopefully I will get to see most of you.


Good Morning Everyone. We are back starting tomorrow 5th Jan. fish may be a little limited. But we will have something. Look forward to seeing you all again.


Happy New Year Everyone. Let’s hope for a good 2022


We would just like to wish everyone a Very Happy Christmas. And hopefully a better New Year.
Thank You for your continued support. And we will hopefully start back on 5th Jan.
Clive & Margaret


Good Morning,

Wednesday has come round quick again, what a glorious day it is!

I will be back at Coddenham Community Shop today between 12.30 - 13.00.

If your about feel free to pop down and say hello 👋

We are here at Coddenham Community Shop every Wednesday from 12.30 until 13.00pm.


We are here at Coddenham Community Shop every Wednesday from 12.30 until 13.00pm.


I have to apologize to my Friday customers. Forgot to tell you I’m not out this coming Friday. Think we have been so used to being lockdowned that I forgot we have a chance to get away. Whoops.


Good Morning Everyone. Fish supplies this week may be limited. Have just contacted my wholesalers and they have all the drivers and warehouse staff self isolating due to COVID. Thankfully I don’t come into contact with them.


First week back. Thank You everyone for your support. And your good wishes for my recovery. I have been overwhelmed by this. Look forward to seeing you all next week. Have a lovely weekend.


Good Morning Everyone. Back out with you tomorrow. We have cod fillet 7-8 oz. Haddock fillet 3/4 - 1. Limited supply of sea bass fillet. Salmon fillet. Full range of frozen products as well. Look forward to seeing you all again.


I apologize to everyone, but I won’t be out for the rest of this week, the conditions for Thursday morning is not good, plus I have had customers contact me and said don’t call the roads are still bad.
I think it’s just not worth it for just one more week.
Hopefully back next week with full service resumed.
Thank You.


It’s not looking good for me this week. Typical when I’ve been off for so long. I definitely won’t be out Tuesday or Wednesday. Hoping for better on Thursday. I apologize for this. But weather is causing this issue. As well as fresh fish supplies.
Thank You


Hi Everyone. If we get the snow that is forecast, it’s possible I might not be able to get any fish, plus i might not be able to get out of our road. as you will appreciate I still have to be careful getting around. We will have to see what the weather is like on Tuesday. And then reconsider our options. We will endeavour to get to you as soon as possible. Thank You


Good Morning. Hopefully good news at last. I am hoping to start back with you on week beginning 8th February.
Been to hospital this morning, have to wear boot outside at the moment for next two weeks, can leave it off indoors though. Then in two weeks can leave it off altogether.
Allowed to drive now. But can’t really come back while still wearing the boot. Also have a certificate keeping me off until 8th February.
I am really looking forward to getting back and seeing you all again.
Thank You for your patience.


Happy New Year everyone. Hope it gets better in 2021. Hopefully see you soon


Happy Christmas to you all. Hope you all have the best time you can in this strange world.
It won’t be the same this year I know, but try to enjoy and stay safe.
Clive and Margaret.


Good Morning Everyone. Have just left hospital. Have a boot now instead of plaster. Can light weight bear only. Everything healing thankfully. Back to hospital on 25th January. No news on work yet.


Hi Everyone. Just a quick update. Been to the hospital today. All stitches now out. Plastered again though. No weight allowed on it yet. Next hospital appointment 14th December. Don't know anymore at the moment. Will keep you all informed as and when I know anything. Thank you all for the good wishes.




Opening Hours

Tuesday 08:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 15:00
Friday 09:00 - 15:00