

We help Forex traders become consistently profitable by providing a complete solution which includes I was introduced to trading at the age of 19.

My name is Richard Harries and I set up VTradeFX for the sole purpose to help traders become consistently profitable. It was my lecturer who suggested I do an Internship in London for some work experience whilst on my summer break from University. I knew my father’s friend worked in Investment Banking so I contacted him. That summer I was first introduced to the world of trading and never looked b




We have profited nicely from our AUDUD forex signal. It is easy to close trades and profit early but you need to be disciplined and hold in if you forecast further weakness


Trading doesn't have to be complicated. Based on previous price action can we assume a resumption of the trend higher?


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***Amateur Trader Fault***

- Overtrading, expecting to profit each and every day-

Amateur traders are often lured into the market by promises of quick bucks and edge of the seat trading.

Brokers pitch the idea of more trades = more profit (well at least for them that is)

So called forex gurus with their performance written on an excel spreadsheet their kindergarten daughter probably wrote promise $$££ every day!

Take a moment to consider the Pareto principle. For those of you unaware of it, basically it is a law that states 'roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes'.

We apply this to trading...

- 80% of profits come from 20% of trades
- 80% of the time I am not trading, 20% of the time I am
- 80% of the market moves are noise, 20% of the market moves are actual signals
-80% of the time the market is not trending and 20% of the time it is trending

If you were not convinced before, now you should be. For all you trend traders out there, sorry but you will only be trading 20% of the time when the market is trending!

Trading is like no other business and we are actually paid to wait, as strange as that sounds. 80% of my time is spent analysing charts, 20% of my time is spent trading.


We are currently sitting on some nice profit. Our USDNOK forex signal was executed as the market carved out a low and we expect the price to continue its impulsive move higher.

If you want to start profiting from trades just like this one, all you have to do is sign up for free


Have we carved out a corrective wave 4 in EURUSD?

Price action so far is impulsive but this needs to be sustained if we are to test the August highs and look for a resumption of the trend


Corrections are often complex and provide a test of a traders patience.

AUDUSD is finally showing the weakness we have forecast and broken through the 0.76200 level.

Where do we target from here?


No matter what people tell you, trading isn’t easy. Sure it can be easily taught but it is very hard to implement. Only 5% of traders make money, the odds for a beginner starting out are against them from the start.

In order to become successful, you must require a certain level of education, follow a profitable forex trading strategy and have a solid support network. The problem most traders face is that they have not yet been given access to the right place with quality education, profitable strategies and professional support; that is until now.

If you would like to learn more and are serious about making consistent money sign up for a free membership today.



VTradeFX's cover photo


How do you measure success? Most amateur traders measure it by how much money they make.

We measure success on how well we follow our trading plan. Our trade plan is profitable so we know if we execute it well, the profits will follow.

You need to trade only when the market presents you with opportunities. If you measure success only by the money made you will end up chasing trades trying to profit through invalid setups


Are you ready to build a short position?

Price playing out as forecast for EURUSD


Can you spot the potential Head & Shoulders pattern? USDJPY looks like it has found support, now we have to wait and see whether in a current market of low liquidity it can move to the upside target.

We will issue a if our strict criteria is met, thus allowing us every chance of profiting from the trade.

Remember patience is one of the key skills to every professional trader. Let the market come to you, never go chasing it


Depending on what type of trader you are, this could be a nice opportunity for some quick profits.

EURUSD is on our watch list but will not be issued as a just yet because like all wave 3's, price has the tendency to extend.

The key to this trade is to start off light and build if price starts to move in favour


Potential if price can break 0.74400 to the upside. This is a nice setup which could form the low of wave ii.

An excellent risk to reward and if it does play out, sit back and enjoy the impulse wave iii ride.

Managing the trade will be key as its non farm payrolls today. If you want and analysis, sign up for your free membership today


Every forex trader seeks the perfect entry and exit. Out of all my years of trading, I can safely say that I have only achieved it a handful of times.

As a trader you will always say to yourself...'I could have got in earlier, I should have waited for the price to retrace a little further, I closed my trade too early, why did I bother taking partial profits....'

What you have to realise and take this from me, the perfect trade rarely happens. No matter what people tell you, it is virtually impossible to get the absolute perfect entry and exit. Yes, we can be close but there is often always something left on the table.

Our are designed to be right more times than wrong. Seems logical right? But in pursuit of that, you cannot only be satisfied with the perfect entry and exit. We build positions, take partial profits and close trades at key levels.

Sometimes money is left on the table but by being roughly right we and not precisely wrong we can manage trades to ensure we stay profitable and limit drawdowns.

Most amateur traders don't get this. They have been brainwashed by scams and BS about perfect trades and 1000%+ returns. After 50 plus trades I guarantee you will have a different perspective.


I will not be trading this but that is not to say it isn't a valid entry.

Corrections are typically much hard to trade. They are complex structures and price action is choppy.

Price is currently at a key level and we expect a reaction from it to the upside.

USDJPY can be a volatile pair so be nimble. If price shows further evidence of respecting this level build a position looking to target 114.00


How good are you at callings tops?

Personally, I never like to call tops or bottoms. When you think the price is over extended, guess what, it keeps on extending.

At VTradeFX we identify levels where we believe the price is in its final stages and ready for a reversal. These levels are just that, not a place to execute a trade but rather a location to see how price action reacts to it.

EURUSD is at an interesting level. We will be keeping a close eye on price action and should it play out as forecast we may look to generate a forex signal if our set criteria is met.

Don't try to be cleverer than the market, calling tops and bottoms is a mug's game, leave your ego at the door and let the market give you clues before you form a bias.


Cost of Trading

Forex trading is a business and like any other business, there are costs involved that need to be accounted for. Most forex signal providers or educators will not touch on the costs involved but we feel it is essential to understand them as they will impact the bottom line.

Our forex signal performance is verified through a third party who include costs when calculating the return. Check out our performance here www.vtradefx.com/performance

To learn more about costs that you will incur watch our video


Does Fundamental Analysis have its place in Forex Trading?

There is great debate among forex traders as to whether or not Fundamental Analysis is completely necessary.

The photo of my favourite magazine subscription should give you a clue regarding my opinion.

There are many pros and cons to Fundamental Analysis just like there is with Technical Analysis.

When I first started trading, price action was sufficient enough to generate excellent forex returns, however in recent years that has all changed due to global market dynamics.

At Vtradefx all our forex signals take into account Fundamental, Technical and Sentiment analysis. It is Fundamental Analysis that gives us the backdrop of the market for which we then look at price patterns that align with it.

We feel it is very important to understand why markets are moving so we can be in tune with them. This allows us to profit from valid technical setups.

The Economist is one way we stay in tune but we also watch news channels, listen to squawk and sign up to newsletters.

Amateur traders often struggle with Fundamental Analysis. Some find it difficult to understand whilst others form a quick view after listening to a tiny piece of news or some so called guru spouting BS.

The key is to form a directional bias from the Fundamental Analysis, Identify high probability Technical setups that align with it and when sentiment is in your favour, then it's time to trade it.

To learn more about the types of Analysis, our Strategy to get free forex signals sign up for a free account


Our forex signal is currently in a nice profit. Consider taking profits and moving stops


We are keeping a close eye on cable as it continues its correction. We need to see a push below 1.2830 if we are to issue a new trading signal.

Price action is choppy which is characteristic of a corrective pattern. Wait for an impulsive move lower before building shorts.


We have locked in pips from yesterday's forex signal. USDJPY continues to be weak so we need to be patient and let price do its thing


Money management is key to successful forex trading. Risk parameters should be consistent.

When we issue a forex signal we often get asked by amateur traders how much money to risk.

Our response varies depending on the individual. We make them aware of drawdowns and how to keep an equity curve as smooth as possible.

Remember when determining how much to risk, we need to make rational decisions and not be influenced by the power of money.


There are many forex signal providers who pride themselves on having some secret strategy.

When learning any new skill we want to believe there is some secret to success. This could be the secret to lowering your golf handicap, the secret to getting a six pack or the secret to getting rich.

I am sorry to have to tell you this but there is no secret to our strategy. Our forex signals produce consistent results from following a proven strategy that has stood the test of time.

The secret to learning many new skills is learning the technique, mastering it and being consistent in its application. In golf this is grooving a consistent solid swing and for getting a six pack following a strict diet and training program.

Stop searching for a secret holy grail trading strategy and learn one that has been proven over many years.

To quote the great Jesse Livermore

"There is nothing new on Wall Street or in stock speculation. What has happened in the past will happen again, and again, and again. This is because human nature does not change, and it is human emotion, solidly build into human nature, that always gets in the way of human intelligence. Of this I am sure"

Sign up for free membership and get instant access to our Trader Video Course where you can learn the VTFX Forex Strategy


Plan your trade and trade your plan.

Every forex signal we send is mapped out and actively managed according to our plan.

It might be tempting to trade by the seat of your pants but this leads to inconsistency.

90% of trading is planning and waiting. Don't be fooled into thinking you must be positioned in the market all of the time.

Plan your trades, be patient, let the market come to you and trade with discipline.

If you want professional Daily Analysis and Forex Signals sign up for a free membership at www.vtradefx.com


One of the reasons why most amateur traders fail to make money is because they cannot control their emotions.

Members often contact us after a forex signal has been issued saying 'I wasn't able to profit from the full potential of the trade because I closed it too early'.

You need to let a trade run and control fear at all times. Fear causes irrational decision making in all forms of trading.

Check out the article for tips on how to overcome fear and start making great returns from our forex signals



Professional traders never worry about risk because prior to a trade they always calculate it and once executed they manage it.

When we send out a forex signal we always determine the associated risk level. Once in the market all we have to do is let the trade play out and manage it effectively


Our EURUSD forex signal is currently in profit but we are considering closing it.

The Dollar Index is showing classic signs of a fifth wave and EURUSD has divergence suggesting a reversal.

Active trade management should form part of your forex strategy. Knowing when to get out is just as important as knowing when to get.


As a forex trader do you follow other markets?

In today's market you cannot follow one asset class in isolation. Currencies have various correlations so looking at different instruments can give clues on where price is heading next.

We analyse all asset classes because it helps us generate high probability forex signals.

Sign up for a free membership and download your Intermarket Analysis cheat sheet


Is the Dollar ready for the next leg higher?

The Dollar Index is a great tool for measuring sentiment and giving clues as to where price is heading for Dollar based currencies pairs.

For instance if we get the move higher in the Dollar Index I will be shorting EURUSD

To learn more about Intermarket Analysis or want free forex signals sign up to our free membership www.vtradefx.com


Keep calm and trade our forex signals.

Our strategy and performance is proven over time so you can be confident in making consistent profits.

To learn more about our forex strategy, technical analysis and trading signals sign up for a free account



Forex trading requires a growth mindset.

In order to become successful you must not only grow your account but grow as a trader.

We offer both profitable forex signals enabling you to grow your account and a framework for you to grow as a trader.


Fear and greed drives the forex market. As a trader we need to control our emotions in particular fear.

Often emotions will cause us to make irrational decisions. Fear is a common emotion amateur traders constantly fear. It can cause an array of problems so you need to overcome it.

There are steps to take to first identify it and secondly overcome it.

We help traders control their emotions so they can profit from our forex signals


Forex signal follow up. We are in profit but please be patient as there is more downside potential. If the low is taken out we can consider locking in some profit.

Our forex strategy continues to identify high probability set ups

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VTradeFX Free Membership
Cost of Trading
Why Trade Forex
Who are the Market Participants
What is the Forex Market