The United States of An African

The United States of An African

Providing inspirational stories and life lessons through travel.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 30/12/2023

2023...was tough. But God took real good care of me and performed miracles in my life! I got to travel to all new cities and countries...
- Venice
- Athens and Santorini
- Dubrovnik and Split
- Oahu (Hawaii)
- San Juan (Puerto Rico)
- Charlevoix (Michigan)

My husband and I also bought our first home together. And God blessed me with a full time remote job 🙏🏿.

So while I did cry a LOT of sad and mournful tears this year, God provided more than I asked for. I'm grateful.


Merry Christmas y'all!!!! So grateful for the grace and mercy God has shown us from the first Christmas to now.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 24/12/2023

I got to dress up all pretty and ish!
So happy to attend my in-law's wedding and J!!!

Photos from The United States of An African's post 03/12/2023

I had a good fro day here! And this denim jacket by brightened up my day even more! I got so many compliments 🥰.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 21/11/2023

Home for the holidays

Photos from The United States of An African's post 16/10/2023

It's autumn which is the season of harvest. I pray that you have a bountiful harvest this season. I pray that all the work, all the tears, EVERYTHING you've put pressure on will produce the results you've been wanting and more! I pray God's blessing and anointing upon you this week!!
On a related note, each fall I so long to be a part of the pumpkin spice crew. Don't ask why. But each year I try pumpkin anything - coffee, pie, candles etc. And I hate it, both taste and smell. So last week, as per tradition, I tried a pumpkin spice donut (for the first time) and absolutely loved it! I figured, yay, my taste buds have finally agreed. That is until this morning when I tried a pumpkin spice latte... It was disgusting! So I'm going to revisit that cider mill and try that donut again to see if it was a fluke.
On a different note, while I was in Baltimore over the weekend for a wedding, I literally planned my entire schedule around a mandatory visit to because I believe they only exist in 2 or 3 states in America.
Last note, I just took another sip of the coffee... It truly is disgusting 😭.
Blazer - Thrift store
White turtle neck -
Jeans -
Boots -
Bag -

Photos from The United States of An African's post 14/10/2023

My favorite fall activity, picking apples and eating cider donuts!!! This is my happy place during fall season. I also tried a pumpkin spice donut and surprisingly loved it. I'm usually not a fan of pumpkin spice anything. It was extra special because my bonus baby showed interest in photography and videography so he helped me out! He also tagged along with me to the farmers market where we drank hot cocoa and bought fresh peppers! It was a Hallmark type of fall day!!

Photos from The United States of An African's post 09/10/2023

My trip to Dubrovnik, Croatia might have certified my nerd status. While the city of Dubrovnik is one of the most beautiful European cities I've ever visited, the highlight of the way too short of a trip was the Game of Thrones tour. Slide through the photos and let me know if you recognize any of the locations from the series!

I definitely plan to go back to Dubrovnik because there's so much I missed out on due to time constraints, but my siblings and I just couldn't pass up checking Game of Thrones history 😂.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 07/10/2023

Croatia! Here my family and I had the opportunity to visit Split. It's such a special city in the history of Croatia. I couldn't count how many times they got invaded and dealt with, but they fought their way each time. Speaking of HISTORY, this dress I'm wearing actually belonged to my grandmother. She was so stylish back in her day! Get this, she owned this dress after already giving birth to her six children! I, no children yet, could barely fit in it! SWIPE to the last post to see her in the dress!!!
Back to Croaita. Culturally speaking, I love Croatians based on my brief experience. They're so friendly!! They prioritize quality time with friends and family. These guys can sit in a cafe for hours drinking coffee with loved ones They prioritize eating fresh food straight from the source and they eat to be merry. Oh... And they drive like maniacs (Nigerian style) 😆.
Is Croatia on your list of travel destinations?

Photos from The United States of An African's post 05/10/2023

A time was had in Venice! Funny enough I didn't think I would enjoy Venice as much as I did. But the people we met, the food we ate, the history of the city, the was such great experience for me and my family. I can't wait to go back to Italy and check out other cities.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 03/10/2023

Another stop is Athens, Greece. You can imagine the history conserved in this city. It's really breathtaking at times. As a history nerd, I really did enjoy myself. But I have to say, other the historical aspect of the city, Athens as a whole wasn't my cup of tea. It low-key reminded me of some of the streets in Nigeria, and not in a good way. In a sense it's comforting how alike we all are but aesthetically I was unimpressed. I expected a clean and organized city. But maybe I didn't go to the right side of Athens. Kind of like how parts of every big city has it's good, bad and ugly. Hmm 🤔.
Let's end on a positive note. I did have one of the best gyros ever and I unfortunately can't remember the name of the corner restaurant we stumbled upon. My day was complete with that meal.
Have you been to Athens, Greece?

Photos from The United States of An African's post 01/10/2023

Views from Santorini! Spent a few hours here touring the island, riding a donkey, eating delicious food and taking a dip in the Ionian sea.
A few hours definitely isn't enough time to determine whether or not I love it, but I like it enough to book a longer stay in the future. I'd have to stay on the quieter side of the island and avoid Oia if possible.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 27/09/2023

Found ourselves in a little village just outside of Venice. I don't think a lot of black people visit because there were a lot of stares. But when we actually encountered people at the gelato spot and the restaurant, they were actually very friendly! Even at the restaurant, as we got there early (Italians eat a later dinner than Americans), they served us before they actually opened. Great hospitality!! Even better food!!!

Photos from The United States of An African's post 25/09/2023

La dolce vita part 1 🇮🇹. Second time in Italy, this time was Murano. It's definitely more relaxed, less crowded and cheaper than Venice proper! Of course I had to indulge in gelato, limoncello and aperol. I'm sure I've gained some pounds on this trip, but it's worth it!
One thing people don't tell you about italy is the mosquitoes!! They're everywhere!! Other that, I loved every bit of Murano.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 06/08/2023

Summer weddings 🥰. So happy for my friend Irina! I'm praying for marital bliss, now and always, between you and Cory!

Photos from The United States of An African's post 02/08/2023

Until next time Hawaii, mahalo!!
I absolutely loved being away on vacation. I found a bit of myself for the first time in a long time. I'm looking forward to more travel this year

Photos from The United States of An African's post 31/07/2023

I heard Hawaii has a lot of sea turtles. Naturally, I went snorkeling in search of these sea turtles but didn't find any. So I took out my frustrations with a parking lot photo shoot 😂.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 30/07/2023

Visited and it was a really cool experience! In addition to the aviation museum, we also visited and explored the USS Missouri battleship.
At first I was less than thrilled to go, but I figured it would be a fun and educational experience for the little kiddo. Turns I got more out of it than he did lol.
If you're going to visit, I highly suggest that you wear comfortable shoes, light clothing and sunscreen, and carry water! Also, no bags are allowed.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 23/07/2023

I haven't worn a little black dress in while!
Yesterday was an experience at
Glad we decided to dine there for our anniversary. Make sure to talk to Andre, their in house sommelier!

Photos from The United States of An African's post 24/06/2023

Thanks to the hubs for unknowingly lending me his shirt.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 18/06/2023

Happy father's Day to the man who showed me the blueprint

Photos from The United States of An African's post 15/05/2023

I've been going through a season of grief. As I feel the end of this season is here, I've been seeking opportunities to get out of the house and touch grass lol. This past weekend I got to frolic in fields of tulips, in Holland MI. Fun fact, I spent two years of my childhood in the Netherlands. And thus tulips are my favorite flower. I think it's awesome that I have access to this small dutch town here in the Midwest. I didn't get to eat my favorite dutch snacks. I guess I'll just have to go back to the real Holland for that 😉
Anyway, I've also gotten back to being a content creator, slowly but surely. And I've been posting quite a bit on my YouTube channel. Please do me a favor and check it out! Like, share and subscribe if you're feeling it. It means a lot. Link in my bio.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 14/05/2023

No one like my mummy 🥰. She's a living example of selfless and unconditional love 😘. Happy mother's day to my mum, who always "adopts" more children every year. Idk how many people refer to her as mummy, mom and grandma these days. Can't keep up lol.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 23/01/2023

God did His thing when he created snow. The aesthetics are a vibe.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 03/01/2023

Sup y'all. Just wanted to remind you (and myself) to treat yourself with grace and kindness. Don't forget to also extend grace and kindness to others.

Photos from The United States of An African's post 27/12/2022

My sister said to post this picture. So here 🍁♥️🌶️🍒🍎

Photos from The United States of An African's post 25/12/2022

First Christmas as Mrs. W!!! Merry Christmas from my family to you and yours!!


The breakfast at was so delicious!! All my worries left lol.


Currently thinking of my next island vacation

Photos from The United States of An African's post 25/11/2022

Nothing like resting on the beach to the sounds of the ocean. Our stay at
was incredibly relaxing.