SDA church Masanafu

SDA church Masanafu

I WILL GO 2021

Photos from SDA church Masanafu's post 22/01/2023

Still about today, our children learning different local skills like cooking, baking. Here at SDA Masanafu

Photos from SDA church Masanafu's post 22/01/2023

Today, we are having Home helpers children activity at SDA Masanafu, our kids are having a great time. Thanks Children ministries department

Photos from SDA church Masanafu's post 21/01/2023

Today as we had the Public Affair and Religious Liberty ministries sabbath. Led by Caleb Mutabazi

Photos from SDA church Masanafu's post 18/09/2022
Photos from K_News's post 08/07/2022

It is FULL Evangelism around Masanafu just Opposite Glorious Primary School.


Greeting from Morning stars choir Masanafu members


```Monday 17 January, 2022```


_And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life — 1 John 2:25_

_The Lancet_ a prestigious medical journal based in the United Kingdom, reported that the majority of children now being borne in wealthy nations will have to be 100 years old. Yet as wonderful as it sounds, that announcement looks less exciting when considered in light of the Bible. In the beginning, God created a perfect world, where the inhabitants were intended to live forever. The apostle John affirms that "this is the promise that He had promised us—eternal life" (1 John 2:25).
It is true that living to be 100 years old is a wonderful achievement. In many British Commonweath countries, it was customary that those who lived to 100 would receive a congratulatory telegram from the Queen. But God's plans are so much better. Compared to the patriarch of the Bible, a person who lives to 100 is a spring chicken! Adm lived to be 930. Seth, the son of Adam, lived to 912. Seth's son Enos died at 905, and Methuselah died in the year of the Flood at the age of 969—making him the oldest man who ever died. The oldest man who ever lived is Enoch, who was translated without seeing death and still living.
Sin has dragged the world down to the place where 100 years of life is considered a great achievement. The oldest person in the world at any given time is usually around 116 years old. But God wants us to make truly long-term plans.
I once met an elderly woman who told me she didn't want to live forever. "It seems like such a long time," she told me, "and I can't imagine what I would do." But God can! Those who hold the hand of Jesus can be certain of living a meaningful, fulfilling, exciting life that has no end. That's God's perfect plan for you. And you don't want to miss it!


November 28
Akasisimuka k'olwaleero

*Mwoyo Mutukuvu Ekirabo Ssemalabo*

"Era bwe yalabikira mu mutindo ogw'obuntu, ne yecetoowaza, nga muwulize
okutuusa okufa, era okufa okw'oku musalaba." Abafiripi 2:8.

Mu bipimo eby'enkanankana ku kutoowazibwa kwa Kristo mwe tulabira okugulumizibwa kwe. Yayinza okubeera Omulokozi, Omununuzi, ng asoose kufuuka Saddaaka. Nga kyama kiyitirivu eky'obwakatonda obwa Kristo. Ng'amalirizza okugulumiza étteeka n'okuliwa ekitiibwa mu kukkiriza obukwakulizo ng'alokola ensi okuva mu kuzikirira, Kristo yeyongerayo mu ggulu, okutwala mu maaso omulimu gwe, n'okumaliriza obuweereza bwe ng'atumya Mwoyo Mutukuvu eri abayigirizwa be. Na bwe kityo yandikakasizza abamukkiriza bonna nti yali tabeerabidde, wewaawo kaakano ali mu maaso ga Katonda, ewali okutuukirira okw'essanyu emirembe n'emirembe

Mwoyo Mutukuvu yali waakukka ku nsi ku abo abaali baagala Kristo. Mu kino bandiweereddwa okusaanyizibwa, okuyita mu kugulumizibwa okwa Mukama waabwe, okuweebwa buli kirabo ekyetaagisa mu kutuukiriza obuweereza bwabwe. Omugabi w obulamu yalina mu mikono gye, si bisumuluzo bya kufa byokka, naye n'obugagga bwonna obw'eggulu Obuyinza bwonna mu ggulu ne ku nsi bwamuweebwa, era oluvanyuma lw'okuzzibwa mu kifo kye mu mbiri ez'omu ggulu, yali ayinza okugemula emikisa gyino gyonna eri bonna abamusembeza.

Kristo yategeeza abayigirizwa be, "Kibasaanira mmwe nze okugenda; kubanga - nze bwe sirigenda, Omubeezi talibajjira, naye bwe ndigenda ndi mutuma gye muli." (Yokaana 16:7). Kino kye kyali ekirabo ssemalabo. Mwoyo Mutukuvu yatumibwa nga ekyobugagga ekyomuwendo ogutagerwa omuntu kye yandiyinzizza okufuna. Ekkanisa yabatizibwa Mwoyo Mutukuvu. Abayigirizibwa bamuweebwa baateekebweteekebwe okugenda, okubuulira Kristo, okusooka mu Yerusaalemi, eyo omulímu ogw'okunyoomola Kabaka asaanidde gye gwali gukoleddwa, olwo ate beyongereyo mu bitundu eby 'ewala eby'ensi.

Nga mijjuvu era egyobuwa emikisa egyokugonnomolwa ku abo abajja eri Katonda mu linnya ery'Omwana we. Bwe banaak

Emikisa gyo 23/10/2021
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Emikisa gyo




Bible study at Kinonya SDA


See you at church. Happy sabbath



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Bible study at Kinonya SDA
