

Content Creator and Active Duty Airman with a mission to share hope, laughter and fun!

Engaging the industry one stream at a time to promote mental health awareness and support for fellow service members and those with disabilities.


Catch some late night CoD with none other than JaredFPS! Throw him a like and a follow!


Hey fam, going to be pushing tonight’s stream to tomorrow.

Work has been hectic and this blistering heat sure isn’t helping! Going to get some much needed R&R and rebound tomorrow!


So very sorry nothing happened tonight.

I am not sure where the issues suddenly are coming from. We’ve streamed for almost three weeks with no issues and now we’re suddenly faced with them.

I do know this; that when the Lord leads you to something good, the enemy will do whatever it can to stop it, frustrate you or steal your joy.

Keeping my head up. I promise to continue to look into the issue and be back on Tuesday.

Thanks again everyone and I’ll see you in a few days!


Sit tight!

Currently working on the set up and tweaking the settings to get a more smooth output!

Be back soon!


We did it! We hit Level Up Creator here on Facebook Gaming! So thankful to everyone that has shown up to support the channel, it means a lot!

We now get higher resolution rate (1080p, 60fps), monetization with Stars, limited access to beta feature and customized support!

Lets continue to share true hope, raise awareness for the things that truly matters and change the industry one stream at a time!


Hey guys!

The stream tonight will be pushed to tomorrow night! Today was super busy and I am just straight burnt out 🥴

We’ll get back at it tomorrow night! Hope to see you there!


Come hang out as we play some Apex Legends and push to grow the community to 100 followers! Lets kick the tires and light the fires!


Lets kick the tires and light the fires! We're back with some Apex and a return to Kings Canyon!


It all starts tonight! Our first Facebook Gaming stream, 7pm PST!

Droppin’ back into Kings Canyon on Apex Legends and gettin’ some dubs!

Lets kick the tires and light the fires!