Becoming Me v2

Becoming Me v2

Health & Wellness coaching to support an organic transition to your best healthiest self by deconstr


What is your mindset around aging with abundant health and wellness?


Food sensitivities and intolerances are not allergies but can be very disruptive to your health. Symptoms like sleep disruption, GI issues, rashes, joint pain, brain fog, bloating, puffy eyes, nasal drainage and many more can all be caused by food sensitivities which can happen immediately or after a few days. This makes it challenging to identify your trigger foods. If you suspect there's an issue and mention it to your doctor or dietician, there is a good chance they will recommend allergy testing, but food sensitivity testing is generally not covered by health insurance. 馃槦

Fortunately, there are ways to help yourself identify the foods that may be causing you issues so that you can take action. Here are three steps you can take to be on your way to better health.

First, JUST NOTICE what is happening in the moments during and immediately after eating. 馃 Is your body sending subtle signals like sudden itching or a runny nose or your ears turn red? Such subtle reactions may have been happening for years and maybe you mistook it for seasonal allergies or something else. Or maybe there's a slower reaction that creeps up a couple of days later. Using a food journal for just a few days can be extremely helpful.

Next, many people are not aware that there are at-home testing options available now that can provide comprehensive reports of your sensitivity levels to foods. This can be a great tool to really drill down to what is causing reactions.

Lastly, consider doing an elimination diet. This method can be done using various methods and the common denominator is that for a period of time you give up a set of foods that are known to be the most inflammatory and gradually reintroduce the foods back in and observe your reactions. It's important to get professional guidance with this approach. It's not easy to do but it sure beats feeling miserable all the time. There's a ton of support groups and courses available for you on this journey.

Food reactions and sensitivities are so prevalent. It IS possible to help yourself without bandaid medications or reactionary measures that just address the symptoms and not the source. To get to the root cause and correct imbalances in your body, you will also need to understand why healing the gut is so critical to the health of your autoimmune system and your overall health.

Consider using a health coach to learn more and help you stay accountable to your health goals.

Becoming Me v2 07/08/2021

If you or someone in your life is a picky eater, you likely appreciate the challenges around meal planning, social events, and food shopping, among other things. It can feel like your life revolves around making special accommodations, expecting yourself or others to surrender their preferences, and maybe you are even suffering some sadness around not being able to mutually enjoy delicious meals. This can be a significant impact on your relationships, joy, social life, health, and well-being.

A selective palate is one thing, but if a person's preferences are extremely limited, it is entirely possible they are not getting the needed nutrients into their bodies, which is a dangerous slippery slope.

It is quite common for people with challenges related to ADHD or Autism Spectrum Disorder to be finicky around what they eat. These disorders can alter the senses, including the sense of smell and taste. As a parent of a child with autism, I have a deep appreciation for how this can spiral out of control and the next thing you know you have a 2-year-old who only eats white or beige foods like milk, bread, cheese, applesauce, juice, chicken fingers and sugary snacks or processed carbs and meats. Left unaddressed, it can get even worse in time and that little one can easily turn into a teenager that only likes unhealthy sugary drinks, refuses to drink water, has no tolerance for healthy foods, and still eats an extremely limited list of foods (my child would only eat less than a dozen foods by the time he was 4). There is also the impact to digestion which is another loaded topic.

All kids are picky eaters to some extent. However, if it is affecting your routine and daily life it may be an eating disorder which requires attention from the appropriate professionals.

If someone told you that it is possible to expand yours or your loved one's palate, would you believe them? I can attest that it is entirely achievable. My picky 4-year-old became a teenager who now eats anything offered even if he's unsure whether he will like it. Long gone are the days of tantrums and meltdowns around eating or how food looks on the plate or smells. In our case, we saw immediate and radical improvements once we healed the gut with nutritional intervention.

If you want to explore options on how to heal in this area, an open mind is the ticket and desire gets you through the gate. There are ways to get to the root cause of what is happening and approach the challenge with powerful knowledge around family background, genes, nutrition, supplements, and even therapies. It takes grit and unbreakable commitment to make radical changes and that is not easy. However, the alternative is to keep doing what you are is that working out?

Reach out and let's discuss your challenges and goals during a free consultation. As your health coach, I can offer you a customized program and be your guide-on-the-side during a major transformation. If we connect, remind me to share the green bean story!

Be well, warriors!

Becoming Me v2 Health Coaching for those approaching or beyond middle age. Personalized support of your organic transformation into the best chapters of your life!

Becoming Me v2 03/08/2021

If you happen to be approaching or beyond middle-age you may be telling yourself that the days of having youthful energy are simply just over and aches and pains are just a normal and inconvenient part of life. In fact, your annual check-up may not even uncover any particular concerns that raise your doctor's eyebrows - minor complaints are often passed off as expected, age-related challenges. And yet still, here you are, not feeling your best day after day or even year after year. Alternatively, you may be one of the 25% of adults in the US with 2 or more chronic diseases and feeling stuck with disease management.

Unfortunately, today's 'healthcare' system is more like 'disease care' and fails to integrate proactive health and well-being programs into the wellness experience, which are not part of the conventional practitioner's lineup. We all know that you get a few minutes with a doctor whose job it is to label your issue (find the WHAT) versus identify the WHY or the root cause of the symptom. As a result, you will likely receive a prescription and if you're lucky you won't get side effects or prescribed even more medicine to manage the side effects!

Has your doctor ever...
路 prescribed getting more sunshine or meditation or spiritual/joyful practices, or getting a dog?
路 suggested you join or create a social community, listen to motivational media, self-improvement or health podcasts?
路 discussed getting non-conventional labs like gut microbiome, food sensitivity, or biological age testing to better customize and manage your bio-individual profile?
路 asked what you are eating and drinking, and how often you do home cooking?
路 asked which products you are putting on your skin?
路 asked about details around your digestion and bowel activity?
路 asked about sleep quality?

Has your doctor ever suggested using an accountability partner to heal and/or help you define and manage your wellness goals?

Many are unaware of available non-conventional approaches to health promotion and preventive illness called Integrative Medicine or Functional Medicine which focus on the whole person as a patient-centric v. disease centric model. This model invests in the balance of all aspects of your lifestyle. People who gain this knowledge can take a completely different approach to their health, tune into their personalized needs, and gain control of their health and well-being experience. In partnership with appropriate use of conventional medicine, people using Integrative or Functional care are preventing and even reversing chronic disease and ailments that were previously believed to be out of their control, extending longevity, and enjoying energy and vitality.

If you are ready to learn more about leveling up your personal program and restoring your health and youthful energy, signup here for a free consult with a health coach.

Becoming Me v2 Health Coaching for those approaching or beyond middle age. Personalized support of your organic transformation into the best chapters of your life!

Becoming Me v2 23/07/2021

Do you wake up each day feeling refreshed?

Sleep hygiene is one of my favorite topics. I rate sleep as my #1 health priority and tool for good health and well-being. I'm pretty certain that good sleep has saved my sanity and maybe even my life.

However, most people that I know have some challenges related to getting enough sleep. With so many stressors created by environmental impacts, it's no wonder that you rarely meet someone who doesn't have some level of regular sleep disruption.

Chronic insomnia has been linked to comorbidity with chronic inflammation and disease. Short sleepers (

Becoming Me v2 Health Coaching for those approaching or beyond middle age. Personalized support of your organic transformation into the best chapters of your life!


Do you want to adopt more healthy eating habits but don't know where to start?

Let's look at what you have in the pantry or fridge that you like to enjoy for a specific time of day, like breakfast or that mid-morning snack. Often we perceive foods as healthy when they're really not nutritionally dense or they could still be loaded with sugar, sweeteners, preservatives etc. Most sweetened yogurt, for example, is loaded with sugar. In fact, 3 of the top brands of yogurt in the US have 19-24 grams of sugar - up to 6 teaspoons per serving, which is even more than a Snickers bar (20 grams/5 tsp)!

One easy way to level up your healthy eating habits is to start slow by making adjustments to just one meal or snack per day. It helps to focus on ADDING nutritional density, not on what you shouldn't eat. If you like bagels and cream cheese, go for it...just try adding a handful of satieting seeds or nuts and a side of berries which are full of antioxidants. Or try dowsing that bagel with a healthy oil like olive oil or coconut oil. This step will help you start 'crowding out' the processed foods with healthy, whole foods that your body craves and loves.

I like to start my day with 8 oz. of water, no matter what. For added benefit, I add a powder fiber supplement which is tasteless - this is an amazing way to promote healthy digestion.

Adding mindfulness to your eating habits is a really great place to start. Just notice. Don't try to change everything at once or beat yourself up over where you perceive yourself as failing.

Nutrition is the foundation to good health. Food is medicine! Take it one small step at a time. Soon you will find your pantry taking on a whole new vibe!

Be brave. Break your routine. I dare you!


How do YOU want to show up for the next chapter of your life?