Seely Elric- DC Giving Page

Seely Elric- DC Giving Page

Welcome to my Donorschoose Giving page celebrating the life of the one, the only, Seely Elric Wright


Happy birthday baby boy! It’s been 10 years


Merry Christmas! I hope to run many more contests this year including the next one for MLKs birthday. Stay tuned.


Mrs. Teresa Morris you won the $50 donation. For everyone else I have another contest coming soon because I still have two official projects on my page


It's Giving Tuesday!!! Donate $5 to any project on the page for a chance at one $50 donation. Before anyone says anything, yes I know that graphic says Taco Tuesday and not giving Tuesday. Note, that it is Taco Tuesday also


Alrighty Y'all I have 4 teachers on my page and the contest starts SOON. Stay tuned

@seelyelric | DonorsChoose 29/10/2023

I have a contest coming up soon and I need at least 2 projects for said contest. Both projects will be admin and mini-admin (my son) choice. I have no limit on the size of the project BUT make sure I have enough time, please and thank you.
Go to the page and donate $2 bucks to the only project I have on.
Also.......I'm back!!!! it has been a roller-coaster. I started the year off with TK/K/1st for a total of 27 students. This was unexpected considering I am a TK/K teacher and volunteered to run the after school program. I also became the mayor of my small city months back. With all that, 4 kids and half my school being new I have had no time to support anyone but my owns Donorschoose. They found a teacher for 1st and I will be done being mayor as of this Monday. So my one true love is back on. Queue the trumpits

@seelyelric | DonorsChoose Seely was born premature in June 2014, with a birth weight of 1 pound 6ounces. His battle would be a short one but the lives he touched and memory continues to touch will leave an undeniable mark o...

Amy Rodriguez and Family, organized by Samantha Taveras 15/07/2023

A very wonderful teacher has had a lot of tragedy in her life lately. Her name is Amy Rodriguez. While she was on a cruise, her father's home had an electrical fire. Amy's family was living at that home, but luckily no one was in the home when the fire occurred. However, Amy did NOT have rental insurance, so she needs our help in donating to a GoFundMe that has been set up so she can purchase clothes, supplies, etc. Amy's husband is very ill, and is about to start dialysis and has eyesight issues due to diabetes. The minimum GoFundMe donation is $5. Please consider donating to a fellow DonorsChoose teacher who has a heart of gold. Amy really needs our help at this time.

Amy Rodriguez and Family, organized by Samantha Taveras Amy is a dedicated and loving teacher who is finding herself in terrible circumstances. Une… Samantha Taveras needs your support for Amy Rodriguez and Family

Getting Into The Reading Groove (Part 1), a project from Dr. Randle 09/05/2023

Teacher Appreciation Week!!!!!!! Donate $5 to the only project on our page (link below) and then let me know you did so. That $5 will enter you into a drawing for a $50 donation to your project. This contest ends Sunday the 14th.

Getting Into The Reading Groove (Part 1), a project from Dr. Randle Help me give my students different activities to stimulate their unique reading goals. My students are on various levels of acquiring reading and English skills. Approaching their learning needs lo...


Contest coming soon


Two part event. For starters make sure any project you make a donation to has a match and any project you post here will have a match for the event tomorrow
I will be making some random donations to book projects tomorrow. Make a $1 donation to any book project you want to be considered, using my challenge ID: 21567041. Each one of my kids will choose a project. These are mini admin choice.
A free portion would be to post your project here and the kids will choose a second project each to make a donation to.
Good luck


Ill be starting a contest tomorrow but part of it is free, here is the free portion get those projects in now so my kids have time to look at them
A free portion would be to post your project here and the kids will choose a project each to make a donation to. Make sure you your project will have the match for the event
Good luck


Mrs. Natashia Delossantos you won!!!!! Post your project so I can pay out your winnings

@seelyelric | DonorsChoose 04/03/2023

***Contest Closed. Drawing in the morning***
Alright y'all I have 1-$50 donation to a lucky person who donates $5 to one of the projects on my page. Its as simple as that.

@seelyelric | DonorsChoose Seely was born premature in June 2014, with a birth weight of 1 pound 6ounces. His battle would be a short one but the lives he touched and memory continues to touch will leave an undeniable mark o...


Contest coming soon and Mrs. Nancy Sale I owe you money still.


I must have hit the button wrong my video didn't save after I went live. I do have a surprise....... I am announcing two winners instead of just one. Theresa Morris and Nancy Sale. Post me a project so I can pay out your winnings


Raffle coming soon


Event for Black History Month match is starting first thing in the morning. If you qualify for the match please post your project here


2 Part Giving Tuesday EVENT
1 Pay and 1 Free
Part 1
If you ask me, Christmas should start November 3, the minute our ancestors go back to the afterlife(day of the dead). Alas we must wait till the day after Thanksgiving or be socially ostracized. :-( This is a simple and easy contest that also has a free component.
Donate $2 to two projects on the page and then come back here and post your project link. The goal is to pay out monies that are won during match day. PLEASE don't make me go look for you to find a project to donate to. If the project you post were to fund I will make the call on which of your active projects to apply the monies to.×tamp=1668828330924&active=true
Part 2
If your tree is up, shoot me a picture of it, because screw Thanksgiving. My tree went up November 3rd. I will let each of my four children choose their favorite tree to win a nice sized sprinkle to their project. ***Honor system*** These need to be your tree, even if its last years tree.


My kids and I choose 3 projects to add to the page I will be making a small donation to let you know your added :-) good luck everyone else. I wish I could have added more


I need a project from Mrs. Khammay Escoto
you won in the last contest


***Free opportunity ***
Just remembered I have a contest starting on giving Tuesday and need some projects. I want to look through 40 projects. Post them to this post. no donation required just post and my oldest will choose a project or 2 or 3.

Help Us Enjoy Enchiladas, a project from Mrs. Jacobson 03/11/2022

Howdy everyone!!! At long last our next event is happening. I have two projects on my page Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Jacobson. Contest is super simple, Donate $2 to each project and come back here and post your project. Once you do that you will be entered into a contest to win one of four $12 donations. Why $12? I have no idea just wanted to change it up a little.
I'm going to let this contest go fort wo weekends so not this Sunday but next Sunday the 13th

Help Us Enjoy Enchiladas, a project from Mrs. Jacobson Help me give my students enchilada sauce, chilis, aluminum pans, aluminum foil, and can openers for our cooking lab. I wish you could see the excitement on my students faces when they have a cookin...


Merida Mae after much discussion choose one of her favorite foods, enchiladas. For those that don’t know, that is Mrs. Jacobson’s project. She will be featured on my next contest that starts in a couple days


Alright mini is looking at the projects I’ll let you know soon

Honor Squadron = Chipotle Celebration, a project from Mrs. Pierce 19/10/2022

****no more donations will be counted****
I need a project for a contest I'm planning. Donate $2 to this project for a chance at being that project for my next contest.

Honor Squadron = Chipotle Celebration, a project from Mrs. Pierce Help me give my students Chipotle to celebrate being the Honor Squadron and for understanding financial literacy at a local restaurant. Our STEM school is aerospace focused and each Flight Crew is ...

9 Extra Miles

While sitting in our living room watching tv my wife came out of our bedroom with a sheer look of terror on her face. In a much-panicked state, she said: “We need to go to the hospital.” We took the back way to Loma Linda and honestly I couldn’t tell you anything about the trip I was autopilot if Hiedi and I spoke a word I don’t remember. The only thing I could think of was I Jinxed us saying my genes were strong and he will be here early like his daddy. I didn’t want him this early. My education was for children from birth to 3 rd grade, admittedly I didn’t know much about babies when they come early. What I did know was if this was really it and he came early, we were in for a fight.

Why Loma Linda? It surely wasn’t the closest hospital to the contrary it was 9 miles further. But the extra 10 mins to get there turned out to be invaluable because of them having a level 4 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) If I could choose any place for him to be born way too early it was there. They are most well-known for giving parents 21 days more with a child with a failing heart by transplanting a baboon heart into their child. Ignoring the ethical concerns of that, 21 days more, 3 weeks longer to find a transplant. As we got there I dropped her off at the main door and went to park the car, of course, there were no parking spots in the front 9/10 of the parking lot so I parked and ran as fast as my feet could carry them. I would venture to say that was faster then I had ever moved. Faster than when I was being chased by a Linebacker in football faster than a 49.98 400 meter sprint I seriously felt like I was flying. In the elevator ride up I kept thinking of questions to ask the doctor.

As I got to Heidi's room the first question was already being answered, survival rates. “If he is born today, 30%." he said. My heart sank. Let us hope for no progress in labor. That number was only if he comes out now. If we could keep him in there longer that % would go up exponentially. Not coming from a medical background and to be honest being terrified of being in hospitals I was feeling anxiety like I had never felt before. I always feel like a crew of people with giant butterfly nets are going to come to sedate me and have me committed or steal one of my kidneys. Being an irrational fear as that is, I needed to be there for my wife and not looking over my shoulder for a nurse with a comically sized butterfly net.

Videos (show all)

Merida Mae after much discussion choose one of her favorite foods, enchiladas. For those that don’t know, that is Mrs.  ...