Metamory | The World’s First Web3.0 Online Mourning Platform 全球首個網上祭拜平台
We are thrilled to announce that Metamory Technology Limited has been awarded the prestigious Chan Dang Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Award 2023!
We are deeply honoured to receive this recognition for our commitment to making a positive impact in the community through our innovative technology solutions. Receiving this esteemed award reaffirms our commitment to driving social impact and fostering positive change. It motivates us to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and expanding our reach to touch even more lives.
As we celebrate this milestone, we are more determined than ever to continue our journey of empowering individuals, bridging connections, and transforming the way we remember and honor our loved ones.
Opensea: 可謂是NFT交易平台的元首,它在2023年年初佔的市場比大概是33%。OpenSea 擁有多元種類的上架商品,當中包含藝術、音樂、虛擬世界、交易卡、收藏品、體育和功能性資產等等。而且Opensea相對其他交易平台比較親民,是最自由度最高的 NFT 平台,吸引買賣家雙方來交易。
Super Rare: 成立於2017年,擁有來自全球共700位數字藝術家網絡的市場。Super Rare有著優良的區塊鏈技術,並遵循ERC721,以確保所有藝術品的起源都能在分布式賬本追蹤得到,使藝術家的作品受到保護。
Axie Marketplace: 這是一個虛擬寶物交易平台,用以交易Axie Infinity的NFT遊戲角色。玩家可在遊戲中飼養精靈寵物,只要等到精靈寵物到達一定等級,就可以用較好的價格售出。這個交易市場吸引著來自全球熱衷於寶可夢的玩家。
#非同質化代幣 #區塊鏈 #元宇宙 #墓地 #哀悼 #紀念 #生死教育 #鑄造 #殯葬 #連繫 #香港初創企業
有很多藝術家和網絡紅人都趁著NFT熱潮去鑄造自己的NFT,去大賺一筆。想成為下一個他們? 那就快來學學NFT的鑄造四步曲吧。4️⃣
選擇數碼資產: 揀選一個數碼藝術品成為你的NFT,它可以是文字、圖片、影片或gif的形式,但確保它是你的原著喔!🤔
選用區塊鏈平台: NFT需在區塊鏈上進行交易,不同區塊鏈會影響鑄造的成本和流動性。著名的NFT交易平台Opensea就採用以太坊(ETH)公鏈,其他還有SOL, POLY和BEC鏈等等
創建加密貨幣錢包: 製造就當然要錢!鑄造NFT需要一些手續費 (gas fee),安裝你的虛擬錢包,然後按照你的選用的區塊鏈選擇相對的貨幣去付款💰
鑄造NFT: 如你在Opensea鑄造,在主頁右上角點擊「創造」,加入你的藝術品並填寫一些補充資料,再選擇發行數量,就能完成整個步驟和出售了。出售時平台可能會收取少許手續費。
#非同質化代幣 #區塊鏈 #元宇宙 #墓地 #哀悼 #紀念 #生死教育 #鑄造 #殯葬 #連繫 #香港初創企業
【Future development of NFT】
“NFT is pushing forward the internet’s next evolution” said Kayvon Tehranian, the CEO and founder of Foundation. ↗️The NFT market is growing rapidly, with more industries and applications embracing this innovative technology. As the market matures, we can expect greater regulatory clarity and the emergence of new technologies and platforms that make it easier to create and trade NFTs. 💫Custodial wallets will be a game changer that brings NFTs into the mainstream. 💳The future of NFTs is exciting and full of possibilities.
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
科技公司Foundation的CEO Kayvon Terhranian曾就過NFT正推動網絡的下一個演變。隨著更多行業都應用NFT技術的趨勢,它的市場也持續地擴張↗️。我們能預料將有更多買賣NFT的平台和更清晰的監管制度出現💫。託管型錢包的普及也會把NFT帶進市場主流💫。NFT的未來可謂是充滿着刺激和希望。
【NFT and blockchain】
Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the world of digital assets with NFTs! 🤩Blockchain provides a decentralized and transparent way to record ownership and verify the authenticity of each unique digital asset. From virtual real estate such as Decentraland using Ethereum blockchain to supporting the trading of each unique NFT land parcel, to digital art, the possibilities are endless♾️. Stay tuned for more updates on how Metamory is using blockchain technology to support NFTs and create a blockchain family tree!📍
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【How NFT benefits us?】
Which sector benefited the most from NFT monetization? 🧐The art world is the standard number one answer, but can you name other examples?
Sports is definitely another sector that makes the most money from NFT trading. For instance, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has launched its own NFT platform called NBA Top Shot in 2020🏀. In February 2021, a NFT of LeBron James dunking highlights was sold for USD 208,000, hitting the most expensive NFT record on NBA Top Shot.
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
體育絕對是另一項賣NFT最賺錢的途徑。就例如,國際籃球協會NBA在2020年時推出了自家名叫NBA Top Shot的NFT平台🏀。在次年二月,勒邦占士復刻高比拜仁灌籃精華的NFT就以208000美金的高價售出,破了當時NBA Top Shot最高價NFT的紀錄。
【How NFT works?】
Have you heard of NFTs? 🤔They're unique digital assets that represent specific things like digital art or tweets. For example, an artist can create a one-of-a-kind digital painting and turn it into an NFT. The NFT is then sold to a collector, who receives a digital certificate of ownership that proves they own the original and unique version of that painting. ✍️Using blockchain technology, these NFTs can be bought, sold, and traded on the platforms such as OpenSea using cryptocurrency. One great example in NFT trading is the sale of "Everydays: The First 5000 Days" by Beeple for US $69 million in 2021. 🖼️The sale highlighted the potential for NFTs to revolutionize the art world by providing a new way for artists to monetize their work and for collectors to invest in unique digital assets.
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【Chapter 2: NFT】
We're excited to move forward into our next chapter: NFTs, or Non-fungible tokens! 🤩Keep an eye out for upcoming posts where we'll dive into how NFTs work, their benefits to society, and their future development. Stay tuned for more information!😉
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【How Blockchain works?】
Blockchain technology has a range of functions that have revolutionized various industries. 🤩For instance, one major application of Blockchain technology is the cryptocurrency transactions. It allows us to record and verify transactions on a secure and decentralized database. 👩💻
Meanwhile, Metamory is here to help people to connect with their deceased loved ones, and offers a unique blockchain family tree function. 👩👩👦👦This feature allows users to create a digital family tree of their loved ones, or even add their own NFT into the family tree system, with information that is secure and unchangeable. We provide a reliable and long-lasting platform for commemoration.
It's crystal clear that blockchain is offering new possibilities for handling data and transactions, and we are sure more and more users can be benefited by our functions! 🫶🏻
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
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【Blockchain fundamentals】
Arise of Blockchain technology🌅
The concept of decentralized digital currency was originally introduced with the creation of Bitcoin in 2009. Blockchain is being utilized for safe and speedy data transfers and transactions. Think of a book that anybody can read but no one can edit. Blockchain works in a similar way to keep data secure and reliable.
Current development💫
Blockchain is currently used in sectors like finance and healthcare, or even food, to ensure that data is accurate and unchangeable. One day-to-day example of Blockchain development can track food products from farm to table, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the entire process. This can help reduce food fraud. As blockchain continues to advance, it has the potential to alter how we conduct business online.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Chapter 1: Blockchain】
Welcome to the Metamory family. Let's embark on your journey into blockchain technology! 🤩In the upcoming posts, you will learn more about blockchain's development and functions. Stay tuned for more information. 🫶🏻
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Petamory function — Community Discussion Forum】
Feel sad about your pet’s passing? You are not alone! It has been a stage that every pet owner needs to walk through. With this function, you can share your story or experience with other pet owners and meet like-minded individuals here. Join our community and you are never alone.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Petamory function — Life and Death Education】
Petamory’s second function is a Life and Death Education Forum. Unlike conventional media that costs you time to screen out information about commemoration, in which they might be incorrect, in Petamory’s forum, you can get the most accurate and expertised answers about dealing with the after-death commemoration. Professional advice will be provided as a guidance for you to walk through the journey.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Petamory function — AR Pet Avatar】
We are here to create AR avatars for your pets with extremely high reducibility, no matter if they are alive or deceased. With a simple tab on the screen, you are able to interact with them easily.
If your pets are not nearby, you can use the avatar function. If they unfortunately passed away, you could also use it for commemoration. Petamory allows you to consolidate your memories with your pet, anytime, anywhere.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Story behind Petamory’s logo 2】
We are now revealing the full face of our Petamory logo! So, what are the other two features?
2️⃣ The middle section of the design is a black ribbon, which is the symbol of remembrance and mourning. The overall shape is inspired by a part of Celtic Knot, representing life, death and infinity.
3️⃣ All letters in "P-E-T-A-M-O-R-Y" can be formed within the design, with 2 colors on both sides representing the contrast of life and death.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Story behind Petamory’s logo 1】
Welcome to Petamory! Are you amazed by our logo?
We have three main features within our logo design! 🤩
1️⃣ To start with, our logo portrays the mouths of pet animals such as the dogs and cats in common.
Can you find out the other two features? If you do, comment below!✨
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Petamory Introduction】
Hi there, We are Petamory! 💫
A one-stop memorial platform for pet owners.
No matter whether your pets are alive or deceased, you could also treasure every precious moment with them. 🥳Since there have been problems arising such as the lack of support of pet owners to prepare for the loss and the disconnection between deceased pets and their owners, we are here to provide a comprehensive and supportive community at every stage of the pet owning journey, even after life. We believe that your pets will always be with you.
We are glad to introduce our company through the instagram webpage and we will introduce our product functions very soon, stay tuned for this place! 🌟
Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development! Please follow our instagram for more updated information.💗
【Core Member Introduction】
Raphael Lau, CEO and founder of Metamory, currently studying Marketing and Information Systems in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
🔖Background of Raphael and quotes from him
Raphael is an experienced entrepreneur with multiple start-ups under his belt. Due to the rise of NFT and metaverse in recent years, Raphael has been prompted to establish Metamory to provide social solutions to deathcare. “Metamory has allowed us to connect with others and find comfort in shared experiences, even during times of grief. It's a reminder that we are not alone and that support and love can be found in unexpected places.” He said.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Core Member Introduction】
Jovy Yu, CMO and co-founder of Metamory, currently studying Marketing and Management in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
🔖Background of Jovy and quotes from her
Jovy is a double-majored business bachelor student with a strong passion for social innovation and creating shared value. She is responsible for the external affairs and branding in Metamory and believes that innovating tradition and breaking boundaries in the death care industry is what we need to bridge connections between generations. We are foreseeing a breakthrough in this industry.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Core Member Introduction】
Levan Lui, CIO and co-founder of Metamory, graduated from Data Science Msc in the University of Surrey.
Background of Levan and quotes from him
Levan Lui was an experienced data scientist who studied in the United Kingdom. He decided to join Metamory as he thinks that Web3 is the future trend and data science could combine with blockchain to bring deceased people back alive. Levan and his team are now building the first MVP of Metamory and bringing the deceased beloved back via AI and Blockchain technology.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【Core Member Introduction】
Ray Kuo, CTO and co-founder of Metamory, currently studying computer science in National Tsinghua University.
Background of Ray and quotes from him
Ray Kuo was an experienced entrepreneur in Taiwan and worked at a startup company in Silicon Valley after graduation. He joined Metamory because he believes that the metaverse should be a bridge to connect the world of life and death. Now, Ray is building the first MVP of Metamory with the development team, bringing the deceased beloved back via AR and Blockchain technology.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【 Metamory Ecosystem: Blockchain family tree】
Making use of the immutable and irreversible characteristics of Blockchain technology, we are here to provide an eternal blockchain family tree system for each customer. Their family, relatives, past and future generations would be remarked on the family tree. Besides, not only names, but life stories included in the Metamory biography house would also be recorded. The future generations can thus commemorate the immortal spirit of the deceased ones.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【 Metamory Ecosystem: Mourning System & Marketplace】
Are you still wondering how the trading market works for Metamory products? Contrary to conventional markets, Metamory establishes a marketplace for users to purchase NFT digital offerings and NFT Grave designs from designers. With our self-developed smart contract, users would be able to make purchasing decisions through the Metamory marketplace or secondary markets in the near future!
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【 Metamory Ecosystem: Blockchain graveyard】
While decentralized blockchain networks distribute the control and decision-making powers evenly among the network participants, NFT are unique cryptographic tokens existing on a blockchain and cannot be replicated. By applying the distinctive feature of NFT digital signatures on the blockchain, we create one-and-only-one unique value of the eternal manifestation of an NFT grave to commemorate the deceased.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【 Metamory Ecosystem: AI avatar】
Have you ever imagined that your beloved ones can still be seen and be with you in another way?💫 With the purpose of accommodating our users with a more realistic and comprehensive user experience in the display in the exhibition house🏡
💡Metamory further creates an A.I. 3D avatar to be a librarian of the biography house according to the appearance and characteristics of the beloved ones, thus enabling them to ‘live’ from beyond the grave, and continue to be present in their loved one’s big life moments.🎓📊💍🏅🌄❓
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【 Metamory Ecosystem: Biography Exhibition 】
We understand the pain of losing loved ones, no matter family members, friends or pets.❤️🩹 We aim to establish a function for users to cherish their memory with the descendants through a biography exhibition.📽️
💡Hence, we create a personalized biography house for the bereaved to recall their memories visually and aurally, anytime and anywhere. 🌈 Inside the function of the biography exhibition, NFT Grave, the life stories with media and 3D avatars are included.
📍For more information, please visit our official website .
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【 Metamory Ecosystem: MemoryLand 】
Welcome to MemoryLand!❣️Have you ever had some fragile mourning experience? Such as being disrupted in the public mourning venue and annoyed for not being able to keep deceased’s‘ memory.
💡We, Metamory, are here to provide you an ideal solution. MemoryLand could bridge the fragile experience of mourning by allowing the bereaved to create their own space to hold the deceased’s‘ memories on Metaverse.
📍For more information, please visit our official website
Please also follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
【TADS AWARD WINNER】We are thrilled to announce that has won TADS AWARDS (Tokenized Assets & Digitized Securities Awards) in the category of NFT Innovation.
First launched in 2020, the Tokenized Assets & Digital Securities Awards ("TADS AWARDS") is the world's first annual international award for the Tokenized Assets & Digital Securities sector.
We would like to thank our mentors and followers for your constant support. With the vision of sustaining a legacy after death digitally, Metamory will continue our mission of creating the First Web 3.0 commemoration platform. Follow us to be updated on our journey!
【Metamory’s Mission】
We hope to create social impacts through the principles of ESGs.
🌱From an environmental perspective, our platform could reduce the use of resources and the pollution brought by physical commemoration.
👥 For communities, we uphold the responsibility to eliminate the physical barriers to mourning and liberate the experience for people everywhere. In addition, we want to correct the public’s rooted life-death mindset by promotion and education.
Please follow our instagram and visit our official webpage for more updated information. Every single support from you is very crucial to our growth and development. 💗
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