Michael Valentinus Wilson
We are all both Teachers and Students. We teach what we are learning. This Page seeks to make this process conscious.
I will use all the tools my life experience has given me to express the truth as I understand it, and invite the reader to do the same.
So much wisdom and freedom in this mystic rant.
Angels dictate mystic rants, accompanied by picture prayers, precious alloy of art and wisdom, forged in a soul furnace, beaten on the anvil of discontent until shaped suitable for the altar in the Church of Vision, where creativity is religion.
We seek through art
To recover our center,
To remember our souls task,
To stop sleepwalking in confusion,
To stop managing our depression,
To harness the passion of inextinguishable love, To find the One Godself,
Hidden throughout creation.
Art is the scab healing the wound
Of the separate self illusion.
Creators aligned with Divine Will Make the soul perceptible.
Artist priests with minimal dogma, Transfix, transform and evolve The chaotic melding of cultures, Through the dross of ego
To superconscious fusion
With the Nature-field.
Suddenly, Holy Spirits are everywhere. Saviors invent solar panels,
Restore species, and habitats mushroom, Alchemically transmuting earthly desecration. All creatures, brothers and sisters,
Planet as Holy Temple.
Holy Spirit, 1998
If you want a dose of sanity, check out
David Byrne's American Utopia (2020) David Byrne's American Utopia (2020)
Jesus didn't wimp out on us. He was not a spiritual bypasser. He stepped up to the plate, and he hit a home run. He did the job he came here to do.
We aren't any different. When the Course says, it doesn't matter what you do in the dream, it doesn't mean your dream character should do nothing.
So, how do you know what your part is? You've got to follow your inclinations and trust your instincts. The Course says the Holy Spirit doesn't want to take away your pleasure, and Jesus says all real pleasure comes from doing God's Will, so those are some guidelines.
So, "Saturn" here is wanting us to awaken in the dream and make our appearance count. Jesus became a fisher of men. That's just an example. Each of us has a dream here, and Saturn is one of the teachers in the dream, helping us to "get it right".
December 29, 2023. 2:31:15PM
The world does not change; it is what it is and has never left its source in the mind. As an illusion, the world cannot change into something other than itself. What does change, however, is the mind's choice of teacher in whom it puts its trust. Once we have faith in what Jesus (for example) tells us--the world is a projection of our thought--and shift from thoughts of separation and guilt to forgiveness and shared interests, we look on everything differently. Our eyes report the same sensory data, but our response is based on the realization that everyone either expresses love or calls for it. No other perception is possible once we have chosen to see through Christ's vision.
~ Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D., Journey Through
the Manual of A Course in Miracles
“I will be still an instant and go home.” (ACIM, W-182)
“Perhaps you think it is your childhood home that you would find again. The childhood of your body, and its place of shelter, are a memory now so distorted that you merely hold a picture of a past that never happened.
“Yet there is a Child in you Who seeks His Father's house, and knows that He is alien here.” (W-pI.182.4)
One of very few experiences I remember from early childhood was sitting on the back step of our home, head in hands as my entire world came crashing down around me.
Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say Infinity fell into a body called “me.”
I don’t know how old that little girl was, probably three or four. But that day seems to be when she decided to make a body her home.
The day “daddy” became a separate entity with hopes, dreams and demands different from her own. Demands that would seem to limit her joy. Demands she did not wish to obey.
The day guilt entered, took root and began to grow in her mind.
The child “born” that day – the “self” made to conform to the world’s demands -- is not the Child of whom this lesson speaks. That’s the day the Child Who seeks His Father’s House was buried in a tomb of flesh.
It’s often said that children are not born into this world innocent. The idea of original sin and the sins of the fathers being visited upon the sons is as old as Methuselah.
It was never so. No one has ever been born into a world.
Bodies are born into a universe and given names …
But those bodies have never contained separate minds with independent wills. Try as we might to become causes with consequence inherent in ourselves, individual minds “cause” only dreams.
And what is causeless has no real effects.
The structuring of individual consciousness that this course calls the “original sin” depends entirely upon the acquisition of language. All worlds begin with a word.
Without words there is simply no way to separate daddy from me in my mind.
The day I accepted that Daddy wanted me to be Deborah was the day the Truth of who I am was placed in the tomb of an “individual consciousness” and the world became a picture of the crucifixion of God’s Son.
On that day in “the life and times of Deborah,” the Innocence of a Guiltless Mind was denied and projected into a distant future, the ego’s “face of innocence” was born and the world became a wicked place unable to provide the love and shelter that innocence deserves. (T-31.V.1)
An earthly father became the first symbol of imaginary sin.
Our Wholly Trustworthy Heavenly Father was reduced to a symbol. Sometimes playing the role of comforter and rewarder of good deeds. At other times an angry tyrant, doling out punishment.
But only “for my own good.”
Giving generously one moment, demanding sacrifice the next.
A fairy godfather or a brutal tyrant. Unpredictably.
“Such is the strange position in which those in a world inhabited by bodies seem to be. Each body seems to house a separate mind, a disconnected thought, living alone and in no way joined to the Thought by which it was created.
Each tiny fragment seems to be self-contained, needing another for some things, but by no means totally dependent on its one Creator for everything; needing the whole to give it any meaning...” (T-18.VIII.5)
It is not that childhood “home in a body” to which we return today. Today, we set aside the false face of innocence that stood as a shield against truth and allow the Christ Child that seemed to die to be reborn.
And ascend to His Home.
Today I accept the miracle that sets all prisoners free from the tombs of flesh into which I cast them.
My brothers and I are not “split minds” imprisoned in bodies and longing to be free.
We ARE free. Already.
What never began need have no end.
“You have not lost your innocence. It is for this you yearn. This is your heart's desire. This is the voice you hear, and this the call which cannot be denied.
The holy Child remains with us. His home is ours. Today He gives us His defenselessness, and we accept it in exchange for all the toys of battle we have made. And now the way is open, and the journey has an end in sight at last.
An end simultaneous to its beginning.
“Be still an instant and go home with Him, and be at peace a while.” (W-pI.182.12)
"...the prison house in which I THINK I live..." is such a revealing fragment, so small but which such large implications. May you follow it to freedom on this nameless day.
My guidance for today turns out to be everybody’s guidance for today (Wednesday 12/14/22).
“I open up to help and support on all levels!”
Everything in the entire Universe is connected. You are connected to your angels, your ancestors, your current loved ones, and even future generations. For that reason and many more, you are not alone.
Today the Universe reminding you that even when you feel alone, there is a lot more support available to you than you realize. The spiritual path isn’t a solo path -you don’t have to figure everything out on your own, you don’t have to carry a personal burden, you don’t have to hide your weaknesses in order to succeed.
When this card comes to you, you are being guided to be open to welcoming in help, either by accepting it when it is offered or by asking for it when it is required. Allowing in support doesn’t make you weak or wounded, it makes you strong
and real.
In fact, when you refuse support on a human level, there’s a good chance that you are building up walls that stop you from experiencing help on a spiritual level. It’s time to remove those blockages, so that you can experience the truth that you are
never, ever alone.
DECK: Raise Your Vibration Oracle
ARTIST: Ari Wisner
Kyle Gray
I am not the victim of the world I see.
Thanks, Dan Leibert
Making of Jennifer Berezan's "A Song for All Beings" Official "Making of A Song for All Beings" video produced by music photographer Irene Young with co-producer, Laurelin Remington-Wolf. A peek into the record...
Today's group meditation at "Let's Discuss" A Course in Miracles Facebook group, which you could find here: https://www.facebook.com/100073107373263/videos/414410703942601/ reminded me of Jesus' answer to Helen's question, "Was there a physical resurrection?" as quoted by Ken Wapnick in his book Absence from Felicity.
Jesus responded: "My body disappeared because I had no illusion about it. The last one had gone. It was laid in a tomb, but there was nothing left to bury. It did not disintegrate because the unreal cannot die. It merely became what it always was. And that is what 'rolling the stone away' means. The body disappears, and no longer hides what lies beyond. It merely ceases to interfere with vision. To roll the stone away is to see beyond the tomb, beyond death, and to understand the body's nothingness. What is understood as nothing MUST disappear.
"I did assume a human form with human attributes afterwards, to speak to those who were to prove the body's worthlessness to the world. This has been much misunderstood. I came to tell them that death is illusion, and the mind that made the body can make another since form itself is an illusion. They did not understand. But now I talk to you and give you the same message. The death of an illusion means nothing. It disappears when you awaken and decide to dream no more. And you still do have the power to make this decision as I did."
Yesterday I taught a drawing class by drawing a familiar object under dramatic lighting to reveal the curves and ins and outs, and talking about what I was doing and why. My morning meditation was filled with this kind of seeing, to which the name came for this post. I thought of counseling and giving astrology readings, and they follow the same process....
Polishing the Stone Yesterday I taught a drawing class by drawing a familiar object under dramatic lighting to reveal the curves and ins and outs, and talking about what I was doing and why. My morning meditation was …
I'm here for the love, and I love you. It's easy, which in this conflictual world may be the hardest thing to understand. But, it is; it's easy.
For the Love It’s been a long time since I wrote anything here. I left off with being vigilant only for God and His Kingdom, which meant handing my mind over to Jesus. I let go of a lot of things, but I r…
It’s been a long time since I posted anything on my blog, and my last post declared change in the making. We’re selling our house and that’s a major change, too. So, I thought I’d try and catch up on the last change first. I began with the idea of making the body a neutral thing in my mind. Once I committed myself to the third step in the Holy Spirit’s curriculum, …...
Lessons Along the Way It’s been a long time since I posted anything on my blog, and my last post declared change in the making. We’re selling our house and that’s a major change, too. So, I thought I’d try and catch u…