Hermetic Imp

Hermetic Imp

Black-owned astrology and divination services: natal charts, tarot/cartomancy, Oracle Poggz, and ps


I was feeling myself today lol. Hello my fine, furry friends! Hope you had a lovely day! ❤

Photos from Hermetic Imp's post 06/01/2022

They're finally here! 😍😍😍

My shipment from came in! It took a bit, but now I have and notebooks so I can start 2022 off on the right foot!

A year of organization. Let's see if your girl can do it! 🙏🏽❤

Photos from Hermetic Imp's post 30/12/2021

I'd say this is a look! 😘


Who DID this????? 😂😂😂

The surprise that was waiting for me and at GS25 this morning. Only in Korea...

The irony because we were on with playing on his stream last night. 🤣


Day 14 of - Dark Past: Muriel from The Arcana

This poor, sweet giant of a man has dealt with harshness his whole life.

Initially orphaned, he is later manipulated and forced into killing people for Vesuvia's entertainment until certain circumstances allow him to overcome his fate...

Muriel's past breaks my heart every time I think about it 💔 😢

It's the biggest reason why I can't fully accept the big bad for what they've done.

Photos from Hermetic Imp's post 20/12/2021

My favorite pieces of stationery that I picked up from a recent haul at Daiso! 😍

I'm stoked I got to go and I found so many pieces that suit me!

I'll be posting spreads with them as we go through the next few months!


Transiting Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn ~ 14/12-4/1/2022

~Call your Secret Prophetess to the altar of your inner stage,
let Her reveal the mysteries concealed in your Immortal Sisters like a scarlet letter through your lips,

and feed the pomegranate seeds that will once again bloom the Spring taken from you,

Tame and enslave the Dark Prince with the hymn that is incomprehensible, a blood wine chalice, the breaker of a generational silence

From depths to powerfully, sacredly ancestrally tied for a mortal to shatter over a few conjunction nights
The Goddesses of Love and Beauty turn the Venus mirror to reunite with the Queens of Hell,
and it’s a show to remind us all
that You rule the Underworld ~

Much of the pain expressed by Venus and Pluto is centred on betrayal. Hades betrayed not only Persephone’s trust in He and all larger-forces from protectors to potential danger, but also the trust that She had in the world being a safe, secure, and good place when nobody and nothing came to help her. Persephone’s mythology reliving through us may unearth either partner’s unresolved or unspoken issues with trust and betrayal in the relationship.

Old wounds can return as the hands of Capricorn time become the 8 of eternity hourglass and the past and the present drip-bleed into each other. Nothing conserves like Capricorn S*x is an instinctual response to inner Venus-Pluto forces. Though it goes far beyond role-play and appearances. This pair are longing for you to trust them and in so yourself, just let go and surrender to a state of being completely vulnerable with this other person, to experience an intimacy beyond the physical and contactable. Exposing yourself in a way that feels like taking off more than clothes and risks just as deep scarring. It is this state of surrender and vulnerability that unbottles the Venus-Pluto love potion and the ancient sorcery of the great mystic matrimony.


Photos from Hermetic Imp's post 15/12/2021

My Year In Review!

This year, I delved deeper into playing on my Switch. I got to play more variety of games thanks to getting more into otome and working with as a reviewer - which has been an absolute blast!

Quality over quantity this year with less hours, but more games. I really found this year reignited my love for gaming and I look forward to more epic games in 2022.

I'm going to try and be more active on here with my gaming and other content. Here's to and ! 🥰


Day 11: Best Bad Ending - Kei Okazaki (Collar x Malice)

This ending absolutely broke my heart. Seeing what ended up happening to Ichika in this end and Kei's heartbreaking had me 😭😭😭

One simple misstep brought everything crashing down... 💔💔💔

I don't think I've ever rushed to correct an ending faster!


Day 7: Love At Second Sight - Kent from the Amnesia series

Playing more catch in . I mentioned on Day 1 that the Amnesia anime was my intro into otome. I fell in love with Shin first, overlooking Kent because my boy got done dirty and only had one episode to everyone's 2-3💔 😭

It was when I played through through actual game that I discovered what a sweet, funny, dorky nerd Kent was and I absolutely fell HARD. 💘💘💘

Baby boy had my heart and I will stay mad about how he was done in the anime forever. Especially since a certain cage boy was given more press than this wholesome boy. I'm a sucker for kuudere types and it started here with him. 😍😍😍


Day 4 of - Fave Kiss: Ichika × Shiraishi (Collar x Malice)

Late post for Day 4 of 's otome challenge.

Collar x Malice was my first console otome (played the Switch edition) and the route I found myself most invested in for Ichika was Shiraishi's. The drama of this route was the sweet anguish my drama-loving soul wanted. This kiss was bittersweet and it was everything for me. I hadn't wanted a couple together more since Inuyasha and Kagome lol


About to do my first stream on Twitch! I can't wait to open this baby up! This is a dream as a longtime Dangan fan!



First Otome Game - Amnesia Memories

Late Day 1 of 💖

I was first introduced to Amnesia through the OG anime way back during hs. I ended up falling hard for Shin. When I found out that I could play the game in 2019 on Steam, I hopped on it immediately.

I was wrapped up in the story from Jump and blasted through it in about a week and a half 😆 It was one of my first visual novels and this helped me fall in love with the genre. Kent actually ended up being my fave here because his route was sweet and easy and I love blushy dorks lol. Shin is tied with Ikki as my second faves.

I still loved the relationships and intimacy in each route. The LIs were fascinating, the good ends heartbreaking cute and the bad ends 😢 💔 I will always love Amnesia as my first otome, though I'm more of a thriller type of girl. I'm looking forward to a port of the fandisks!

Photos from Hermetic Imp's post 07/12/2021

My second order from .eclipse got here today! I love the color schemes and made a couple spreads using the tapes and sticky notes as inspiration.

First spread is just a quick review entry with some doodles based on the art.

City Magic is a spread on the things I love about the city, namely here in Daegu. I love the pinks and purples here and the imperfections in both spreads.

Thanks to .eclipse for their beautiful work!


FINALLY! I hit affiliate, everyone! Thank you all so much for your support! I'm so excited for this and I can't wait to bring you bigger and better content moving forward. My Heart is happy and light. It took a lot, but I'm so glad I pushed through. I wouldn't have been able to without support from people like .08

Thank you all again. Let's step forward together! 🥰☺😊


This is it, guys! Hitting affiliate this stream!

Find the best global talent. 11/11/2021

Set up a Fiverr with my services! I offer a combination of astrology and tarot readings on here. There are three packages depending on how deep you want to go:

What's Your Hue? - $35

This is a general card reading that provides a quick overview of the client's life. It goes over the general themes and messages that come through in a basic 3 card spread. It can be used when there isn't a particular question in mind or if the client wants a quick and dirty reading. This is a great choice for clients who haven't had a reading done before.

Strengthen My Heart - $85

A mixed method reading that details the beauty in someone. A good reading for a boost and support from spirit.

Intrastellar Arcana - $144

A general or specific reading thatngoes into the nuances of the birth chart and present events through a combo of astrology and tarot. Good for someone who wants to do a deep dive into themselves.

Feel free to check it out! https://www.fiverr.com/jayevans996/provide-clarity-and-insight-on-your-life-journey

Find the best global talent. Freelance services. On demand.

Latest Horoscopes for the Cosmic Tribe - angstoic.com 20/10/2021

Latest Horoscopes for the Cosmic Tribe - angstoic.com To Access All 12 Empowering Horoscope Messages for Each Sign of the Zodiac (Sun & Rising) Join t

Photos from Hermetic Imp's post 10/10/2021

Happy Birthday to me! I turned 25 on the 7th and it was just a beautiful and chill day. I happily received my first order from .eclipse on this day and made this spread in my journal the day after. Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Conquered a quarter of a century peeps. Let's gooooooooo!


As I write this, it’s 6:50 a.m. in South Korea and I’m listening to “Fake Love” by BTS. I was reading a fascinating article by Mulema Alchemy last night. It discussed how the Western ideas of the air signs have divorced said signs from spirit and intuition in a way that is inauthentic to their indigenous roots. I highly recommend you check it out. I’m sitting here early in the morning and feeling reflective about my sun sign.

I’m a Libra sun. Ever since I picked up my first astrology book way back in the third grade and read the entry on Libra, I resonated with it. I mean, okay, I was a little off-put by the suggestion that I was a social butterfly and an airhead, but even those things are now slowly starting to make sense. Fairness. Balance. Justice. Seeing multiple perspectives. These were traits of Libra that I always felt were a part of me, even when I tried too hard or fell into despair through my early and mid-teens.

As I moved into my late teens and early adulthood, I fell into some of the darker traits of Libra. Indecision. Doubt. Codependency. Superficiality. I allowed myself to lose myself in the comfort of having others, which is exactly what the song “Fake Love” is about. It talks about how a love that was constructed on a false identity is an empty one, leaving the person who has lost themselves feeling isolated and unsure of who they are. This was the first BTS song where I looked up the lyrics and fully resonated with them.

If you’ve done any reading on LIbra, you know that LIbra is prone to people-pleasing. It’s a sign that likes to avoid “rocking the boat”, as Steven Forrest describes in his “The Inner Sky” - a brilliant introductory book into evolutionary astrology. And I can’t deny the fact that I relate to this too. I’ve certainly tolerated and put up with… quite a bit in order to avoid conflict or confrontation. I’ve swallowed the instinct to be honest more times than I truly wish to think about.

But as I near the eve of my 25th spin around the Sun, I’m finding myself becoming more and more frustrated with this aspect of myself. With the current transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius; Mercury, Mars, and Sun in Libra, Moon in Gemini; and Venus in Scorpio, I’m starting to start to let that inner mask slip. Honesty shines through the cracks, snarky and quick. I have less patience with dealing with everyone else’s bs and stifling the voice screaming inside for me to just be authentic for once. To not have to hide behind the veneer of acting like everything is okay when it’s not.

I’m not going to blast my problems to the internet, but I will say that there are some overdue conversations that I will be having before 2021 is out. I’ve spent all year thinking that I’m crazy and now I’m finally accepting that astrology confirms that I am, in fact, exactly where I need to be. I’m completely sane; I’m just finally gaining confidence in a way that I haven’t in a long time.

I’m finally getting ready to confront the root of my issues without worrying about the fallout. For too long, I’ve avoided justice for the self for false harmony for the collective. And I am absolutely sick of it.

Libra is an air sign, which I think a lot of people tend to forget. They tend to see Libra as this wimpy or manipulative sign that is friendly to your face while cursing you behind your back. Which, fair enough, are some of the darker elements of air signs in general. However, this is where the Mulema Alchemy article I mentioned starts to come into play.

In Western society, the air signs are detached, rational - more of the logisticians than the soothsayers. That belongs to the more emotional water and fire signs. However, in indigenous cultures, the air signs are seen as standing in the realm between worlds. They wield both air and spirit with skill, utilizing logic with intuition to create a full picture of a situation.

This brings to mind a discussion with the lovely Chauvie that was had in my mentor’s - Ada Pembroke - Discord server. She brought up how it didn’t feel right to divorce psychology and astrology as these two feel like they should pair well together. As a psychology grad student and aspiring astrologer, I couldn’t agree more. For me, weaving between the languages of these two disciplines is second nature. It happens without having to truly think about it. They inform and flow with each other in a way that happens easily and naturally.

The Mulema article explains that this is because air signs have a foot in the watery realm of intuition in their everyday lives - which is because all three have the water signs in their earth houses (2nd, 6th, and 10th). The air signs rule communication and that communication doesn’t have to be limited to the constructed reason of psychology - it can be extended into the communication of the unconscious mind to the conscious one. Which, by the way, both astrology AND psychology discuss.

That doesn’t stop just at the modern-day psychological perspective of astrology though. In traditional astrology, the Sun is considered to be at “fall” in Libra and the 7th house - which is where my natal Sun is in my Placidus chart. This is because the Sun sets in the West - it’s the place where the Sun essentially goes to “die”, linking Libra and the 7th with the descent into the underworld or night section of the chart where the world stops making sense and stops playing by the rules of society. Libra and the 7th are the boundaries between the day world - where light and reason rule - and the night realm - where intuition and emotions thrive.

Duality is the bread and butter of the air signs - Gemini with the Twins, Libra with its scales, and Aquarius being an air sign that also bears to the title of the Water-Bearer. The latter tends to cause people to confuse it as a water sign - which just goes to show that water and air are more linked than one might think. The air signs deal with information from society and balance that knowledge against their personal experiences. Libra is the place where the truths of society are measured by the scales of justice and either defended or cut down by the sword representing impartial honesty.

So seeing that Libra lives in this liminal space where life meets death, truth meets subjectivity, day meets night, and logic meets intuition, I see why I live in this space of science and spirituality - each weaving into one another like the companionable melodies of a song. Libra is more than just one stereotype or aspect - just as all the signs are. And it is only in trying to confine myself to one side of a situation or another instead of embracing the duality and paradox befitting my Sun that I have lost myself.

In seeing the place where western meets indigenous, psychology meets astrology, magic meets the mundane, and traditional meets modern, I see the parts of myself that were hidden in shadow. It is coming into this end of my 1st house profection year and into my 2nd - into making my descent back into the underworld - that I realize that honesty is the only way for me to navigate both my intuitive self and my reason. It is the only way that I can move forward as a whole person.

It feels like the end of an era. One that was of finding myself and navigating the world blindly. I’m not saying I have everything figured out. I’m just saying that maybe, just maybe, I’ve finally figured out which way points true north. Appropriate considering that my north node and Chiron - asteroid of wounds - are conjunct my Sun. But those are stories for another day.

Further Reading:

Elmina Bell. (2021).“ “Decolonizing and Reindigenizing Libra and Air Energies and Embracing Interdependence in an Unjust, Capitalist Society” Mulema Alchemy. https://mulemaalchemy.wordpress.com/2021/09/24/decolonizing-and-reindigenizing-libra-and-air-energies-in-an-unjust-hyper-individualist-capitalist-society/

Ada Pembroke. (2021). “Libra” Stellar Lexicon. http://stellarlexicon.com/books/signs/page/libra


Announcement: I have recently joined the LadiesGamers review site! Check out my very first review on the recently released Monster Harvest! https://ladiesgamers.com/monster-harvest-review/


hermeticimp - Twitch 08/09/2021

Coffee and Poetry. Name a better combo! https://www.twitch.com/hermeticimp

hermeticimp - Twitch Is Yuri Still Best Girl? Let's Find Out! |!discord !socials DDLC Plus Part 2 (Race To Affiliate)

hermeticimp - Twitch 07/09/2021

It's a Cozy Day/Night. Let's chill on The Race to Affiliate! https://www.twitch.com/hermeticimp

hermeticimp - Twitch Come and ponder with me - Cozy AM Tarot and Astrology


Come and ponder with me - Cozy AM Tarot and Astrology https://www.twitch.tv/hermeticimp


Hello and welcome to my new page! I'm an overseas astrologer and tarot reader who has been practicing for 3 1/2 years.

I wanted to kick things off with my new services and a small sale! I'm offering 10% off all readings until September 7th as a celebration for me finally updating everything. Below, you will find descriptions of the readings and what they are best used for. Hope to hear from you soon!

What's Your Hue? - $35

This is a general card reading that provides a quick overview of the client's life. It goes over the general themes and messages that come through in a basic 3 card spread. It can be used when there isn't a particular question in mind or if the client wants a quick and dirty reading. This a great choice for clients who haven't had a reading done before.

Vibe Check - $55

A more in-depth overview of a client's life. This reading goes over ongoing life lessons, divine messages, personal and spiritual growth, relationships, and any other messages that come through for the querent via tarot. This is a good reading for someone who is looking for general check-in with the Universe and what's going on.

Leap of Faith - $65

Mixing astrology and cartomancy/tarot, this card reading also goes over Jupiter, Neptune, and their ruling houses to unveil illusions, faith, and blessings in one's life. It will go in-depth into the support the client has, limiting beliefs, and how to ultimately take a leap of faith. Good reading for helping inspire faith in divine timing and the self again.

Intrastellar Arcana - $75 (short); $144 (full)

A general or specific reading thatngoes into the nuances of the birth chart and present events through a combo of astrology and tarot. Good for someone who wants to do a deep dive into themselves.

Strengthen My Heart - $85

A mixed method reading that details the beauty in someone. A good reading for a boost and support from spirit.

I Wanna Be - $111

A reflective reading based on self-perception. Goes over critical angles in the birth chart. Good for someone who feels lost and wants to gain better self-understanding.

Self-Honesty Is The Best Policy: How An Anime About Sanrio-loving Boys Reminded Me To Be Honest With Myself — Hermetic Imp 02/07/2021

Newest blog post is out! Check out what I learned from an anime about cute boys loving adorable things!


Self-Honesty Is The Best Policy: How An Anime About Sanrio-loving Boys Reminded Me To Be Honest With Myself — Hermetic Imp Messages always seem to find me in the strangest of places: in the shower, through music, other people… and now anime can be added to the list.

Photos from Astrolocherry's post 02/07/2021

Pluto gnaws at the roots of our being


Videos (show all)

Who DID this????? 😂😂😂The surprise that was waiting for me and @titanofkaguya at GS25 this morning. Only in Korea...The i...

Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 09:00 - 20:00