6 9 Degrees

6 9 Degrees

This is a page dedicated to any one who wants the truth to be shared. All Lives Matter.


So, welcome to our group.

First things first, if you have clicked on this page, it may be totally not for you, if so, just hit the back button and you won't need to bore yourself with our woes.

If you need us, we are here.

The ground rules:

We are not here to air personal grievences, judge, name or shame.

We are here to release our truths and gain other like minded peoples perspectives. After all a problem shared is a problem halved.

Overwhelming, we offer support and where applicable, reassurance.

This group is open to all men and women, including the LGBTQ+ communities. We all have feelings and can all be victims of abuse, stereotyping and misinformation. Let's stand together against every kind of prejudice.

Keep it honest, keep it clean, don't exchange personal details and please, please, please be nice
