Dashcam Wisdom

Dashcam Wisdom

Dashcam Wisdom, a place to get exciting #drcharlie content and experience a growing community of lik


Be Yourself

The path to happiness begins with learning to be comfortable in your own skin.


Do What Counts

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein


Get Out and Push



Be kind to others and watch your world change.


The Common Denominator



It's not that serious.


Do No Harm


You are Unique

Try this: Be yourself for 90 days with no pretense or deviation, which will positively change your life.


Letting Go


Expand your mind!


Love - Do THEY know it?


Happiness Byproduct


Emotional Intelligence


Why not you?


Leave the past behind.


Don't take it personal.


Life Changing Event


The Best Conversation Starter

Showing respect to others opens doors, hearts, and minds.

Showing a lack of respect closes them.

Think about this as you enter into conversations with others.

I promise it will be a game-changer for you!

Have a great day!


Control Your Buttons

“Self-control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power.” - James Allen


Expand Your Mind

“I think the number one safe haven where people can put their money is to invest in yourself first.” ― Hill Harper


Do Not Take it Personal

“There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.” - Miguel Ruiz


Do No Harm

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." – Dalai Lama


Thoughts Become Things

We all have negative thoughts from time to time.

Old voices echo in our minds.

However, we do not have to give those voices a home.

Evict those old voices and be convicted about the new you!

Have a fantastic day!


Be Understanding – Part 2

“People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering.” – Saint Augustine


Be Understanding – Part 1

Understanding that everyone is in a different stage of development regarding emotional intelligence is vital.

Having this knowledge makes it much easier not to take it personally when our toes get stepped on.

This will give you peace of mind.

Have a great day!


Trust is Transferable

Building trust is a lifelong journey.

Make sure you always honor the process and never take it for granted.

Trust is essential in every meaningful relationship you have or will ever have in your life.

Have a great day!


Value Your Time

Never take for granted those special moments in time.

They are fleeting and rarely return.

Cherish those moments because sometimes they are the only ones we have with specific individuals.

Have a great day!


Selfcare: Keep an Eye on Your Gas Gauge

No one has an unlimited supply of emotional energy.

Make it a practice to know where your emotional energy gauge is sitting. Sometimes you may have to take a break or step away to recharge. And that’s okay. Making this a practice will help you to have better days.

Have a great day!


Forgiving Self

Making peace with yourself is essential to your health. Do whatever you can to make amends, change the behavior, then move on with your life.

You will gain peace of mind and prosper from the experience.

Have a great day!


Forgiving Others

It is of critical importance to forgive others. You will be much healthier mentally and physically if you learn to do so. I know that it is difficult. However, the more you practice, the better you will get at doing it. I promise you that your day will be brighter if you choose to lose the resentment and forgive.

Have a great day!

Videos (show all)

Get Out and Push#goals #selfimprovement #drcharlie #dashcamwidom #help
The Common Denominator#you #selfawareness #drcharlie #dashcamwisdom
Do No Harm#love #helpingothers #drcharlie #dashcamwisdom
Letting Go#lettinggo #drcharlie #dashcamwisdom #selfcare
Expand Your Mind
Do They Know It?
Happiness Byproduct
Emotional Intelligence
Why Not Me
Leave The Past
Don't Take it Personal
Life Changing Event
