Bible Study Club on Mondays

Bible Study Club on Mondays

For our 2022-2023 club year, we will be taking a more in depth look at the Fruits of the Spirit.

The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want 05/09/2023

How are you all doing? We're excited to let y'all know that we've been working through some bible study curriculum and found a set from PBS that we plan to use for our club. We will send you more info soon. We re thinking about starting with a picnic and we will distribute the course materials then. Hope you'd enjoy this singing

The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want Lyrics from Psalm 23, Music by John Campbell (1854)It was true for David as He wrote the psalm, and it's true for us today. In every circumstance, the Shephe...

1 Million March 4 Children Event┃ LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE ┃- Interview w/ Jeff Evely of V4F 02/09/2023

How's everyone? Hope you're enjoying this weekend and getting ready for a new school year! Here's an interview that you may be interested in. Wonder if Steinbach will have a march too.

1 Million March 4 Children Event┃ LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE ┃- Interview w/ Jeff Evely of V4F Clyde Do Something Merch Shop - a Member - websitehttp...

Sunday 10:45am Service 15/08/2023

How's everyone? It's amazing that the summer holidays just zipped by and we are a couple weeks to the beginning of a new school year! We hope you;re all doing well. We've been so behind in all our projects that we never put together the reading log sheet. I'm trusting that our clubbers have all been spending time with their Bibles - we'll celebrate your diligence :-)

We heard a really good sermon this past Sunday. I'm posting the link here. If you haven't heard this one, maybe find some time for a mid week service at home. It's really very encouraging and help us to put Bible verses in the perspective of live situations.

Sunday 10:45am Service Join us for special music from the Tommy Walker Band and a new message from our guest speaker, missionary and Bible-translator Brooks Buser.


How's everyone doing? Hope you're enjoying the hot, cool and stormy days :-) I came across this online and feel this really points to our study of the fruit of the spirit. When you have time, please share that with your clubber:

(Note: I edited the words "words of affirmation" from the original)

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee?
"Because someone bumped into me!!!"
Wrong answer.
You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.
Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to fake it, until you get rattled.
So we have to ask ourselves... “what's in my cup?"
When life gets tough, what spills over? Joy, gratitude, peace and humility?
Anger, bitterness, victim mentality and quitting-tendencies?
Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it.
Today let's work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, resilience, positivity; and kindness, gentleness and love for others.
Source: Austin Tang
Christian Canadian Homeschoolers

Sunday 10:45am Service 04/06/2023

We watched a great sermon from Shadow Mountain Church today. Music starts around the 8 min mark, There were 2 baptisms at the 29:10 mark and we might even show at our Bible study for all the kids to watch. Hope you'll be blessed by this message. See y'all tomorrow!

Sunday 10:45am Service Just as in Noah's time, so many people of our generation ignore the warning signs of God's judgment. Join us today as Pastor Jeremiah shares the next message...


Today we will start on our last, but very important fruit: self-control For a memory verse challenge, we will talk about this verse from 2 Timothy 1:7 Is it possible to meet at 6:30 today. We will keep it to under 30 minutes :-)


Today will be our last discussions on the topic of gentleness. We will try really hard to stick to a 30 mins meeting :-) For preparation, your clubber can look up their Bible and choose a verse that talk about an area that we are to be gentle in. For our verse challenge: 1 Peters 3:15

See y'all at 7!


Last week we talked about being gentle doesn't mean weak - it is in fact needed especially when we have strength. One of the most important application of gentleness is with our words because they can do good or harm. We asked our clubbers to go check with their moms how they can all practise being gentle and we will talk about how (or if) that had been applied!

For this evening, we will read through James 1: 19-21 We will focus on humbleness (meekness, gentleness) of heart when receiving instructions.

For memory verse challenge, our clubber can try to memorize James 1:22

See y'all at 7!


We will start in on Gentleness this evening. Please have Bibles ready as we will look up and read some verses. We will start with how will each kid define gentleness and come up with a a profile of a gentle person. Here is the key verse of tonight's meeting:


Hello friends! We will have our last club meeting on Faith this evening. We didn't quite cover the verse of last week and will try to round back to it. Today we will talk about Faith In Action. And we will read through James 2 to provide proper context. Our key verse for tonight is from James 2: 17-18

See y'all at 7!


It seems such a long break since our last meeting and we're looking forward to tonight's study! We'll do a small recap on what we've already discussed before Easter break and move on to today's topic: Faith, Faithfulness and Prayers. Here is a verse to get us started. See y'all at 7pm!


How's everyone after Spring break? Hope it was restful :-) We will be starting the topic of faithfulness - fruit of the Spirit at 7 this evening. Just to focus ourselves, think about what is faith? What is faithfulness? And why is it important? See y'all soon!


Today we will continue our discussion on goodness. We started 2 weeks ago with the source of goodness, and last week we talked about what is good - what are the standards and what is good or not good. This evening, we will talked about :
Why do we want to be good?
Do we need to be good?

Please asked your clubber to think about their answer(s) to these questions and if possible, find a verse to go with their thoughts. (or, a verse that inspired their thoughts)

See you at 7!


Hope you're all not too jet lag from time change :-) We didn't get to the verses our clubbers pick last week but will work on them today! Also, if your clubber would like to tell a joke this evening, they are welcome to help us lead in tonight's discussion. We'll start with good jokes vs bad jokes.


Tomorrow we will start talking about Goodness - fruit of the spirit. We will begin with what is good in the very beginning - that all that's made and created by God is good. Like the other units, please ask your clubber to prepare by picking a verse that talk about goodness and be prepared to tell the other clubbers why they should know about the verse they picked.

See you tomorrow at 7! Happy Sunday!


Sorry for the late post for today's Bible study time 😅 Today we will talk about one of the most important way to learn, show and practise kindness - through kind words.

Please ask your clubber to prepare by thinking of words (sentences) that makes a difference for: parents, friends that makes you mad, when you have to make an apology.

Looking forward to seeing you all at 7!


We will continue our discussions on kindness, as the Bible teaches us. Thank you to all our clubbers for the verses they brought to our meeting last Monday! We will expand on all the verses and will tie them to today's key verse:


For today's meeting, have ready:
1) A verse about kindness you'd like to share thoughts on
2) Your Bible
3) Pen and paper

Here's a verse we've chosen for our meeting today at 6:30 see you soon!


***TIME CHANGE *** We are having our Christmas Bowling this Friday! Please let me know ASAP via WhatsApp or text me. If we can meet around 1:05 at the Steinbach Bowling place we can bowl for 1 hour. Pick up shortly after 2:15. Hope to see y'all


We will do a review for the unit on Patience - Fruit of the Spirit on Monday. I've emailed copy of the pdf to y'all just in case our clubber can't find the copy dropped off. If time allows, we will watch a Veggie tale movie


Tomorrow we will talk about one of the most famous verse about peace from Luke 2:14 We have lined up some fun video clips to share with our clubbers! Party packs will be delivered tomorrow.


We will start our discussion on peace tomorrow at 6:30

For preparation, please ask your clubber to pick 2 verses that talks about peace and be prepare to discuss one of them. Our key verse for tomorrow is from John 14:27

We had talked about what the world's measurements and ways can take away joy. In this verse we can also hear Paul voice about adjusting to the world will not give true peace.

See y'all soon!


On our next meeting, we will continue our discussion of Joy and the verse we have chosen to study is John 15:11.

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. (NIV)
These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. (NKJ)

Please ask your clubber to prepare by finding out what does "this" or "these things" refers to.

Thanks.... and see you Monday!

You don't love God if you don't love your neighbor |Cotton Pickin Kids 17/11/2022

We'd a really great club meet on Monday and we particularly enjoy hearing the verse each clubber picked and share our thoughts on them. I think we will continue on with this format.

We didn't quite have time to play this on our last discussion on love. Here is a song that talks about the greatest of commandments: Loving God, loving each other. Enjoy.

You don't love God if you don't love your neighbor |Cotton Pickin Kids Hi, we are the Cotton Pickin Kids and welcome to our Channel! 👋.Check out our Patreon out our sponser)htt...


It was so wonderful to meet again online with our group. We did memory exercise for our key verse of this year/season from Galatians 5:22-23. We will keep visiting this verse as we build our discussions.

This evening, we will talk about the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40)

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

We will be dropping off the key verse memory excise and a hot coco pack for our clubbers. We've challenge everyone to find a Bible story or verse that talks about love and share it with the group -- very much looking forward to hearing from all the kids!

We will not have meeting next Monday (Oct 31) so kids can enjoy candy collecting (or giving) fun. We will wrap up the discussion on Love on Nov 7th.


First club meeting will be on Monday, Oct 17th at 7 pm!

Finally, we have everything lined up and ready to start. Thank you for all your feedback and your patience as we get organized.

We will be delivering our first Fruit of the Spirit newsletter for "love" this weekend. We are working really hard on it and hope it will be inspiring and fun for our clubbers to get a little deeper into the the Word of God.

If your clubber would like a different snack, please message me on WhatsApp before Friday :-)


Hope you all have a great summer and successfully navigate the first few weeks of school!

We had a great summer with a few camping outings and now getting ready to start our little Bible study group.

We will start with a movie night coming Wed, Sept 28 at 7 for our kick off. If your clubber is still interested and has the same snack preferences (or have new favorite snacks), please let me know and we will deliver a small party pack Wed afternoon.

Starting in Oct, we will get into our club meetings with the first fruit of the spirit - Love. We had thought about a few different themes and formats. We also consider that our clubbers are actually quite advanced in their knowledge and understanding so they will be prepared to get to know some of these topics in a more in-depth way. A more thorough understanding of scripture will help them to be more confident in their own walk with the Lord.

Every month we will cover one of the fruits and we will add to our discussions so they can all tie together. It is our hope that our clubbers will be able to relate Bible teachings to their everyday lives. We also try to make this fun and focus on helping them to make use of Bible teachings when dealing with themselves and others.

So the 9 fruits we will work on are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). with one topic each month, this will take us to June 2023.

We are working on our first booklet and hope to distribute it with the party pack. I will give you another update by Wed.

Thanks again and we look forward to studying with your clubbers! Please confirm so we can get the party pack ready!

Ernie Haase & Signature Sound "It's Beginning To Rain" Living Room Sing [Official Live Music Video] 28/06/2022

We are so excited to have in person Awana wrap up! We will meet at the little pocket park right across the Southwood School entrance on Barkman. You can access the park from Barkman (right behind the houses), or there's a little driveway in from Third Street. You can park on Third Street and just walk in or drive in.

We'll have hot dogs, drinks and snacks. Please bring lawn chairs. We'll eat first as the kids will likely be hungry and do the egg hunt and a couple games after. Prizes and awards last. Please let me know how many to except from your family so we can adequately prepare for everyone. 6:30-8 should be enough time :-)

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

And here's a song that we've been enjoying this past few weeks

Ernie Haase & Signature Sound "It's Beginning To Rain" Living Room Sing [Official Live Music Video] "It's Beginning To Rain" is from the new April 2020 release "Something Beautiful" on Gaither Music. During the Covid-19 seclusion, Ernie Haase & Signat...


Thank you to you all Awana parents! With your dedicated help we have all the clubbers very close to finishing all the units in the book this year. We hope they all have a clearer knowledge of Biblical teachings on the topics that we covered.

We have prepared special awards for all the kids and would like to present them at our wrap up, together with the Easter egg hunt, lol!

We are planning for this coming Wed at 6. It's a hot dog event and your whole family is welcome. Please let me know how many so we can prepare food, snacks and drinks. (we'll have mosquito coils with us) However, if Sat is a better day for ALL of you, then we also have the coming Sat open and we can have it then as well.
