DCSIW Distinguished Citizens Society International Waterloo Chapter

DCSIW Distinguished Citizens Society International Waterloo Chapter

Distinguished Citizens Society International Waterloo Chapter


The doors are open for the Newcomers Canada Expo at the MTCC! We welcome you to join us today as this event is free and open to anyone!

See the schedule of presentations for today and speak with any of the Newcomers Canada team to find the information you need!


由於covid 疫情已經緩和,多倫多辦事處已正式公告, 領事業務包括護照 ,簽證 ,文書認證 等等,自 二月一日起不需要預約,可以直接到辦事處櫃檯辦理。

Find free newcomer services near you 23/01/2023

Find newcomer services near you from government of Canada

Find free newcomer services near you Find free newcomer services near you

Photos from DCSIW Distinguished Citizens Society International Waterloo Chapter's post 22/01/2023

2023 Jan 15 星期日中午 1時點滑鐵盧臺灣大專院校校友會,滑鐵盧華商經貿聯合會,滑鐵盧國際傑人會 在Waterloo Sushi 99 餐廳 buffet 聯合舉辦 新春聯歡餐會 ! 將近七十位會員參加。 由我們華商經貿北美州榮譽總會長鄭秀明, 中華會館副主席宋文中,官俊憲會長與張孝本會長向每一位鄉親恭喜拜年!然後一起頒發總統蔡英文與賴清德副副總統致贈的紅包與祝賀春聯給每一位與會者。 接下來進行抽獎有各式各樣的獎品 人人都有獎 每個人滿載而歸!餐會歷時將近三小時後圓滿結束!


🌟 僑台商產業升級與技術服務講座 ~
~ 智慧倉儲解決方案 🌟
🔶工研院服務系統科技中心 沈瑞婷經理 主講

⏰加東時間11月9日晚上8:00 Google Meet平台與您相見😊



代為宣傳 佛光山 waterloo 分會茶會 歡迎參加

Photos from DCSIW Distinguished Citizens Society International Waterloo Chapter's post 04/09/2022

Aug 31,2022 6pm in Crystal Palace dinner 10 King Street South, total 36 people.

Cambridge Job Fair | Employment Expo 03/09/2022

Cambridge Employment Expo

Cambridge Job Fair | Employment Expo Exhibitor Booths Available.

Photos from WFCTA Waterloo Chapter's post 17/07/2022

641 Albert Street, waterloo, Unit 1 will be up on the market this Monday. Asking $535,000. 3 Bedrooms and a garage. Huge living room. Patio off the Dining area. Condo fee is $250 Tamara 519-496-3511


Summer is just around the corner! It's time to get out and get some exercise! The Canada Federation of Youth Chinese Traders Association, The Toronto Chinese Traders Association, and The Waterloo Chinese Traders Association will be jointly hosting the 1st Annual President Cup Basketball Tournament on May 22, 2022. All skill levels are welcome! Below are the details:

Date/Time: May 22, 2022; 12pm Opening Ceremony | 1pm Tip-Off

Venue: TECO Cultural Center; 888 Progress AveScarborough, ON M1H 2X7

Application Criteria:
- High school and above
- Any skill level
- Up to 10 players/team
- $100 application fee/team; Fees can be sent by EMT to [email protected] or cheque payable to Global Asian Interactive Youth Association
- Please send completed application form (attached) to [email protected]

Tournament Features:
- Double elimination
- College basketball rules
- Professional referees on court

1st Place - $300 Cash + $50 Tim Card + Trophy + Certificate
2nd Place - $200 Cash + $25 Tim Card + Trophy + Certificate
3rd Place - $100 Cash + $25 Tim Card + Trophy + Certificate

2022多倫多華商經貿聯誼會5/7 Hinterbrook Winery Tour 28/04/2022

2022多倫多華商經貿聯誼會5/7 Hinterbrook Winery Tour Wine tasting 每位$15 Special offer for wine purchasing by cash 1181 Lakeshore Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario 集合時間5/7下午3:00 * 4/30截止登記


竭誠歡迎會員、非會員一同參與活動 😊😊
5/7 報名Google form,請於4/30前完成報名並e-transfer 費用至[email protected]



New comer LINC English resource at KW area

English At First We are a school which offers English Language Instruction to Newcomers to Canada (the LINC program). Our school started at this site in September of 1990. This is a program offered free of charge to our students which also provides high quality childcare free to those who need it. Transportation ass...
