Shanitra.Rodriguez. I Am Who I Am

Shanitra.Rodriguez. I Am Who I Am

Shanitra Rodriguez is the author of “I Am Who I Am”


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Nobody likes to pay more for something than what they have to, right? That is why I have made my book available in the Kindle format. This format will save you money, and you can read it the same day that you purchase it! I will provide the Amazon link below so that you can check it out!

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Where is my book available? It is available to purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more. I will provide the links below for you to check out:

Amazon link to my book:

Barnes & Noble link to my book:


Paperback or Ebook? The feeling of paper between your fingers as the story is coming to life, or on the go with an ebook easily accessible no matter where you are with technology today. The possibilities are endless! Which do you prefer?


Shanitra Rodriguez is a writer, author of the new children's book “ I am who I am” She is a proud mother of four wounderful children. In her past childhood experience, now raising children of her own, and having experience working in childcare and healthcare; she became aware of the different obstacles a child could go through as a child develops into their own person. Her children and their peers inspired her to write a children's book that would encourage children to be the best they can be and to not let anyone change who they are inside or out.


“I have a mind of gold that can be shaped into anything I set it too be. I can be creative, artistic, authentic, analytical, strategic, and an innovator too. I have so much to look forward to.”


Author Shanita Rodriguez was raised in the west suburbs of Chicago, IL . Her mother was an elementary school teacher and her father was an entrepreneur. Author Shanitra Rodriguez grew up in a private and public school setting were she experienced peers and herself trying to figure out who they wanted to become as a person. In her childhood experience of going through the different obstacles that children still go through today with finding acceptance in who they are and who they want to become; allowed her to journey and take the steps into the career she is in today. Author Shanitra Rodriguez has educational and career background in healthcare and early childhood development. She is a proud mother of four amazing children who are all individually different in their own way. She loves helping and guiding them through their journey of accepting who they are and want to be. Author Shanitra Rodriguez hopes that her book will inspire readers to be proud of who they are now, who they will become in the feature, and to always be their one of kind individual person inside and out!


I Am Who I Am is about children accepting who they are and loving who they are becoming. It is about remembering that all children are wonderful inside and out.

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