Fiat 500 Galvanized

Fiat 500 Galvanized

AWN 624K (Awny) started life as a Positano Yellow Fiat 500L, first registered in 1971. The project started in 1980 and took over 18 months to complete.

Tom and Lily Bunner bought Awny when he was 6 months old, they drove him for 4 years, then passed him over to their son Trevor when he was old enough to drive. Trevor spent all his early driving years in Awny, so many stories, some best not told but many many memories of fun and friends. After moving on to bigger cars, Trevor couldnt part with the car and after a year or so left on the drive deci

Fiat 500 Ron Arad Edition - Park Hyatt Milan 18/10/2015

Fiat 500 Couture Ron Arad Edition celebra l'apertura del nuovo bar Mio all'interno dell'Hotel Park Hyatt Milano. E per l'occasione la più iconica delle nostre nuove 500 non poteva che farsi accompagnare da tre ospiti d'eccezione: una 500N, una D e una L, rappresentanti dell'evoluzione del modello negli anni 50, 60 e 70. Una carrellata storica a cura del Registro Fiat Italiano.
Fiat 500 Couture Ron Arad Edition celebrates the opening of the new bar Mio at the Hotel Park Hyatt Milan. The most iconic of our new 500 was accompanied by three special guests: the vintage 500N, 500D and 500L, representing the evolution of the model in the 50's, 60's and 70's. A historic overview by the Registro Fiat Italiano.

Timeline photos 31/08/2014

We have traveled a long road together, grown up, but our three numbers haven’t lost the style. Discover more, follow our 500L list >>
