United Secular India

United Secular India

This community promotes and stands for a united secular nation of India. We hope this platform enabl

60 Days of CAA in 60 Videos: A Chronology of Protest in India | The Quint 15/02/2020

60 days of CAA: A chronology of protest in India

60 Days of CAA in 60 Videos: A Chronology of Protest in India | The Quint Anti-CAA-NRC protests have gripped the country since the Modi-led government passed the Citizenship (Amendment) Act on 12 December 2019. 60 days hence, here'...


MLK - What are you doing for others?

Zaalim Jao Jao - Boycott CAA NRC - Worldwide Protests 20/01/2020

The Fascist BJP government of India, under Modi-Shah duo, has launched a full-scale assault on the basic pluralistic multi-religious foundational principles of Secular Democratic India. Govt. is pushing for National Citizenship Registry (NRC) to disenfranchise 200 million Muslims in India. This law has invoked massive protests all over the world. The CAA has resulted in massive people’s uprising ALL across the WORLD, by people of all walks of life, all faith backgrounds, UNITED in one voice.

Zaalim Jao Jao - Boycott CAA NRC - Worldwide Protests The Fascist BJP government of India, under Modi-Shah duo has launched a full scale assault on the basic pluralistic multi religious foundational principles o...


Thank you for supporting this page. We hope this platform will enable those who support a united and secular India to share their thoughts and ideas. We invite all Indians and those whose heritage is India to support this cause. We encourage all who support a secular India to be part of this movement.

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Recording of JNU attack

Muslims Organize Huge Protests Across India, Challenging Modi 05/01/2020

At least 100,000 people gathered Saturday in Hyderabad, India’s technology hub, to protest Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a new law they say will strip the country of its secular foundations, maintaining steady pressure on the government as demonstrations entered their fourth week.

The protests have drawn massive crowds across India, with more than 200,000 people gathering in Kochi city, in the southern state of Kerala, on New Year’s Day. And in Delhi, hundreds continued to camp out on a vital stretch of highway that links the capital to its suburbs, bristling against one of the city’s coldest winters in decades.

Muslims Organize Huge Protests Across India, Challenging Modi As nationwide demonstrations entered their fourth week, India’s Muslims — long a fragmented group — organized into a formidable force against a contentious citizenship law.

Against The Tide Of Humanity: India Proceeding With Discriminatory Laws 05/01/2020

India was right to introduce legislative protections for the benefit of those persecuted. However, when doing so, India must adhere to the principles of equality and non-discrimination and so, when providing protection for those persecuted, must make no distinction as to race, religion, national origin or other prohibited grounds.

Against The Tide Of Humanity: India Proceeding With Discriminatory Laws The new law aims to expedite citizenship decisions for religious minorities such as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians, who have fled persecution in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and have been resident before 2014.

India’s ruling party accused of running deceptive Twitter campaign to gain support for a controversial law – TechCrunch 05/01/2020

Thousands of people in India today, many affiliated with the BJP party, began circulating that phone number on Twitter with the promise that anyone who places a call would be offered job opportunities, free mobile data, Netflix credentials, and even company with “lonely women.”

India’s ruling party accused of running deceptive Twitter campaign to gain support for a controversial law – TechCrunch Bharatiya Janata Party, the ruling party in India, has been accused of running a highly deceptive Twitter campaign to trick citizens into supporting a controversial law. First, some background: The Indian government passed the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) last month that eases the path of non-Mu....

'We are not safe': India's Muslims tell of wave of police brutality 05/01/2020

"According to accounts given to the Guardian by dozens of victims, witnesses and activists, police in the state stand accused of a string of allegations: firing indiscriminately into crowds; beating Muslim bystanders in the streets; raiding and looting Muslim homes while shouting Islamophobic slurs and Hindu nationalist slogans; detaining and torturing Muslim children."

'We are not safe': India's Muslims tell of wave of police brutality Police in Uttar Pradesh state have embarked on ‘reign of terror’ against Muslims in wake of new citizenship law

Indian students injured in university violence 05/01/2020

About 20 students are said to have been injured at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in the capital Delhi.

Indian students injured in university violence Police in Delhi are called to the JNU campus amid reports of masked men attacking students and staff.


JNU campus attacked


Tomorrow at Indian Consulate in Toronto


Save the date!

United Secular India

India has been the land of peace and harmony. India taught the world about the meaning of secularism, which attracted people all over the world. India is a secular nation with no state religion. Therefore every citizen residing within the territory of India has the right to follow the religion she or he believes in. Faith is a personal matter, and everyone has the right to follow one's religion.

We hope this platform will enable those who support a united and secular India to share their thoughts and ideas. We invite all Indians and those whose heritage is India to support this cause through this platform. We encourage all those who support a secular India to be part of this movement.

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