World Marketplace Ministry Forum

World Marketplace Ministry Forum

The HUB for marketplace ministry and business leaders around the globe to connect, communicate and innovate together using Biblical-based principles


Hello leaders and future leaders,

World Marketplace Ministry Forum- Connect Session - is back, and the theme this month is STEWARDSHIP!

How can we share and learn about applying this principle as a leader in our business, and most importantly, how can we be trusted with God's asset in our lives as His steward?

We are grateful that Kevin Sutantyo⁩ and Kelvin Ng are willing to share some of their experience and introduce you to their business.

Please feel free to invite anyone you believe will benefit from this event. It’s a free online event.

Date: Wed 26 Oct2022
Time: 19.00PM Jakarta time / 20.00PM SG-MY Time
Platform: Zoom online


Couple of weeks ago we had our Connect Session with leaders across the globe and the session was amazing! Thanks to our brother, Johan Sulaiman, from Goodkind who shared about his business and Ps. Jim Yost who conveyed God’s words during the session. We will see you in another Connect Session!


Hello all,

We are inviting you to attend our WMMF community “Connect Session” June 2022 edition.

We will hear again some of updates on business/project information from within our community, hearing sharing Words of God together and pray together in our upcoming meeting.


We are inviting you to attend our WMMF Connect Session, April Edition. Wednesday 20 April 2022 19.00PM Jakarta time / 20.00 Singapore time.

You're looking for business opportunities but don't know where to start?

There are so many options out there, it's hard to know which one is the right fit for you. You could spend hours online researching each opportunity, or you could attend a WMMF Connect Session and get all the information you need from industry experts in just 2 hours.

At this WMMF Connect Session, you'll learn about different business models and how to determine if an opportunity is a good fit for you. You'll also hear success stories from entrepreneurs who have started businesses in a variety of industries. Plus, you'll get all your questions answered by our expert panelists. Come join us at our next session.

Many people believe that in order to achieve success, they need to do it all on their own. While this may be true for some things, business is not one of them. In order to create opportunities and achieve success, partnerships are key.

However, finding the right partner can be difficult. You want someone who shares your values and who you can trust, but this is not always easy to find.

God has been known to bring the right partners together at just the right time. By praying and asking Him for help in this area, you can be sure that you will find the right partnership for your business.

At WWMF, we help create business-connection bridges, connecting opportunities for our members.


A timely message for all of us business / marketplace ministry leaders and all sons of God everywhere. Thanks brother Tommy Tjiptadjaja for your sharing in this week WMMF encouragement video.


Come and join us by registering to our upcoming WMMF connect session! It’s a free event and join the conversation to learn and share together.

Register for free using link below (or QR code in rhe image) and get the link via email.


Weekly sharing moment. Thank you brother Doh Hau for your encouragement.

Have a blessed weekend.


Thanks Amy Leong for sharing with us your encouragement message!


Thank you Pastor Jesse Bradley for this encouragement message.

Let’s remember and celebrate what He has done in our life. God is able to do exceedingly what we are not capable to imagine.

Blessings to all.


WMMF would like to invite you all to our final WMMF Connect Session event of 2021.

Business and ministry succession is a critical part in each and every organisation. Yet many still did not having the framework to do the proper planning and ex*****on.

Let’s learn and share about this topic on our upcoming session.

We also will hear some updates from several of our partners on their activities. We look forward to have you all on 2nd December.

Photos from World Marketplace Ministry Forum's post 01/10/2021

It’s a wrap, Thank you Pastor Jesse Bradley for sharing with us a very practical way to become fruitful in how we use our time.

God bless you, your family and your ministry.

Photos from World Marketplace Ministry Forum's post 28/09/2021

As a Christian leader in marketplace, ministry and including family life, many of us are crowded with our daily schedule and perhaps many of us also getting into the cycle of our to-do-list without even understand which one is a must have, nice to have and mandatory to do.

As we go back to the question of “what do God want us to do with our time?” we will be able to see in the larger perspective and determine again on those to-do-list, on whether or not those activities bring us closer to getting near on becoming “fruitful” in our life.

Let’s learn and share on this topic together so we can ask the Holy Spirit to gave us the discernment that we may be able to choose wisely on daily basis on which things that are important, and which one is turn out become a distraction for us to achieve what God wanted to accomplish in our life.

Photos from World Marketplace Ministry Forum's post 01/09/2021

By the grace of God we are grateful to be able to take part in these activities to provide assistance for the most vulnerable group of people during the lockdown period in both Indonesia and Malaysia.

It’s not about the amount, but it’s the heart of giver and obedience that matter most.

Giving is not an opportunity, its a lifestyle calling that we build over time in our journey with God.

Thank you for all donators, partner of deployment and those who even pray fervently throughout the program preparation and deployment.

Because Love without action is an empty cause.


Dear all , in light of recent situation in many ASEAN countries having to face lockdown period due to Covid-19 cases, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia, WMMF’s steering committee team is taking the initiative to provide aid package for the poor families affected by this lockdown scenario.

Working together with CBN (Yayasan Cahaya Bagi Negeri) for Indonesia program and with Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship Malaysia for the Malaysia program, WMMF is hoping to be able to donate essential food package for at least 1000 families across the 2 countries for at least two week supplies.

This initiative will be deployed under the monitoring and qualifying system that has been setup by both organisation to ensure the credibility and eligibility of the recipients and the accountability of the program ex*****on.

In both countries we have seen so many families who are getting their income on daily basis suffered and unable to meet their standard of living. WMMF believe that this initiative is one of the best way we can practice part of our principles: “Stewardship” and “Justice”

We hope to be able to send this donation before the end of July 2021 to immediately deploy this donation to families in need.

If you are willing to participate in this donation please DM for more details on how to donate.

God bless and stay safe.


WMMF Connect Session invite you to attend online our 1st Anniversary of World Marketplace Ministry Forum on Thursday 22 July 2021 starting 19.00PM Jakarta Time / 20.00PM Singapore and Malaysia Time.

For registration and zoom link, please direct message.

Join us as we will discover the simple truth of giving especially in these period of times where many need a helping hand.

Matthew‬ ‭25:40‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”


In this current environment that we lived in, the more we realize the critical faith-work relationship. CEO and business owners are having more hours to expose biblical values to their employees compare with what a Pastor can do on Sunday service.

As God’s stewards in charge of all the assets He trusted to every leaders, we need to be more impactful than ever in our effort to utilize our business and ministry as the world is changing rapidly.

The questions:

1. What is the KPI used by Christian leaders nowadays for “impacting” both in business and ministry context? Is that KPI still relevant today?

2. How can church and business leaders do more collaboratively to address the challenges in today’s environment?

3. How can we leave legacy for next generation leaders to be able to continue our efforts?

Join us in the discussion and hear the thoughts of leaders from both business and ministry environment.

Date: *Thursday, 27th May 2021*
Time: *19.00 PM Jkt time / 20.00 SG-MY time*

Photos from World Marketplace Ministry Forum's post 16/04/2021

So encouraging to see business leaders and ministry leaders collaborate through our WMMF Collab HUB initiatives.

We incubate project, collaboration and many other form of learning from one another, mentoring and supporting each other in a small group setting that create safe space for leaders sharing their stories, passion and experiences in walking with God throughout their careers.

DM us if you are interested to learn more and want to be a part of this.

Passover’s significant messages: Hope and Forgiveness 06/04/2021

Passover note: During the Passover weekend, we are encourage to share two things that God has put in our heart over the last few years. In the old testament Passover mainly is all about how God bring the Israelites out from their slavery into the promise land and in the new testament it’s mainly about how Jesus bring all humanity out of the dominion of sin into the everlasting salvation through His blood....

Passover’s significant messages: Hope and Forgiveness Passover note: During the Passover weekend, we are encourage to share two things that God has put in our heart over the last few years. In the old testament Passover mainly is all about how God bri…


It’s another reason not to quit on God during your “Saturday”. Have a blessed Passover weekend to all leaders.

Photos from World Marketplace Ministry Forum's post 25/02/2021

“Small deeds done with a great love can change the world”

Thank you Rev Gordon Aw for your sharing at our WMMF connect session.

We are amaze how God can connect christian leaders in marketplace to do His purpose in the current environment.


Justice is the trademark of God’s Kingdom concept. Leaders are responsible to ensure the practice and implementation of this concept. And to do that, the “I concept” need to less while the “We concept” has to grow bigger.

Psalms‬ ‭11:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.”


Wishing you a joyous moment inside and outside. In this tremendously challenging Christmas we pray that all of us stand firmly in rock solid faith to finish our task and calling in Jesus alone.


To do your job whole-heartedly when no one is watching is another level.

Luke‬ ‭12:42‬ -43 NIV‬‬

“The Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns.”


Philippians‬ ‭4:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

The art of having enough is the art where so many have tried and failed.


Many has fallen into this mind traps that they were in leadership to proof their capabilities.

When God put you in any leadership position, it’s the gesture of trust that you will be able to impact many lives even when there is no one watching.


Proverbs‬ ‭24:3-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”

All leaders desired wisdom, but not all willing to pay for it.


Proverbs‬ ‭2:6-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.

Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path.”

Addressing people in need during Covid-19 20/08/2020

We are grateful for a person such as Bro Samuel Tan who lead an effort to reach out and coordinate the initiative to help people in need for their daily essentials during the Covid-19 pandemic in Johor Baru, Malaysia. We pray God will put calling and burden in many hearts so His name can be glorify in way that we all always longing to see. [ 256 more words ]

Addressing people in need during Covid-19 We are grateful for a person such as Bro Samuel Tan who lead an effort to reach out and coordinate the initiative to help people in need for their daily essentials during the Covid-19 pandemic in J…

Videos (show all)

WMMF Weekly Encouragement Video
Weekly sharing moment. Thank you brother Doh Hau for your encouragement.Have a blessed weekend.
Prophetic vision.
WMMF Weekly Sharing