The Prayer Train

The Prayer Train

The Prayer Train is a platform for answered prayers. We have a team of Intercessors on board ready to pray over any topic you present on the platform.

Join us, and let's see God's hand at work in your life.

Before You Step Out of the Will of God 07/08/2022

Before You Step Out of the Will of God Choose to walk in God's will and experience a purpose-driven, fulfilling life.

The Troublemaker Within Us 07/08/2022

The Troublemaker Within Us Yield to the Holy Spirit and live free of sinful desires.


How to deal with Toxic people in you life


β€œThe problem for many of us is that we want to change our status and our circumstances, but we are not willing
to change our thinking.”

~ Pastor Richard C. Whitcomb


Relevant message for the times we're in...


ABBA Father surround us with people who are for you and not against youπŸ™πŸΎ

The Seven Churches – To Which Do You Belong? 29/09/2021

The Seven Churches – To Which Do You Belong? A couple of years ago, I wrote about how the Church in America has become Missing In Action. Well, it’s gotten worse – it’s gotten soft – lukewarm. One would expect to see m…


We will all as "believers," account for our time spent including our usage of our talents and gifts when we appear before the Judgement seat of Christ!!!


What do you think about Heaven???


