Balanced Life with Brittany

Balanced Life with Brittany

I offer online bootcamps throughout the year on food & fitness!


The moment you realize meeting your health and fitness goals will NOT happen….

-by starving yourself
-by participating in the newest fad diets
-by taking a miracle pill
-by being extreme
-or anything else that isn’t “sustainable “

……is the moment you have a mind shift change and you start to understand the key is being consistent!

ACTUALLY meeting and maintaining those goals becomes a reality and you realize….I CAN do this!


What are macronutrients?

Macronutrients are nutrients that your body needs in large amounts to function optimally.

The three main macronutrients are carbohydrates, protein, and fat. They’re considered essential nutrients, meaning your body either cannot make them or cannot make enough of them.

In my VIP bootcamps I teach you more in-depth about these nutrients and how you can actually STILL lose weight and not have to STARVE, or deprive yourself of the things you love!

My next session starts May 1st! Get ready for the SUMMER by learning and implementing a few key factors that will forever change your way of thinking and “dieting”!


FACE TO FACE PICS!!! Dec. 1st till now!!! 30 lbs GONE!!! Want to know her secret? Join us for my next bootcamp starting May 1st! Comment below with your email and I will get back w/you ASAP!


EVERYONE is busy. EVERYONE is stressed. EVERYONE has problems. EVERYONE is going through a bunch of stuff. The second you realize that EVERYONE is going through something and that the people that are winning are just deciding to do something about it. Deciding to be PROACTIVE. DECIDING. CHOOSING. Working hard to be a winner. The second you’re like, ”oh let me get off my own BS!” Is the day you transform.

Don’t sit around doing nothing just because it’s the weekend!! Get up and get to moving! Your body, mind and soul need it.




I freaking LOVEEEEEE this!!! It all goes back to DISCIPLINE. You will never ALWAYS be motivated to workout or eat good, but you can always be disciplined. With time and patience on your side you will start to develop habits that will help with this. You just have to give it your best every. Single. Day. And learn to accept your best will not always be the “pumped up independent hustling woman” you have pictured in your head. Sometimes she’s sad, sometimes she’s tired, sometimes she’s overwhelmed BUT Show up with ALLLLLLLLL your feelings rather good or bad and get it done! That’s where real growth comes from!

If this doesn’t motivate you to complete your workout today I don’t know will lol 😂 let’s gooooooo!!!


Who here has heard of INTERMITTENT FASTING? I’ve heard about it for years but never thought to research it until recently and BOYYYYYYY was I intrigued! My body has already showed massive changes in all forms! In my next bootcamp I’ll be introducing intermittent fasting into my clients nutrition plans (if willing ) and of course giving all the education on why it’s important, and how to do it! This will NOT take the place of macros! You still need to know how to eat correctly during your eating phase! So I will teach you how! Next camp starts NEXT MONDAY! March 6th! GET REGISTERED!! Link below in comments!


This is a testimony from one of my amazing clients! She has achieved so much and I’m so proud of her. Read her story below 👇

“I have shared my health journey with a few of you guys but for those of you who don’t know I’ve gotten super serious about my health. I had some cardiac issues in December that really scared me and I knew I had to start getting it together.

This bootcamp has helped me so much! It’s all online, so it’s easy to do around work/home/life schedule. She has so many awesome recipes to try and great tips to succeed.

I am on my 3rd bootcamp with her, they are 6 weeks long and we are finishing up our last week and I’m already excited to start the next one 😅

Since December 1st 2022 I am down 22lbs. I have lost inches but I didn’t measure so I’m not sure how much but it’s enough that I’ve dropped 1 pants size, my 3x shirts are getting big on me, and my husband can wrap his arms around me and touch his wrists!

This isn’t some fad diet, what she teaches you in the bootcamp is good for sustainability! You want to lose weight and get healthy but you have to be able to MAINTAIN it. This will help with that.

The workouts are great! They are hard but doable! I feel so good when I get them done. I’ve had increased energy, better sleep, increased focus. It has also helped with my anxiety so much.

If you’re wanting to start but don’t really know what you need to do then try this!”-Kathleen


Stuffed Taco Sweet Potato

Super easy meal prep recipe!! You can find this one and many more in my online bootcamp! We will begin another 6 week session March 6th! ☀️

*ingredients posted in comments.


I’m all about mindset. Start by loving yourself. 👏👏👏



Change is hard.

But once you take that first step forward, make sure you surround yourself with those that are clapping for you….

Focus on one goal at a time….

Clap for yourself…

Notice and appreciate the small changes that you are making…

Be grateful for what you CAN do…

Live by the 80/20 rule…

Allow yourself grace…

Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s journey…

And just continue to be brave and know that no one is perfect and no one has it all figured out.

We will start another round of my online bootcamp around the first of March! 👏👏👏👏 I’m here for YOU!


Did you know in my bootcamp I actually tell you to NOT cut out any food group! What!???? Yes! I teach the ”eat more, eat some and eat less” method!

No more feeling deprived!


Here’s another wonderful testimony from one of my clients who I am SOOOOO proud of! She’s been killing it btw!!!

“💕🙏💕 Okay…I’ve totally slacked this bootcamp BUUUTT I have learned that you DO NOT have to be perfect. If you have a goal…listen to what Brittany Webster has to say. It got me to my goals and she will guide you. They are not always easy but you will get there…1, 2, maybe 3 boot camps before you get in that routine. They are sustainable. 🖤 I have learned more about nutrition and benefits of working out and taking care of my body. She (Brittany's VIP Balanced Life-Health and Fitness Bootcamp) is an awesome coach to have. Down to earth, funny and always makes you feel motivated! Thank you! I’m gonna turn back up on the next boot camp and Kimberly Collins is too!! Starbucks black coffee has been off the shelf for 3 weeks now…I ordered ALOT from Amazon…that’s my”pre-workout” I can doubt myself but i know I can and I will be my best…and everyone’s best is different but keep with it!”

LAST DAY TO GET IN WITH US! Click link in comment below 👇 to register and I will follow up with you!


And THIS is why I keep teaching my bootcamps! Here’s a testimony from one of my clients!!! 🥰

My testimony:

I started this journey on January 3rd 2022 at 180 pounds, size 14/16. I took the pictures, did my measurements and for the first time I bought into a program. Brittany said to track my food so I bought a scale and did just that. I added more water to my day, more protein to my meals and more strength training workouts. I took things slow. I participated in the challenges, I participated in the group and slowly I started to see results. By slowly I do mean literally losing .5 a week maybe! My clothes fit better, my body felt good, and it really hit when other people started to notice. By the summer time I had lost over 10 inches in my body and was 20 pounds lighter. I have battled injuries, not being motivated and dealing with life throwing curve balls - but I learned to have balance!! It is now December and this picture was taken this morning as I was about to run into Sams. I had forgotten to remove the sticker from my SIZE 6 jeans! I have literally cut my size in half since January. I still have more goals to reach & if I’m being honest have been doing this the lazy way since about August and have still managed to “maintain.” This group helped me conquer my 2022 fitness goals & I am forever thankful. Can’t wait to see what 2023 holds!


I believe in Balance….

You can STILL lose weight and have your favorite treat, eat CARBS, not starve, not over do it on exercise and eat more than 1200 calories! YEP!!! I can teach you!

If you’re tired of the latest diet trend and tired of getting disappointed in yourself let me help you.

My online bootcamp starts Jan. 9th and I have LIMITED spots bc I personally coach, teach, and support each one of my clients!


Tell me your New Year’s resolutions! Here’s mine:

1. Put $1,000 each month to credit card debt 😵‍💫
2. Focus even more on body and nutrition
3. Sleep more
4. Fill my brain with more education on nutrition tips and fitness
5. Read more and take more time to relax
6. Spend less money
7. Save money
8. Invest my money
9. Learn more about money investments, taxes etc.…
10. Stay single

So basically I want to get smarter, richer and more fit lmao 🤣


How important is exercise really? Well, if you believe that your heart is important then the answer to this question is VERY!

So as most of us know the heart is a muscle. If not exercised, just like any other muscle in our body it begins to “waste away” and becomes weak.

Some of you may or may not have heard about an “enlarged heart”? An enlarged heart can be good or bad depending on WHY it’s enlarged!

An enlarged “unhealthy” heart is large only bc it’s having to compensate for a deficiency in the cardiovascular system such a hypertension. These hearts aren’t as efficient as hearts that grow large due to exercise! These unhealthy hearts cannot pump as much blood as the conditioned heart! Each stroke from a conditioned heart pumps MORE blood with LESS effort.

So with a healthy conditioned heart guess what happens with the heart rate?! It actually DECREASES!

To determine your RESTING heart rate, sit still for 5 min and count your pulse by placing two fingers lightly on the thumb side of your wrist, palms facing up. Count the pulses for 1 min. If you count more than 80 pulses(beats) then you’re likely not in good condition! This will vary if you’ve had some caffeine lol 😂 try it out!

Comment below your resting heart rate👇


Make sure you get signed up! Here’s how 👇

-click link in bio and fill out registration form.
-I will then contact you with payment via invoice through the email that you signed up with.
-you will then receive your questionnaire and welcome email shortly after giving you further details and instructions on what to expect with my bootcamp!
-Early access to VIP group will open on Jan. 6th for those who are registered and paid!

We will begin session on January 9th!!! Looking forward to working with you💋


Although exercise gives us that energy we need, it’s starting the routine of exercise (or finding the motivation) that is actually the hard part!

So if you’re like me and all the other exhausted busy women out here with kids, laundry, wife duties, house responsibilities, errand running etc…here’s a few tips that may help you get back in the routine of exercising bc at the end of the day we should all know by know how important our health is! It’s really irrelevant how long you live if the QUALITY of your life isn’t there! So here’s a few tips to help you take back your life and health…

-get sleep! Put that phone down, make yourself a routine, start winding down 2 hours earlier than normal, avoid caffeine and/or alcohol close to bedtime and do NOT start binge watching your series!

-be prepared ahead of time. I tell all my bootcampers in our VIP group to SLEEP IN YOUR WORKOUT CLOTHES! It really does help motivate me and makes one less step I have to do in the morning when I first wake up.( bc y’all, I am NOT a morning person)

-bribe yourself with a shower afterwards. Wash with body scrub that’s good for energy and muscle soothing and soak up that hot or cold water on your body and just relax!

-make UNBREAKABLE plans to exercise!!! This is another tip I like to harp on in my camp! Get yourself a physical calendar and schedule yourself in! It really makes all the difference. You wouldn’t break an appointment with your doctor, dentist or hair stylist now would you? Stop breaking appointments with yourself!

-assign money to your goals! We seem to try a little harder when we’ve invested money into something! Don’t expect to feel motivated or stay in a routine with free YouTube videos here and there. Trust me, I’ve tried it. It doesn’t work.

-change your expectations. A big problem I notice in most people trying to regain their exercise routine and lifestyle changes is they want to be too extreme. They want results NOW and therefore end up setting themselves up for failure bc once they don’t do that “extreme” goal they wanted they feel beat down and incapable of doing what it is they said they were going to do! Try setting small attainable goals first and slowly make your way to the bigger gains!

If you’ve made it this far in the reading first off, hats off to you!! But most importantly I wanted to give you the opportunity to get signed up for my online bootcamp that starts January 9th! I offer daily workouts all 30 min sessions, your personalized nutrition plan, meal plans, and support and Motivation to help you reach and sustain your health and fitness goals!

Registration link in comments and in the bio section of my page! Limited availability so don’t wait!


Who else drinks a little more alcohol than typical during the holidays!? I’m not a big drinker anymore (although all of you who knew me back in the gap know that was a different story 🫣) but for some reason during the Christmas holidays there’s so much temptation!

First off,it doesn’t help my birthday is December 29th, and then you’ve got New Years with the wines! So it’s just HARD!!! And who can resist eggnog or the sweetness of an Irish coffee during these cold winter nights??? ahhhhhhhh just so much temptation lol 😂

soooooo for those of you who are like me and find it hard to resist the urge to drink alcohol during these wonderful, bright and festive days, here’s you a simple, low cal pretty little drink! Enjoy!

100 cal Cranberry Margarita 🧉

This easy low cal Cranberry Margarita recipe is only 100 calories! Sugar free and no artificial sweeteners, it's a healthier skinny cranberry margarita!

Prep Time
5 mins
Total Time
5 mins
Servings: 1 Margarita Calories: 102kcal

Author: Becca Ludlum

1 oz tequila
2 tbsp lime juice
¼ cup cranberry juice
10 oz sparkling water I prefer lime flavored


Add tequila, lime juice, cranberry juice, and ice to your glass, then fill to the top with sparkling water.
Stir and serve, or add everything except sparkling water to a cocktail shake with ice, shake and serve. Top with sparkling water.

Calories: 102kcal | Carbohydrates: 10g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g |


Welcome to the club!!!

This is not permission to give up or quit on your goals! Pick yourself up and keep moving forward.

Have a fabulous Wednesday!!


I wish everyone could grasp the importance of this concept!

Y’all, it really doesn’t matter how fast you go or how fast the next person goes or “oh she’s at this stage in her journey why am I not further along” type of thinking….

Stop it!

I promise if you take the first step and just begin I promise it gets easier! And I promise if you start enjoying YOUR OWN journey and realizing just that….That it’s a JOURNEY not a race, not a sprint but this is forever and ever….it’s a lifestyle change!


You will never stop wanting to improve yourself and your health if you just START and keep going! Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be 100% ALL THE TIME! It’s impossible ladies! And you will always drag yourself down and find yourself feeling defeated and sad if you keep those kinds of thoughts going.

Just remember…

Stay in your lane, look ahead, keep taking baby steps FORWARD and AS ALWAYS, HYDRATE 😂😂🤣🤣


I get so excited when I’m able to resist the urge to eat something that isn’t all that healthy for me!

Remember, it’s not about depriving yourself, but understanding how to be in control of your thoughts and desires when it comes to food.

This means, after you’ve tried all the tricks of trying to avoid a certain food, and you still want it, learn how to control the portion size of what you eat.

BECAUSE in actuality, you can’t go forever without eating some sort of food deemed as “unhealthy “! The trick is learning to control the amount you feed yourself! Once you’ve mastered that, your outlook of nutrition will become much more positive! Bc as I always say, if you try taking away something from someone it becomes much more appealing! And this applies with food too.

Happy Thursday!


How many of you have done this? ME TOO!!

And for me, it does work short term, but we have to remember “being motivated” isn’t the key to success!

I promise you will NOT always be motivated, but what you must learn is self discipline and consistency. If you can be consistent with yourself, even if it’s just small consistencies, you will get to where you want to be!

Remember, my online bootcamp will start again January 9th and we are naming this one NEW YEAR, NEW YOU!!

Registration to be announced….


Transformation Tuesday! Check out Maria’s testimony! She’s been an absolute joy to watch grow and improve on so many levels! I am beyond excited for her and can’t wait to see what she does in bootcamp 7.0, New Year, New You!

“💕🙏💕 Okay…I’ve totally slacked this bootcamp BUUUTT I have learned that you DO NOT have to be perfect. If you have a goal…listen to what Brittany Webster has to say. It got me to my goals and she will guide you. They are not always easy but you will get there…1, 2, maybe 3 boot camps before you get in that routine. They are sustainable. 🖤 I have learned more about nutrition and benefits of working out and taking care of my body. She (Brittany's VIP Balanced Life-Health and Fitness Bootcamp) is an awesome coach to have. Down to earth, funny and always makes you feel motivated! Thank you! I’m gonna turn back up on the next boot camp and Kimberly Collins is too!! Starbucks black coffee has been off the shelf for 3 weeks now…I ordered ALOT from Amazon…that’s my”pre-workout” I can doubt myself but i know I can and I will be my best…and everyone’s best is different but keep with it!”



NEVER have I EVER regretted doing a workout. I know it’s tough to get in the motion of doing it, but I promise you if you just make yourself GET UP and get INTO MOTION you’ll be halfway through your workout before you know it and guess what?! YOU WILL FEEL LIKE A BAD A** !!!

Don’t sit on yourself. Just get it done. The more you do this, the easier it gets.


💥SELF CARE Saturday!💥

Here’s your reminder to take care of YOU!!! Remember, this isn’t being selfish. This is so you can better take care of everyone else. If you’re only at 40% that means you can’t give your all to those who mean the most to you.

A few ideas….

Hot bath
Walk in the park
Go out to eat
Have dinner with a friend
binge watch a Netflix series lol 😂
Read a book
Get a massage
Go to the movies

The list goes on and on…

Do something that fills your cup back up!!!

Have a wonderful Saturday!💕


Did you know that you can actually HINDER your weight loss if you’re not eating enough?

During my 6 week bootcamps I teach on the importance of balance and fueling our bodies with proper nutrition in the form of MACROS!

You REALLY don’t have to starve or over exercise to get results. Let me help you.

Next camp will start Jan 9th, 2023!

Get ready for the New Year, New Me Bootcamp! So excited!!!


What’s the hardest obstacle for you during your health and fitness journey? Is it nutrition or working out?


Get registered TODAY!!! Click link in comments!

-meal plans
-personalized macros
-challenges w/prizes

All in my VIP group! We start 8/22! Kickoff your school year right!!!

Videos (show all)

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