Life Close Up

Life Close Up

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We love nature and want to inspire even more people for the natural wellness effects that are available. Our mission is to make those benefits available to all those who are searching for a natural remedy to the issues we face daily.

6 Benefits Of Calming Music For Your Body And Soul | Life Close Up 02/06/2024

Calming music has been shown to help relieve nervous tension and reduce stress. Although some people find this kind of music boring, others, when they hear a good performance of calming music, can enjoy the sound and experience feelings of well-being and relaxation.

6 Benefits Of Calming Music For Your Body And Soul | Life Close Up Calming music has been shown to help relieve nervous tension and reduce stress. Enjoy the sound and experience feelings of well-being and relaxation!

6 Ways To Liven Up Your Relationship | Life Close Up 14/05/2024

In order to maintain a relationship, it is very important that there be joy, laughter, and liveliness between you.

Falling in love, or even having a new flirt in your life, can bring you incredible joy and make you fly in your own bubble. At this stage, it makes sense to constantly have an inexplicable smile on your face and feel butterflies in your stomach.

6 Ways To Liven Up Your Relationship | Life Close Up There are many ways to liven up your relationship with your partner and renew yourself as a couple, as long as you have an appetite for effort and lots of love!

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | Life Close Up 14/05/2024

In our daily lives, each of us can have an experience that is overwhelming, frightening, and beyond our control. We may be involved in a car accident, be the victim of an assault, or witness an accident. These experiences are more likely to happen to police officers,firefighters, and ambulance crews, who are often faced with gruesome scenes. Also,

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | Life Close Up For some, traumatic experiences trigger a reaction that can last for many months or even years. This is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

4 Ways To Make More Time For Your Partner Every Day | Life Close Up 11/05/2024

Is it time to discover the ways that will help you make time for you and your partner?

Are there days when your schedule feels like a gruelling marathon with time and obligations? Are there days when the only time you manage to sync with your partner is when you both fall asleep? Do you wish you could somehow magically make time for yourself to share with your loved ones?

4 Ways To Make More Time For Your Partner Every Day | Life Close Up Is it time to discover the ways that will help you make time for your partner and you?


Whether you're a decorating novice or a pro, it's always helpful to keep the following rules in mind before you get started. Below, we list the three basic rules of interior design that we can apply in every room of our home.

How To Boost Your Self-Esteem | Life Close Up 08/05/2024

Self-esteem is not a panacea, nor does it magically solve our problems. But it is worth constantly working on it with techniques and boosting our mental resilience.

"Believe in yourself!" "You can achieve anything!" "Everything starts with self-esteem!".

How To Boost Your Self-Esteem | Life Close Up Self-esteem is not a panacea, nor does it magically solve our problems. But it is worth constantly working on it and boosting our mental resilience.

The Emotionally Unavailable Partner | Life Close Up 07/05/2024

Whether you think the term applies to you or your partner, understanding exactly what it means to be emotionally unavailable can give your love life a new perspective.

You're probably familiar with the term "emotionally unavailable" - either thanks to someone you dated and made sure to ... feel it, or it's something that's happening to you and affecting your interpersonal relationships.

The Emotionally Unavailable Partner | Life Close Up You're probably familiar with the term "emotionally unavailable" - either thanks to someone you dated or it's something that's happening to you.

5 Post-Run Mistakes We All Make | Life Close Up 07/05/2024

If you run regularly, you know that at some point it becomes routine. This isn't a problem unless you've made a habit of doing the wrong thing yourself, especially when you get home. Your post-run routine can significantly impact your recovery and overall health. We've made a list of what you should definitely avoid from the first minute you run until the moment you stop.

5 Post-Run Mistakes We All Make | Life Close Up Your post-run routine can significantly impact your recovery and overall health. We've made a list of what you should definitely avoid.

All You Need To Know About Snacks | Life Close Up 06/05/2024

Whether our goal is to lose weight or to follow a balanced diet that promotes our well-being and overall health, snacking in between meals will help us achieve it.

We take them with us to work, we put them in the child's school bag, they give us strength before the gym, and they fill us up when we are hungry.

All You Need To Know About Snacks | Life Close Up Snacks are an integral part of a balanced diet, as they supply us with energy, help us stay full until our next meal and keep our weight normal.

Kitchen Design: Functionality Meets Aesthetics | Life Close Up 05/05/2024

The kitchen is the place where we spend several hours of the day. Apart from the daily meal, this space can also function as a secondary daily space, depending, of course, on its position in the layout of the residence, its size, etc.

Kitchen Design: Functionality Meets Aesthetics | Life Close Up Kitchen design should be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Want To Feel Better? Just Believe It! | Life Close Up 05/05/2024

Mental well-being seems to improve not only when people make efforts to improve their mental health, but also when they simply believe that they can change it.

We all know that it is a difficult and time-consuming process. Sometimes it is even painful, especially when you are forced to do things and activities just to not be inactive. Conquering

Want To Feel Better? Just Believe It! | Life Close Up Here is one thing you can do if you want to feel better.

Hydration Mistakes You May Be Making During Training | Life Close Up 04/05/2024

Exercise can increase your risk of dehydration if you don't replace the fluids you lose through sweating.

Adequate hydration of the body is essential throughout the day. Even more important is when you exercise. If you do not provide your body with the necessary hydrating fuel before, after, and during exercise, it is very likely that your body will become dehydrated.

Hydration Mistakes You May Be Making During Training | Life Close Up There are some common hydration mistakes you may be making unwittingly, but which over time can lead you to dangerous health adventures.

How Menopause Affects The Skin | Life Close Up 04/05/2024

Menopause causes many changes in the skin, as the rapid changes in hormones that characterize the female s*x cause a decrease in the production of collagen, sebum, and elastin. The consequence is the loss of subcutaneous fat and the reduction of skin elasticity.

These changes pave the way for the development of problems such as dry skin, signs of age, wrinkles, or even acne.

How Menopause Affects The Skin | Life Close Up Find out how menopause affects the skin, and what you can do to protect it!

How Good Is Really Toast Bread? | Life Close Up 04/05/2024

The latest research shows that some ingredients in toast bread belong to a group that is blamed for various diseases. Fortunately, in reality, things have changed dramatically with regards to the raw materials that are now used. This is the history and analysis of a food present in most homes: Toast bread is rightly considered the most popular snack during the day.

How Good Is Really Toast Bread? | Life Close Up This is the history and analysis of a food present in most homes: Toast bread is rightly considered the most popular snack during the day.

Stress: Friend Or Foe? | Life Close Up 04/05/2024

Stress is undoubtedly part of our daily lives, even if it varies in intensity, frequency or the way each of us manages it. We know that stress often tends to make our daily lives difficult, reducing our ability to concentrate and consequently our performance, and often negatively affecting our personal, social and professional functioning. On

Stress: Friend Or Foe? | Life Close Up When faced with a potentially threatening situation, stress warns us and keeps us awake in order to effectively cope with danger and protect ourselves from it.

Top 10 Attractions In Argentina | Life Close Up 02/05/2024

There is no better way to enjoy a trip to South America than to visit the beautiful city centers in Argentina. From the hustle and bustle of Buenos Aires to the serene turquoise lakes of Bariloche, Argentina has something for every traveler.

The country is filled with tourist attractions that will leave you in awe.

Top 10 Attractions In Argentina | Life Close Up There is no better way to enjoy a trip to South America than to visit the beautiful city centers in Argentina.

The Power Of Adaptability | Life Close Up 29/04/2024

The unknown for most people is a challenge. Whether it's a new job, a relationship or just everyday things, adaptability is a key skill to be able to face new situations without feeling stressed.

What is adaptability?

Adaptability is a person's ability (due to inclination, motivation, and will) to adapt or change to cope with a new situation or a change in the environment.

The Power Of Adaptability | Life Close Up Whether it's a new job, a relationship or just everyday things, adaptability is a key skill to be able to face new situations without feeling stressed.

Why Is Exhalation So Important? | Life Close Up 20/04/2024

In a world where everyone talks about “proper breathing” and “deep breathing," how much importance do we give to exhalation? Some say exhalation can even transform our lives. Should we believe them?

As you read these lines, pause a little to notice your posture. Are you sitting comfortably? Or are you unconsciously tightening your chest and neck? Are your shoulders slightly hunched? And

Why Is Exhalation So Important? | Life Close Up In a world where everyone talks about “proper breathing” and “deep breathing," how much importance do we give to exhalation?

The Mighty Egg | Life Close Up 03/03/2024

They are used either boiled, fried, or in powder form after reconstitution. Their use in cooking and confectionery is widespread due to their thickening, emulsifying, and foaming properties.

From outside to inside, the egg consists of: the waxy coating, the shell, the membrane, the white, the chalaza, the yolk, and the blastodisc.The shell consists of: inorganic substances (94.5%), water (1.5%),

The Mighty Egg | Life Close Up The biological value of egg proteins is greater than that of milk, meat, and salmon and is used as a standard for evaluating the quality of other food proteins.

Social Anxiety – Symptoms, Causes And Treatment | Life Close Up 01/03/2024

What is social anxiety?

Social anxiety, also known as social phobia, refers to the intense fear or discomfort a person experiences in social situations, when interacting with another person or with a group, or when having to do an activity in front of others.

Social Anxiety – Symptoms, Causes And Treatment | Life Close Up Social anxiety, also known as social phobia, refers to the intense fear or discomfort a person experiences in social situations.

The Huge Benefits Of Meditation | Life Close Up 11/02/2024

Can meditation help achieve happiness and make people healthier both mentally and physically?

When you start meditating, your immediate reaction is that it’s too hard, you think you can’t do it, you are too busy, etc. The uncertainty about whether something will “work” or not often plagues many people at the beginning of their practice.

The Huge Benefits Of Meditation | Life Close Up The benefits of meditation—mental, emotional, and physical—are innumerable, and there are no side effects to a small daily practice.

Winter Clothes - How To Organize Your Wardrobe | Life Close Up 09/02/2024

It's that boring time of year. The time when we have to take down the winter clothes and put on the summer ones while doing a clean-up so that we have a clean and organized wardrobe.

With clever organization ideas, the space of a small wardrobe in the bedroom can easily appear larger. There are beautiful clothes storage solutions that keep everything in top condition. Experts

Winter Clothes - How To Organize Your Wardrobe | Life Close Up It's that boring time of year, when we have to take down the winter clothes and put on the summer ones while doing a clean-up.

Self-Esteem: Looking At Ourselves | Life Close Up 03/02/2024

Self-esteem is the starting point for defining yourself and how you meet the demands of life.

In simpler words, it is the look that man casts on himself every time he wants him as his ally. The term self-esteem includes a number of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral factors that all together complement the kind of self-esteem.


Self-Esteem: Looking At Ourselves | Life Close Up Self-esteem is the starting point for defining yourself and how you meet the demands of life.

How To Be Happier: 12 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health | Life Close Up 03/02/2024

Small daily habits can make a big difference in how you approach things. We all want to be happy, which, in simple terms, means to be satisfied with the way we live our lives. Happiness is not an emotion, but a result of how people live their lives. Research shows that the three building blocks of happiness are enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose.


How To Be Happier: 12 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health | Life Close Up Here are some specific strategies supported by research to be happier and improve your mental health.

Top 10 Attractions In Nepal | Life Close Up 30/01/2024

When visiting Nepal, the capital city of Kathmandu is where you will likely end up first. Don't make it a fleeting stop on your itinerary, though. It is worth staying a while in this enchanting place and enjoying its atmosphere. The top things to do in Kathmandu include heritage, architecture, culture, spirituality, and shopping.


Top 10 Attractions In Nepal | Life Close Up When visiting Nepal, the capital city of Kathmandu is where you will likely end up first. Don't make it a fleeting stop on your itinerary, though.


Do you think you are eating healthy when you choose foods without fat and sugar from the supermarket shelves? And yet, this is not enough. We must be more careful and especially read the ingredients on the food packaging.

Foods such as frozen pizza, instant pasta, and chocolate are, predictably, unhealthy and belong to the category of super-processed foods.

Muscle Relax Techniques That Help You Destress Instantly | Life Close Up 20/01/2024

There are many muscle relaxation techniques. The best known is Progressive Neuromuscular Relaxation. It is based on the findings of the American scientist E. Jacobson, namely that stressful situations are usually accompanied by an increase in muscle tension, while in calm situations, the muscles are relaxed. Based

Muscle Relax Techniques That Help You Destress Instantly | Life Close Up Learning Progressive Neuromuscular Relaxation can be done without a therapist by following the steps outlined here.

Phobias: What They Are And How To Deal With Them | Life Close Up 20/01/2024

What is a phobia?

A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear caused by exposure to a specific phobic stimulus.

Anxiety about phobias is mainly the anticipation of exposure to the phobic stimulus in question, even the slightest verbal mention of it. In addition, negative thoughts about these stimuli are stirred more in the mind of the phobic person. As

Phobias: What They Are And How To Deal With Them | Life Close Up A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear caused by exposure to a specific phobic stimulus.