Talk to Dentist

Talk to Dentist

We provide dental consultation by registered dentists through chat and video call. Message us on WhatsApp or Messenger.


Brushing and flossing is to teeth what bathing is to body. Flossing is very important oral hygiene habit. It dislodges the food stuck between two teeth and cleans the interdental tooth surface.


Recent times have been difficult one not just for people in general but also for doctors who have tirelessly worked in the interest of the masses.

Happy Doctor's Day to all the doctors! May you have the strength and persistence to wade through these times!


Halitosis or bad breath is a very common issue many people come across with.
It may be due to multiple reasons like indigestion, underlying gum disease, improper brushing and tongue cleaning habits.
To avoid it drink plenty of water and do gargle with plain water after every meal.
If the problem persist for long time, consult your dentist now.


31 May- World No To***co Day.
Say No to to***co, not only smoking, but, all forms of to***co.
Commit to QUIT TO***CO today itself.


Mucormycosis is a black fungus disease declared as epidemic because it is affecting many people nowadays.The symptoms of mucormycosis are blackening over nose, double vision, difficulty breathing etc. It is mostly affecting people with Diabetes, having existing health issues or who take medicines that lowers body immunity. One should immediately consult doctor if they have these symptoms and existing health issues.


Electric toothbrushes are of great use.
For detailed information, read


A Chlorhexidine mouthwash has antiviral effect and according to recent studies, it inactivates SARS-COV-2 even in a very low concentration of 0.05%.

Stay safe.
Take care.


Did you know?


Did you know?
If you are having a gum issue, there are two to three times more chances of having a heart disease.


Interesting dental fact of the day is here:


Dental tip of the Day:


Did you know?
Teeth cannot repair themselves on their own. So, if one is suffering from any dental issue, then treatment is must.


Did you know?
Tooth decay is the second most common disease after common cold. One should visit a dentist at least twice a year to maintain good oral hygiene.


Coconuts are naturally anti-bacterial in nature.They help in preventing gum diseases and cavities. One should always include coconuts in diet.


Interesting Dental Fact:


One should take small bites while eating, it is good for digestion also.
Large bites can cause issues of pain in some areas of the jaw and teeth.


Dental tip of the day is here:


Tip of the day


Did you know?
Children's teeth appears after birth. But, they start growing even before birth.


Dental tip of the day is here:
Always use bottle openers for using bottle caps instead of using teeth. Use of teeth for opening caps can create tremendous pressure and can result in their breakage.


Dental tip of the day is here:
If one have habit of drinking excessive amount of beverages, tea, coffee, it may stain the teeth. That means teeth color turns to yellowish or slight brownish due to stains.
So, one should reduce the amount of teeth staining drinks.


Did you know?
The enamel which is the white part of the tooth surface is the hardest part of the whole body.


Dental tip of the Day: Always brush in a circular motion so that all the teeth surfaces are cleaned. Most of the people brush in a straight line i;e horizontally. Brushing horizontally does not clean all the tooth surfaces. So, circular brushing should be done.


Interesting fact:
Every individual have their unique teeth set just like unique fingerprint. No two people can have same teeth arrangement.
It is different in every single person.


Dental tip of the day is here: Apple cider vinegar is used as a natural tooth whitening agent. It can be used on a regular basis. But, it is better to use it on alternative days to avoid issues like tooth sensitivity.


Keep the teeth healthy for the perfect selfie.