Carrie Clarke

Carrie Clarke

Writer of steamy contemporary romance, including the award-winning The Art of Falling in Love.


New year, new laptop.
Tech support has done all the techy-setup stuff, but I’m determined to set this laptop up with a more efficient filing system than the cobbled-together shambles of the last one. This could take a while…


I fully intended to hit the ground running this year, but the universe had other ideas. This week I’m finally starting to gather speed after a week of creeping around like this little guy, who is now keeping me company on my desk, reminding me it’s not a race, thanks to my very perceptive sister! 🐢🦥💖


My TBR is a shambles. I can never remember the name of that book I’d love to recommend. Or the one where that thing happened… And good luck finding it in the black hole of myReader. 😱
I’m also not very good at sticking to a routine.
But this year will be different!
I have a journal. A reading journal. A BIG reading journal!
And I’m going to use it!
Let’s see how long it lasts… ⏰

Photos from Carrie Clarke's post 03/01/2024

Super excited to be nearing the end of the edits on Book 4. Stay tuned for a release date announcement soon.

In the meantime, if you haven't read books 1-3 yet, here's what you can expect...

You'll find the 🔗 in the usual place...


The best Christmas present ever! 🥰

Thank you to everyone who has picked up a copy of The Art of Falling in Love. I hope Nick and Lulu bring a smile to your face and a blush to your cheeks! 😘


However you celebrate, whatever your traditions, I wish you a safe and joyous holiday season. May 2024 bring us all peace and prosperity. And lots of great books.
Much love, Carrie x

I'll be taking a bit of a break from the socials over Christmas, but I'll see you on the other side!


I can't believe it's been a whole month since A Capacity for Falling in Love hit the shelves!

Thank you to everyone who has read and/or reviewed. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

Since you've now had time to read it, here's a little something to entertain you.

Photos from Carrie Clarke's post 18/12/2023

Writers Road Trip with 😀 For how many hours can two writers talk nonstop? Well, it’s more than twelve and a half… 😱 Lots of inspiration and new ideas!
It was a hectic three days but so much fun. And it’s always great to get out in the Australian bush. Found a couple of cute little towns - Jugiong, Chiltern and Glenrowan (made famous by Ned Kelly). Will definitely have to do it again but at a more leisurely pace!
Thanks again to Caitlyn .bookhaven for having us.


Writers Road Trip - The Return. With . Brunch Break at Glenrowan. So much Ned Kelly!

Photos from Carrie Clarke's post 16/12/2023

Had a great morning .bookhaven! Thanks for your hospitality Caitlyn. 💖💖💖


We’re finally here in Woori Yallock. What a beautiful spot! Quick dinner and an early night so we’re ready for all the fun .bookhaven tomorrow!


Writers Road Trip!

Looking forward to checking out the exciting new romance bookshop .bookhaven on Saturday with one of my writing besties .

We'll be there between 10 and 12 signing books and chatting, and you might even pick up a little swag. We'd love to see you, so if you're in the area, or you fancy a road trip of your own, come in and say hi!



Not sure I would characterise my garden as a fast paced environment, but maybe my inability to keep a plant alive isn’t entirely my fault…


Ben knew Marco was bad news from the minute they met. He just didn't know how bad. Lucky for Rosanna Ben isn't going to let Marco get away with hurting her.

To find out how Ben takes care of Marco and his plans, pick up a copy of A Capacity for Falling in Love.

Available at all the usual places.


Christmas is coming and here’s an easy idea for a gift to your favourite author.
Not only do reviews give an author a thrill of pride and joy, but they help other readers find good books. So spread the joy this Christmas if you can 🧑🏻‍🎄🎅🏻⭐️😍


Maybe it will be sunny and you're heading to the beach? Or rainy and you'll be stuck inside? Or even snowing and you'll be tucked up in front of the fire?

Whatever the weather, and wherever you are, a spicy romance is always a great way to relax.

And if Amazon is not your thing, you can pick any of these up via other online retailers (think Angus & Robertson or Booktopia) or ask your local bookstore or library to get a copy.


Only three sleeps to go until you can get amongst this fantastic event, so don’t waste time! Follow the link in my bio to ensure you don’t miss out!


Ben knows how to tempt Rosanna.

To find out all the ways he drives her wild, pick up a copy of A Capacity for Falling in Love.

Available on Amazon in paperback, eBook and KU, or ask your local bookstore or library to get you a copy.


Gorgeous hydrangeas from one of my beautiful readers brightening up my office on a very rainy day 😍 It’s so nice to hear you’ve brought someone enjoyment!


Nick's always been a colour-inside-the-lines kind of guy. But when you mess with Rosanna, you mess with Lulu, and he won't be having any of that.

To find out if Nick has to follow through on his suggestion, pick up a copy of A Capacity for Falling in Love.

Available on Amazon in paperback, eBook and KU, or you can ask your local bookstore to get it in. Paperback also available online through Angus & Robertson and Booktopia.

Photos from Carrie Clarke's post 24/11/2023

🔥🔥 Ending Soon 🔥🔥

You only have eight more hours to grab your eBook copy of The Art of Falling in Love for zero dollars, pounds, euros, or whatever currency you choose!

If you need convincing, check out these Goodreads reviews.

You don't have to read The Art of Falling in Love before you read A Capacity for Falling in Love - but I would highly recommend it!

Don't walk - run, and pick it up before it goes back to regular pricing.

Photos from Carrie Clarke's post 22/11/2023

It's nearly summer (well, in my part of the world at least) and what do we all want in summer? Apart from a beach or a pool? Icecream! And a good beach read.

I can help out with that last one. three of them, in fact. And you may need the icecream, because you'll need cooling down.

You can pick up all of my books on Amazon, or ask your friendly local bookstore or library to get them in for you.

And don't forget, to celebrate the release of A Capacity for Falling in Love, you can grab the eBook of The Art of Falling in Love for zero dollars. But only until midnight 23rd November PST time (7pm 24th AEDT).



First sighting of A Capacity for Falling in Love in the wild 😍😍😍


So, this happened today. 💖💖💖


One of the things I love the most about writing a series is the cast of characters. Getting to know them across multiple books and watching them grow.

Rosanna was there for Lulu in The Art of Falling in Love, and this time Lulu gets to return the favour.

Check out what Rosanna needs Lulu to do in A Capacity for Falling in Love - out 21 November. Pre-order now on Amazon.


Rosanna is a complex character. Feisty and fiercely loyal, she struggles to believe in her own light. Lucky Ben can see it. And knows just how to help her see it too.

A Capacity for Falling in Love releases 21 November. Available on Amazon for pre-order now in paperback, eBook and Kindle Unlimited.

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