Rebecca Lynn Sturgill

Rebecca Lynn Sturgill

Sharing the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. God loves you! ❤


Something to think about.


Important message for those seeking to become a soldier of God.


The Lord spoke this to me during prayer.




Jesus calmed storms. He didn't cause storms.


If it offends you to think that you have to live a holy life, reflect on that. Ask yourself why. Is it because you aren't living a holy life and the thought scares you that you might not be accepted into the kingdom of God? This should motivate you to change how you live, commit your life to Jesus Christ. It shouldn't anger you or offend you. Turn to the Lord. If He's your Lord, then you worship and adore Him. If you don't, then is He really your Lord? Think about it.


For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? - Luke 9:25


She's one smart mom.

This morning my 3 year old son enjoyed putting pink and purple stickers inside his sister’s girlie book.

Not even an hour before this I watched a video of a doctor from a well-known, top hospital talk about her job she loves, working with ages 3-25 on their gender confusion, and transitions with medical interventions.

Starting at age THREE.

My son still throws himself on the floor if his granola bar breaks.

Most days he loves to dress up as a dinosaur, spider man, or a cowboy and when he’s not, he’s running around barefoot in the neighborhood with just a diaper on.

You’re telling me my son would even know about gender confusion or fluidity or whatever it’s being called?

This is absolutely heartbreaking to me as a mother to 5.

No child (through age 18) should be allowed to have body parts cut off or take dangerous medications that help change growth and hormones.

My son picked up this book as we were snuggling reading this morning as after a few other books, he saw on the back of this one that it had small snippets of Thomas the Train, Spider Man, and Peppa Pig.

I didn’t freak out when he wanted to put stickers all through the interactive workbook of my daughter’s.

I didn’t think that he was confused and maybe wants to be a girl.

This cultural push MUST stop.

Your children (my gosh, your TODDLERS) are innocent.

Let them be innocent children of God.

All 3 of my daughters are rockstar athletes.

They don’t mind getting dirty and throwing on their spikes and sneakers.

Not once do we bat an eyelash that maybe they should be boys.

Stop participating and encouraging that children aren’t born who they were meant to be.

If your child had body dysphoria, would you take him or her to get liposuction? Of course not!

And yes, it’s gone as far as doctors and parents are getting criticized if their baby is born with a p***s for calling them a boy and if they’re born with a va**na for calling them a girl …

Because you never know, they may decide later that’s not their identity.


That IS their gender.
There’s only two of them.
God doesn’t make mistakes.

K. Thanks for joining my Ted Talk 👋🏼


This is what the Holy Bible tells us about global warming (aka climate change).

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Would You Sacrifice Yourself To Save Other People?
Becoming A Soldier Of God | Don't Join The War If You're Not Willing To Fight
Olive Oil Testimony | In Prayer, The Lord Spoke This To Me
Bible Answer: Global Warming
