

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from dr.mihaichertif, Plastic surgeon, .

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 15/09/2022

Sanii foarte mari pot sa le creeze femeilor anumite neplaceri, cea mai mare implicatie fiind la nivel psihologic. Din fericire, acestea pot apela la operatii estetice pentru a obtine aspectul fizic pe care si-l doresc. Interventia de micsorare a sanilor poarta numele de reductie mamara si presupune inlaturarea chirurgicala a excesului de grasime si tesuturi si remodelarea sanilor d**a forma dorita.
📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 14/09/2022

Before and after surgery ✨

Check out this 20 year old young lady student, which came from other county to see me for a breast reduction procedure. She was depressed due to her big, heavy and "ugly" breasts. The assymmetry was quite obvious and she told me she cannot live like this because she cannot go to the pool or beach, she cannot exercise and she was embarassed everytime she had to undress in front of her boyfriend. She told me to reduce as much as I can so that she wouldn't feel that heaviness on the shoulders and her chest. She is such a nice and down to earth person and I was delighted to have her as a patient. Her speciality is a church and moanstery painter and  told me now she will resume her college after a 2 year period. I always love when I can put a long and happy smile on my patients' faces.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 02/09/2022

Am pregătit o SURPRIZA pentru voi! Pentru fiecare augmentare mamara , oferim CADOU simularea 3D Cristalix.
Primul pas pe care îl face pacientul este o programare la consult. In timpul consultației medicul realizează o imagine virtuală 3D (prin scanare). Ulterior, pe această imagine se pot face simulări, cm va arăta zona după intervenție.

Programează-te acum la un prim consult !
📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 30/08/2022

Smaller is bigger! 😍

Check out this 6 months result after a to a very nice, small and cute young lady which wanted to improve her quality life because she was obsessed about her breast size. She is very small and has a thin chest, but is very fit to her abdomen and thighs, with a well defined musculature. She showed how she used to fill up her bras with all sorts of manually fabricated napkins and special bras pushers to have fuller breasts and without feeling a real woman everytime she went to the seaside or to a social event where she had to wear a night gown.
She had a tight skin envelope and a narrow chest circumference so that my choice was for an 180ml Motiva Ergonomix from in a style pocket. Even if one would think this is a small implant, I love smaller implants because they can trully offer a long lifetime result for patients. She is very happy with her breasts now and she told me she can go the the gym like before without feeling any pain or discomfort of anykind. Her life is completely changed and now after 6 months she can wear a proper bras-less gown everytime she goes to a wedding and feels more confident when wearing a swimming suit. She is such a nice character and I love her being well grounded and very smart. Now at 6 months when she visited me, I also did her chin definition and she looks very natural. Smaller is better in my mind, when It comes to breast augmentation and I love to have patients that feel the same way.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 30/08/2022

Smaller is bigger!

Check out this 6 months result after a to a very nice, small and cute young lady which wanted to improve her quality life because she was obsessed about her breast size. She is very small and has a thin chest, but is very fit to her abdomen and thighs, with a well defined musculature. She showed how she used to fill up her bras with all sorts of manually fabricated napkins and special bras pushers to have fuller breasts and without feeling a real woman everytime she went to the seaside or to a social event where she had to wear a night gown.
She had a tight skin envelope and a narrow chest circumference so that my choice was for an 180ml Motiva Ergonomix from in a style pocket. Even if one would think this is a small implant, I love smaller implants because they can trully offer a long lifetime result for patients. She is very happy with her breasts now and she told me she can go the the gym like before without feeling any pain or discomfort of anykind. Her life is completely changed and now after 6 months she can wear a proper bras-less gown everytime she goes to a wedding and feels more confident when wearing a swimming suit. She is such a nice character and I love her being well grounded and very smart. Now at 6 months when she visited me, I also did her chin definition and she looks very natural. Smaller is better in my mind, when It comes to breast augmentation and I love to have patients that feel the same way.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 25/08/2022

Text si imagini pentru a 2-a postare cu implanturi mamare:

Fuller is sometimes sexier

I just had a visit 1 year after a procedure from a dear friend patient which is also one of my best collaborators.
She is quite thin and slim and has a sexy body, which for a mom looks stunning. She complained about her breasts and wanted to feel more attractive in her bras, looking for a sexy cleavage,too. My first choice was for a 300ml moderate type implant, but after our 3D simulation from and checking also the external sizers which Motiva offers and also a talk with her husband, she decided to go for the 355ml Full projection from . I told her that because her chest is very slim, the implants would be too obvious, but she didn't mind that and now, after 1 years she told me she feels perfect and the choice was the one she desired in the first place. She can do whatever type of activity wants and doesn't feel her breasts are too heavy and I was delighted with her result. She is an amazing lady, a sexy mom and I'm grateful for her confidence in me! Everytime we meet, she says this procedure changed her life!

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 24/08/2022

Daca de mult timp cochetezi cu ideea unei operatii de marire a sanilor, este momentul sa afli mai multe despre interventia ce poarta numele de mamoplastie de augmentare. Te invitam la clinica Cosmedica pentru o discutie cu unul dintre specialistii nostri, pentru a afla raspunsuri la toate intrebarile tale. Noteaza-ti tot ceea ce vrei sa intrebi, discuta liber si iti va fi foarte usor sa iei decizia finala.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 23/08/2022

Round vs Ergonomix 🤍
Is this result with an Round or Anatomical implant?

I always explain my patients that the most important thing when it comes to is the shape of the new breast, not the size. For this, choosing the perfect implant is sometimes very hard. This 42 year old lady wanted to have fuller and bigger breasts because she told me she always lacked that appearance to the cleavage and upper poles when going to the seaside. My choice after the clinical exam was for an Ergonomix implant which would have provided her with a more natural result, but she said she wanted to be in the same time full in the upper pole and didn't mind that rounded appearance to the breasts. I knew her choice wasn't bad and told her she needs more time for the breasts to settle with a round implant and she agreed. So we went with a 375ml Motiva Round from in a type style pocket and you can appreciate her result just 4 months after her procedure. These breasts look amazing! Would you have said this result is with a Round implant? Not everything is what it seems to be...

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 16/08/2022

I love Volift from .romania because it's one of the most soft when injecting it,and yet,firmer gels. It doesn't offer a huge skin expansion and my patients are happy because they don't feel unnatural. This patient wanted to soften her smoker lines and also increase a bit the volume of her lips. Obviously she would need much more than just hyaluronic acid to soften her wrinkles, but for now she wanted a slight improvement. In fact, to treat her lower face, she would need a and a to reduce the and a to improve her nasol***al folds and the malar regions and for the perioral lines, I suggested a , to reduce the distance between the nose and the vermilion border, and . Beside filling the upper lip lines, I also filled her lower lip tubercles and raised her commisures to have a fresher look.

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 08/08/2022

Citește întregul articol despre “Tratamentul ridurilor” pe site-ul nostru . Link in bio📲

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 05/08/2022

Tratament Botox pentru riduri.😎

Doua sunt substantele active cele mai folosite atunci cand este vorba despre tratarea ridurilor: toxina botulinica si acidul hialuronic.

Toxina botulinica este folosita de mai bine de 30 de ani pentru a relaxa muschii care creeaza liniile de expresie, pentru a reduce intensitatea contractiilor si pentru a elimina ridurile.
📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 03/08/2022

Botox 💉(toxina botulinica ) este o substanța neuromodulatoare care paralizeaza temporar musculatura implicata prin blocarea jonctiunii neuro-musculare, iar pielea devine intinsa si fara riduri. Solutia care se foloseste pentru injectat este dozata in flacoane speciale, cu doze calculate precis.
📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 25/07/2022

There are 2 most important days of everyone’s life: one when you are born and the other when you find out why.

Today I marked another time when I understood one of my purposes in this life. I want to thank GOD for bringing me so far and my family for accepting me in their lives especially because my time away from them.
It was a great pleasure and immense joy to see my mentors, colleagues and friends from during my residency and beyond after, at House of Austria Timisoara. With this occasion I want to thank Prof. Bratu for his leadership and support, for being one of my mentors in plastic surgery and for teaching me a lot of techniques, for his friendship and for sharing with me a lot of quality time during our surgeries together a long time ago, when we were young and hungry for achieving professional status in our field. I also want to give special thanks to my other colleagues from House of Austria Clinic , and for their friendship and for spending great moments during my exam, especially when we discussed the interesting cases I had to present.
This exam is the one when we mark the level of maturity in our speciality and I felt very good to stand in front of my colleagues with greater experience than me and to share my strategy and level of expertise talking about plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Thank you, all and I pledge my loyalty for life🙏!

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 22/07/2022

Tratamentul ridurilor cu substanța activa - toxina botulinica: este folosita in general pentru zona superioara a fetei (in special pentru ridurile de la nivelul fruntii, ridurile verticale dintre sprancene, precum si ridurile „talpa gâștei”). _______
📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chertif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 21/07/2022

Toxina botulinica este folosita de mai bine de 30 de ani pentru a relaxa muschii care creeaza liniile de expresie, pentru a reduce intensitatea contractiilor si pentru a elimina ridurile. Scopul final al utilizarii acestei substante active este acela de a pastra o imagine faciala naturala, fara sa se modifice expresia faciala.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 17/07/2022

11 4ever. All good things come when the family is together. I would have never imagined that I could achieve so much in my life until now. I dedicate all my life to GOD for bringing me so far, to my parents which gave me everything one could desire and to my wife which gave me my two amazing boys and makes me wanna be a better man with each day that passes. Insieme per sempre ❤️ 💑


Augmentare buze cu acid hialuronic - Buzele sunt un element cheie al fizionomiei noastre. Marirea buzelor prin injectarea de acid hialuronic este o procedura minim invaziva, care nu este dureroasa si nu presupune riscuri mari pentru pacienta. In plus, este foarte accesibila din punct de vedere al costurilor.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 11/07/2022

Augmentare buze cu acid hialuronic - Știm cât de important este aspectul armonios și tânăr al feței atunci când zâmbești, de aceea ne folosim toată priceperea și experiența pentru a reda tinerețea și unicitatea zâmbetului tău.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 06/07/2022

Uneori un mic retuș poate să ne ajută să ne recâștigăm încrederea în noi.
Astăzi vă prezint cazul unei paciente care a dorit creșterea volumului buzelor . În funcție de dorința fiecărei pacientei dar și de fizionomia acesteia ne îndreptăm spre un anumit tip de filler si o anumită tehnica de injectare. In cazul acestei paciente am optat pentru o cantitate mică de filler deoarece am dorit sa păstram aspectul natural al buzelor. Pacienta a fost foarte mulțumită cu rezultatul final.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 04/07/2022

Liftingul buzei

Desi este o procedura extrem de frecventa, augmentarea buzelor cu acid hialuronic nu este intotdeauna prima mea alegere atunci cand pacientele doresc sa le imbunatatesc aspectul buzelor.
Eu incep prin a le explica anatomia buzelor si conformatia pe care o au de la mama natura si in situatia in care buza superioara este inversata, in special in momentul râsului, nu marirea volumului va rezolva problema. In aceasta situatie este nevoie sa redistribuim volumul buzei superioare prin ridicarea ei. Acest lucru nu se poate obtine prin volumizare deoarece sedintele repetate de acid hialuronic vor produce un aspect total inestetic. De aceea, personal consider ca procedura de lifting al buzei superioare este una dintre cele mai interesante tehnici de a reda tineretea la nivelul fetei si asta fara sa se observe de catre cei din jur, cu cicatrici ascunse, imperceptibile.
Daca esti de acord, lasa-mi un comentariu mai jos

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 28/06/2022

Before & after🤩

SWIPE for more photos

One of the most attractive and in the same time challenging breast surgeries is the reconstruction of the tubular breasts, especially of the degree of ptosis is very high, like the case of this patient, which is abobe the rest is a neighbour living a few houses on the same street.
That made my life quite hard, knowing I'll see her very often. Her case was challenging because of the and the deformity for which I chose to use an inframmamary approach, scoring the gland very thoroughly and meticulously, inserting a 335 Full Ergonomix from in a type fashion and completing the procedure with a circumareolar mastopexy, which I predicted before the surgery, but explaining the patient that I may opt to do also a vertical scar if I had to. Luckily for her there was no need for a vertical scar, so she was very delighted for that. I want to highlight the advantage the Ergonomix offers in a case very difficult, like this one, just 7 months after the procedure. These are the patients that makes me eager to wake up in the morning and rush to the clinic, to give my best for achieving an optimal result.
I'll be happy to see your thoughts in the comments box below

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 05/06/2022


Carrying and delivering a baby is the most spectacular feeling for a woman, but sometimes what comes after for her body can be quite bothersome. The request of rejuvenating the body of a lady that gave birth to a child and doesn't look and feel like in her youth is can be quite challanging and this case was exactly like that. She had a c-section scar that was indented and didn't heel properly at almost 2 years after her delivery. She was bothered by the fat deposits, lax skin around her navel and in the abdominal inferior region and most of all, about the ptosis of her l***a. The position of the umbilicus wasn't very high, but was quite proper for her frame, so I opted to perform a circumferential 360 degrees liposuction, a mini-abdominoplasty with floating umbilicus and with plication of her re**us muscle along with a mons lift and I used the little bit of fat that I harvested, to carve her buttocks. This is her result 1 year after the procedure with me and you can appreciate the difference in contour of her waist, the position of the umbilicus and her bum, which looks more perkier. What do you think of the result?

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 25/05/2022

Liposuctie, liposculptura si BBL.🤩

Am fost placut surprins sa evaluez rezultatul pacientei mele din urma cu 2 ani, care m-a vizitat atunci pentru o rejuvenare a abdomenului. In urma celor 2 sarcini, ca multe alte mamici, prezenta depozite deranjante de grasime la nivelul abdomenului anterior, lateral, liniei sutienului, zonelor lombare, o laxitate a pielii in etajul abdominal inferior si totodata o laxitate a peretului abdominal. Dorinta ei a fost sa ii redau forma si tonicitatea abdomenului care le avea in copilarie si in timpul liceului. In aceste situatii solutia necesita o abordare complexa, atat prin subtierea stratului de grasime, cat si prin inlaturarea pielii in exces, dar mai presus de asta, prin intarirea musculaturii abdominale. Aditional, i-am propus si o augmentare a feselor cu grasimea proprie, pe care nu mi-ar fi placut sa o arunc, deoarece i-am prezentat experienta mea cu aceasta procedura si a fost entuziasmata sa vada ca fesele ei vor fi mult mai atragatoare. Asadar, procedurile in cazul ei au fost o liposuctie circumferentiala cu jet de apa, liposculptura si definirea zonelor de tranzitie, abdominoplastie cu plicatura musculaturii abdominale si apoi BBL ( Brazilian Butt Lift).
Ce parere aveti de rezultatul ei?

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 25/05/2022

Liposuctie, liposculptura si BBL. 🤩

Am fost placut surprins sa evaluez rezultatul pacientei mele din urma cu 2 ani, care m-a vizitat atunci pentru o rejuvenare a abdomenului. In urma celor 2 sarcini, ca multe alte mamici, prezenta depozite deranjante de grasime la nivelul abdomenului anterior, lateral, liniei sutienului, zonelor lombare, o laxitate a pielii in etajul abdominal inferior si totodata o laxitate a peretului abdominal. Dorinta ei a fost sa ii redau forma si tonicitatea abdomenului care le avea in copilarie si in timpul liceului. In aceste situatii solutia necesita o abordare complexa, atat prin subtierea stratului de grasime, cat si prin inlaturarea pielii in exces, dar mai presus de asta, prin intarirea musculaturii abdominale. Aditional, i-am propus si o augmentare a feselor cu grasimea proprie, pe care nu mi-ar fi placut sa o arunc, deoarece i-am prezentat experienta mea cu aceasta procedura si a fost entuziasmata sa vada ca fesele ei vor fi mult mai atragatoare. Asadar, procedurile in cazul ei au fost o liposuctie circumferentiala cu jet de apa, liposculptura si definirea zonelor de tranzitie, abdominoplastie cu plicatura musculaturii abdominale si apoi BBL ( Brazilian Butt Lift). Ce parere aveti de rezultatul ei?

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 09/05/2022

Marirea feselor fara operatie este astazi posibila datorita medicinei regenerative, prin injectare cu grasime si celule stem din grasime si sange. Procedura este bine primita de pacientii nostri, pentru ca rezultatele sunt la fel de spectaculoase ca si in cazul implanturilor de silicon, dar riscul de complicatii este mult mai redus, nefiind vorba despre o interventie chirurgicala. Astfel, te poti bucura de o silueta cu forme pline, naturale si atragatoare.

Pentru mai multe detalii referitoare la costuri, riscuri sau programări va recomandam sa accesați site-ul nostru (link in bio)

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 23/04/2022

Super abdominal refinement😎

Sometimes I have patients that ask me to try and improve some parts of their bodies, even if most of the people would say they don't need it, because they look pretty good. In this case, my 40 year old patient wanted to feel more on her abdomen because after her first delivery things weren't like they used to be before. Her problem was a layer of fat that bothered her, but also the abdominal laxity, which she didn't want to correct at this time, because she went back to the gym and is sure she can find the abdominal muscles' form she had in her 20's.
I performed an 360° circumferential with 3D and this is her result after 7 months when she visited me again with the request for a bichectomy procedure.
I'm eager to know your thoughts on her result and the next post is gonna be with the bichectomy that I performed on her. She is a super lady that visited me for a lot of liposuction and liposculpture procedures, blepharoplasty, Botox and bichectomy and I'm grateful for her trust in me.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio

Photos from dr.mihaichertif's post 20/04/2022

Before and after 1 month🤩

Being quite a frequently requested procedure among men, the cure for gynaecomastia can be quite burdensome if you do not address all the factors included. Patients often ask me how long does the recovery take and if there are any scars involved.
In this case, the patient had a type 3 gynaecomastia and, the scars are perfectly hidden so that no-one can tell if he had a procedure done to his chest. People who know you have big breasts, are amazed to see the results without any scars involved.
A procedure like this needs a thorough liposuction and liposculpture in certain areas along with the gland removal in a way that doesn't produce any perceptible scars. At the end, we need to ensure that everything is smooth and the nipple-areola complex is flat and not indented.
The procedure takes 2 hours and the recovery time is for about 2-4 weeks, depending on how much fat we need to extract and also how long does the skin need to retract.
This patient is at 1 month and you can see that the scars are perfectly hidden and he can return to full work capacity already.

📞Book a consultation!
📍George Coșbuc street 52 430023
👨🏻‍⚕️Dr. Med. Priv. Mihai Chetif
🌐link site in bio
