Freedom Convoy Canada; USA & the World

Freedom Convoy Canada; USA & the World

Peacefully protesting for our rights to live in a free and democratic society. Thank you for all you’re doing organizers and truckers. Freedom!!!!

This is the new and official FB Group for the convoy movement around the world. There is no paraphernalia garbage sold here or any profiting off the hard work of our truckers. No posts allowed that sells tshirts or etc. This is for shared video and content for the trucker’s movement that belongs to this world now!

Canadian Judge Denies Bail to Trucker Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich for Mischief 23/02/2022

"...if your Prime Minister is ticked that you didn’t roll over and die with all of his mandates, you can be held hostage until you do so."

The State only has one tool:

To escalate until you comply or die.

Canadian Judge Denies Bail to Trucker Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich for Mischief The judge just made her even more famous.


Peacefully protesting for our rights to live in a free and democratic society.

Thank you for all you’re doing organizers and truckers.

This is the new and official FB Group for the convoy movement around the world. There is no paraphernalia garbage sold here or any profiting off the hard work of our truckers. No posts allowed that sells tshirts or etc. This is for shared video and content for the trucker’s movement that belongs to this world now! Freedom!!!!
