Suny Side Health

Suny Side Health

Check out our tips for your healt!


Speak up and speak out.
For those who want to help loved ones who are struggling, VALIDATION is key.
Listen, without judgement and let people know they are loved and supported, their feelings are valid and they are worthy of your support while they heal.
Post your mental health tips below…


Quick facts on hydration
1.Water makes up over half our bodyweight and fluids are essential for good wealth.
2.If we are dehydrated this can make us feel tired,cause headaches and make it difficult to concentrate.
3.The body loses water throughout the day, through our skin, when we breathe and when we go to the toilet and so it is important to drink regularly.
We need about 6-8 cups or glasses of fluid a day – more if it is hot or if we are physically active.
All non-alcoholic drinks, including tea and coffee, can hydrate us.
Plain water is a good choice as it provides us with fluid without any sugar or acids that can harm teeth.
Drinks like milk, fruit or vegetable juices and smoothies also provide some vitamins and minerals. It is recommended that we keep juices or smoothies to one small glass (150ml) a day. This is because the natural sugars in fruit and vegetables are released when they are juiced or pureed, so they are counted as ‘free sugars’ - the type we should limit in the diet.
It is best to limit sugary drinks like sugary fizzy drinks and swap these for water (or sugar-free versions).
Younger children need plenty of fluid and may not be able to or remember to ask for drinks and it is good to encourage them to drink regularly.
Older adults who are not in good health or have mobility issues, as well as other vulnerable adults, may be more at risk of dehydration and so need to be supported to drink regularly.


How effective Is Chemotherapy for Colon,Lung,Breast,and Prostate Cancer?
How effective is chemotherapy for colon,lung,breast,and prostate cancers?
Over the last several decades medicine has waged a major war against cancer, concentrating on earlier diagnosis and improved therapy. The war is not being won. Nevertheless, medicine shows few signs of admitting that its strategy may be flawed. In this it resembles a World War I general who stated: ‘Casualties: huge. Ground gained: negligible. Conclusion: press on.’”


Online Doctor Consultation. Connect with a board-certified physician 24 hours a day with Your Doctors Online. Our free app allows you to chat in real-time and send photos or videos with a professional and experienced doctor. In these days is posible this way to :)


Five tips for a healthy lifestyle
Get regular checkups. These are important even when you feel healthy. ...
Exercise. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes most days a week. ...
Quit to***co. ...
Limit alcohol and avoid drugs. ...
Eat healthy foods.
