

love stories


Never be ashamed of who you are, and where you have been. All of our stories inspire each other. Never judge someone else's story, we don't walk in their shoes,and they don't walk in ours. Let's walk hand in hand, and help nurture each other.


The fate of a mother is to wait for her children. You wait for them when you’re pregnant.
You wait on them when they get out of school. You wait on for them to get home after a night out.
You wait on them when they start their own lives.
You wait for them when they get home from work to come home to a nice dinner.
You wait for them with love, with anxiety and sometimes with anger that passes immediately when you see them and you can hug them.

Make sure your old mom doesn't have to wait any longer.
Visit her, love her, hug the one who loved you like no one else ever will.
Don't make her wait, she's expecting this from you.
Because the membranes get old but the heart of a mother never gets old.
Love her as you can.
No person will love you like your mother will.

Akwa Mike

Nigeria Youth Movement


I’ve been the happiest since I’ve had children.
I’ve also been at my lowest.
I’m a much better version of myself.
I also haven’t always liked what I’ve seen when mirrors have been held up to me.
I’ve never been in more company.
And at times never felt so lonely.
Some days I don’t want to end.
Some days I wish away, oh and the guilt from feeling that when they grow so fast.
I’ve never been so sure of who I’m meant to be.
I’ve never wondered so much who I am.
I’ve never felt closer with my husband.
But at times, I’ve never felt more distant.
I believe in myself, I trust myself.
I’ve questioned myself and doubted myself.
I always want to be better for them.
But I’ve yelled and cried and wished I’d handled certain situations better.
I’ve never loved so hard and so fiercely.
And I’ve never felt so vulnerable.
I’ve never been more broken.
And I’ve never been more complete.
I’ve never smiled so much.
I’ve never cried so much.
I’ve never craved alone time more.
But when I am I always feel like somethings missing, like an arm.
I’ve never been so excited to watch them grow.
And simultaneously wished they’d stay little forever.
Some days I feel like I’ve achieved nothing.
But as I think of them at night, I know I’ve achieved everything.
I’ve never looked forward to so much.
And I’ve also, never looked back.
It’s one beautiful contradiction.
A journey of wrong turns that are probably still right.
And dreams of the future even if you don’t get enough sleep to dream.
Exhaustion but effortless love.
The hardest and most rewarding thing ever.
Motherhood. ✨
✍🏼: Written by: Jess Urlichs, Writer
📸: O Trocatintas


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