I know how hard it is as a parent to fit everything in. This is why all my packages will be focussing on getting great results in just 30 min workouts.

I’m here to support you on your journey to a fitter,healthier you x Providing online training built around your lifestyle and supporting your nutritional goals. I’m here to support you on your journey to a fitter, healthier you x Providing online training built around your lifestyle and supporting your nutritional goals. Packages will range from Home , Gym, set packages and custom built plans tail

Photos from CPT's post 22/08/2022

Post workout sweaty selfie and my essential post workout stack with added whip 😋

Focused on lower body today due to injury x


My life !!!


Tracking Alcohol.

It’s ok to have a drink when tracking if it lines with your goals and lifestyle.

Let’s be honest. You could be doing really well, tracking everything you eat and drink and then you get invited out to a party or an occasion. As your coach I would encourage you to attend and help put in place the tools you need to stay on track. This can include tracking your alcohol.

One thing I would do is advise you to Pre empt what you are going to drink ( eg 3 large glasses of wine or 2 gin and tonics etc) . This will allow you to Pre track the alcohol into your tracker before hand ensuring it fits in with your food for that day ( or for those clients who have been tracking for a while I would manipulate your calories during the week to allow you some extra for this event).

My most important piece of advise is that if you know your going to be drinking make sure you have had your water for that day and hit your protein. You could also have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. This will help keep you hydrated, you won’t be too much off plan ( if at all) and you won’t feel like crap the next day.

Photos from CPT's post 21/08/2022

Fantastic class tonight x

Tonight we focussed on simple yet effective moves

Each round was 5 minutes of hard work and the ladies smashed each one. x

You don’t need to over complicate your workouts just use the time effectively and challenge yourself x

How to See Steps on Apple Watch Face with a Step Counter App Complication (2022) 04/08/2022

On a day to day basis I focus on three things


I am a busy mum so keeping things simple for me ensures I am consistent and adhering to what I need to do to feel my best x

One thing that used to bug me was keeping tabs of my steps at a glance . I found it frustrating (silly I know) having to go into my activity app to see my steps counter.

So a few months ago I found out how I could not only have my steps displayed directly on my watch face but also manipulate what other apps I have literally at my fingertips

I personally have

Timer ( essential for my workouts)
Workout app
My personal app where I can see my tasks for each day ( yep i even coach myself and follow my own workouts)

So for those of you who have an Apple Watch and would like to be able to see your steps directly on your watch face follow this post x

Hope you find this helpful x

How to See Steps on Apple Watch Face with a Step Counter App Complication (2022) Does Apple Watch track steps? Yes! But they don't automatically appear on your watch face, which can be demotivating, so you will need to add them manually. You can also see your steps in the Apple Watch Activity app. Learn how to track steps on Apple Watch and see them on your watch face!


Does your weight journey remind you of a roundabout?

Do you find a quick fix solution that works amazing. You get fast results and start to feel body confident yet the minute you jump off the weight jumps back on?

This is the most common mistake made by men and women.

We all want a quick fix right? Look how as humans we have adapted and progressed to not only get more done quicker but to literally squeeze more into the day.

Computers/ email/ Ubers / takeaways/ phones etc

It’s human nature to want something NOW.

But at what cost?

A quick fix is just that a quick fix. It’s not a lifestyle, it’s not building healthy habits for life it’s a quick fix and we’ve all done it.

There is a reason we jump off the roundabout.

The plan is not realistic

The plan involves staving yourself

The plan does not allow a social life

The plan involves cutting out food.

What you need is a roundabout that offers a realistic lifestyle that aligns with your goals and allows you to enjoy the ride and it become a part of you.

You may jump off now and again but it’s easy to jump straight back on. X

If your fed up with the roundabout effect and want to finally overcome your poor relationship with food then DM me and find out how I can help you x


More fantastic results from my online client x

She started strong and then got held back by health issues x she has returned these last two weeks so determined and losing a huge 10.7lbs.

This is with tracking food ( approximately) increasing her daily steps and becoming more aware of her food intake and movement x

Want results like this ?

Then DM na you can start today x


Home from a fantastic family day, candles lit, showered and ready to set up my new clients who are ready to smash my 8 week body transformation challenge x

Want to give it a go? Not sure if it’s right for you?

Let me put you at ease .

My Challenge does NOT require

Cutting out any foods
Cutting out alcohol
Working out for hours in a gym
Taking shakes or pills

It is about the basics that with consistency will get you to where you want to be.

I am NOT saying you will lose 8 stone in 8 weeks.
I’m not saying you can overindulge and stil lose weight

What am I saying? That you can do it. With the right support and learning about your own body you WILL see and feel the results x

Want my last space ? Only £70 for the full 8 weeks

Click the link and let’s get started x



My view x


Are you a f*** it it’s the weekend kind of person?

Do you work hard all week ( track, steps, water, fitness) to let it all slip at the weekend?

Here are some tips to keep you on track

1. Plan your food out inc snacks and pack if away from the house x

2. Invest in a good water bottle and keep hydrated ( I personally love my HydroJug)

3. Try and get up the same time as a weekday ( this can help with hunger cues and eating regularly)

4. Workout in the morning so you have the rest of the day to relax

5. Include a walk ( maybe pick a new location) in your family time or when meeting friends

6. Take up a sport or hobby that keeps you active and social

7. Prioritise protein with every meal and snack .

8. If drinking alcohol swap to a lower calorie option or alternate with a soft drink

9. Get plenty of sleep

10. Don’t get angry if you slip instead rebound straight back to plan

I hope this helps you x


What’s involved in my 8 week summer body transformation challenge ❤️

Once you have signed up and paid the £70 you will be sent a link to download my app

So to enter the challenge you must submit your photos on Monday1st August ( anytime but best first thing in the morning)

These photos are completely private and are submitted through my app.

Within the app you will be set a calorie allowance , daily tasks and three workouts a week ( you are able to complete your own workouts if you prefer)

Each day you will be expected to tick off each task as you complete it so I know your on track.

You can reach out to me at any point and I will check in on you weekly.

You can view your progress via the app

You can track your food which will link to my app so I can assist you if needed

You will be asked to submit your photos on the last day.

The winner will be chosen by effort, consistency and level of commitment to the challenge x

You will be added to a private fb group where I will add regular educational and informative videos to help you succeed

I only have two spaces left so grab them quick x

CPT enquiry Form 30/07/2022

Want to make a difference to your mind and body this summer?

Why not work with me!

I’m an online coach specialising in women with busy schedules and those fed up with restrictive diets.

I am a qualified nutritionist, sports nutrition coach and weight loss coach.

I trained as a fitness instructor over 20 years ago and have since gone on to qualify as a personal trainer, muscle building coach, Pilates instructor, Kangoo Dance instructor and a CBT therapist. I have taught classes ranging from aqua aerobics to step , circuits, hiit and chair based classes x

I am currently studying my level 4 in strength and conditioning.

I am passionate about helping others achieve their goals in a healthy realistic way that allows them to live their life to the fullest while becoming the best version of themselves x

For a no obligation chat click on the link below x

CPT enquiry Form Please answer the below questions in as much detail as possible. Please note that filling out this form puts you on a waiting list and when spaces become available I will be in touch. In the mean time if you have any questions about my coaching and the packages that I offer please drop me an email o...


So so happy for my client

Only one week in and with adding more food daily and increasing their NEAT they have managed to not only drop 6lbs but have made huge changes to their lifestyle.

We have not even started adding any workouts in yet so imagine the difference when we do.

Until then they will be keeping up with their daily steps, making sure they are hitting their protein and making some more nutritious swaps at meal times.

They have still had alcohol, their favourite foods like fajitas and even had pudding.

Want to know how this could be you?

DM me for more info x

I have a summer challenge starting Monday

An 8 week programme consisting of

Three workouts a week ( max 30 mins )
Daily step target
Calorie allowance
Online support
Helpful informative videos
Progress tracker

And so much more x


🏁🏁🏁🏁 starting August 1st

8 week body transformation challenge .

This challenge is built for those short on time but high on determination.

You will receive 3 workouts a week ( each around 30 mins or less) , daily habits to encourage good practises and a calorie allowance tailored to you x

On top you will also receive optional ab workouts , weekly check ins and progress checker.

As your coach I will be available for support and encouragement the whole time throughout the challenge.

The winner will be based on who has put in the most effort in terms of completing the daily tasks, the workouts and creating great new habits for life x

This is not just about the body but also about resetting your mind when it comes to dropping body fat and establishing those daily habits that you will carry on throughout life to keep you at your best x

Price will be £70 for the full 8 weeks .

Invest in yourself today

To complete the workouts you will need a set dumbells ( Preferably two sets 1 x light 1 x heavy)

Included in the challenge

Free app where you can access the workouts, track your progress and connect with others on the same journey

Help with food tracking and understanding calories to keep your body working optimally

Weekly check ins

Weigh in Wednesday

Ab workouts to do outside of your set programme

The workouts can be moved within the week to fit around your lifestyle

DM me for more info x


How’s everyone’s legs today after last nights session?


Getting the morning workout done before the blazing heat x x the sweat is realllllllllll


I started CPT October 2021 to create an affordable way people could have the support of a 1:1 coach at the touch of a button.

I create workouts based on the clients lifestyle, goals, equipment, time and level.

I provide the client with a calorie allowance that aligns with their goals and monitor their intake via a tracking app.

I offer my full support to those who want it and check in weekly with all my clients to see how they are going.

However, the work has to be done by YOU. My role is to guide, support, advise and teach but I can’t do the work for you.

One thing I am always saying to my clients is that consistency is key. This is why I make my programmes realistic to the individual so consistency is easy and achievable.

What I have experienced ( unfortunately) are clients that become frustrated and give up when they don’t see the results they desire after not being consistent.

Most people who come to me have tried so many diets and exercise plans before and they have not worked. When they then start with me they are shocked that they can eat the food they enjoy and don’t need to slave away doing endless cardio. The programmes are simple ( simple is sexy) and yet challenging , the calorie allowance is achievable allowing the foods you enjoy.

I have been where you are and failed every time. This is exactly why I created CPT. All you have to do is trust the process. Be consistent with the habits and the results will speak for themselves x

Photos from CPT's post 03/07/2022

If your struggling with your diet because you feel restricted or maybe your working out everyday and have cut out carbs but still not seeing result x

Give this a read …….

Photos from CPT's post 02/07/2022

Wet walk completed so I can hit my 12000 steps target


Pizza in oven

Some adult colouring before relaxation time

Do you have a goal? Are you working towards it or letting the weekends hold you back ?


Iced collagen coffee about to hit 💪🏻


Getting some steps in before 6am.

If you have a goal work for it.

Taking that time for me this morning was amazing x

Reaching for those goals is not always gonna be easy but finding ways that are beneficial to both your physical and mental health will help .

For me that’s time where I’m not mum, wife, business owner, PT I’m just ME.

I am a morning person. For me getting my workouts done early allows me to get on with my day, improves my mood, sets me on a good path and improves my motivation.

Find your drive, what challenges you and is yet achievable. Stay consistent and work hard x



Cold shower ✔️
Water ✔️

Starting my day right


Who watched the ThIs Morning programme this morning?

A gut health expert is claiming that calorie counting does not work for fat loss.

I want to start by saying she is wrong ! A calorie deficit is required to drop body fat ( a calorie deficit can be created by either eating fewer calorie than you burn per day, increasing movement to burn more calories or a mix of the two)

What I do agree on ( and it’s def not her calories on a Big Mac) is that food does play a part.

I will always promote eating whole foods and reducing processed foods but let’s be realistic.

Food does play a huge part including their thermogenic effect, digestion, energy , hormone etc

But…… at the end of the day if you eat a Big Mac or a snickers bar and stay within your calorie allowance you WILL drop body fat.

Start small -

hire a coach to help with accountability

Stick to a calorie allowance ( this may change to suit YOU)

Focus on steps, water and start to prioritise protein.

Increase your intake of whole foods and reduce the amount of processed foods you eat

Reistance train 2/3 times a week

Sound too much?

That’s why I’m here. To HELP YOU

Photos from CPT's post 22/06/2022

So what does 1700 calories look like on a day to day basis.

Here is an example of what a client may eat. This can be varied and I will say most of my clients are on more calories than this but you can get the idea x

This is 1700 calories , 25g fibre, 159g protein x

All the items I’ve added are from local supermarkets or homemade ( mash) and nothing is overly expensive .

I added in a protein shake which is fairly cheap to purchase online and a great supliment to a diet if your unable to reach your protein goal eating whole foods ( I will always encourage this first)


Calorie Deficit

What does that look like for you?

If you want to drop body fat but still eat the foods you enjoy it is completely possible.

Why not join my CPT team and start losing today x

Videos (show all)

Calorie Deficit What does that look like for you? If you  want to drop body fat but still eat the foods you enjoy it is ...
Never skip the pudding and these are great if you want something sweet and trying to hit your protein x
Excited to try this today x
Feel overwhelmed at the thought of joining a fitness class ? Don’t feel you would be motivated enough to workout at home...
A spicy workout ready for tonight’s CPT class 45 min sweat sesh If you are serious about changing your body composition,...
Fed up of buying into the latest trend or fad diet to only put it all back on when you finish? Most of this is down to t...
How you start your day can have a huge impact on how it all goes. I always start my day with a positive outlook and set ...
Consistency over perfection x x
Struggle hitting your macros? Worried you need to spend a lot  of money on supplements to reach your targets? Don’t be x...