Skeptical Skeptic

Skeptical Skeptic

Just for fun.


Infographic showing total deaths from consumption of GMOs by country over the last 30 years.


No one is born vegan. Why do they lie?


Religious people who having something bad happen to them say "God is testing me."

But if God is really God then he should already know how they will respond. All-knowing and all that.

If God needs to test you, then he isn't all-knowing and therefore he isn't God.

Therefore God does not exist.


Veganism is a religion of convenience


If vegans truly believe that animals are sentient on the same level as humans, why don't they hold a funeral for every animal that dies?


Adrenal fatigue isn't an actual thing.

Fatigue is. But putting coffee up your a$$ isn't going to cure that. Get a good night's sleep. Take Ambien. If you have depression or anxiety, take the correct medication. Coffee is medicine but it's a stimulant and will probably keep you up at night, whether you drink it or put it up your a$$.


Celery juice for Candida? Do you flush your va**na with it? Or maybe take it in an e***a?


And it keeps away vampires


Moving hair?

Morgellons or just lice?


This sounds revolting


Putting coffee up your ass reduces brain fog?

I think that statement alone proves they still have a foggy brain.


Well of course if she knows "so many real life issues" then these extensive studies involving millions of individuals must be complete bunk amirite?


Cast your cares on The Lord to cure your cancer?

No thanks. I'll trust in science. If God gave me cancer why would I trust him to make it go away?


"Works at Self"


The irony is palpable.


Can you buy a do it yourself "mold in your stomach" test at CVS?

Mold bacteria? Must be a new hybrid GMO species.


Do vegans swat mosquitoes?

Do vegans set mouse and rat traps in their cellars?

Do vegans allow ants to join their picnics?

Do vegans fumigation for termites?


Parasites cause mold? And intestinal worms that can't see the moon at all magically know when it's full?

I don't think it works that way.


That's not the way it works.


90% of people have been infected with EBV at some point in their life so 9/10 people with Hashimotos also had EBV. There is no other connection that has been compelling described in the literature.

Hashimotos does not "cause" hypothyroidism, it IS a form of hypothyroidism. It's like saying melanoma causes cancer.

Finally, Hashimotos does not cause a Candida overgrowth. Frankly, I doubt anyone who doesn't have Thrush or a va**nal yeast infection has any form of Candida "overgrowth."

People eat like s**t, don't sleep, drink too much and party too much. They are tired all the time. It's not Chronic Fatigue. It's not Fibromyalgia. It's not Yeast. It's a crappy lifestyle. Sleep more.


ETA: "He's not a doctor" 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't think that's how it works.


A can of coke has the same amount of sugar as a cup and a half of blueberries.

And less than 1 mango.




Posted from her smartphone.


So Candida "die-off" magically creates heavy metals (she later mentions aluminum which is NOT a heavy metal) that "bog down" your liver causing back pain.

Um, sure. Let's go with all of that.


Um, what?


If they think you can cure cancer with prayer then why are they selling all kinds of supposed cancer cures? Smells like a rip-off.


Isn't it bad enough your poor dog has kidney damage from Leptospirosis - something you could have vaccinated her for?

Why must you pretend your poor dog also has some imaginary disease you think you have?

Vaccinate your dogs people.


From a Morgellons group.

Well I guess since Morgellons are from outer space it makes sense that they can tell the phase of the moon and adapt their reproductive cycle to it.
