The Whole Steward

The Whole Steward

The holistic approach to wealth from a Christian worldview.

I’m Andrew Stanton, a bible believing Christian, husband, father of 5, embedded software engineer, real estate investor and host of The Whole Steward


Purchasing a home or investment property for the first time may seem scary, confusing or impossible. Even when not your first, it’s still a big and complicated task. Knowing the basics of how to qualify financially will go a long way in helping you go from browsing Redfin to getting the keys. We go over the basics of qualifying to buy a house, today on the whole steward.
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Many people think of stewardship as pertaining to money, but your stewardship goes far beyond managing your finances. You actually have 9 forms of capital under your care, and understanding what they are, what scripture says about them, and how they relate to one another is critical for the wholistic approach to wealth from a Christian worldview. We look at the 9 Forms of capital today on the whole steward.

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Sometimes life can throw you curve balls, or the road may seem too windy, the deck is stacked against you, or the mountain is too steep to climb. Maybe it seems that others get the big break while you grind away with no progress. We’ll discuss how to cope with those unique challenges in your life, today on the whole steward.

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“It is better to go to the house of mourning

than to go to the house of feasting,

for this is the end of all mankind,

and the living will lay it to heart.”

Ecclesiastes 7:2

I have some challenging news and a favor to ask of you, as we sit again at the feet of the wisest and richest man that ever lived to glean the wisdom laid before us, today on the whole steward!

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There are some common challenges entrepreneurs face which would seek to subtly yet brutally undermine your success. This goes far beyond a failed sales strategy, a tough labor market, or a squeezed supply chain. You may solve those, and yet succumb to a deeper problem that will destroy both your business and your life. We look at the balancing act between your business and your family in an exhortation in steadfast love and faithfulness through the grind and in great success, today on the whole steward.

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There are some common challenges entrepreneurs face which would seek to subtly yet brutally undermine your success. This goes far beyond a failed sales strategy, a tough labor market, or a squeezed supply chain. You may solve those, and yet succumb to a deeper problem that will destroy both your business and your life. We look at the balancing act between your business and your family in an exhortation in steadfast love and faithfulness through the grind and in great success, today on the whole steward.

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Regarding our cultural capital, this complicated world throws propaganda at us all the time to shape our thinking and behavior. If you don’t affirm mainstream thinking, you will often be challenged, shamed or ousted. Let’s dive deep into a cultural battle about a war of propaganda that affects every one of us, today on the whole steward.

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In this episode we take a look at 5 different stewards involved in the passion week story. We see how these 5 individuals manage several forms of capital, some good, some bad and see if we can learn a thing or two about our own stewardship from the context.
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Sometimes being a Whole Steward means you focus in some areas more than others, but you always remember to balance all the areas by not forgetting to properly steward any of the 9 forms of capital under your care. Also how early can you be an investor? We have some very young real estate investors join us to help answer that question, today on The Whole Steward.

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Show Notes:


Many stewards and managers in ancient times were slaves. Sadly, the English word “slave” has been tainted by modern western slavery in America, Britain and elsewhere, thus making it hard to use that word without forming some notion of grotesque human oppression. But slavery is still prevalent and we must acknowledge its implications. We’ll look at The Slavery of Today today on the whole steward.

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2024 is upon us and many people are making or have made new year resolutions. Maybe you’ve set up your own. But there are some well known problems with new year resolutions, and because of those you often won’t get the results you’re looking for. I’ll suggest we setup something different than new year resolutions and explain why you’ll get better results with it, today on the whole steward.

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There is nothing more important to wealth management than your spiritual well being. People may say they are a Spiritual person, and that’s true because we are body and spirit. But that’s not how someone is reconciled to God. We have Pastor Roman Folia explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how to meet some of the biggest challenges facing us as Christians, today on The Whole Steward.

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Last week we got started with an awesome interview with my good friends the Millers in Alaska. This week, we will dive in again to finish that interview and hear about some of the challenges and deep aspects of the work their in Alaska. We’ll dive into the essence of knowing and understanding the gospel, tying it all together with holistic stewardship today on the whole steward.

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Our time is short on this earth, so how do you figure out what God wants you to do as a steward? He speaks to us through his word, but often we need his hand of providence to lead us in the details. Our guests, James and Shannon Miller, were called to the mission field of the wilderness of Alaska. We hear their story, today on the whole steward.

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You are an investor, whether you consider yourself one or not, and where you store your capital is what you are invested in. So with all the noise out there, how do you decide where to invest your capital? We explore an amazing alternative to leaving your money in the bank with our special guests Terry and Liz today on The Whole Steward.

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Stewardship goes far beyond managing your finances. In fact, the 9 forms of capital under your care are Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Experiential, Social, Cultural, Material, Financial, and Time. Listen and learn from a veteran of life as we touch on all nine with my good friend, Mel Murray, today on The Whole Steward.

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Media have always served a vital role in conveying information between people. The thoughts, ideas, and opinions of man, whether true or false, are transferred via a medium, the broadest of which are visual and audio communication. We talk about the history and power of media, and your voice, today on The Whole Steward.

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They said of him: “God is with you in all that you do." The LORD has greatly blessed my master, and he has become great. He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, male servants and female servants, camels and donkeys. who has not forsaken his steadfast love and his faithfulness toward my master. This is part 2 of the stewardship of Abraham, today on The Whole Steward.




He was very rich in livestock, land, silver, and gold. He had a very beautiful wife. He led 318 of his trained men, warriors, into battle and won. He lived out righteousness and justice, with many great promises given him. He believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. We look at the life of Abraham, today on the whole steward.




How do you feel about the cost of living where you live? Is it affordable, unaffordable, how does it compare with other places in the country or the world for that matter? A new city just took the lead as the most expensive city in the United States, and no it isn’t San Fransisco. Can you guess what city it is? I’ll tell you, and then talk about the affordability crises, today on the whole steward.




When it comes to the basics of life, there isn’t anything more basic than food and water. Next is clothing and shelter. Being as wealthy as we are, we often don’t stop to think about these basics, which is a good thing. The complexity of this system could tempt us to worry. Where does our food come from, how does it get here? We’ll look at some of these answers and whether we should worry about it, today on The Whole Steward.

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Conspiracy in the Middle East 18/10/2023

Watch the Whole Stewards latest podcast on YouTube!

Conspiracy in the Middle East I find it difficult to continue with my daily routine of family, work and church without acknowledging the horrific recent events in Israel and Palestine. An...


I find it difficult to continue with my daily routine of family, work and church without acknowledging the horrific recent events in Israel and Palestine. And when things don’t add up, we’re left wondering, how could this be? We ask the question, What’s Happening? Today on The Whole Steward.

The Golden Rule 11/10/2023

If you’d rather watch this episode you can click the link below.

The Golden Rule There's a rule often hailed by Christendom and secularism alike. Laws are made based on it. People seek to live by it. Religions around the world teach it. I...


There’s a rule often hailed by Christendom and secularism alike. Laws are made based on it. People seek to live by it. Religions around the world teach it. It’s named after the most universal precious metal. You’re familiar with it, but do you know the context in which Jesus put it forth? It’s important and it might surprise you, today on The Whole Steward.

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Central Bank Digital Currency 04/10/2023

If you're more of a visual you can also watch it on YouTube.

Central Bank Digital Currency There's a machine invented in the 20th century which has changed our lives fundamentally in a way not seen since maybe the invention of the wheel? I don't kn...


There's a machine invented in the 20th century which has changed our lives fundamentally in a way not seen since maybe the invention of the wheel? I don't know, but I'll venture to say life will never be the same again. It's opened the door for a new approach to how we interact with each other in the economy. We talk CBDCs today on The Whole Steward.

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Starting Your Business With Gary Moore 28/09/2023

Are you more of a visual! Watch The Whole Stewards first in studio interview with Gary Moore on YouTube.

Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Have you just started, or are you several years in but not where you want to be or should be? This takes a lot of courage, but it also takes a lot of wisdom. Our very special guest Gary Moore, takes us through some key things to help you be successful in that endeavor, today on The whole Steward.

Starting Your Business With Gary Moore Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Have you just started, or are you several years in, but not where you want to be or should be? This ...


Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Have you just started, or are you several years in but not where you want to be or should be? This takes a lot of courage, but it also takes a lot of wisdom. Our very special guest, Gary Moore, takes us through some key things to help you be successful in that endeavor, today on The whole Steward.

Winning The Game With Aaron Chapman 22/09/2023

If you're a visual person, you can watch The Whole Stewards latest episode on YouTube by clicking the link below!

Winning The Game With Aaron Chapman You can’t win a game you’re not playing. But when it comes to the current economy and the state of our society, we’re all in it. There will be winners and lo...