Native Film Talk

Native Film Talk

Podcast highlighting Native American participation and influence in film.


New episode out now! Follow the link in my bio for podcast or check it out on YouTube with video.

Back again with an episode on Marvel’s Echo. My friend Chris joins me to talk about Maya Lopez’s journey back to her community in season 1 of Echo. We discuss why this is important for Native representation, specifically for women. I had a great time discussing how badass Alaqua Cox is as Maya and how much we are looking forward to another season.

There isn’t much I didn’t like about this show, it’s easy to like and does a lot for Native representation. Listen as we share our thoughts.


Read the effing room . I get that this was probably oversight but god, this is grotesxque. Did their social media person even see the movie? I hope not. If they saw the movie, know the context, and still made this up is tone deaf…that’s worse and gross.



My one sentence to sum up Killers of the Flower Moon. Look at these poor RICH Indians!

It’s frustrating how much they offer and fail to deliver on throughout the film. A testament to what happens when a native story is told from a non-native lens

Review coming soon. Stay tuned


Anyone know anything about this? I just heard that that there was a period where convenience store/gas station owners would give a kid a free piece of candy or another tootsie pop if they found a tootsie pop wrapper that had the “Indian star” on it.

I grew up in a Native town so idk if that’s why I didn’t hear about this one. From what I saw on social media it seemed to be a northeast thing? I thought it was interesting because it wasn’t a program sponsored or pushed by Tootsie Roll. It was a wide spread word of mouth program that was done on the honor system basically. I wonder why this happened and what the store owners did with all those wrappers with the Star Indian on them? Random thing I stumbled on today while scrolling social media.

But it ultimately adds mystic and rarity to kids’ minds that it’s a spectacle when you come across an “Indian.” I’m sure it frames young minds to view Natives as spectacles and almost akin to unicorns to some degree. Thankfully these are discontinued but kids who grew up loving this trend are now adults and probably also angry that the Indians are now the Commanders.

Photos from Native Film Talk's post 26/09/2023

As we wait for the final episode of Reservation Dogs to drop it makes me reflect on life pre-Rez Dogs. In the mainstream, Native created representation was nonexistent. There were some shining moments that we could get excited about, but nothing on the scale of this show. I felt the future of Native representation was uncertain. I didn’t know if we would ever get, “Our shot.”

This show is the bar to be measured against now. I’m so proud to bring this up to people when I get asked about “Native content.” The rising tide raises all ships, this show has collectively elevated the game for everyone. Both Native and non-Natives have this as proof that Native led content is the gold standard and should be funded at every opportunity. This is one story of many that have yet to be told, and NEED to be told. I’m so excited for the future. Aho Young Warriors!


“What happened to the podcast?”

Well I will tell you. It’s on pause and has been since my last episode at the start of the year. I wondered why for a while and I’ve known but I hadn’t put my finger on it. Two reasons, what the audience has become and the massive increase in Native representation.

First the increase in Native representation has been overwhelming in a good way. I just can’t keep up with all the content which is amazing. But also it’s pioneering in great ways with all native writers rooms, all native casting, directing, etc. Frankly that was the goal of my show, to get more people talking about Native representation so a boom like this would happen. That’s happening all around me and that’s part of why I haven’t recorded. Where do I fit now that Native representation has ballooned and will continue to boom.

Second reason, the audience. It’s mostly non-Native at this point and will increasingly become more non-Native. I didn’t anticipate this one because I’m talking about Native experiences and perspectives. While I made this show for curious people, it made me look at other Native content creators who make “Native” content. They also have followings that are mostly non-Native also. That’s something I can’t seem to figure out if it’s something I like or don’t like.

So I’ve been thinking, if my audience will be mostly non-Native. What should I talk about? Why should I talk about? What needs to be said that isn’t already being said? At times I feel like a spectacle, other times I feel like a teacher, and other times I feel like I have no footing on what this show is supposed to be…

So for now, on pause. Still pondering. I will still be on social media while I figure out next steps for the show. So reach out and let me know what you all think.



For the record…I love Hot Shots and this isn’t slander toward that movie. Hot Shots Part Duex, Top Secret, Airplane, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Space Balls, and Loaded Weapon 1 all informed/raised me.

This was the funniest instance of “Geronimo” I could find.

Jumping out of a plane, bungee jumping or leaping off a cliff into water…for a long time was accompanied with the phrase “Geronimo!”

A term blurted out to signal bravery and rising to the occasion aka, “F**k it!”

Where did this come from and of all words to elicit spontaneous bravery…why Geronimo?

Multiple anecdotes attest that it was either spawned from an army parachute test platoon at Fort Benning, after a screening of the movie Geronimo (1939). The parachute had just been approved for troop drops so there was naturally a sense of fear tied to jumping out of an airplane. But instead of barbaric yelling, the troops defaulted to yelling “Geronimo”…based on a movie and what was portrayed.

While a few other origin stories exist for this phenomenon, it proves the point that representation matters. Even in the face of death when people who know nothing about Apache culture or a historical figure like Geronimo, a movie can inform and influence to the point where your last words could potentially be, “Geronimo” as you plummet to your death.

However it lasted for years and the truth as to why we say it is still debated…think about that the next time you see someone yell “Geronimo!”

Photos from Native Film Talk's post 06/03/2023

There’s so much Native content on TV it’s insane. Here is a list of non-Rutherford Fall/Rez Dogs tv shows that are running or just finished, that feature Native characters. Sometimes I can’t keep it straight because there’s so much out there, which is VERY exciting. (If I left any off please let me know)

Check these shows out and let me know what you think, I left some shoes off. Molly of Denali, Spirit Rangers, Dark Winds, Resident Alien, all the Yellowstone shows, and Outer Range.

As always question, why is this Native character in this show? What are they trying to accomplish by having this character? Was there Native talent in the writers room, behind the camera, or as a producer? The list of questions goes on but ask yourself, but bottom line…you make the determination.

So much out there to consume! Showing off the diversity of Native people. It’s beautiful.


I had a wonderful chat with Joey Clift. He is a writer on Spirit Rangers, which just got renewed for season 2! Woot woot!
Joey has also created amazing short films like My First Native American Boyfriend and How To Cope With Your Team Changing Its Native American Mascot. 
We talk a bit about the Spirit Rangers premiere, in addition to how the show came to be. We also touch on the state of Native American representation today. While I typically speculate on, "Where do we go from here..." I feel that Joey's opinion and perspective on this topic is the most unique one that has been aired on the podcast.
So check this episode out! Enjoy and let me know what you think, talk to you later.


Jon is most recently known for his work on Reservation Dogs, playing Willie Jack's dad Leon. However Jon has been in the acting business for a while and has many stories to share! What Hollywood was like when he started acting compared to now on Reservation Dogs. Also we discuss where people get it wrong about Native people when it comes to science, culture, sense of place, filmmaking. 
I had fun talking to Jon it is clear he is having the time of his life right now where Native people have the opportunity to control the narrative in film/tv. This has led to opportunities from non-Native film makers to give Native actors the ability to accurately represent themselves on screen. Jon shares his experiences on his upcoming film Year of the Dog. 
Last we talked about Jon's comic book Tribal Force, the long journey from the mid-90s to now and what's coming next. 
Hope you all enjoy! Like, subscribe, and send me feedback. Don’t forget to check out the website


Gut wrenching news today. When I heard when Jeff Barnaby passed I couldn’t believe it and kept refreshing the page thinking, “Someone has to be wrong on this one. It can’t be.” His work always blew my fu***ng mind. From The Colony to Rhymes For Young Ghouls to Blood Quantum. This man just couldn’t miss in my book. Also because he was Native, he was like a god to me.

When I started my podcast in fall of 2020, Blood Quantum (2019) was one of the first movies I chose to review. It also the first movie I saw for the first time upon my review and it blew it me away even more with each rewatch. I didn’t know it was possible to put Native men and women in a position to be such strong characters, it just wasn’t being done at that level. This was before the boom we had with Rez Dogs, Rutherford Falls, etc. At the time Blood Quantum was the pinnacle, I would argue it still is as far as movies go.

I’m sad as a fan and also sad for his family. While we mourn the loss of an artist, a family lost a husband and father. That makes my heart ache. He was a hell of a guy that I wish I got to meet, maybe in the next life. Rest easy brother! 🤘🏽


We had an Auntie on the podcast! Nathalie Standingcloud who plays Natalie an Optometry Receptionist. Nathalie is a tatoo artist, stage actor, on-screen actor, and model. She has been in the spotlight recently in performance as one of the Aunties in Season 2 Episode 5 of Reservation Dogs, where a quartet of ladies journey to an IHS Conference. 

In my chat with Nathalie we discuss the importance and feedback from Season 2 Episode 5, also why the representation in that episode was so important for Native women. In addition we discuss her path to acting, her work as a tattoo artist, advice for aspiring Native actors, Rutherford Falls cancellation, Dexter New Blood, and much more. 

I had a wonderful chat with Nathalie and it flew by! I'm thrilled to bring this conversation to you all and I hope you enjoy!

Native Film Talk 23/09/2022

Hello to all the new followers of the page! Check out the podcast below, available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and YouTube. Like, subscribe, leave comments, and give me your feedback! I appreciate you all and I have a new episode dropping today!

Link below to website and links to all podcasts

Native Film Talk A podcast highlighting Native American participation and influence in film. Podcast Player: Also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Youtube, subscribe today! Native Film Talk was created by Ian Allison, an Arizona native and a film & podcast enthusiast. Send me comments, recommendations o.....


Few scenes in my life have brought up such a visceral reaction from me, where my body crumbles and I’m brought to tears from just seeing something on screen.

All of us Natives felt this s**t like…DEEP DEEP within us. Felt the pain, happiness, frustration, glee, longing, and pride thinking of our ancestors. Those ancestors that fought for us to be here and the ones who were never given the chance to fight because they were taken too soon, we feel them sometimes and know they are there. But this image shows they’re always with us and always looking over us. Always there to guide us.

When Willie Jack felt her ancestor touch her shoulder and she let out a, “Oh s**t,” that’s a moment I can’t describe but can only say I’ve been fortunate enough to experience. I never thought a show could capture such a beautiful experience. I’m continually blown away by this show. Thank you for existing Rez Dogs.

Rez Dogs you’re amazing, thank you. you fu**in killed it. Amazing writing on this episode. This episode wrecked me in the best way possible. Can’t wait for the finale.

Timeline photos 06/09/2022

What the hell is this?

Navajo stories mixed with a Marvel story is ripe for disaster. Tony Hillerman come back from the grave to write this? This looks messy and I need time to figure out what I think about this one. Initially I want to know why this story? For who? And who is behind this?

A new Marvel Strike Force original character enters the Spider-Verse to celebrate Spidey's 60th Anniversary! Find out what Spider-Weaver can bring to your squad:


While I love Rez Dogs, Rutherford Falls, Prey, and Dark Winds…Molly of Denali is where it’s at. This show is the goat because of what it does for all kids, not just Native kids.

I’m so happy for our younger generation, they get this masterpiece of a show that has amazing Native representation. Molly of Denali had a special event today at Heard Museum, of course geared toward kids but you know the host of Native Film Talk had to get a pic with his favorite animated Alaskan!

Whether you have kids or not, check out this PBS kids show and you’ll see what positive Native programming looks like for our kids. Providing a foundation for Native kids to have self-efficacy because they see a positive image of themselves on TV but also a great foundation for non-native kids to learn how to ask questions respectfully about Native culture. I love how this show teach kids and adults about Alaskan culture, gracefully. The tenants applied in the show to cultural awareness since addressing stereotypes are universal and can apply to any Native nation. Most important this show provides such depth and insight that it hammers home the point we’re not a monolith, not a costume, and we’re still here. So excited for my sons to get into this show!


So excited for Halloween! Brandy dances, auntie IHS conference outfits, snagged up Bobby Lee costumes, and a Native Vin Diesel’s lookalike in a beaded vest, and of course the entire cast of Rez Dogs.

I made a post about Naru, Prey, and how I’m excited for Halloween. Well now I’m even MORE excited because our Native representation just keeps reaching new heights, specifically for our women. Episode 5 changed the game for representation. Changing tampons, crystal di**os, vaginal steaming, Native gossip, snagging at an IHS conference, notorious Native woman cackle that startles you like a M-80, and the list goes on.

Can’t wait for Halloween even more now. Aunties and Naru‘s gonna be running all over the place! Indian country will have so much fun with these costumes and it will be beautiful to see!!!

Any auntie out there, this Halloween, has full authority to steal Indian Princess headdresses and wear them around their neck like they’re counting coup. Aho young warriors!


Episode out now! Dark Winds! Listen as I dive into season 1 of Dark Winds with my guest Majerle Lister, host of Wósdéé podcast and co-host of F*ckin Sick Podcast. 

We do deep dive of how this compares to the previous PBS Hillerman films and general reception of the Hillerman novels among Navajo people.

Additionally we discuss the impact of having an all native writers room for this series and including historically accurate events for the 1970s on the Navajo reservation. 

As always we do a cast review, discuss positives/negatives, and wrap up our overall thoughts of the season. Spoiler alert, we both really like it and can't wait for season two. We also give it some harsh criticism from a Navajo lens, regarding language use, writing, and cultural expression in the show. BUT we also acknowledge that most non-Navajo people will not hold the same critiques, so we look forward to hearing your critique of the first season!

It was a fun discussion that yielded the longest podcast episode to date, hope you all listen and enjoy! Link in my bio to listen wherever you get your podcasts.



Once again as I reflect on the legends in Rez Dogs, it pains me to think people will know Wes as Bucky and not Magua or Sphinx! But thems the breaks…we age and another generation gets to leave their mark. I’m so happy to see Wes and Gary Farmer on Rez Dogs. They deserve to have their place on stage while they push forward the next generation to the front of the line.

Wes and Gary were pivotal in advancing representation in movies & TV. Without their contribution, who knows where we would be or if anyone else would have stood up in their stead as they were trailblazers. Along with others like Tantoo Cardinal and Graham Greene. Trailblazers who we can thank for the gifts of today.


You know what’s wild. I know Gary Farmer for being Philbert, Nobody, and Arnold Joseph. Native representation was scarce growing up. All the movies I know Gary Farmer from were from the 90s and I cling to that s**t because it was all I had.

Now to have a legend like Gary Farmer to appear on is wild because a younger generation of viewers will know him as, “Oh he’s Uncle Brownie!”

In addition to we had a host of young talent in Rez Dogs that are just starting out. My mind gets blown to think how my 3 year old son will know D’Pharaoh, Devery Jacobs or Paulina Alexis when he’s older. So exciting to think about and to look back on. What a time to be alive!


This movie has me excited for Halloween for once, why? Natives have someone that they can dress up as that’s theirs!

We embraced Rey from Star Wars as our own and little kids all over put their hair in a bun and rocked a badass staff to go with their outfit. But now we can prepare for the cute little kids and the badass cosplayers to show up and rock their best Naru costume. A part of me is nervous how non-natives will embrace this but I’m trying to focus on the positive, Native kids have a super hero they can embrace for Halloween.

Also if you’re a Naru this Halloween and see anyone wearing an Indian Princess costume…please lure them into a mud pit and walk away. Thanks


We’re back! Episode 52…Prey!

Directed by Dan Trachenburg, this feature film is the #1 film premier in the first three days on Hulu. Receiving praise from Jesse Ventura, Joe Rogan, Bill Duke, and rocking a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes, this film has received positive acclaim. 

This film dives into the world of Naru as she is trying to find her foothold as a warrior while challenging the traditional roles for women in her village. While trying to perform her trial and kill a predator and bring home the head, she encounters a creature of the Yautja race, a Predator that seeks out other predators for sport. A wild ride ensues that has historically accurate costumes, customs, and authentic native talent on display. In addition to all of this, it was dubbed in Comanche upon release. This is the first feature film that is dubbed in a Native American language upon release. This is the benchmark for representation in major motion pictures. 

Listen as I discuss Amber Midthunder's performance, review how this film challenges stereotypes typically portrayed in film, and where this takes us from here. I review the cast, the plot, discuss positives/negatives, and then provide some final thoughts. 

I hope you all leave a review/ comment. Subscribe and listen out for our next episode, Dark Winds!


I didn’t give this show a chance and I was a fool. I didn’t give enough credit to the fact that you had an all native writers room, despite the fact that the source material was Tony Hillerman. I could do an entire episode just on him, maybe I will someday.

But this show is awesome. Aside from the fact that it gives me the same chills that skinwalkers stories on bus rides home used to give me, it addresses real s**t that goes on the Rez. Forced sterilizations, unchecked uranium mining, unsolved murders, intertribal fighting, etc.

Go watch this show, if you don’t have AMC+ it’s $12 on Amazon Prime.

The original Dark Wind was produced by Robert Redford and it was trash. This show Dark Winds is also co-produced by Robert Redford is amazing. What a turn around. The casting is SO strong and it just feels authentic when you watch this show. This wasn’t an accident, there was concerted effort taken to make this show accurately depict Navajo people. It’s pretty badass.

I’ll do an episode on this coming soon, for real this time. Go watch this show.


Took me a while to get to this book. I highly recommend this book. It’s amazing. Also took a while to do anything other than watch kids, work, rest, decompress, and repeat.

This book has me thinking about intersectionality but also how much BIPOC have struggled with representation in movies/TV. Each ethnic group is unique in their historical trauma, fights against oppression, and in their calls for solidarity… but we all triumph when one triumphs. That is why Black Panther was and is so important. It started a dialogue that definitely laid a foundation for the renaissance we are seeing in Native representation. So when we think “When are we going to get our shot?” When a BIPOC group that isn’t your own is getting their shot…realize that WE are all winning. Rising tide raises all ships.

We also have the responsibility to lift up other voices that have been marginalized and silenced. I love all of you for supporting the podcast.

I will return, frankly I don’t know what the show will look like when I do. But I’m rediscovering my passion for discussing representation and analyzing where I want to fit in this current wave of Native representation. Thank you all for your support and messages checking in.

Photos from Native Film Talk's post 24/03/2022

Being a parent of two boys takes all my time and energy, I’m not complaining at all though. I love my little family so much and at 2.5 and 3 months, they are very hands on. So the show and my social media has taken a backseat, more so than before my second child came along. I just wanted to check-in and tell you all I appreciate you sharing the show and I love the support.

It used it be…At the end of a work day, I could keep going into the late hours of the night. Lately I haven’t had the energy. Spending my energy on my kids is my life right now. I’m closing to finding a groove of time in my day where I have time again. I’ll catch my breath and be back!

Thank you to everyone for supporting the show!


This is the podcasting course I am leading. Spots still open, 100% remote.


Second time wearing this shirt by NTVS Clothing and I absolutely love it.

You know I had to get this one when it dropped! 👍🏽🔥

What’s your favorite movie not on this list? Mine is Blood Quantum. That would look so badass in a stack of VHS tapes.


Telling the story of being “Held captive,” by Natives is a story that attracts an audience. Evidence by the fact that this plot gets recycled in fiction and more retellings of “Living among the Indians,” get told and published. These tales all try to accomplish the same thing, get a glimpse into the unknown…the life of the Savage/Native/Wild. Only to reveal their humanity and also shed preconceived notions that they are a primitive race only capable of destruction.

News of The World (2021) is based on a novel written in 2016, where Johanna is brought into a Kiowa community after a raid on her settler community. She lives among them for several years, learning the language and sheds her ability to speak English, only to be found as a young girl after a raid separates her from her adopted Native family. This is supposed to give us a glimpse into what life among the Natives does to you, but in 2022…this just feels like, “Really bro!?”

Why did this story need to be told? Why do stories like this need to continue to be told? Why in 2022 do we need to keep showing, “Wow those Indians weren’t so bad after all!” When shows like Reservation Dogs and Rutherford Falls are trying to advance representation, you have movies like News of The World and shows like 1883 that want to revisit the west and display Natives as actual people. I’m over it frankly, because as a Native person I’ll never see being “Captured,” as a story that will ever be insightful or revealing.

This is ultimately a story of living in two worlds. You know what would be good? TELL AN ACTUAL STORY OF NATIVE PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN TWO WORLDS EVERYDAMN DAY! But I digress…episode coming soon.


New episode out now! Episode 51, interview with Caleb Abrams.

I had a great chat with Caleb (Seneca) and discussed his work as a cultural consultant on Dexter New Blood. We also discuss the inclusion of MMIW in the show, his college educational experience, and what his community thought of Dexter New Blood. In addition, so much more. 
Caleb is many things but he is most a great asset to Indian Country, it shows in what was present in Dexter. I'm happy to have had the time to chat with him and I look forward to see what he has coming up next. Check out his website and check out the trailer for his upcoming short film The Burning of My Cold Spring Home, it can be found at 
Like, subscribe, leave a review and I hope you all enjoy!

Videos (show all)

About to start a damn war with this one! But had to talk about Navajo Tacos being sold at the Powwow in Echo! Sydney Fre...
Clip from my podcast episode on season 1 of Echo! The episode releases tonight on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts. Spoi...
Rising tide raises all ships! This is a massive win for today and the impact reverberate into the future. The impression...
Story time about @kirkfox and @seguratom ! Kenny Boy himself graced Phoenix at the Tempe Improv and I had to snatch the ...
Want to see a damn near perfect movie that should be getting Oscar buzz for Best Actress instead of KOTFM? Watch Fancy D...
“Geronimo!”For the record…I love Hot Shots and this isn’t slander toward that movie. Hot Shots Part Duex, Top Secret, Ai...
Rez Dogs is amazing. Never thought I’d see a show talk about the love for hot chips. Hot chips are life! (Btw I ride or ...
In light of recent developments with the Cleveland Guardians…I thought I should share a clip from my interview with Char...
Longmire Season 1...out now! Hey everybody! This was my first crack at a tv show and I thought I would do more free form...
Growing up, 90s kid, Native representation was not abundant. So this video shows how I felt watching this scene. (Peep t...
While we wait for the upcoming Magnificent Seven is a clip from the back catalog...Episode 6 - The Last o...
Non-film related! Just sharing a silly thing I can do. Also I narrated this, so sound on! 👂 @okiepodcast and I were mess...
